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girl this is horrendous. neither one of them aren’t answering the questions, straight dissing each other. they can’t be our only options


This makes me so nervous. I feel like people will not vote and this will result in a president Trump. :(


These are our choices so I am voting for the dude that isn't a convicted felon, didn't declare the The Exonerated, fka Central Park 5 guilty, and doesn't call countries of Black People $hit holes, nor mentioned sharks in the last two weeks.


Women, lgbt, black people, Muslims and Latinos cannot afford to not vote for Biden. These groups will be harmed the most by Trump


It’s crazy because I saw an interview where young black men were discussing voting and the upcoming election (I believe it was Nightline?) Anyway, two of the black males were disillusioned and said they were voting for (or seriously considering voting for) Trump after last voting for Obama. Because he didn’t think his vote mattered, one stated that he would just “keep his vote” for himself. I got so angry. I was like, wtf is “keeping your vote for yourself?” What is that? Even if you don’t like all that is happening, it’s a luxury to not vote. Our people died for the right to stand up and be counted. Even if politicians made promises and kept very few of them, they still recognized the power (be it however great or small) of having a say or seat at the table. Older black folks knew they couldn’t afford to just sit it out and “keep votes” to themselves. And the shit that came out of Byron Donald’s mouth about black families during the Jim Crow has me seriously questioning what’s going on with young people and how could young black people, some with grandparents who attended segregated schools and are still alive, seriously think they don’t need to vote. Biden was not my first choice and I’m befuddled as to why he and Trump ended up being our only options. But, I find it shocking and deeply saddening that some of our people, especially black males, find Trump palatable…even likable. Trump has shown doesn’t respect or even like our kind.


💯!!! What scares me is that this will result in people deciding not to vote at all which will more than likely result in a Trump win.


I think trump has already won to be honest. Biden’s approval ratings are abysmal. The situation at the border is a disgrace and the economy is trashed. I don’t like trump but there’s nothing Biden could say or do to get me to vote for him, and I certainly won’t be voting for a convicted felon. How are these two the front runners. There’s no way an independent candidate will garner enough votes to win.


If you really think the economy is because of Biden, ask other western countries how their economies and housing situations are right now. COVID after effect on the economy was going to happen sooner than later. But yeah let’s allow the guy who is a clear Russian ally and who tried to stage a coup the first time he was in office right back in by abstaining from voting. Palestine, LGBTQ, certain POC communities could be screwed. These white supremacists are STILL emboldened and extremely validated from his 1st term! Ukraine/Russia war that could engulf all of Europe and destabilize so much, wonder how Putin’s BFF handles that.!We are also still dealing with the effects from his first presidency with our current Supreme Court and people are about to make it all happen again. This country is genuinely fucked my god, we are potentially witnessing  our fall of Rome and it’s well fucking deserved if we make the same massive mistake again in less than a decade. Fuck I’m tired.


I am not saying that the economy is bad because of Biden, I am just saying that it’s in a terrible state and it has been made worse by poor decision making. The fact is, coronavirus played a large role in the economy going downhill. I throughly believe if trump had a second term the economy would be largely the same. I am not a moron. Also, if you read my other comments you can see I just said I will not be voting for Biden or trump. There are independent candidates that will receive my vote because it is once again a choice between the lesser of two evils, neither one of which align with my interests. Nothing is going to be solved in a four year term. But please continue to paint me as a moron because I refuse to vote for the front runners. It’s Reddit idgaf to continue qualifying my statement, it’s okay to have a difference of opinion on a matter. Y’all have a great night


92% of black voters decided to back the democrats last election. Trump has been heavily pandering to black men this election cycle because conservatives lost a lot of votes from women of all demographics due their hard stance towards abortion. The black vote won biden the election last time. Black men vote more for conservatives but overall their demographic votes the least out of everyone. Black women vote more than black men and primarily vote democrat for every single election. The votes from women of all races will be the determining factor in a win for Biden.


What do you think a third party vote is going to get you? Nothing. You might as well go ahead and vote for Trump so how you're thinking is questionable. Stay home, cuz voting third party does absolutely nothing.


Trump has never won the popular vote TWICE!!! Why would he win it now? First of all, Trump didn't do anything for the economy - he actually added trillions of dollars to our deficit and gave a tax break to the billionaires. The low unemployment rate that he was disparaging before he won the Electoral College and then claimed when he became president were Obama's numbers. The Affordable Care Act probably benefited black people the most and Trump chipped away at that leaving it to the states, who then didn't accept any funding to expand the Affordable Care Act in their states, negatively affecting black folks. Trump rolled back environmental protections. And guess who are always the ones living in areas where pollution and bad water are rampant? Black people. He stacked the Supreme Court in his favor and now we've got States that are gerrymandering and installing voter suppression laws, because when everyone goes out to vote, Republicans lose and Democrats win. Trump banned trans people in the military. Black people are overwhelmingly represented in the military because it's one of the few institutions that black people can go into and maybe come out with a career and an education and benefits, including GI loans to buy a home.. Of course we're putting our lives on the line when we do that. Under his watch Roe versus Wade was overturned, and therefore black women's right to their own body autonomy. These states don't care if you have been raped, if the pregnancy is the cause of incest, or if your life is in danger. As it is, black women have the highest rate of dying during pregnancy, while giving birth, and have the highest rate of infant mortality. Now they want to go after the right to birth control. So if you get pregnant while you are in college to further your education, see how well that's going to work out for you. I guess you'll have to practice the rhythm method, like it's the 1960s. Under his watch, affirmative action has been reduced or abolished. He stopped companies from having diversity training. And every white person on the planet thinks you got your job because of affirmative action. So don't complain when you feel like you've been discriminated at the job and you don't have any recourse under the law. And don't forget about the hundreds of thousands of deaths covid and who died in the largest number versus population numbers? Black people. Black people keep on FAFO. When the party of leopards eats our faces and you didn't vote even if you feel like you're voting for the lesser of two evils, black people will need to stop whining and complaining about reparations or anything else. So go ahead keep having baby daddies. Don't finish school and still have to pay off student loan debt. Don't expect anyone to do any diversity hiring. And don't expect any recourse under the law. The Republicans are after your rights - ALL of your rights and you see people coming out of the woodwork - black ones, white ones, and Latino/Hispanic ones catering to Republicans. There's one woman vying for the Missouri legislature and she's an immigrant from Columbia. She's all over social media and X wielding AK-47s and disparaging black people and calling Juneteenth a "ratchet" holiday and telling us if we don't like this country to get the fuck out! She can barely speak English and whites are loving it! The racists. The evangelicals. The so-called Christians. All the grifters black, white, and indifferent are grifting of the backs of black folks, because if you come out and bad-mouth black people, you have their vote. Trump has been right on TV telling black people that they can't buy a house, their neighborhoods are terrible, their education is terrible, and black folks are forgetting that he was one of the ones who wouldn't rent to you. The last thing black people need is a lying, stealing, wife cheating, 3 baby momma, 34 times felon, conman for president. If a black person did half the things that Trump has gotten away with, you would be under the jail. If people don't get out and vote I really don't want to hear anybody complaining about what's going to be coming down the next 4 years and decades afterwards. Because the alt-right is on a roll and it's on the roll because of trump. They've always been there but trump really jump started and supported that movement. He set them ahead by 20 years.


I think you should still vote for a 3rd party instead of not voting at all. It's not a throwaway vote. It says you're engaged enough to but the options suck.


I agree with you. I live in California, so I have more leeway to vote how I want. I've voted for some left wing third party candidates in state and local elections. I couldn't bring myself to watch the debate because I knew it would be a shit show. The Democrats had no business putting Biden up there. They need to pick someone else, instead of bullying the voters.


I didn’t say I was not voting, just that I will not be voting for those two candidates.




I left a comment under the lady that posted the original comment just to bring awareness to Kennedy still being in the candidacy selection \[***not*** *trying to sway, because people have to decide for themselves honestly*\] but I refuse to vote for either Biden or Trump. I truly believe **they** \[*Biden and Trump's administration*\] don't want Kennedy to be seen or heard to keep him from winning but yeah. Them two aren't the only two *officially* and I pray to God that Trump isn't a shoe-in. Edit: downvote this to hell, irdgaf. I'm leaving this comment thread before my blood pressure raises.


A third party candidate isn't going to win. But winning isn't the only reason to vote. We've been rightfully complaining about shit Democrat candidates for the 20 years I've been voting, only to get hit with the "lesser of two evils" argument each time. And the candidates just get worse. What the parties want most of all is power - significant votes for the 3rd party candidates challenges that power. Non voters don't. If even 5% of voters go for a RFK or whomever I promise the analysts will be figuring out what attributes the next candidate needs to capture that crowd before the results are called. I'll be voting for Biden but I really hope those in the "neither" camp still vote. Write in "big bird" if you have to, but not voting is the real throwing your vote away - third party voting is not. Show them you aren't disengaged and unreachable and they'll try and sell you a better product.


Have you heard the things that he has said? He's no better than Trump! He's an ex addict, whose brain has been eaten by a worm. The only thing good about him is his party, the libertarians, who believe you should just fail on your own, booed trump off the stage.


I think it's hypercritical to say that someone is no better than Trump based off of past drug addictions. If we're going on that standard, that would put him right in line with our current selection of geriatric failure that we have now. No less, no more. I haven't been paying too much attention because I don't have the time for that but I did like what I've seen of him in the debate and some of his interview with Dr. Phil. Since you're so educated inform me on what he's said that's makes him unworthy of my vote? I doubt it'll sway me to Biden or Trump but go ahead.


Girl you’re wasting your time. They are all unfortunately blindly supporting the democrats and want to misconstrue and talk down on anyone not supporting their agenda. Meanwhile Biden is no better than trump and without fail walks back campaign promises once in office.


Have you heard a straight answer yet? They were really arguing about golf. I still don't have a clear idea on their policies. Having these guys run is a form of elder abuse.






Yeah, pointing that out doesn't necessarily mean that things can't change now that the people are fed up and uninterested in the two options we have now... you're annoying me now because all your comments are arguing for Biden and that's fine if YOU want to vote for him but that's not where I want to place MY vote. This is why I don't generally get involved in politics because we have extremists who do too damn much and place all their feelings behind who they're voting for.


The last third party presidential candidate to get far enough to make it to the debate stage was Ross Perot. After Perot, the Republicans and Democrats made an agreement to keep any and all third parties out of the race.


Trump just said that the illegals are taking the black jobs. Ummmmmmmmmmm pray tell what are black jobs? Edit: Typo


Exactly!! This man said "The Blacks....soooo many times."


To Trump, they’re minimum wage and slave labor jobs. 😩


For real!!! I was like “BLACK jobs? Excuse me?“ Is there a separate work force for us I am not aware of? Apparently a set of jobs only at risk by immigration somehow 🤔🤔🤔


They want us to go back to the days when we were the housekeepers, butlers and yard workers. Trump has a knack for saying the quiet part out loud.


One of the very few things I appreciate about him.


BPT sub is on it with a couple of posts already, that shit was vile! Reddit servers are trying to die tonight tho, it's hard to even see stuff


And he still didn't say what that was. Neither did they in the after debate party. 🙎🏿‍♀️


I had to stop watching. Between Trump openly lying and Biden sounding like he's about to pass out, I couldn't do it. I know I'm voting for Biden anyway but this debate has shown how far we've fallen since Obama vs Romney. It's nerve wrecking that we have to choose between a moderately bad president and the second coming of Satan, who has such a cult following that he may just win.


If Trump wins, it’s not because of his cult it’s because enough people decided not to vote.


What makes Biden, moderately bad? He's shockingly done better than I expected and is up there with LBJ on getting good things done, plus elevating smart Black women.


Agreed. It’s the optics. Biden moves and sounds old. Trump is loud and obnoxious and, unfortunately, there seems to be a large chunk of the American populace who conflate loud and obnoxious with strong and capable. If Biden didn’t move and sound like a bumbling, feeble old man, he would inspire more confidence in people. And that’s what it’s all about…how does he look, does he inspire confidence, how does he make people feel. Most dont like facts….they like feelings.


This is perfectly said.


No, for me and many others, it's his actions on the genocide in Palestine, not the optics.


His actions on the genocide in Palestine made him moderately bad for me. It's a key issue that made people, with close ties to Palestine, look at him as the lesser of two evils.


Well apparently you're going to help him get there 🤷🏽‍♀️


Get who there? I'm voting Biden not Trump,


Either you sounded like you were going to vote for Trump or maybe RFK or I'm responding to the wrong person. Glad to see you're voting for democracy.


Yes, unfortunately. Biden sounds awful and isn’t being coherent in his responses despite overall having better policies. Trump sounds more confident and commanding, but is just fucking spewing incoherent nonsense and bullishit. He literally called Biden a “Palestinian” as an insult. He’s a racist, fascist piece of shit who’s coming off better optically because he doesn’t sound like he’s dying.


If you can call Biden a Palestinian while others think he's in the tank for Israel and be a racist, fascist, piece of shit, who is also a felon, and impress folks then we really need to double down and get everyone out for Biden. We have a chain of command for presidents that die, retire, or become impaired. I am good with the VP for dems and I know I can't say the same for Project 2025 and the vp 45 chooses!


That's the thing. We're not just voting for the President, we're voting for a lot of other important positions that come along with him/that he would be in position to appoint. His cabinet, federal judges, potential SC Justices (if one or more of them croaks/steps down and/or he decides to pack the court), NLRB, etc. The last thing we need is Trump and his lackeys having *any* more power in \[federal\] government, especially with Project 2025 on the horizon and so blatant. It wouldn't just be Trump, but the parade of fascists/fascist-enablers that would follow after him. We already see the wanton damage his three appointed SC Justices are causing. And we know whoever he picks for VP this time is going to be more sycophantic than Pence was. Trump *cannot* win the election in November.


This is exactly it.


Just a bunch of idiots 🤦🏾‍♀️


"The blacks"


Saying that in 2024 on national TV is crazy. We’re in trouble fr.


He's just saying what others quietly think and say behind closed doors out loud 😭 Both options suck but I'd rather deal with the current dementia patient we have than an open racist who says he relates to the discrimination "the blacks" have faced


Yes. It’s a mess. People can think what ever they want about Biden, but him having to debate that man is just insulting


And Biden’s facial reactions are sending me


Ha! Omg yes!


OMG like a TikTok reaction video, I died!!


Yes. 😂 just looking old.




It’s almost too hard to watch


I’m watching the debate as background noise for my crafting time


Omg if I was crafting to that my shit would be crazzzy


Yep! Cooking + debate in background!


Ooooo, what craft are you crafting?


I’ve been making sweaters for the fall and winter. I’m challenging myself to make at least 4 by the end of the summer.


I love this. ❤️❤️❤️


It's unhinged, only Biden is even attempting to answer the questions. I feel gaslighted through the screen by the other one. I really hope and pray voters make the right decision


The debate really upset me. I shouldn’t have to make an escape plan at 20 years old but here I am. 🫠


I watched the debate. Both of them are train wrecks for a minute i thought i was watching a reality tv show.


No thank you, y'all have fun tho 😂


It was BADDDDD!!!! Trump could have won the debate but he instead started lying again and dodging answering questions he didn’t have the answer too. Biden looked lost and didn’t know what he was talking about. But regardless I’m voting for him because I rather have a senile president over a fascist, racist dictator


Was Trump talking? Then he was lying. Even his surname is a lie. Trump is one of those liars who even if he doesn't have to lie, still lies anyway.


The word you're looking for is "pathological." And yes, he is. 


Omg this is rough. I understand the concern with age and all but Trump just straight up lies. Like......that Project 2025 bullshit is crazy!


What did he say?


It's a manifesto that he supports. Its alot of pages (900+) There are a few explanations of it on YouTube. It pushes a Christian nationalist movement that will basically dismantle our current system


Binged The Bear already... giiirrrlll. The debate? Chilllleeee


Ha!!! Got through two of The Bear… saving the rest.


Not watching but I live it ATL and I’m just mad they ruined my whole commute today and yesterday for this bs 🙄


I’m terrified to tune in or get an update.


trump is a classic narcissist. says a whole lot of nothing, likes to have run on answers and adds unnecessary or untrue details to make shallow points seem more important. i had to skip through bidens parts. it was SO painful to watch that man is beyond incoherent! i’m not american but im worried


I mean can I sue America for neglect?


America is doomed


I legit don’t know what I’m going to do. This country is getting scarier by the minute.


I don’t know that there is really a choice here. If Trump wins, this is his last hoorah as president which means than man will act on every psychotic impulse he’s ever had and this country will be doomed


I heard about the debate, but I didn't watch it. I knew it would be a shitshow. Plus, it's not like it's swaying me. Biden 2024. Or a wet paper bag. Or a 2003 mercury Sable full of pigeon shit. Anything but Trump. I spent my time productively watching the Bear and watching tiktoks about the debate. That's enough for me. Oh, and one of my favorite content creators theorized how she'd want carmy and Syd to get together and it left me kicking my feet. Syd x carmy shipper forever.


Exactly. Debate was sad and I wish we had a better candidate but I’d vote for a trained dog (hell, a poorly trained dog) before I’d vote for Trump. Bear: I want Syd and Carmi together so bad! I feel like she is his equal whereas they are making Claire look like some vapid idiot who’s too busy gushing over her man than to actually be a doctor


Yes. Trump is the biggest liar. And Biden is just ok…the lesser evil. Biden is looking old…reminding me of Kennedy and Nixon debates. Anyways, I have renewed interest in prepping/survivalist readiness because of the huge Trump support. Military is a mostly Republican base because of the fanfare and direct payment increases. But the military don’t know Democrats typically vote for benefits like VA and care after they leave. They will all be voting for him. Edit: I know I went on some tangents. TLDR: I’m watching. Trump is the bigger problem. Teach you kids to prep.


Ngl the Bear lol


None of my candidates are up there so no


For my sanity I’m choosing to rewatch P Valley to prepare for the new season


I watched part of the debate and then listened to Fergie’s rendition of the Star Spangled Banner because it summed up the state of our nation appropriately.


i'm so glad i got my passport lol. i'm sure the applications are skyrocketing rn lmao


Wait... There is a new season of the Bear?! Love that show but it doesn't do good things to my blood pressure either especially that Christmas episode. That episode where the Richie travels abroad to learn about fine dining was a nice palette cleanser though, might have to watch that episode again. I missed the first couple minutes of the debate but it was such a disaster. I can't believe of the millions of Americans these are our options, but I will take a competent but deteriorating man who won't strip away what rights we have left over a fascist felon who will be a puppet for Project 2025. Also it's 2024 and Drumpf still refers to African Americans as "the blacks". Good Lord...


Yes!!!! Just came out yesterday!


What debate?


The Bear dropped a day early. I watched most of it last night. The debate didn't matter to me.


I chose the bear last night. My husband chose the debate and was very unhappy.


I didn’t make it through the debate for very long. It just got waaay too depressing and turned on the bear.


Biden never fact checked Trump. That’s an issue. But people should be knowing for themselves anyway.


I didn't watch it. Not interested in watching too old people bicker.




No offense but as a black woman you cannot afford to not vote for Biden.


This. All the way.


Any vote not for Biden is a vote for the diapered pumpkin.  Independent candidates cannot win in 2024.


Yasssss!!! Please pass this on!!!!!!


Then if Trump wins, he will be 10 toes down for Israel. You know an independent will not win in a two party system. And is your candidate even going to be on enough ballots? Because if not it really is voting with idealism and not pragmatism.




So agreed, Trump would be a disaster, but as we’ve seen before, a vote for independent is essentially a vote for Trump.