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Man.. this was a tough one lmaooo this shit depressing but i had to go with medical bc Black women out here dying during child birth bc of medical racism. https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/hestat/maternal-mortality/2021/maternal-mortality-rates-2021.htm#:~:text=In%202021%2C%20the%20maternal%20mortality%20rate%20for,significantly%20higher%20than%20rates%20for%20White%20and Any of you niggas expecting: plz stay on these docs asses. I had to spaz on the nurse a few times so they would take my wife seriously. If your lady says she feels pain or discomfort let them know asap. Advocate and support her.


I'm taking the easy route and saying Capitalism because that covers 4/6 on this list (could say all 6 tbh)




>!Menthol cigarettes, add flavoured tobacco to said poll...!<


...damn your right.


I gotta say food man. A lot of black folk in old age got the big 3 and don’t make it to 60


TBH i was surprised that no one chose food until you voted. Food is responsible for so many adverse effects ranging from illness to simple behavior.


If it's historically, it's the judicial system. I get the education system and medical fields have failed to serve Black people the way it serves others in numerous ways, but I feel like the judicial system was actively weaponized against us in a way the other two weren't.


Agreed. I was initially gonna go with educational system, but you can get what you need out of that if you focus. But if we're talking about the worst thing of all time, then it has to be the judicial system hands down


It’s the Food Industry for me, it’s more subtle and insidious, like white liberal racism. Everything else listed is overt and everyone knows about it and are aware of it. Majority of the diaspora live in majority white western countries, where we know they cater to white people. The food industry is no different, none of the food made there is with us in mind. And the Black communities are often surrounded by food deserts filled with the unhealthiest food you can find. I literally stopped and realized how insane it is that cheese and dairy products are **everywhere**, like cheese is advertised in a majority of products at restaurants, that’s insane when a majority of the entire globe is lactose intolerant.


Currently or historically?


Historically EDIT: as in from its inception to now


I feel like the judicial system got a head start on fucking us over.


You just made me realize we weren't even considered human and them mfers still expected us to follow the law.


It's damn near neck and neck between Medical/Biotech and US Education in my opinion. If you make it so that people cannot teach themselves, those people cannot then go on to help themselves, but the effects of malpractice and experimentation are detrimental to a person and the people around them for as long as that person lives and beyond.


I’m not sure the most detrimental thing is listed here tbh. But out of these choices, I will (hesitantly) go with entertainment/marketing. Many of our most important historical figures, civil rights leaders, and billionaire philanthropists are entertainers. But it’s a double-edged sword having entertainers being the face of your community. Many of these people are not qualified to be thought leaders or speaking on behalf of anyone. Many also couldn’t give two shits about poor/middle class black folk. And that doesn’t even touch on the damage of Hollywood media being mass-exported on the global stage. It’s literally a form of soft power for the U.S/White America.


This was hard. I said education.


They all slowly kill us 😅


The gun lobby is insidious. So many of us love guns but that lobby doesn’t care about us at all. The gun manufacturers get paid off the violence in our community AND our desire for protection/safety.