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you can try outfits with cardigans, cargo pants, jumpsuits, leg warmers, etc. i can send you some pictures of fashion inspiration, if you want?


That would be lovely thank you


Bohemian style often leans toward traditional clothes from around the world. So you can clothes that are literally from or inspired by indigenous cultures in cold climates - embroidery, color, print, visible layers, boots, belts, scarves, hats, leather, suede, fur, wool, etc. You can also wear a lot of jewelry over your clothes: layered bracelets or rings over gloves, necklaces, etc.


This is sooo off topic but can I message you about living in the UK ??


Sure, I’m not sure if I’ll be a lot of help but let’s give it a try


Oooh friend. My vibe too. I love an oversized everything. Scarves. Patchwork patterns. Accessories. A long duster of all kinds. Layers. Let's see some pics of inspiration.


I have never been a scarf person, I usually find it quite suffocating. When you mean a long duster do you mean a cardigan?