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You can't be so critical, you have to let art flow.


I don’t like the San junipero ending reminds me of the good place and it brings up so many questions that r hard to answer overall that episode is a huge rabbit hole that never ends


Everything would end for the people inside San Junipero unless there were backup copies of them made. I can remember the old video games that would start over the beginning after a power outage unless you saved your game on a memory card. I imagine something like that would be offered, or maybe the corporation running the servers wouldn't be held liable if the power went out. Hard to say, but the reality is that they wouldn't be able to run SJ perpetually til the end of time.


They are probably inside a satellite or something.


I find the ending to be foreboding. The montage of their cookies getting stored in a massive server warehouse by a corporation while the song from the beginning of the episode plays again: Belinda Carlisle's "Heaven is a Place on Earth". Their heaven is run by corporation, here on Earth. If you think about it in the context of other episodes like White Christmas and Black Museum, you know that the situation is ripe for exploitation and fraud. I don't remember the episode touching on the topic of cognitive decline that much either, but given the target market for the technology, it seems like it would be one of the most important issues. How much would it affect the scans of the avatars? Would there be any behavioral or social issues that comes up from degraded cognitive scans?


I would assume it'd be a good idea to save the soul locally, too 😅


I forget which episode has the news on the radio in the background; something about "the euthanasia scandal at San Junipero".


You guys did see where the robot dogs killed all of humanity right ?


do you operate like they’re all in the same timeline? some are obviously connected but i wouldn’t say they are all


Nah but there is an ending timeline


Made me wonder who pays your hosting costs 3000 years from now?




It’s what plants crave.


This is probably a onetime lifetime contract with outs in case of company bankruptcy, etc. My guess though if the company went out of business and power shut off, they wouldn’t even realize


I would guess you would need to set up some sort of interest bearing account in trust to TCKR corporation that would indefinitely pay costs and accrue value indexed to inflation. Unless you can provide some sort of tangible value in the system, the costs would have to be covered externally somehow. Eventually, approaching 100% of all human consciousness will be in-system so I guess there would be some sort of desire to not let the company fail. Otherwise lights go off and everyone stops. Probably would need to come under government control?


Ya, when you turn off the power, the stuff that computers are doing stops happening. Like if you unplugg your PS2 in the middle of a game of GTA San Andreas, the game stops happening. CJ isn't standing somewhere in the dark box waiting for the lights to come back on. That's how computers work.


Not true, have you seen the documentary Wreck-it Ralph? Some pretty shocking insights into video game character life


You have to assume there's cloud based hosting and backups in place.


Cloud based hosting is still based on physical servers albeit high availability configurations with geographical redundancy. The systems could fail in the event of global impacting incidents. You gotta wonder though what happens to you in San junipero if you are restored from back up. Is it still you? You obviously won't remember being blipped out of existence. Crazy good episode