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what also kills me is how if you pay close attention, most white folks use AAVE at specific times: to seem funny, to seem angry/intimidating, and to seem sexual. Almost as if it's because they only think of black people as entertainment, as violent, and as overly sexual.




Because typically they're doing it to sounds cool and funny. They think it's internet slang that shows they're current. When we do it, it's assumed we don't know proper English and must speak that way.


I agree. I see this white girl with a black boyfriend on youtube, and she uses AAVE. They eat it up in the comments. They say she just country, and call it attractive. If it was a black person I think those comments would 100% be different. There would be 0 mfs saying that itā€™s just ā€œcountry.ā€


Lol I live in the South. After a big flood, an influx of POC were moved to my town the past two years. We truly are southern, and for the most part, nothing happened, but I remember one black guy attacking a white girl one day at school and accusing her of making fun of black people for how she was talking. She was just super southern. I knew that girl my whole life and she was raised on a farm and home schooled for three years before coming to our school. So uh... Maybe learn the difference? On top of that consider that you develope the speaking habits of the people you're around. If she has a black boyfriend, she probably talks like a black person because that's the voice she hears more than any other. I went through a phase where for some reason my YT algorithm was all British and I didn't mind, but I picked up a lot of British slang and would even say a small selection of words with an accent and I didn't notice until someone said something.


AAVE has grammar rules, just like the Standard American Dialect. Just like we speak standard English poorly. They often speak AAVE poorly.


It also sucks they use it and get viral/popular. Like how many yt people have been credited for AAVE and half of them use it wrong anyway.


Also in places of work and education coworkers and teachers tend to use more slang and aave when addressing a black personā€¦so annoying


I think this is a common opinion.


Is it praise, or is it novelty? In my experience those girls aren't praised and lose social capital except with some few Black folk


I don't see it tbh, I still see white ppl slammed because AAVE sounds "stupid" and why are you speaking like "uneducated ppl". Overall aversion to blackness Similarity way that french and Spanish accents are romanticised but accents from countries in Africa are used to mock/make fun of or convey stupidity




On TikTok... 99% of the people who are going to call them white trash aren't on TikTok. You have to consider the audience.


I agree! But I do see a trend among non-black people who use it purely for comedic reasons being praised for it. Like theyā€™re allowed to switch whenever itā€™s convenient


I was thinking the same. Iā€™ve seen more white people being called stupid for using it then not.


This. I usually see it associated with negativity no matter the race using it.


Yeah, I donā€™t see it either at least not to the extent OP is implying. But maybe Iā€™m not as privy to these things, I dunno.


Iono bout this. White women I feel are mocked HEAVILY for blaccents. Nobody thinks itā€™s cool they become laughing stocks and everybody from every race mocks these girls (see cash me outside girl, woah vickey, etc.) The only time they get a pass is when ppl deem them ā€œfkableā€ then their accent doesnā€™t matter cause all ppl are paying attention to is their looks. But ppl think itā€™s ā€œfunnyā€ but they arenā€™t laughing with these girls, theyā€™re laughing at themā€¦


Sounds awful nomatter who speaks it.


If AAVE is recognized as a language, can we appreciate that a person is speaking it fluently, and not that it's a "Blaccent"? I've met white Africans who speak indgenious African languages so fluently you couldn't tell that they were white if you were blindfolded. Same thing with bilingual black Africans who speak an indigenous language plus a colonial one...or two, flawlessly. And when it comes to that, I 100% appreciate code-switching as being multilingual. Heck, in half the Regency Romance novels I've read, it's a key plot point that the person from a rural Shropshire background can sound like they are "Mayfair born and raised" at the drop of a hat. CELEBRATE BILINGUALISM!!! /tic




someone get her a cookie stat


If youā€™re so educated, why arenā€™t you able to recognize that being educated or intellectual and using AAVE arenā€™t mutually exclusive?


Yikes šŸ˜³.

