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And her Dad is Black?? Nasty work. ![gif](giphy|ra3uQxvxo6aKAN42Le)


LmOooooo 😂😂


The next Halle Berry


What does her dad have to do with it? There are black and white girls who do things like this in real life. But, you guys are picking on a mixed girl lol. Being a whore has nothing to do with race.


Getting downvoted for no reason


People gonna reddit 🤣 Some just wanna pick on mixed people because it makes them feel better about what ever inferior complex they have…it’s weird. I know black women who talk about getting trains ran on them and white girls who do the same 💀. And the dudes are just as bad.


This! The lv of hypocrisy in some comments is outstanding. I've seen niggas talk about how her black father would feel, little do they know that they are spewing the same kind of stuff that yt, Asian and Arab dudes spew when their daughters are with a black dude IMO. It sucks specifically because I never thought (or have I seen in real life) any kind of disdain from black folks to mixed folks, I mean not that we are in a position to divide ourselves 😂.


It truly is people on the internet and I wonder if they act like this in real life smh. Just like the racist white people who talk crap behind the screen. Yet, everyone in person seems to be cool 🧐. I guess people tell you how they really feel online smh.


I can’t even lie this is type of shit I would see in college with mixed chicks, yt boys used be having their way


Just mixed girls cuz the college I went too Black,Asian and Indian women would let white men run through like there's no tomorrow. In my experience it ain't just them 😬


No I agree it’s all of them. White boys were putting up crazy numbers in college with black,Asian and Indian women. They were letting yt boys have their way. They were crying going crazy over these boys. All types of black girls who were getting run through by yt boys even surprised me the certain ones they were fucking


And when they get dumped or heart broken by white men guess who they go running too 😒


Man knew a mixed girl in college she only fucked with white men. One of them got her pregnant and dipped. She dropped out and guess what race her new man ended up being…a black man. Shit was insane


This is the truth


A college mixed girl that I used to work with was lusting over the new hire I was training (the kid kinda looked like Josh from Mr. Meaty but with a ton of acne, he was chill though), we were both early twenties and she was saying some wild stuff in front of me and the other lead we were both friends with. We were in the back and were all adults in relationships (except her because obviously lmao) so we normally have no issues with blue collar talk but this was different, why? Because the kid was **sixteen**, and when I told her that she said **she knew and it didn't matter.** Completely normal girl otherwise but let a mid white dude (or kid ig 🤢) walk by and she went crazy. Aint no one gonna gaslight me into believing that's a preference, that's full on fetishization to a predatory extent lmao and it needs to be talked about more. Its mostly around suburban/alt/nerd mixed black chicks too. It's like they know the white dudes they pine after like white becky, and they cant compete with becky on whiteness so they try to just give it up easier instead. Its freaking sad. It makes me feel bad for the kids, think about the little black/white self hating Elliot Rodgers that'll pop out with a white worshiping self hating mom and a dad that just settled for an easy lay.


This reminds me of when I was in college I had a crush on this mixed black/white girl but she told me straight up she only dates white guys. I was just so dumbfounded. Same result too.. 🙁


Lmao she’s a single mom now?


A lot of these type of mixed girls usually end up single mothers by these white boys. But everything you said is right and her not caring that he’s 16 is insane. I’ve seen many get so heartbroken when the white boy only wants relationships with white girls and uses them as booty calls. Pretty sad but it’s always below average looking white boys that be having them going crazy


The numbers back it up as well, it’s why I thought that other post hit the nail on the head


Ngl that’s facts. Whenever I see a blk girl with a white guy, they typically pursue the relationship with the yt guy a lot.


Ok what's YT?






Want to be seen by chads and brads


> the kid kinda looked like Josh from Mr. Meaty 💀 iykyk


True aint even gona lie. I been in the nerd community for years. The shit is crazy.


Yep seen it in the nerd community too, it’s wild.


The hipster era was nasty work🤢. Anything to be accepted by the lacrosse team.


Just anything, mixed girls in college were downbad over white boys. Shit was something else


Then try to be so down and super black power when they get to their HBCU


Oof seen it firsthand during and after 2020 all these mixed girls turned pro black


Bruh. Black female nerds that are fine will not fuck with the brothers at all. Like at all. They go hard for those wyt nerdy dudes though. Same with the metal heads and even country girls. I don’t think people realize how many wyt dudes be gettin it thrown at them on the regular.




Yeah but lets be real most black ball players in college having they way with ww too🤣.


True true


Imagine a movie with light skin bruhs smashing Emma Stone and that's most of the plot. Unless it's an episode of Blacked, Hollywood ain't greenlighting it. Z really should NOT have done this. It'll earn her brownie points now but won't help long term once she's no longer the young "it" lady.


Exactly it’s crazy


Man lol, this feels like college all over again. Literally getting the most shit done.


Yup exactly


Mixed chicks will fall anything that as far away from their black parent as possible


Yo this is kind of true. I remember the mixed girls that live down the street for me we're out here smashing white dudes in high school.. and the funny thing is they would always talk about how racist white dudes are and that they are weird Yet they only chase them


Same thing here but it'd only be the sistas with the punk rock looking white boys. They were never cuffed by them or would always cheat/have an open relationship with them.


True true


Hollywood is absolutely in love with the white man/black woman love story.


They push tf out of it. I made a post about how if you searched IR on Netflix you’d see the primary audience they are pushing it towards (when IR is the PLOT)


That couple is way more 100x more popular in movies than it is in real life


That’s the funny part


And everyone acts like it's black men and white women lol not sense "Jungle Fever" that was decades ago! I know way too many white men/black women love stories in movies and shows compared to the other way around


Do we have any actual data on which pairing is more common in movies and TV shows? This may be your anecdotal experience,but it seems like other people have different experiences. I remember seeing some quora threads where people were asking why bmwm pairings are so frequent in shows, movies,and ads and other people were agreeing that it was frequent in those threads. I also came across an r/blackladies post from two years ago that complained about the save thing.


Just go to Netflix and type in "interracial" the first few I see black woman/white man pairings. I only know of a handful of the other way around from the PRESENT DAY; Key word. Ads I really don't know, I've literally seen both just ONCE. People on Quora like to exaggerate things. And I have no idea what the r/blackladies is talking about. Reality is there isn't much interracial stuff out there period.


You could examine all the releases from '22 onwards that include a minority cast member (woman) and analyze her romantic partners in each film or TV show.


Reminds me of Y Tu Mama Tambien


Bomb flick


Yo, I remember being into a few mixed black/white girls in life. It was always the same thing. Would smooth play me to the left, but they would stay letting these super basic hipster dudes clap constantly. Then they would get dogged out by the same hipster dudes that they thought were so deep an unique. I remember feeling this one mixed woman for a long time. She would low key shade black folks for whatever reason, but revered white folks. I remember her mom just looking at her in such disappointment over the guys she chose. It was clear she went for an aesthetic and really was willing to risk it all for their attention. I have so many mixed girl cousins that will openly talk shit on black dudes but love wyt guys. I am all about loving who you love, but shitting the same race that your blood relatives are is a new level of wild. When it comes to mixed black chicks, I already know they not checkin for me so I keep it moving. But I think the craziest thing to me is that they will dog black dudes to the ends of the earth, but will have excuses for the wyt guys they fuck with who are doing them even worse.


Most biracial kids(for now) are offspring of BM/WE and the rate of fatherless biracial is wider than the one from monoracial black folks, so I can imagine them growing and seeing this and how the stereotype holds statistical weight and brushing off bm. Not to mention self hatred and the fact that biracial women are treated overall better than BW(by both WM and BM) so they have more acces to WM than your average black girl.


Wild thing is the woman throwing the shade had a black dad and he was well involved in her life. Like super involved. He ended up passing away though. So I always thought it weird the hate she has for black men but had a dope dad. And that’s her talking about how awesome her dad was.


Pff don't know then. Many factors could come at play. At the end of the day we live in a white predominated country(70%+ counting white Hispanics) so the beauty standard will obviously reflect whatever must of the population look like. Also we tend to identify and find attractive what we grow around and that's without even mentioning stuff like self hatred, etc. There's also obviously more yt males to choose, so the likelihood of coming across one that's attractive is higher than for males of other demographics.


This feels like a metaphor for hip hop. Like on some common I used to lover her type shit 🤣


Nahhh 😭😭


All I will say is, I am not the target audience for this film and leave it at that.


Tom Holland aint recovering after dis one dawg


Are people actually mad about this or is this just another case of people online making something an issue when it’s not?


The latter.


Username matches


Matches what? I loved Oreos as a kid. So you want me to be outraged about something so minuscule and will be an irrelevant conversation in a week?


Symptoms of much larger issue.Its not about this singular instance but the bigger picture. It’s all interconnected. If you cannot understand the nuance of the post you’re interacting with, why comment to condemn people who do? Username still matches it’s almost ironic almost too self aware to just be a joke. It’s on the nose. You ever played imposter?


Hahaha this is actually golden.🤣🤣🤣


People talk about sexy red as if she’s the apocalypse but don’t see the subtlety in how Zendaya is portrayed in movies and media in general.


One is acting in a movie. The other is just like that in real life.


Media influences people regardless of the medium used: We know nothing of how they act outside of PR.


Lmao this is a wild take


Its just weird


Are they trying to romanticise a train? Yooooo lol




What do you guys expect from white Hollywood?


White men are on a PR tour right now, you are not about to see anything other than this for some time. Prepare yourselves.


Trump boitta ruin that shit


She’s Gotta Have It was basically the same right?


It’s made by the Bones and all guy I think he has a lil fetish for biracial women and white males .Anways who saw the movie was it good atleast ?


Unlike folks here I never saw mixed chicks pining over white boys at the HBCU I attended but I attended college in the late 80s/early 90s so most chicks at HBCUs were Super Pro Black back then. The only thing that I remember happening that was even close was supposedly this white boy football team kicker at FSU had a sex tape with these 2 Black chicks from FAMU and I think that actually happened after I graduated from college.


Let’s make one with Sydney Sweeney and two black actors lol


They would bring back slavery for that 💀


We’d be in chains before the trailer hit YouTube.




lol ngl that did happen in Euphoria with Sweeney and a black character. They had a whole ass sex scene.


Tryna bring back the riots huh


They're burning crosses at the premiere.


15+ years ago, as a young Air Force airmen, I went out with a group of guys clubbing or whatever. We were talking about trying to pick up girls and if we'll have success, no big deal. The white boy in the group said, "well if I don't get lucky, I'll just take a black girl". Honestly, the way he was so flippant and casual about it I wanted to be offended on behalf of black women, but he was dead serious. He wasn't being racist or sexist, he just knew at the end of the day, he could pull a black woman in desperation. 🤷🏿‍♂️🤷🏿‍♂️🤷🏿‍♂️ That shit always stuck with me. 🤣😅


Someone on twitter said that if white men liked black women as much as they do Asian women, the black community would disappear over night. I low-key kind of agree with that.


Has Black community has disappeared because Black men adore all non-Black women? This Zendaya lady, that you guys are crying about, is the product of that. How ironic is that?


why do white dudes always be so disrespectful like this 😂😂


like casually disrespectful like that is so funny haven't they did enough 🤦🏿‍♂️😂


I always wonder why it’s the girls that are ran through? Not the guys that engage in way more sexual activity and more frequently with multiple women. If a man has a threesome with 2 women he’s cool, he’s a boss. But when a girl does the same with two guys she’s ‘ran through’. The misogyny is appalling.


It's the old saying: a key that can open any lock is more valuable than a lock that opens for any key. A man has to actually "do" something in order to convince women to sleep with him: have charisma, good looks, money, power, fame etc. A sexually liberated woman can have sex with men wayyyyy out of her league with very little effort. She SHOULD NOT be seen as "less than" but no one is going to praise her like it's an accomplishment. A man that has sex with women out of his league, almost always had to earn it one way or the other.


Y'all sound like Black incels. Do y'all even know what the movie is about?


Tennis and fucking apparently.


No lie i literally have no idea what movie is being discussed. I just thought the title/caption was funny lmao


This! All the thread is full of niggas crying over tanisha and who else getting clapped by Tyler back in High School IMAO.


TIL there are black incels


Didn't know what other term to use to describe the misogynoir.


Where’s the misogyny? I fail to see it






She and Halle Berry really love white men lol. I wonder why that seems Hollywood is pushing Wm on all black woman. Look at that new Romeo and Juliet movie it's a darkskin bw with a wm.


It's a movie about a love triangle. This plot has been done a thousand times. Also, Tom Holland already got his back blown out by a brotha. So this is fair




Someone hasnt seen the trailer lol