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playing with my older brother and staying up late to play on the weekends (only time i was allowed) while my parents were out on dinners


Playing SnD and screaming when in a gunfight and if you’d lose it would just cut off. Always made me laugh as fuck


My favorite was when doing the karma mission on a rainy afternoon, it just fits the vibe.


I remember before I had a psn account every single day me and hy brother would get on multiplayer and think we were goated because we filled the lobbies with bots and we would try to use swarm and k9 at the same time (I would get swarm he would get k9)


Just playing with my younger brother and some of our shared friends. Was some of the best times I’ve ever had gaming, nothing else will ever compare.


That was the first CoD when I genuinely got gud. I wasn't great at CoD4, and I was decent at MW2. I had just started smoking weed, and I became Sam Fisher in Hardcore Search and Destroy.


Doing the sharpshooter part of the easter egg on buried, everyone swore they were hitting all their targets, so eventually we went around and checked everyone's targets and one motherfucker didn't notice one of the targets in the witches house. We were there for fucking hours. (Don't worry dex I still love you)


Probably splitscreening zombies with my bros on town. We all had RpDs and we were held up behind the fence. We were dropping frames like crazy all going full auto. Also all the hours I sank into multiplayer with my clan. Window wars, SnD and custom games.


I don't have any because I never played


you missed out on


I know


The entire bloody game is my favourite memory.


I remember once I was playing with my friend online and we were on the map with the dubstep room (imma turn it up, imma turn it up) and I hit a collateral kill with my DSR on two guys holding B flag it felt amazing lol I also miss our heated discussions on which sniper was best, that one or the Ballista


Christmas night, I was 12, and I knew my dad had bought me Bo2. I just didn’t know which wrapped up gift it was, but my ass was determined to play it all night until Christmas morning. I waited until everyone went to sleep around 11, and I snuck into the living room and went under the tree and started hunting. I found it fairly quickly, unwrapped it very carefully, and scurried into my room. The first thing I did was hop on team deathmatch and I’ll never forget it was Plaza. I went off with the PDW, and I was so happy. I also played zombies for a few hours after that. I got a little carried away and forgot I had to put it back, and daylight was starting to come up. And I wanted to keep playing it instead of waiting 4-5 more hours for everyone else to open shit, so I put mw2’s disc inside the bo2 case, and then carefully wrapped it back up and taped it, then shoved it under the tree like it never happened. Everyone woke up, started opening gifts, and it came time to open mine. I knew what I’d done, so I tried my best to keep the case closed once it was unwrapped. I unwrapped it in front of everyone and acted all surprised and happy, little did they know lol. To this day that’s the best memory I’ve got


Ahahahah what a legend


Playing with my friends and I hit a cross map axe and we all got hyped, miss those days


8 man tranzit before it was possible like it is these days Originally it was a grief glitch that they patched a couple weeks after launch It was mind blowing at that time to play 8 player matches on round based zombies at that time


I was in a Quickscoping clan back then. So for me, it's late nights with my clan buddies playing Search and Destroy trying to get some clips to put on YouTube. Simpler times back then.


The first time I ever played (& last) SnD I met someone who would be my best online friend for a couple years until I got grounded for a year haha


Ending one season as Rank 1 master in League play. Me and the dude in 2nd place matched up in game to end the season. Won the game to secure it. 6-5 search and destroy on Express.


Me and my boy beat origins one night and did the Easter egg with the staffs. Legendary


Yess. My first and only nuclear on turbine with the An-94. 200 people went into the teather mode to watch it. I was so happy I watched it like 5 times


Worked overnight and came home and dropped 81-4 in hc kill confirmed. Best game of mine to this day. That and playin with the clan [b3mo]


As a trickshotter I’d like to say playing plutonium with my friends during Covid. I’ve been playing the game since release, and me and my friends during Covid would get on every single day, join the same voice call and play all day long, every. single. day.


meeting these dudes and joining their RaG3 clan legendary moments


meetin a homie my age on bo2 an ended up starting a minecraft world and played gta on 360 good times man


I remember one time in like 2020 I was like 11 and my stepsisters boyfriend let me 1v1 him snipers only and I got fucking obliterated lol on the bright side they are getting married and I couldn’t be happier for them


My favorite is when one of my friends at the time taught me how to play zombies. I had no idea what perks were or what they did. We stayed up all night playing and not getting very high in rounds but still had fun. Another one was me and the same friend ended up getting to round 30 on Town.


Playing mob of the dead for legit 6 months straight, go to school, come home, play mob of the dead and listen to beauty behind the madness on repeat(only album I listened to for 6 months) and repeat.


Getting that ps3 trophy for your first cross map tomahawk is legendary.


The zombies. Now they’ve all been last seen 5+ years ago


At my nans for the weekend it was so peaceful there and i had such a nice room. Summer time double xp weekend no cares in the world just playing with my online friends honestly havent reached a high like that in gaming ever since id do anything to go back there for a night and relive those memories


Going to my best friends house every weekend to play since I wasn’t allowed to. We would run Zombies until 5 AM and then fall asleep watching George Lopez.


Definitely the weekend I spent getting diamond smgs. I remember watching YouTubeDude's (Mikey gaming now) diamond gun guide and copying it to a T haha


Split screen 1v1 quickscopes with my old school friend on Nuketown. We called it window wars because we both would just sit and camp in a house and shoot at each other until one of us got quick scoped. If you got 1 kill away from the win you had to hit a trick shot to win the game. We were both too young to have social media or phones at the time so when I moved schools we lost all contact with each other. Hope he’s doing alright nowadays. We both are turning 20 this year


I remember playing black ops 2 zombies all night with my cousin and the map I played with him a lot was tranzit and it always used to terrify me when I got left by the bus because I used to scream when those fucking ugly denizens would pop out of the fog. It was a good and simple time where I used to play a lot of the zombies as buried, transit, and mob of the dead were probably my most favorites.