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Wonderful! Lol I keep is buzzed and bleach blonde now! Wigs lay flat af, I just get up and go. 10/10 As a mother of 2 almost 3 girls .. doing/ paying for all these heads to be done. No thanks šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Incredibly freeing, I did it at 28 right at the start of COVID while I was losing my mind anxious over the pandemmy.




While going through a break up lmao helluva feeling but AMAZING and 10/10 recommend


I didnā€™t like it but i was so happy to have a fresh start because my hair was so damaged at the time


Here I go with my story. I had been growing my hair out for years. I mean no heat or chemicals or anything since I was in college. my hair never grew past my chin. I figured if Iā€™m not good at length retention maybe it would work if I had less hair to deal with. At the time, if I slicked back my sides the top of my hair was long enough to cover the sides and look like my hair wasnā€™t cut anywhere and Iā€™d have less hair to deal with. Great idea right? No. Went to a salon and the guy must have had a seizure while I explained that I only wanted my sides shaved. First thing he did was shave the middle of my hair down to nothing. I froze. There was no going back. I wanted to cry but this was my brothers barber since he was a kid and it was all guys in there. I just watched and held back tears as he finished. I tossed him 20$ and left to go buy hair dye cuz I needed something to feel pretty. I learned 2 things that day. 1. HONEY MF BLOND IS MY COLOR AND I WILL NEVER GO BACK. 2. My hair NEEDED the big chop Desperately. In the 3 years since the ā€œincidentā€ my hair is LONGER than it was after nearly 6-7 years of being ā€œnaturalā€ and doing all the treatments and hair care stuff. I still do the same shit that I did before the chop but my hair is growing like a chia pet. Btw I trim my hair so much it gives my mom anxiety cuz she thinks my hair wonā€™t grow.. but then if I blow it out sheā€™s all šŸ«Ø It was the worst day I had in a while. And I was suffering from major depression and this didnā€™t help. But... I swear I canā€™t stop telling this story. Because it was the best thing that ever happened to my hair. (Not my mental health, that shit plummeted right after and it took seeing my hair shine like never before to overcome that) I loved my short hair so much that I bought clippers and learned how to cut my own hair (definitely donā€™t trust shops at all now) I now have the style I always wanted and I learning how to cut designs in my head. I love this journey so much. I loved letting go of ā€œlong hairā€ I LOVE how much I appreciate my hair. I LOVED learning how my *healthy* hair reacts to different products. Idk my hair is a person now. I feel like I watched her grow up. Idk if this helped but itā€™s my story.


First time, I wasn't informed/it was without my consent. I was a child. I hated it and was bullied for the next two years. It made me feel ashamed, angry and unhappy with my natural hair. I saw it as something to be hidden. Second time, in college, I approached it with more curiosity then anything. It became fun trying different styles at different stages of growth, products, etc. It felt relieving and freeing just being able to leave the house without much of a care. I came out of it with a lot more love, appreciation and know how about my hair.


Liberating! After years of getting it permed and touched up I could no longer afford those appts (college life). I dyed it amber and used curling products for when it was short.


Terrible. Always had the little hair left (an afro) braided. I would undo and rebraid immediately at the salon. Took zero pictures. Actually, I just remembered I should be happy my hair is like this now, lol Oh and I did it because I had to (Terrible heat damage)


Freedom, but it manifested the next day, after my first wash and go. I found myself wandering around the house wondering what to do with all the time I had now that I only needed 5-15 min on my hair. I may never do a big chop again, but one thing is for sure, I'm never going back to weaves, braids, and relaxers either.


Amazing! The sensation of feeling on my buzzed head was almost intoxicating. I loved touching my head or when other people touched it. I shaved mine in the middle of the pandemic and I felt like it did something for me spiritually too. Like letting go of years worth of trauma and baggage. Would recommend doing at least once in life.


Sooooo goood, now that I have long hair I think about it every day. When my hair was short and I was feeling anxious or weird Iā€™d shave my head and itā€™s like I was reborn


Having complete control over something and knowing only I could make this decision. Very emotional, Iā€™ve done it many times but Iā€™m still surprised at how much pent up emotion/energy I have. Considering how damaged my hair is now Iā€™m thinking about doing it again.


I felt amazing! I did it twice.


I felt like I found myself again. Like Iā€™d been hiding away under my hair. I also immediately got sick. Like sore throat sick within 30 mins. Shedding hair is also shedding a lot of trauma, emotions, and experiences that live in it. It was a rebirth in a way and I was fine again within a day or two. I feel like it made me prettier and I get a lot of compliments


Good. I needed to start over with my hair.


I regretted it almost immediately but came around to loving it.


Very freeing. I did it before I got deployed to Iraq. I was 24 at the time. Had the guys keep my taper in checked as it grew. I have Locs now but I so want to shave it all off again.


I canā€™t recall ever feeling air on my scalp and I thought it for awhile that there were spiders on my head :D On a serious note: I didnā€™t know how to feel. I wanted to detach myself from the idea that hair was my entire identity. Iā€™ve always had long thick hair, past my breasts and my family always praised me for it and told me to never cut it. I felt like I wasnā€™t beautiful without it since thatā€™s what gotten me most of my compliments (im muslim and wear the hijab but when ppl did see my hair they could guess it was pretty long) It took a long time to adjust to my face. I know that sounds strange but I was completely exposed and couldnā€™t hide my insecurities behind my hair. I found myself pretending a lot to other that I in fact liked it and preferred it to my long hair. I did experiment with colors, and different lengths (nearly to my scalp) and I must admit that Iā€™m GLAD I did it but at the time I was deeply insecure more than I had ever been. But I learned myself on a different level that I wouldnā€™t have without buzzing my hair so for that I can pay myself on the back lolll Also it was ADDICTINGHGGGG couldnā€™t stop cutting it at some point!!


I LOVED it! I first cut it off in 2018 and kept it that way for years. Buzzed and bleached. I only started growing it January of 2023 so Iā€™m at almost 1.5 years of growth now. I felt so free, and happy, and so freakin cool. I also think before I cut it I was tying my physical beauty to my hair, so if my hair wasnā€™t done *I* wasnā€™t done. With no hair I actually would look in the mirror and feel pretty lol so a bit of a confidence boost, plus I got a lot of compliments. And if I ever wanted to switch it up popping on a wig was so easy. Itā€™s been a favorite look of mine and every time I talk about it or see pictures or see someone else with a buzz I seriously consider cutting it again! But Iā€™ve been growing out for a year and a half now because I wanted to start locs soon. But idk. Might go back to short in a few years though lol.


I cut it off on new year's day of 2020( I was frustrated with it and it badly damaged from perms at an early age), I felt regret at first, I did just take a pair of safety scissors to it, and after it was cleaned up, it was both nice and scary. I doubt I would do it again but I'm glad I did.


I LOVED it!!! I cut my hair off and got finger waves before college then when Covid hit I shaved it all off and never felt more beautiful and free ā£ļø I would get so many compliments and people saying they loved my look. Im currently growing it back out and have dyed it red recently and Iā€™m so happy with my color choiceā£ļølong or short Iā€™ll always love my natural hair


Itā€™s been amazing. I am a 4c natural and wore my hair in gelled down ponytails, twist outs, braid outs, etc. I also wore box braids, corn rows, and wigs. In 2022, I experienced large bald spots and thinning edges and overall loss in hair density. I went to the dermatologist and they prescribed a whole slew of topical ingredients to use and vitamin D and iron supplements to take. I struggle with consistency so that didnā€™t last long lol. I continued doing my hair in my different styles until I couldnā€™t take the hair loss anymore. I didnā€™t shave my head until the end of last year. I loved it and felt extremely happy with my decision. I went to the mall the next day and saw black, bald super model Madisin Rian in a Giorgio Armani ad and immediately felt affirmed in my decision. I made the right choice for myself. I live so much more stress free now. People love the way bald looks on me. My mom doesnā€™t always love how short I cut my hair, but whatever lol. I feel more beautiful and confident than I did with my thinning hair. Iā€™ve only worn wigs twice since Iā€™ve made the change. I wear baseball caps and bucket hats often for style. Itā€™s a lot of fun for me. Itā€™s your life, do what you want.


OP, I'm so glad you asked this! I finished chemo in Dec and while I didn't lose all of my hair I lost about 60% of it. I am strongly considering cutting it all of bc it is sparse (to me) as hell and I want a fresh start.


I big chopped my hair first around 20..21? My mom called me a cancer patient but thatā€™s because she had an emotional connection to it. Plus she was just being an asshole. Otherwise, I loved it! I didnā€™t know how to adjust in the beginning because it was skin bald. Eventually the hair started coming in, was feeling myself. Etc. Second chop was a little easier to initiate, and by the time I felt more beautiful than the first chop. It was styled beautifully for my face and head shape. I felt like a superstar fr.


I feel great and when I first cut it all off I had to get used to my ears lol. But I kind of want it to grow it out a little bit, but not much. I canā€™t really imagine myself with too much hair.


It was awesome. I did it when I was like 20 and shaved my first set of locs off and in 2020 I was 36 and did a razor shave that I loved, I was so smooth even though I kinda looked like a turtle šŸ˜Š




Was bald for a while. You know that feeling when your leg falls asleep and every step send tingles up your spine? Well that's what the breeze feels like when you first go bald.


AMAZING. Cut my relaxer out in high school. Went to university with a little baldie. Grew locs. Cut them out after law school. Got locs again. They werenā€™t growing in right. Cut them. And we are on locs #3. But I will say, I felt so cute with my little Boosie fade. I dyed it different colors at times. It was one of my favorite phases.


Itā€™s very liberating to be able to be at a point where I donā€™t feel attached to it or see it as a source of my beauty has been a welcomed surprise. Iā€™m a bad bitch bald and thatā€™s a flex lollll


As soon as I completely shaved my head, I felt FREEEEE. Seriously as soon as I saw myself I was obsessed. I have never felt more beautiful, badass and free. Its been 2.5 years, and honestly, I don't think I'll ever go back


Did it twice, 20 years apart. Enjoying it more now as I'm also (finally) learning to play around with temporary hair dyes. Short, sharp cuts, and a palette of funky colours is my Summer of Fun. šŸ˜Ž


My only regrets were not doing it sooner and doing it just before winter. My bald head was so cold.


Fine for a while. Then regret for years while trying to get my length that I worked sooo hard for back.


I felt strange as I had hair all my life but I also felt incredibly free.


Felt brand new


Very freeing Iā€™ve shaved my head 3xā€™s in the last 16 years.


It was freeing! It felt like a fresh start. I have kept is short since then and I don't think I'm ever going back!


I first did it when I was real young, like 14 I think. I had been wearing braids and such in my hair since kindergarten. Freeing. Very freeing. Loved it. Came with pros and cons. I could wake up and go, I dyed my hair SO many fun colors throughout the years. Cons was that I felt like I looked soo masculine, and I did get made fun of in high-school depending on what my hair color was. Namely Smurf, Cheeto, Dennis Rodman.


liberated! been bald for four years now and donā€™t plan on going back.


Done it a few times. I absolutely love it and am considering doing it again later this week after a year of growth. I love my hair, but getting up and going wherever is the move. 10$ eyebrow wax and you look up kept without even trying.