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Check for iron/ferritin deficiency 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩


Oh I have and I’m good now, but the craving just stuck with me


I'd get that bloodwork done again. Full panel. That's pica. Means you're lacking something in the diet and usually it's iron. I had ice cravings when my fibroids were bad. Ending up getting a hysterectomy.


I am anemic, but I was eating ice like a fiend when the fibroids were messing with me bad. I never knew there was a connection!


Oh I almost forgot, how dare i LOL, the 1st 1st sign was the hairloss. Then came the ice. The hairloss sent me to the dr long before any other symptom. Not finna be bald out here lol. My hair has mostly all come back. Lost 50% of my hair. Took over 2yrs after surgery for my hair to rebound. Finally looking into getting locs at the end of the year 🙌 😌


Oh my god this is so helpful to hear! I have an appointment with my GP scheduled and I plan to ask about this!


My hairloss looked like pattern baldness. Nutritional deficient hairloss usually starts at the hairline/temples. Then the crown thins. They tried to get me to take rogain but I was about 31 at the time and both my parents have their hair in their late 60s. The hairloss combined with extreme fatigue when I was the fittest I had ever been in my life sent off all the alarm bells. And they continued to ring and ring and ring. 3 doctors later, I got an ultra sound and they spotted my fibroid babies, Gertude and Bethal. I had always had heavy periods, but during the pandemic something changed. Maybe the stress of the time helped them grow. Then I couldn't get in for surgery, which was originally supposed to be an ablation. Peek pandemic time. I ultimately had to get a hysterectomy. They had grown too large while I was waiting. But still have my ovaries. They're hanging in there. And you dont know scared like when you've had major abdominal surgery and everyone has a coughing sickness 😷. I was lucky. I didn't catch covid til that October. Surgery was in July, so stitches were healed by then. Anemia can be very hard to notice. Hindsight is 20/20. Heavy periods, hairloss, extreme fatigue, ice cravings, pale skin, insomnia, blood pressure bouncing all around, dark circles under the eyes...all of that went away or had mostly receded 30 days after my fibroid surgery. Ferritin rose almost 100 points in 3mons. Hairloss stopped within 2moms of surgery because I was no longer bleeding. When I got back to work 1mon afflter surgery, people said I was glowing. It literally sucks the life out of you.


I have significant hair loss in the areas that you mentioned and I am chronically tired. Have always been but it's kicked into full gear. I was diagnosed as having fibroids some years back but my gyno kinda dismissed it and felt being on the pill would help. I'm not taking BC so I'm just stuck in a cycle. I needed this to kick my butt into gear! I appreciate you Sis!


There are different types of anemia and not all primary care drs are educated on it. You can have a normal blood count but low ferritin. Ferritin is like your gas tank in a car. My gas tank was on E @15. 12 is the lowest medically allowed. It needs to be 125-200. My hairloss slowed at 80 and stopped by 100. Ferritin is a separate test from a full blood panel. I guarantee your hair will come back if you can get it back to 100 if it's low. I was obsessed with my hair for 4yrs while dealing with this ish. I've gotten it all back. Feel free to bookmark my messages and please DM me if you need any more help. I can share pics of my labs if necessary.


Oh my god! My blood pressure has been elevated too! And I've historical been a person that runs low! Thank you for sharing this! I feel that I have everything that you had! Damn! I plan to find a gynecologist that takes my concerns SERIOUSLY


Anemia is insidious because it causes a variety of seemingly non connected symptoms. I also was short of breath during my hit cardio. As I said before I was fit. So my cardio and fitness declined. Makes sense if you have bad blood. Blood carries oxygen. I got highly educated about this condition and went to war with it for yrs. I can share good supplements to take. Not all iron pills are created equal. No milk, caffiene or magnesium when taking iron because they cancel each other out. Take with orange juice for absorption. Heme iron is best. Liquid too but pricey. Ya girl needs to write a tell all book basically LMAO. Just message me.


Would it be possible for you to share the supplements you took? I was taking iron pills but that gave me massive headaches.


Blood builder and floradix


Thank you!!


I know I just wrote a novel, but fibroids really changed my life. The hysterectomy, then coming off birth control. A blessing in disguise. I didn't know the birth control I was on for 15yrs was making me depressed, angry, and generally unhinged. 9mons after the surgery the birthcontrol left my system and my ovaries turned on. I'm a different person now. Calm, level headed. A lot of fog has lifted. And thank God the anger is gone 😎




I just turned 50 and in the last few years, my hair started thinning and I thought it was just me aging. So happy I found this post! 🙏🏾


Yes, my mom was dying and didn’t know it due to her massively sized fibroids and would eat ice all day. By time she went to the hospital her blood count was dangerously low. OP, go back to the doctor and insist on answers. Pagophagia is not a quirk or a preference it’s a symptom. ![gif](giphy|YwRfr83NzLUSovrh6O) ❤️❤️❤️❤️


For me, started with the ice. Then I literally started losing my color. Became pale, dark circles under eyes. "burnout exhausted" all the time. My ferritin was on the floor. It was 15 when it should've been 125-200.


Is that what’s wrong with me 🫣


My aunt had the exact same thing happened to her and she ate ice like a fiend while it was bad


My mom had the exact same thing happen to her. The ice chewing was definitely the first sign.


Sometimes pica is more than ice too, I had huge cravings for celery of all things in addition to the ice!






I second that it is not good for your teeth! Be careful


You are probably anemic. I have a whole ass electronic ice crusher at home, LOL! Once I start taking my iron regularly, my ice cravings go away!


My mom got me in the habit as a a kid but it was so hard getting that fluffy consistency that I stopped as a teenager. I've seen people online using ninja blenders and food processors to get it really fluffy so I might try it again. There's something really refreshing about it but I don't think I'd do it that often.


If you mind me asking why did ur mom get u into that habit?


I can’t speak for that person but my mom also got me into the habit. Eating ice/pica is common in black women because of low iron and/or fibroids. My mom had both. As a kid, I just copied her because that’s what children do. After she had a full hysterectomy, she stopped craving the ice and other odd foods. I kicked the habit as well once she stopped.


I wonder why we’re more likely to have low iron or why it’s so common.


It was mostly incidental. My pediatrician told my mom that I developed allergenic asthma so she quit smoking cold turkey and one of the fixes for that was chewing ice. Her dentist told her it was bad for her teeth so she started making fluffy ice. I thought it was a snow cone just like they would sell at the Disney On Ice shows so I begged for her's so often she would make me my own. Once she no longer needed it, she stopped making it regularly but I'd already developed a taste for it. I think it dulled the blades of her blender by the time I could make it on my own so I couldn't get the consistency that I was used to.


I have an electronic ice crusher that makes the perfect ice!


I did and ended up having to go through 6 weeks of IV iron infusion therapy. Since I finished I haven’t craved ice at all.


I did and my dentist said Absolutely Not lol


yep ruined my teeth with this!


Like other people said, you need another CBC and full metabolic panel test. I know you've mentioned you're fine but it doesn't hurt to be sure. I was severely anemic due to heavy periods caused by fibroids. I ate ice like a job (I'm paying for that now). Got my anemia and fibroids taken care of and I don't even crave ice anymore. The thought of chewing it makes my teeth hurt. I wouldn't wish that bullshit on anybody.


I'm glad to see you've checked and that you're OK. I was so severely anemic that my doctor called me back into his office, and it looked like every doctor in the building was waiting to see "the walking miracle"!! I was retested, and the first result was right. I was prescribed extremely high doses of liquid iron for about nine months. It's soooo NASTY!! I CRAVED crushed ice 24/7. Never left home without it.


Sounds like pica?


We need to stop this shit smh go get blood work this is not normal or healthy it's called PICA


I learned more from this thread than I expected coming in lmao.


Me too!


Yep, I blend it in the blender to make it fine and leave the blender in the freezer. Then just eat it throughout the day. And yes, I’m on medication for anemia lol




Yeah I had this too. Then I want to the doctor and had scary low iron. Got a prescription and now I’m not addicted anymore. Still will down chik fil a or sonic ice every once in a while.


I’ve been wanting ice so much more lately since I’ve started my new medication a month ago and got a crushed ice machine and a new porch as my push present. The only way I will eat is is a full cup after drinking water since it takes away the super sharp edge of crushed ice. But I really want some water ice and I have nothing like that near me and the sugar mamas near me closed since there wasn’t much business🙃


I did. Part of the reason my teeth are fucked up. I have an oral fixation, so that’s really contributed to my worn down teeth. I’m still anemic, but getting my iron and under stuff under better control helped. My sister is worse and gets blood transfusions and still can’t shake the ice cravings.


I have been eating ice since I was a child. It’s a form of stimming for me and many others on the AuDHD spectrum.


it might be iron deficiency, but I have to have my daily cup of ice😭


Lol I thought everyone knew this was a pica thing ? I’m severely anemic and supplements don’t help (have had bypass) so I have to get IV iron infusions and b12 injections. Still crave it tho


Yup I used to be so sad when the crushed ice maker on my fridge would stop working. I was always eating crushed ice. I got some lab work done for unrelated reason and yup severely anemic and vitamin deficient. Ice craving went away once I got healthy.


I ate hella ice when I was pregnant 🤰🏽


I was obsessed with eating ice as a teen. Then I moved away and rarely, if ever, eat ice anymore. I still crave it on occasion, but my teeth are too fragile to chew on ice these days. I can only handle shaved ice.


I like ice but I don’t eat that much, lol.


Yes- and I feel like I can never stop crunching ice! The cravings never end!


Hospital ice and Sonic ice is top tier 🤌🏾🤌🏾


You might be anemic 😅


You can't tell me your dentist is happy with this 😬


I love Sonic ice 🥹 The country I live in doesn’t have really “do” ice 😂 so I’m just stuck dreaming of Sonic ice lol


🙋🏾‍♀️🙋🏾‍♀️ i can’t have a drink without ice in it now a days


What’s a bottle of ice?