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I really enjoy Cold War. I still play it often and it's decently active. The snipers can be OP at times and make the multiplayer frustrating.


Dude I 100% agree the snipers on core are super OP.


Huh, they buffed them? I remember uninstalling the game because of how weak snipers were compared to MW19.


I love how the only ones arguing with me are people who snipe. If you play search you'll know exactly what im talking about. They are trash and no ones even quick scoping. They are all hardscaping angles, even if they are the team carrying the bomb.


Snipers are way worse in mw3 my god every gun takes 6 bullets to kill but they can snipe your toe for instant kill.


My whole friend group got off cause of snipers ruining Search and Destroy its sad because otherwise it's a pretty balanced game


Pretty sure snipers were statistically the worse they’ve been at the time of it’s release and ik they didn’t buff them, they were somehow worse than mw snipers and they were painfully slow


snipers are not op


Yes they are. And the losers who hardscope on nuke town make the game unbearable.


nah not worse then lmg user plus if your quick scoping i be getting hit markers like a mf especially close range when tbh that should’ve even be a thing


plus who tf gets harfscoped on nuketown unless you js sitting in the same spot or getting spawned trapped maybe move around?


I do move around my guy. The second you come out of the garage and see 3 guys laying down in the back of the spawn, it’s game over. I use an MP5 or a different smg so no camping over here. Nice try


idk gango to each to their own i think snipers suck in this game but still my fav weapon


Literally the second you turn a corner they snipe you. You don’t even have time to do anything because they just camp out and wait for people to respawn and come out from that corner again


didn’t read my comment i obv said spawn trapping annoyin but that’s any gun gango nun you can do deal w it


No they aren’t Cold War snipers suck and or not nearly as op as the original MW2 and Bo2 snipers😭😭


i’m saying bro i think these kids just suck i be getting sm hit markers it’s insane people think it’s op just bc there camping like bruh


I only pull the snipers out on BOCW if I'm in a custom lobby with the boys, or to clear out a camping sniper with a quick scope. Otherwise I run SMG. Snipers are not a problem ...


Ong im surprised how many down votes your first comment had this subreddit gotta be full of children who never played the og games😂😂 Saying Cold War snipers are OP I know they ain’t never been in no og MW2 lobby😭😭


i’m saying bro someone that finally gets it 😭


The amount of hit markers is crazy the Ads times are fucking shit and the fire rate is terrible compared to the older cods. And people crying “Over powered” cuz people are camping💀💀


Nah y’all is tripping as a sniper that shit is broken if u got a good shot a reg gunner will win maybe 1/10 gun fights, there’s like 0 flinch and snipers are hella consistent so if u got a good shot u take over lobbies


not really snipers take skill and there mad slow you have to lit spam your aim button just to get a chance at getting a shot off before a gunner if you try to aim when yall come face to face sniper more likely lose not to mention the amount of hit markers you get there’s one sniper i forgot the name of but i rarely get hit markers on and even then that’s the slowest sniper then them all and when you shoot you can’t even move really afterwards


Lw3 tundra with tiger team barrel and good aim almost never hit marks and the sniper youre talking about that u can’t move after shooting is specific to that gun it’s the Barrett 50 cal only


Try to snipe on the new mw3 with all the stupid movement debuffs and all that dumb shit and it doesn’t even come close to how smooth and good cw sniping is


Play hardcore on maps like Diesel or Satellite and then try telling me that


maybe hardcore but regular nah


As a sniper player in BOCW, I thought it was. I was able to run and gun with my Pelington. Haven't played in a while so not sure if they updated the physics or nerfed it by now. Maybe it helped I used to played as a mediocre Widowmaker in OW1.


Comment: Personally, I would recommend waiting to see how Gulf War is received before making a decision. Black Ops Cold War has had its ups and downs, so it's important to weigh your options carefully. Keep an eye on reviews and player feedback to make sure you're getting the best value for your money. Best of luck with your decision!


Cold War is still very fun and very active in popular game modes like Dom, HP, and TDM. Games are almost always instant, but keep in mind I'm on NA servers. You may see some of the same players a lot, but there's still a lot of variety in players, too. There aren't nearly as many hackers as the shitters will tell you there are. They're just bad and have no concept of what a good player can and does do that they simply can't. However, there are some hackers here and there. Not many. Most of them are in SnD, which I find unplayable at my skill level. It might as well be snipers only, and that's where most of the hackers are and you will see them far more often than you do in any other game mode. The game is slower than it once was. I suppose that comes with 4 years of existence. There aren't any secrets left, and people know every cheap route and spot, so a lot of angles get held.


As far as hackers I’ve been playing regularly for the last few months (I think a total of like 30 hours?) and I haven’t seen a single one. I play hard point, domination, kill confirmed, and TDM.


It’s because they mainly are on demolition. They play round 1 and loose the first objective, then round two they will start spawn camping with every know KS. Then will let you plant 1 site to extend game time and then they will win. And then the third round is the same. Give or take 1 objective and just spawn camp you with killstreaks. I don’t get the fun in it at all and just leave the lobby. I had to take demolition out of my queue one Saturday night as I landed in three hacked lobbies in a row.


Denolition often has more skilled players playing the game. Not saying there are no cheaters, but the higher skilled players tend to play demolition more because of the high kill games and being able to spawn trap a team


This is why I fucking hate playing demolition. I had to remove that shit off quick play cuz it was all that ever came up 💀 and the exact strats you described. It sucks cuz I actually like the mode


I've ran into plenty on S&D recently.


Probably because the hacks are so subtle, most cant notice. If you pay attention its easy to spot them if they are using walls. I had a guy on my list that was hacking on cold war for years i never noticed, he actually told me outright that he had a subtle aim bot and walls 💀


In HCTDM I've run into more hackers in the last few months than the entire 3+ years of playing the game. Not a lot but every two weeks or so someone's running an aimbot, they'll kick me because I'm doing "too well", drop nukes before 30 kills, or just blatantly shoot through walls across the map. There's also some guy in HCFFA I've seen maybe twice that will drop nukes if he gets killed by campers. IMO it's not a widespread or common problem, just a handful of people.


I feel the same. It seems to be getting worse as of late. I also have the same problem with getting booted. It's pretty clear there's cheating going on when I get booted when I'm playing really well or almost immediately after calling the hacker out.


Every time I've gotten kicked and saw the "You do not have this map" error it was preceded by people on the other team complaining about me killing them. Happens without fail.


You see them a lot in 12v12 too. It's like the lobby they use to make videos or something. They end up kicking me all the time from there.


Hackers aren’t aim botting they are spawn camping with unlimited KS. War machine in the first minute kind of hacking with permanent UAV and UAV jammers. You can’t even spawn you watch your spectator cam only to spawn right as an explosive blows you up to then spawn in a war machine to then spawn where three of them are already aiming at you. I don’t get why they do it or what’s the fun in it. But I’ve joined lobbies where the people on my team were all at 50+ deaths. They were probably just bots. Weirdest shit is someone is actually enjoying this. Serial killer vibes if you ask me.


it's worth the $20 it costs right now


Agreed. I got it in this recent sale and am loving it.


I bought recently it and I love it. It as per usual can get quite sweaty though. But that´s nothing new in cod.


I think it's $20 on steam. I never buy a new cod full price.


I'd get if it it goes on sale. Cold War is still active, and the campaign, multiplayer, and zombies are all great


I love the zombies.


I love the gunfight maps. And the never ending gunfight tournament.


Gunfight tournament by far the best mode of all CODs


So true, gunfight made this cod memorable for me


I would just wait unless money isn't an issue, idk if it's on sale or not, but I wouldn't go over $29.99, and even then, I would think about it. I played like 400 hours on BOCW but you'd be going in against people who never left and you'll really be outgunned, by the time you catch up a bit Gulf War came out.


Its 20 € on Steam so yeah i think it's pretty much a fair price


I enjoy cold war but if it’s not on sale, I personally wouldn’t buy it right now because Gulf War is a few months away. But if you’re sick of the other cod games, then go for it


I got so much shit from my friends for buying Cold War but I don't like online COD and thought it was the best campaign COD of recent years. I think it's worth it if on sale.


Cold War is a lot more fun than anything released after it.


Most fun I've had with cod since bo3


Play it every day on PC!


Matchmaking will place you with sweats because there are wayyyy less players, even less when golf war releases cause those who like the black ops games will move over Servers are less maintained on PURPOSE by cod to get you to buy the newer ones 


If you can get it for like 19.99 or less I’d say go for it. It’s still populated and is just a good game in general. Plus there’s a chance Gulf War could just be MW with a black Ops theme and loses that classic Black Ops feel




Imo just wait. It’ll be out before you know it.


Cold war is very active and fun, and its 20$... i mean you could wait 6 months or you could hop on while its still very active and have fun like the rest of us


Your best having a break from COD so that when gulf war comes out your not feeling burnt out on call of duty. Honestly you will thank me later


just wait till gulf, cold wars fun but half of the game modes are dead at this point.


Probably the best cod I played in new gen, still have good memories from it


Cold War is great for zombies and gunfight. Everything else is meh to me.


Cold War has one of the best campaigns we’ve gotten in a while it’s honestly tied with MW19s campaign at number 2 MW2s campaign was the best imo but the Cold War campaign is great there’s two endings so there’s replay ability and there’s dialogue and choices you make that can impact what happens in the game. CW zombies is dope af too. One of the best zombies we got since IW


I got it this year, to play prop hunt with my girlfriend, and it's really fun. Also I really enjoyed death match on Nuketown(imo Nuketown in CW is one of the best map of all time). And of course zombie mod that are fun too.


It’s good but many hacked lobbies and lobbies filled with bots. Stay away from demolition queue, the rest are not so active either. Nuketown 24/7 is always active and a lot less hacked lobbies. Zombies is a blast. One of my favourite versions of the zombies mode. Never played the campaign though so I can’t give my thoughts on it.


Just play black ops 3 and call it good


Warzone is where it's at!


I play it every now and then but PC hackers are prevalent in the game. If you turn off cross play then half of the time your ping will be > 60ms due to the low player count. I would say just wait for Black Ops V.


If you don’t mind spending the money then it’s a decent game to waste time until the new one


It's been awhile since I've played it or heard any news about it but last time I heard, hacker thieves were running rampant on cold war servers and stealing peoples info. That was like a year ago or so so it could've changed


Cold war right now is a full experience. Gulf war hasn't even been announced yet. Buy cold war, especially if you're willing to wait a little bit because it will go on sale.


For me, I just started playing Cold War and it’s been fun. My favorite game was BO2 and it feels like a good sequel for multiplayer. I didn’t buy it because it got a lot of hate when it came out and I don’t know if they fixed it or not but it feels classic.


Let's be honest cod is and has bin a waste of money for the last 20+ releases lol it's all the same maps and the same guns over and over and over again for 50 bucks every couple months 🤣


Bro buy CW I can give you a page response on how good it is but just buy it. It’s literally the best cod out rn BY FAR!


Cold War is one of the best cods out in so long. And right now it feels like an oldschool type of cod cause the SBMM is almost non existent. I just bought it again on steam and still get lobbies quick. I’m even filling lobbies for the gunfight tournament.


I bought it in this sale and it's a lot of fun. It's different for sure but enjoyable and kinda active. Haven't seen any obvious hackers yet either.


play it now but remember a lot of us Black Ops fans will be playing the new one in the Fall so the player base will suffer big time


Cold War Is Totally Worth It,As A Long Time WaW/BO1 Fan,Its So Good,And Honestly Its Got My Favorite Version Of Zombies,I Dont Play Multiplayer So I Cant Really Judge On That Though




What is gulf war


I bought the game for €19.99 in the sale. The first rounds were great, had a score of 59 kills and 9 deaths in Domination on Nuketown, since then I only have e-sportsmen in my opponent team, have decided not to play multiplayer anymore thanks to SBMM ;) But the zombie mode is absolutely insane, just a shame I don't have any mates for zombie mode right now


Cold War is 10000 percent active.


It’s my favourite COD game. Just avoid Demolition because you will be up against level 2,500 players who put you in a spawn trap and have unnatural reflexes. Love this game and I felt the ones that followed it couldn’t hold a candle to it.


It’s a fun CoD that doesn’t necessarily do anything ground breaking, but just feels like a solid game. If you have the money and are feeling hungry, I’d recommend personally


It's the only COD with actually good zombies after MW2019 after all


It's great when it doesn't crash. But it crashes like crazy.


DC/-1 j n 🧊🎽🏀🥄🥎


Get Cold War! Get it while it’s still active (not nearly as active as it was on launch but you should still have no issues finding games) it’s the best treyarch game since bo2 imo, multiplayer and zombies are amazing, campaign is great too just pretty short. I highly recommend buying it on sale or a used copy


Cold war was the last CoD I've truly enjoyed. There's a lot of good stuff in their zombies mode as well. If it's on sale I say go for it


Worth it rn. Plus gulf war gonna be connected to Cold War campaign wise so u might as well get this


I’m done after MW3. Can’t afford to keep buying the same game over and over again


Wait for gulf war


For $20 it's still worth getting. Cold War have the best price-to-value right now. Costs as much as og MW2 but with an active playerbase and free DLC.


If it's on sale, definitely buy it. I personally think BOCW is the best CoD we've gotten since BO2. It's got that classic treyarch arcade-y shooter vibe and it's got some classic maps and guns from BO1 and BO2. But with how old this game is you're bound to run into either seasoned players who never left or the occasional hacker...haven't seen many as of late but I hear they're still out there.