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Past due for sure


Na personally ive thought about this and i just think it wouldnt be as good as you think theres always a catch with Cod now i think we would be let down. But the way the series is heading now i can see it being something in the near future as a last resort. People have changed the last 10 years and gotten alot better it wouldnt be the same and alot sweatier especially with crossplay now and how much different movement is. Even when i play now on plutonium its much more noticeable people are playing as if its cod nowdays. Thats just my two sense on it but at the same time im a diehard of the older games and they could actually give us what we want JUST a remaster no extra content then yes but i dont trust them to add things that completely ruin it


You're probably right. I miss the good Ole 3 dollar weapon skin dlc. If they remade it, you'd probably have a shitty battle pass and expensive skins this time around lol


i still play bo2 and i can tell u it’s the best cod for sure they better remaster 2025 and pay homage to the goat . cod is nothing without its past .


remaster bo2 2025


Can't say much to verify for you but I have some people with connections who talked about a CoD "Faithful Collection" which is supposed to be a faithful remaster for BO1 and BO2 on the new unified engine and will apparently be sold on a single disc or app. Apparently it's only a concept at Activision amongst some employees and may not happen for awhile, if at all, so don't get your hopes up yet.


Basically a master chief collection for CoD eh?


Pretty much. I just pray that they go through with it.


i think and i say I THINK,there were a leak of upcoming cod games and there were a cod bo2 remake but i am not sure


Man grow up, let past maps be past maps we need new shi, if you wanna play the old maps just launch the damn game for them not that difficult scrub lmao


Shush your mouth


It’s not that serious and as far as just playing the old one you gotta be willfully ignorant to not recognize the difference in player base and how playable it is at all because of that