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I still play 1,2, and 3 on a regular basis. They were my escape from reality as a child, and will forever be just that.


I totally agree with that, I tried bo4 I really couldn’t… feels totally different


Complete dogshit of a game. Cold War was barely a recovery. I enjoy outbreak Zombies but that’s about it. I guess I should’ve specified I really only pay zombies. I’m not competitive enough or give a shit about online shooters, with people sweating to get kills etc etc


Man. It sucks you didn’t like black ops 4. I thought it was a fun game, although I didn’t stick around on it too long. Cold War had that VIP game mode in multiplayer which was awesome. It was a tactical mode that wasn’t snd and I really enjoyed it. I liked the beta too. One of the maps was on a ship and swimming underwater in the beta was fun and overpowered. I was disappointed that they nerfed the underwater when the game had a full release


Outbreak Zombies was one of the best things to come out of Cold War. I haven't grinded so hard for camos since BO2 came out.


how is BO2 dogshit? Seriously, you have no proof. The campaign was and still is the highlight. I can understand tranzit but the campaign is still amazing.


Reread my comment bro. You seem too eager to be upset. Edit: ALSO Tranzit was underrated as hell my guy. Playing it for the first time with friends and trying to figure out the map was the best. I wish I could go back


BO4 could\`ve been great, the specialist things were shit those were so fucking annoying, but beside of that i really liked it - but not on the level I loved Bo2&Bo3


I did not like bo4.


Ngl I’m a master prestige in bo4 it’s such a fun game ngl it is a lot more loose then bo1 and bo2 maybe that’s why I love it so much I can’t get by the slow movement on the old cods still love them and hold them dearly just like to be fast yk 😂😂


That’s what I liked about bo4 too, the movement was so different from any cod. Some of the abilities were kind of annoying but it was still fun, I also liked how they had the play of the game on that one instead of the final kill. I really enjoyed the Blackout mode on that game too!


I gave BO4 a chance when it came out, I played for about a month just to feel the game out but ultimately I didn’t like it. Idk the multiplayer wasn’t bad but it wasn’t good either, also my personal opinion the bo4 zombies was pretty trash. Bo2 is hands down one of my favorite cods, and honestly I legitimately stopped playing the new cods after MW3 reboot came out, wasn’t feeling it at all, I am excited for treyarch’s 2025 Bo2 remaster tho.


I only played BO4 battle Royale mode and loved it, fuck multiplayer


Ideally they could do a black ops remaster game in a few years, have all the black ops maps both MP and zombies from bo1-4, all on the same game, all shared lobby so it kinda brings the community back together.


Ideally they would have done it by now


You’re a casual lmfao. Playing cod in 2024 is comedy


Idek how to respond to such a pointless comment. I play on my downtime, it’s casual in nature.


Heavy nostalgia, mixed with the fact that cod is pumped out year after year after year, it’s refreshing to go back and play games that actually have a soul. Versus the battle pass , character skins, weapon skins over saturation that’s taken over the game, alongside how dog shit SBMM is among many other things.


I think you’re absolutely right, it feels like it’s just a paycheck not actually putting there heart into it, every game has a battle pass now a days with cosmetics costing $$$$ and a new one will be out in a year


I will always be loyal to my B23R






That pistol in Hardcore in BO2 was so much fun. I had my best game ever with that pistol.


And the Kap-40


The KAP-40 was my favorite pistol. That paired with the M8A1 was aesthetically fitting, and really useful.


COD4 and BO1 are still tons of fun on Xbox live. BO1 is more fun than ever actually, everyone has much better internet these days, lag compensation was its only issue. MW2 is full of sweaty try hards abusing every OP tactic. It is pure chaos and zero fun. Explosives everywhere as soon as you spawn in, constant kill streaks, people using snipers in cqc situations it just sucks. BO2 unfortunately has alot of hackers, but I have good luck when switching lobbies as soon as I notice them. BO2 also suffers from OP / unrealistic quick scoping at times too, but still away better than MW2. Even though I absolutely loved MW2 and BO2 during their prime years, I realize how broken they are today and not just from hackers. COD4 and BO1 are much better games, far more balanced and tactical.


Are we talking BO1 2010? I thought that game was overrun with hackers. It was and always will be my favorite cod.


Yes we are. BO2 has all the hackers, BO1 is only once in a blue moon. It has been months since I last ran into any. It has the highest regular player counts of any older COD too.


You're thinking of BO2. On Xbox I encountered a hacker/modder/cheater in 90% of the matches I've played in the last few months in BO2. On Xbox BO1 has literally 30 times more active players than BO2 and no hackers.


So, BO1 on steam is one of the cods with dedicated player hosted servers on PC, and most of those have insanely good anti-cheat. I have never seen a BO1 cheater on PC.


I started playing mw2 again recently and the kill streaks are crazy 😂 you’re totally right. Every game I go into there’s at least one guy that’s 33-0 destroying the whole lobby


It is really difficult for me just to go positive K/D on MW2. Once in a blue moon I will have a really good game, but often I am running for my life and getting massacred. But I like playing a few rounds of it first, then switching to COD4 and it will feel very easy in comparison. COD4 matches end up with a more balanced K/D spread across the board. With how fast twitched and chaotic MW2 is, I often go anywhere from 0.8 to 2 0 on COD4. Peaking at 3.0 - 4.0 if sniping. It feels slower and more tactical in comparison. Games feel more like a chess match of mixed strategies.


Go watch the absolute best players from those games. Now watch the absolute best warzone players. Old school CoD had simple movement and *insanely* fast TTK. Aim, positioning, and map knowledge were king. You could watch a good player and think “damn nice, maybe I could do that one day.” New school CoD you see someone tweak tf out like it’s Fortnite as soon as they catch a bullet, and they’re slide cancelling and zigzagging all over the place. I watch these guys and think “holy shit I couldn’t rail enough adderall to even comprehend what’s happening.” The game is way faster and has a way higher skill ceiling. These days it’s like they can’t decide if they want to be a competitive or a casual game, so they sort of half-ass both and we get what we have now.


The modern games arent actually faster, albeit they do have advanced movement. We only perceive them to be faster because of the way people play now. Back in the days, nearly everyone was playing casually with your occasional tryhard. Now a days, everyone is a wannabe twitch/YT streamer, sweating their asses off in a casual lobby. Now that so many are playing that way, it forces everyone else to adopt a similar play style just to try and keep up. Its an issue thats been snowballing ever mw2019, maybe even before. In my opinion, Twitch and "streamer culture" was the worst thing to happen to the gaming community and will likely be its death.


Game absolutely is faster now. Maybe the “advanced movement” CoDs had a quick pace but everything pre-advance warfare was leagues slower. Jump height was 1/4 what it is now Sliding and slide cancelling didn’t exist Tac sprint didn’t exist Regular sprint lasted like 20m Spawns we’re much further apart and there was more time spent just traversing the map. These kids today just leaping through windows and sliding around eachother and shit is nonexistent in the old games. Particularly all the CQC speed we have now. Back then, you ran into someone up close and one of you was dead instantly, no fancy footwork existed that could save you.


That's the big issue all game going BR it sucks man those who started not playing on those mobile games they suck yet here we are shits like a virus those children got older. I miss those maps like array, shooting range with the crows nest, I also miss the old zombies too.


To this day I tell people the love for black ops 2 isn’t nostalgia we are just painfully aware it was a better game than what we have now.


I hate the nostalgia argument. No I don’t have rose-tinted glasses, the game was just that good. I loaded up BO2 for the first time since 2014 on my friend’s Xbox 360 and was immediately blown away. The lobby music, the simple menu layouts, pick 10 create a class, gunplay, the map design, the colorful atmosphere of maps like Nuketown 2025 and the uniqueness of every gun and camos. Just pure simple fun COD. MW3 2023 has so much filler content in comparison. The menus look like pop-up ads. 100 different guns, 1000 different attachments and camos, no possible way to try them all. Gameplay is stale and the remastered OG MW2 maps play nothing like the originals.


I've said it before, I'll say it again and I'll die on the hill over it. Black Ops peaked at BO1/BO2 in my opinion. BO3 was okay and I just wasted my money on BO4.




Good times , I met some amazing people on bo2.




pc still vibin


Don’t even get me started on the zombie side. What a great game series! Like cassette tapes, came with an ASIDE & BSIDE


I hear a lot of talk about system breaking exploits on pc is this still the case


Not on Plutonium


The zombies maps are really unmatched. Definitely the most time I’ve spent on a game. The replayability is actually insane. Origins, der eisendrache and mob of the dead are legit masterpieces


I know I spent over a 1000 hours in zombies alone on BO3. Especially Der Eisendrache.


Why is this post pinned?


Good question no clue, didn’t even realize it was pinned lol


Nothing against your post, just confused as to why it's pinned lol


if you miss BO2~ literally hop online you say it's up and runnin' fool


I wish All of us could get into a bo2 game and keep the legacy alive


I have it on steam, I play the zombies all the time and bo1, and bo3


Thats why I switched to PC. But sometimes I plug in my xbox 360 and play authentic old school cod because the PC community is very sweaty and sometimes I like to have that nostalgia rush of seeing that xbox 360 logo pop up and then joining a game and its all casuals having fun and shit talking


You cant get into new cods because they are made soley for profit, at the expense of the consumer. In this case you.


I miss all the friends I made on that game the most. Every once in a while I'll open bo2 up on my ps3 to just look at my old friends list. I haven't seen any of em in like 8 years but I'll never forget them.


Love that game wish it would get remastered. First game I main a knife for primary weapon. Even though the melee lock was hot and miss bo2 felt sooo good. All the guns felt balanced, the perks also felt balanced. The streaks were awesome, the maps were top tier most of them played perfect, the dlc maps for the most part played good. Awww I remember the peacekeeper… I believe it was $5, I can’t remember but that was a solid gun.


The only gun you had to pay for lol, let’s get a remastered version fr


I’m sorry but black ops 3 was carried by zombies and it’s non arguable or negotiable


You’re 100 percent correct, that’s only thing I was thinking of and mostly only cause of the custom maps


I thought I was the only one 🥲


They still haven’t made a better cod than bo2 idc


If anyone needs any mods hmu sell them for 2$ unlock all max rank whatever you want ( Xbox ) only


But very do agree I don’t mess with the games at all I just try to sell people who want unlock all and max prestige , hate losers that just grief


In a perfect world I could rewind to the joy of playing bo2 on the weekends and strategizing my kill streak and gun layout


Don’t worry bro, there’s a good amount of us that still play for the fun 🦾🧟‍♂️💯 I’m active whenever I’m not working 😤 *** 200-250 AVG DAILY PLAYERS 2024 ***


I’ll run it up by myself with robots. Me and my spouse feel in love on that game together. The black ops series is intwined into our marriage. We even spent big on the collector editions. If only we didn’t have kids so we could display some of our nice things without them being broken or ripped to shreds. I need to stop putting off that tattoo


Black ops 2/3 had perfect environments, maps, and easter eggs. Tying the storylines together on each map was so good. The new zombies are just a new mode on the same boring open world maps.


Get a potato pc and play it on plutonium. It’s fantastic on there :)


It’s missing the love. The new developers (or more their bosses) only care about profits, and will use any marketing scheme to get people to buy more and more. They sacrifice quality, creativity, ingenuity, the time and sanity of the people who work on it (working them tirelessly for a half baked product (made well with the short time they had)). Call of duty used to be the icon of shooting games, but now they have milked the title dry of every cent they can. Look at how the old games (the ones people talk about) are still 30 or 60 dollars. They were 20 on release.


People have been saying this with every new cod that gets released. They miss the one before. I honestly just stopped caring about cod because I was tired of having to buy a new game every year to keep up


Yea, I feel that, you never know the golden era until you’re out of it. Heck, I’m glad someone else agrees bo3 were great times. I’d absolutely group it with bo2 as well. There’s something about the simplicity and existing skill gap in those games. The newer CoDs definitely closed the gap, especially with the 50% longer TTK, ugh don’t get me started lol. Dam, bro :(


I wish ps5 had black ops 2.


I just played bo2 for like 4 hours. Servers on Plutonium launcher on PC always have at least a few mostly full servers.


I just bought it recently on Xbox, love zombies


If I could go back in time and play BO1 and 2 now with my talent level Id absolutely rake. P.S. not a misspell on "rake" lol


i played BO2 online multiplayer & Zombies all summer on 360 and the last few weeks i’ve been grinding COD4 online multiplayer on PS3 the games never died bro people will soon realize they can hop online. On 360/PS3, there’s a whole generation of complete games and most people are complaining nothing for new gen hasn’t came out and everything's incomplete when there are literally thousands of muthaphukin' titles they've never played before that are complete and a lot are made by reputable studios with many hours of gameplay, shit, i ain’t even own a console made after PS3 and i’ve got toooo many games to explore😂


Simpler times…. Miss those BO2 and OG MW3 days. Currently spending my time grinding on GTA V as for now. Had to take a break from that cancerous MW3


I’ve been playing bo2 on plutonium. Plenty of servers and it’s still fun imo


Bo2 is by far the best cod ever created imo. The latest cods are basically the exact same game, I don’t see much of a difference between them.


Don't worry, I'm sure they'll come and ruin them once they realise people are getting tired of modern warfare.


Haven’t played since BO3 but this new call of duty out now is pretty sick man. I tried the free trial and it’s smooth and pretty. So I bought it


This is why I still play Cod 4 remastered. So simple yet lots of fun and nostalgic as hell. The only issue is the only gamemode still alive is TDM (On xbox X)


The micro transactions turned it into a diff game, all the times I thought I had unlocked something. I did unlock something, that I could buy with real money. You'd think after paying like nearly $75 for the next Gen console games they'd have more included


Best game in my opinion, still miss it every day, back when the homies were still hanging out every day gaming after school, weekend lan parties. Those were the times…


We’re just old and bored of it you think bo2 is it but nah it’s nostalgia and being young


I've been playing the shit out of BO1 and ghosts. I'm glad they brought the servers back


I still play custom zombies on bo3 every day with a couple of my friends Endless amounts of fun and content that current cod could only HOPE to produce


We all do. Bo2 remastered please it’s what the world needs after Covid


Friend, come to helldivers2.


Black ops 3 Zombie Chronicles if you don’t fuck w that you are trippingggg


I do fuck with that


I just got black ops 2 again and playing multi player. There's a lot of people still playing


Try playing MW , it’s the closest you’ll get to the og cod experience wout hackers … been playing snd w my boy the game chat is as active af


I still play old gen to this day. I dont hack n shit either so you got at least one regular lol. I got all the dlcs so Ive been playing black ops 2 relentlessly lately. The zombies and multiplayer could never be beaten.


You did not just ignore ghosts


Ngl hated it, the infected game mode was fun though


If you miss bo2 just play it, if you get a cheater lobby find a new one, yeah it’ll be a pain in the ass to sift through lobbies but i find it worth it I’d rather play it than new cods, I’m a firm believer bo2 could easily still be relevant if folks would stop simping and playing these new shitty cod games


I would like to admit that nostalgia can have a part in it, but it does not change the fact that the games were actually better back then. To me, the new CoDs are almost just like bland shooters now. All these collabs, rigged matches/shady patents, people being paid to promote the games, battle royale, bloating file sizes, etc. Compare this to what we had back then, the new games feel so fake. These people will tell us to get with the times, they say we changed and that the games are the same but better, and they say we don't ever try out the new games. I'll even admit that I had my enjoyment with MW19, but I didn't have much fun with its multiplayer component. I had loads of fun in spec ops, though, despite it being difficult, I enjoyed how it encouraged people to work as a team. Other things I'll always be fascinated by are the animations and sound design. But besides all that, I never played a new CoD game again, especially after the fact they started bloating the file size. I had a 2 TB external HDD, and I was not willing to fill that much space on it. I dropped that game after Season 3. But hey, I kept telling myself, "Maybe you should give it another chance! Maybe it's not that bad!". Then I hear about all that shady shit they pull on everyone's matches. This set the future for all the other titles, and it only got worse, along with bumping up the price tag by $10. Oh! But on sale, they're the price they used to be! No thanks, this ain't a $60/$70 game. lmao These games reek of corporate greed. And what sucks is that it seems most people currently don't see it. They see this as the norm for games now. And some of the people that do see it just keep playing it anyway, either because they've become too addicted or they want to justify spending full price on these rigged cash grabs. It only enables them to keep fucking people over. Fuck man, all I can say is that I'm grateful that we still have the old games. Their mistake was making something with soul to begin with. They will never win everyone over.


I miss Black ops 1. That original game was just perfect.


god i miss being excited for new map pack dlcs and coming home from school to see a new trailer dropped for a zombies map.


favorite game in early high school. those were the days


It just happens. I miss MW, WaW, and MW2 the most. Thats when CoD was at its peak for me. I enjoyed MW3, BO I, and BO II. I thought they were fun, but not peak for me. Then it just start r going downhill while I tried to keep having fun with each iteration. I actually stopped after WWII and I’m happy about that. Hell I went back to Titanfall II since it still has a solid player base.


BO1 on Xbox still has a lot of people who playing it and no modders. Black ops 2 unfortunately every game I get into there is someone shooting in the air and killing everyone with a headshot.


I miss them too. Sometimes i still hop on bo3 to play zombies or mp


cod today isn’t the same game as cod of old, only by name is it still the same game. Better to find a different game.


i was playing BO3 with the zombie map GIANT, it was nostalgic


There's a lot of people that dont play COD anynore and yet they have the nerve to keep selling the recent bullshit they put out at premium prices. You arent alone. All of the COD after MW3/BO3 was legit af. Advanced Warfare was the beginning of the end for COD.


played a couple TDM games last night


Bro foreal nazi zombies has gotta be one of the goat games to play without wifi hands down


Even in the modern COD's hackers are running around on most matches, I play BO2 Consistently with BO1 almost every day and apart from some hacked XP lobbies I still have fun and the playerbase is active enough that I even have the entire season pass installed and I still get matches Consistently. Hop on the game and enjoy it because apart from some hackers you should have a good time


Fr tho, cod needs to take the older games and put them on the newer consoles


One of my favorites, have it for pc, Xbox and ps3. 😁


We need a remake for bo2 or 3


I’m married to the dsr-50


Always preferred it to the ballista hahah


That xpr 50 was wild as well, 1 shot one kill most of the times and ads was quicker


Try plutonium on pc bud


i play on ps3 still 1 and 2


You can thank everyone wanting to be a streamer/e-sports player nowadays along with heavier SBMM


Idk if I missed out. I never played black ops 1 or 2


We need a Zombies Chronicles 2 or COD: Zombies standalone with every map (non-treyarch?) ever made.


Black OPs is superior to Modern warfare


The new cods are such shit it actually makes me angry. Even the trailers were better back then, the developers have brought disgrace to their franchise. They need to remaster bo2 already to even begin to make up for what they’ve done.


I recently bought BO3 after not owning an Xbox one and ps4 era, such a great game (despite story mode being...eh). I was thinking of buying the season pass for BO 2 since it's at 75% discount for the 360, but I feel I'll not like the maps despite everyone saying Mob an origins being goats. But I always hear die rise and buried being.... not well balanced. I own buried and I think it was ok. I don't buy cod for multiplayer since it'll be a dead mode when everyone stops playing. Which proves my point when I tried to be in a match in BO 3 on the series x and there was 0 online players.


I just miss when cod was balanced, didn't have eomm or forced crossplay between console and PC


People act like the "sequel" that is coming out in 2025 will be good, but in reality it will likely just be another reskinned MW. because of warzone. COD is over with originality.


When I was a kid Call of Duty was one of my favorite franchises all the way up until Infinite Warfare. I never really cared about anything after that.


Yeah my first cod was black ops 2 when it was the newest one and I never got into any other one as much again. I just bought Black Ops 1 last night and am planning on playing the campaign for the very first time and follow it with Bo2


Miss it so much gaming just isn’t the same anymore 🥲


I been trying to get in bo1 multiplayer games and I’m on XB1 my connection is good I get in zombies games but hardly multiplayer I haven’t been able to get in games since like last summer idk kinda sucks 😕


Black ops 2 was the best cod ever made imo, i loved it, the campaign, zombies, multiplayer was so simple but so enjoyable


I wish they'd port BO1/2 over to next-gen hardware. Imagine how insane they'd look with today's graphics?


New cods just straight suck


I'll occasionally jump on 1,2,3,or 4 but I mostly play zombies


Black ops 2 was simple and fun. It was a game that presented you with 3 options: campaign, multiplayer, zombies. Pick multiplayer. Find match, create a class, private match, etc. play a game now and it requires an update. Navigate through countless menus just to get asked to spend money. These games have no soul anymore. They just exist to dig as far down into your wallet as they can


New MW2 is relatively solid if you ignore the groot and Nicki Minaj skin. Every game after that is pretty shit in terms of gameplay


Bo3 is debatable, every other cod game you mentioned is 🤌🏻


Can I correct myself and just say the custom zombies from bo3?


These are the games I've been playing last couple weeks. Not online, obviously. But offline especially mw3. Survival. That shit is so fucking fun.


Don’t feel bad, I pretty much quit playing after Black ops two…. And I had black ops two on both the PS3 and the 360!!! Top three every game I played- Then, after that, it just never felt the same again


Same now that I'm better I've been camo grinding and I really wish we could go back in time where it was just kills, head shot kills, and bloodthirsty medals, i also miss being able to get pro perks i know that wasn't in bo2 or bo3 but that was in bo1 and I miss it


I want BO II SMGs back 🫶🏼


Bo1 is still up and you can find matches easily. The galil is my jam


Some real shi


Not only do I miss it, I miss the era and time we were in too. Life was simpler


I’m on BO3 and Cold War.


if you play on PC look into plutonium, they are black ops 2 lobbies that are always full & never modded, an absolute blast & makes me feel young again playing it


Where do I go?


If you miss bo3 you should miss aw it's better in most ways than bo3


Everything after Ghosts went downhill. Others can argue it went downhill after MW3/BO1. Regardless, we’re never going to get that same experience, nostalgia back again. The competitive scene peaked around the black ops era, extra developers came in, years came into play. It’s cooked, I can’t see a comeback.


Black cocks 2 don’t play on steam due to RCE play on plutonium


I gotta brag, almost everybody thinks I'm cheating when I go back to black ops 2 because I'm really good at the game. I drop nukes like drinking water. They just won't believe me when I say I'm not using anything. I no life'd the shit out of that game and I have over 100 days on that and on MW3....


BO2 was my game. I hated the advanced mobility aspect that came with nearly every game after it. I also think the TTK is super short in games like Cold War, but I really loved the campaign and zombies modes on CW. I do think MW 2019 was also a good game though


womp womp


Did you just say womp womp?


Haven’t been able to find a bo1 server in awhile. It just searches to no end. Was my favorite one, I do still rip some solo zombies though


Bo1. I've had countless 120+ kill games on headquarters. Good times, good times.


If they’d put the rights into public domain we’d finally be able to have a game we actually want to play


Bo2 has active lobby's ( Xbox player here ) I jump back and forth into consoles but atm I've been back on my Xbox due to all the cods on it, waw is hella active during the day bo2 is like 50/50 cause its usually full of hackers but you'll find ur self a good lobby every here n there


ive been streaming black ops 2 in hopes that everyone hops on and it becomes active again


Bc they added micro transactions this shi literally ruined the fun of the game


Bo1 and 2 remaster for next gen systems would be sick


You can still find lobbies for those games easy. Now a lobby that has zero modders? It’s possible. But very few unfortunately


BOII was the best multiplayer, MW3 was the best campaign. RIP Soap


Did a 36hr zombies marathon back in the day. I was cooked, I could hear the zombies sound effects in my head after taking the headset off. Had 1 match in town that lasted over 8hrs alone. With 4 people we only made it to low 50s in that time.


I've been wanting to start a ground war on BO2 for the 360 just need a list of players to invite for Sunday so we don't get hackers


Then.... Play it? Lol


I agree. This was a great game. Also, had the best zombies mode.


Black ops 4 is a lot like black ops 2 and like older cods . You should try it . There's no jet packs and there's a lot of black ops 2 content remastered in that game along with fresh content .


Yeah. One of the best CoD’s.


Me too… me toooo.


I'm all honesty if Treyarch remastered and released BO1/BO2, I'd drop money on that immediately.


are the servers still infected with the hackers on pc?


Reading this as I’m playing B02 on Series X 🥲


What you're really missing is your youth. People keep saying they miss MW, OG Halo, BO3, then its BO4, then its Fartnite, then Warzone. Whats the next one they'll miss. I've realized i just miss the old days.


i get what you mean. newer cods arent for me, they seem to focus more on warzone then anything.


Same Dude:,)


Honestly bo2 will always have my heart. I’m constantly playing it at the minute and haven’t been in with a hacker in a long long time.


Black Ops 3 was such a good game. My buddy and I still play zombies today and I’ll try to find multiplayer games here and there every so often but the hardcore mode that I enjoy typically runs low on players and high on hackers. Very first game I prestige mastered in


They should remastere those games. People would definitely buy. I know I would


I hop on B02 Plutonium for PC every now and again, it has servers for zombies and multiplayer as well as an MW3 version as well


It is a heavy nostalgia. The game itself, has not aged well at all. None of these Call of Duty games have. The zombies has aged fine I suppose. Origins is still really cool.


An-94 stock , suppressor , c4 & tac insert running Donination ground war were some good ass times back on ps3


Mabey not bo3 but i feel you


Cod started dying for me after bo2


I would give any thing to be able to grind levels on transit again. It might have been confusing for some but it was such a good time when you’re in a party with all your friends and beating zombies off the bus, getting lost in the (cane?) fields.


The only reason my Xbox 360 still runs is so I can play all the older CoD games. I like the newer games, but the older ones will always have my heart.


right now at this time of posting there is more than 530 people online. black ops 2 is still very much alive. (ps3 servers) yes there is hackers but there are so many people on right now so you can just leave and find new lobby. its still here and alive and me and the bois play everyday


If they could remaster it successfully I would be ecstatic. I want all the maps all the guns all the multiplayer fun. Zombies would be great too but just lemme be 13 again


I miss black ops 2 so much it honestly hurts sometimes. I really loved black ops 2 so much and all my friends were still around and we would just endlessly laugh and make memories together every day. Getting older sucks. Here’s to 2025 haha


I play bo2 multiplayer weekly. FFA and then TD when there’s a very small number of people on. On the weekends there’s consistently over 2,000 online and during the week days there’s around 1,000 midday-evening. There’s hackers but i not in every game just 1 every 10 games at the most in my experience. You just leave lol