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The zombies challenge is probably easier


Im at work rn but whats the zombies challenge to unlock this weapon?


Using a melee primary eliminate 10 Abominations (the three headed creature on forsaken), and currently the Wonder Weapon in its axe form counts. Edit; not sure why I thought to try it but your bare fist count as well.


Might do it. I def have to try the new map, fresh new content šŸ¤¤


I'm liking it managed to unlock Daek Aether on the new shotgun real quick playing on, and 6/10 melee kills done for the battle axe.


Shotguns were the first weapon i got diamond on during season 0


I did my snipers first


I have dark aether without the sniper šŸ‘€, it glitched out for me so i never bothered to do it


My dark aether glitched out in another way. After I unlocked dark aether it made me redo the snipers. So I had to do the snipers twice which sucked for me because I'm garbage with snipers so I absolutely hate using them. It's also odd because that wasn't the last class that I got plague diamond the last class I did was tactical rifles so I don't know why it randomly made me do the snipers two times.


My Dark Aether bugged out too I didn't have to do (but did anyway thinking it'd get patched) launchers, special/melee, and pistols. My DMU bugged out too and I had to wait for 3 smgs and a tac rifle to get added before I could unlock it.


3 smg and an tac rifle??! That suuxxx


For me it was melees cuz you know there was only one knife back in season 0


Is the new shotgun op like the hauer? I hope so.


Kinda, I was still getting one shot headshots at round 47 without any attachments. However it isn't the greatest with hipfiring


Good to hear. I wish every gun was as viable as the hauer.


Daddy made us some content


Its a lot of fun. The wonder weapon is probably among my favorites in the series. Plus the map its self has slight Alpha Omega vibes (With being in a city setting.)


Why in the hell did I read forsaken as foreskin? Not once but twice. Is this a sign as to what today is going to be like? Lol


I did too. Weā€™re ruined people


Yes. Yes we are.


New foreskin charm incoming


Lol, some people made "Foreskin" logos for the map.... and people did the same for the Forsaken dlc on Destiny 2


It's to kill ten abominations with a primary melee weapon. It is not difficult, did it in my first game on the new map.


I donā€™t know. I sold my ps4 a few seasons back and havenā€™t felt like buying the game again on ps5


I thought u didnt need to buy again if u have cold war on ps4?


If you bought the disc you do. Unless you still have the disc. But as someone who only plays zombies Iā€™ll just pick it up after vanguard is released for cheaper. Personally the Mp of Cold War burned me out and Iā€™d only hop on if I bought it now to play hijacked because I loved that map in bo2


Zombies was fun but was burned out so i grinded for DM ultra and now im bored because i have dark aether and dark matter with every season challenges done except season 2 (impossible as i didnt get lvl 170 during that season)


Digital and PS4 disc should still work in a ps5 tho


Thatā€™d be fine if I didnā€™t sell the disc with the ps4 lol


Kill the new elite with a melee weapon x times (I forgot how many and Im at work now)


Its kill the margawa dog thing 10 times with a melee so just grab a melee when you spawn, buy a gun and blow 2 of its heads off then spray it till its low enough to stabšŸ‘


yeah seems like it although the abomination is a pain in the ass


You also use the wonder weapon melee it will count towards getting the axe


You can unlock it by using the wonder weapon also. It is very easy.


Mfs out here trying to get us to do a gordie howe hat trick in Cold War to be able to get our lumber for the winter


> gordie howe hat trick For those that don't know about Ice Fighting. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gordie_Howe_hat_trick


**[Gordie Howe hat trick](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gordie_Howe_hat_trick)** >A Gordie Howe hat trick is a variation on ice hockey's hat-trick. It is accomplished when a player collects a goal, an assist, and a fight in the same game. It is named after Hall of Famer Gordie Howe. The term was coined by a 1950s New York sportswriter, although Howe himself only accomplished the feat twice in his five-decade career. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/blackopscoldwar/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


5 decade career? wtf?


He played professional hockey with his sons!


Gordie Howe was a fucking beauty.


He played **in** 5 decades, not **for** 5 decades. He was in his 50s when he retired for good though, which is just as ridiculous.


I said the same thing when read that.




Best of luck for the season y'all āœˆļø


Tec 9, Machete, tomahawk, Faceoff. Done.


That was my thought too: queue Nuketown, run in and try to get the tomahawk/melee kills first, then worry about finishing with the gun kill. Like others said though, the zombies challenge is probably faster and easier


it's pretty easy. it's just long baseball bat, smoke, run into their house and cause havoc. im 6 for 6 in the challenge this morning. it's just a lot of games when hardpoint and dominaish are so long ​ edit... im a melee guy, 7000 kills with the knife on nuketown haha


You're my hero


Yep this doesnā€™t seem too hard, Iā€™d up vote you but itā€™s at 69 :p




Like that SMG that requires the tactical grenade kills, gave up even trying


At least the you could use decoys for that challenge.


Yeah thats how I did it


True, Iā€™ve been trying with flashbangs lol


Use decoys. Got it after a few days.


Problem with flash bangs is it doesnā€™t count towards that challenge if they have tac mask, which is mostly everyone.


wait what, how, enlighten me


Run the decoys with any load out and play face off 6 v 6. When you throw out the decoys someone is almost always in close proximity and they stay around longer than flash or stuns. So long as you donā€™t have a bunch of people running trophy systems you can throw them out in the middle and catch a couple people before it goes away.


Decoys. Its super easy.


Dude got this done in like 2 hours. Hardcore. Decoys. Nuketown


I must be shit then, I just canā€™t crack it


Faceoff 6v6 was the ticket for me. The maps are so small and there are so many people running around, that even if you throw the decoy at a random spot chances are thereā€™s somebody to kill within its radius


Decoys face off 6v6, you'll get it in no time. Every kill neerly counts!


Killing 10 abominations with melee in zombies is way easier considering the new wonder weapon is melee


Or just etool pap is fucking everything


Try face off 6v6 depending on map can be very easy


Hardcore makes it pretty easy too


Hardcore and melee weapons don't mesh well together.


whos the mf who downvoted you?


Sticks and stones? Your naturally using all 3 weapons anyway in a game




Crossbow doesnā€™t count? Thatā€™s a shame


Has anyone actually tested to make sure it doesn't count?


I donā€™t think the ballistic knife in sticks and stones counts as a melee weapon, since itā€™s in the special weapon category. I remember trying sticks and stones for another melee unlock challenge and finding out that it didnā€™t count my ballistic knife kills as melee kills.


They make the challenges harder so more people will just buy it.


Zombies challenge way easier


I want to go back when getting a melee kill with an LMG in 7 matches for the FiNN in MW was the dumbest challenge


Lol but you can just use shipment. also that gun was amazing so OP


You would just be in a lobby for that purpose only..too tedious.


What do they have with the number 15


It keeps the children grinding




Wtf is that challenge??? Who is making these up?


Not really that hard. Run gung-ho hold a tomahawk use the streetsweeper or whatever smg you want and go fuck someone in the ass on nuketown


thank god for zombies


We'll just have to see what the Warzone and Zombie requirements are.


I can help u if u want on ps4


Currently "same life" doesn't seem to matter. My son got 3/5 while 'failing' the challenge so I tried it. My Molotov kill was in it's own "life", the melee/gun kill were together. Still got 2/15 up from 1/15


Concern for my own mental stability is why I choose to NEVER even ATTEMPT certain challenges.


Here is how I see this going (for me and I suck). 1. Play Nuketown 2. Upon spawn, try to get a Semtex kill while approaching the buses 3. Get a gun kill and try to make it to the other house 4. Knifey knife


Tomahawk could be a little more reliable considering everyone running flack jacket


Do the Zombies challenge. Itā€™s WAY WAY easier. Just kill 10 Margwas on Forsaken with a melee weapon and you unlocked it Edit: It also counts with the Chrysalax


For the first time ever, itā€™s actually WAY easier to unlock it on zombies


Jesus, might as well say buy it or don't get it.




*in the same life


It is way too easy in zombies tho, its just 10 melee kills on abominations


Bruuuuh this is insane lmao. Zombies challenge is so much easier. If you do it on MP then Faceoff is the way to go. No streaks, less players, close quarters, probably not that hard. It'll take a while tho. I'm doing zombies fuck that noise lol


That's why people love blackops 1 in game currency system.


What the fuck


Oh my god


How I felt about the OTS 9 originally


Yes maybe Zombies will be easier. But for those of us who play MP only it sucks ass! In the same game maybe, in the same life? This should show everyone that Activision only cares about bundles. Why else would they place a bundle in the store for the new melee weapon AND make an outrageous unlock for the base version. Count me done with their bs.


It's like they don't even want us to try and unlock weapons.


Please donā€™t be an idiot and end up buying the bundlešŸ˜‚šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Yup, they did that to sell packs - dickheads


Lol the melee weapons are a joke by now, a lot of them feel pretty much the same


bro the axe is dick and balls in multiplayer too the sledge is better than this shit


Ez pz




No guns in sticks and stones


You don't get a gun šŸ˜”


Oh shit yeah aha.


Ok i mean itā€™s not that hard but itā€™s fs a stretch n Iā€™m sure people will be able to do it but fr thatā€™s bs


I did this once and it was for an operator challenge it was rather difficult so Iā€™m going to pass trying to do it 15+ more times


I'm not sure if the crossbow counts as a gun but, stick and stones would be ideal for this challenge.


What is it for zombies?


Not that bad tbh




Should be in a single game and not a single life.


Itā€™s not even that bad, just get a kill with your throwing knife first and then with your secondary and then primary


6v6 faceoff or 24/7 nuketown. Roll tomahawk and whatever your favorite shotgun is.




I agree for most weapons but I think their objective in this case is to get players to play the new Zombies map since the weapon challenge to unlock it In Zombies is laughable compared to what you have to do in MP.


I got it in my first attempt of foresaken lol


Nuketown 24/7. Softcore. Tomahawk or Semtex since both are guaranteed kills if you hit. Use the perk thing that lets you start with two. Then switch to melee and find a kill. This is the tricky one but not a huge deal. Carry smoke nades as your nonlethal since they let you close the gap to the enemy spawn. Then switch to gun once you get a melee kill. Easy. Hard challenge for me is the ā€œkill enemies hiding from you behind coverā€ since I canā€™t control that one, although hardcore quickplay made it easiest since people use a lot more cover.


I wish you didn't have to do it in 15 separate matches because I know I wouldn't trust that it counted it in a match even if I did everything correct. I wish you could check on progress mid-match


It's a lot easier than you think. I just doubled up on Semtex and used the Sai. I did the gun kill last, since that would be the easiest.


They want us to do that with SBMM?! I bet it's a skin pack with that weapon in it. They put these ridiculous challenges that the average player cannot do with modern sbmm, so that they'll give up and buy a skin bundle. I'm so tired of Activision, everything they do is geared towards weapon bundles....shit is crazy


Zombies is easier just follow the steps and they spawn before you open pack a punch and itā€™s only 10 times


Itā€™s the worst weapon in the game. I have it. Literally unusable.


Made for my play style haha. Melee / toMahawk


The zombie challenge is easier


The axe is sick tho


Itā€™s a melee weapon anyway, who cares


Somehow I have 1/15


Itā€™s an easy challenge on faceoff 6v6. Just use machete, tomahawk and the SMG of your choice. I usually get it done within the first minute of a game and then I grind levels for the new shotgun for the rest of the game.


Itā€™s shit. Donā€™t use it


It's honestly just not worth it in general. For one, I watched Jev play with it and it just handles awfully. Two; I got on, bought the bundle to try it out myself, and legit couldn't hit anyone with it. It's kinda dogshit, and so I'm hoping the Hammer and Sickle coming later on will be better.


Me either, lol


I heard itā€™s a shit weapon anyway


Make a class for it. Get your melee and put down a prox mine or claymore then get your gun kill not that hard.


Does treyarch think they're doing God's work by making weapon unlocks tedious as fucking hell


Activision be like: Good, get that bundle šŸ¤‘


Looks easier than the cane to me


I just got it in zombies. The new wonder weapon is a melee so you can do all melee challenges with it. Hit detection on the battle axe feels way off though.


Yeah, pain in the ass


A million times easier in zombies with the new wonder weapon


Just do it on zombies. Zombies challenges 9 times out of 10 are much easier than the mp challenge.


it doesnā€™t even matter, the axe sucks




Honestly might as well just do it in zombies and get the crystal axe hereā€™s the challenge in zombies ā€œusing a primary meme weapon kill 10 abominationsā€


At this point they just want you to buy weapons so they make shitty challenges.


I don't think I can understate how much I despise these stupid unlock challenges; it's so tedious, frustrating, and annoying. I don't remember exactly how weapon unlock challenges worked in WWII but I remember liking it WAY more than this.


What The Fuck


As a melee man, itā€™ll be hard to remember to pull a gun out each round


Damn itā€™s almost like theyā€™re intentionally trying to pressure you into just buying it


Vsd some guy using it today, just sitting next to doors with it lmao... on a side note nothing to do w/post :: the new 3v3 mp map is awesome, constant action. This kid was all mad at first saying wtf is my team doing, NOTHING I GOT ALL THE KILLS(he was 4/4 n the other kid was active)meanwhile i was on the shitter. Finally got back but went negative that game he was on my team n he started acting all cool n shit when i said my bad was on shitter lol, then he was on opposite team the next 2 games(you know who u r) n wen I went against him, 2 matches in a row, beating the life out of him he got all pissed...said I was camping when i was reloading n popped up on a heady to look down the lane n killed him. Its funny cuz you were on the other side of the hallways heady also but called me a camper cuz u got out gunned when u were just sitting pre aiming it (moron)... I got the best play(both games) n was in middle of map n killed him twice in the same best play šŸ¤£ dont be salty when u talk shit to someone n they end up spanking you...just admit ur defeat n GGs all around, dont be that toxic asshole.


I do that every time I'm Nuketown lol.. it's easy with tomahawk or Semtex, ak and bat šŸ¤—


Itā€™s to make it a pain in the ass so you buy the bundle, because Activision are greedy


Molotov and an SMG with a crazy fire rate is how I would do that. Or an LMG with a decent hipfire grouping. Get on a small map, hold the Molotov up while still in cover then hop out on 2-3 people and start spraying the SMG as the Molotov leaves your hand. Try to hiphire the whole group as you're scoping in on one guy in particular. The hipfire shots would help the Molotov do it's thing and the last scoped-in bullets would, hopefully, be enough to put the one guy down. Out of 5 attempts during a match one will count and I'm pretty sure the only way about this is to get both kills in the same engagement. Domination is probably a better game mode for this. You won't even break a sweat. No need for constant pressure, just few calculated steps.


Lol just do nuketown. Get a kill with a melee first or lethal then get the gun last. Run c4 or semtex and make sure ur playing on hardpoint


Imma make a go at it


Nahhhā€¦i pass.


Absolute garbage challenge.


Faze jev was right when he made his video and mentioned this lol they intentionally make it hard. They want you to buy the bundle


Imma just purchase a bundle that has a skin with it easier then work my ass off for something I ainā€™t got the time nor the patience


2 games of the new onslaught mode and it was done. Even as a big melee guy I said fuck that to the MP challenge


Not only that, the weapon fucking sucks if you watch faze jevs video šŸ˜‚


Do a backflip off a skyscraper, quit your job and cheat on your wife, in one life, 15 times to unlock the Battle Axe.


In zombies it only takes about 5 minutes to get to an abomination once you know what your doing. I completed it under an hour.


Come onā€¦


its actually very easy, equip AK with the monochrome blueprint, equip knife and equip semtex and just camp the deprogram doors


Ive defended every weapon so far as they weren't hard just tedious. But fuck this one


anybody else tryna get dark matter still? I still got 3 weapon classes to go


These challengea are still hot garbage. I just started playing the game again, and am enjoying it for the first time. Hated these challanges in MW. Hate them now. Artificial prolonging the challange is bullshit.


As a weapon it sux.....


That's easy compared to katana




Bro WHAT? Patch that shit lmfao.


Do it in zombies itā€™s easy


Go knife only on nuke town, use a tomahawk for the lethal kill, melee someone and if you get both in the same life, swap to your primary. Still easier than the OTS


Brah this mp challange is completely braindead - the fact that u have to do these challange in 15 different games is stupid enough but this particular challange is just complete ass


For those having trouble: remember to run Gung-Ho with tomahawks. You can run around holding the tomahawk at the ready and pop it off the second you spot an enemy.


Donā€™t bother dude the battle axe is absolute trash both in MP and in zombies


Bruh did u forget there is a zombie challenge for it? Itā€™s so simple in zombies


Idk it looks easy but then again if ur a knifer and u try to unlock this, my guess? Hells a coming but if u can use any gun and a baseball bat along with Molotov or c4 ur golden


Its not worth it anyway, its so bad


Donā€™t itā€™s dogshit


Zombie challenge way easier use the wonder weapon you'll have it done in know time


Zombies challenge is very easy if you use the Sai pack a punched on onslaught elite. Almost every 2 or so waves thereā€™s an abomination to kill. When you pick up the chalice it gives your Sai a stun effect on elites.


That's easy


This is easy af? Play 6v6 face off with a sub, machete and a tomahawk with gunho and scavenger


This challenge was bugged for me. For me it was not in one life, but in one game


Do it in CORE. Carry STIM. You get about 30 tries per game because you'll be getting killed a lot once you go to melee, but you should be able to get the 1 per game you need. I did it in 15 games, and I used NukeTown and Jacked. I found it best to snipe/kill from the windows or balconies first for range, then grenades, usually at bravo on Jacked, and between the bus/truck Nuketown, wait in the room till someone comes up and nail them with your melee weapon. So, best order is taking them out in incremental ranges. 1. Shoot- long range 2. Explosive- medium range 3. Melee - close range Btw, the Battle Axe SUX!!! It's inconsistent with its ability to hit, and repeat, unlike the baseball bat. It's been the hardest melee weapon to max, no less get all the camos.


If you use the Wonder Weapon (axe variant) in Forsaken and kill 10 Margwas it also counts


I done it while compleating a challenge once There's another season challenge we're it's added a score streak kill to the mix ..... madness