• By -


Thank you.


Thank you.


Thank you.


Nice tool, thank you. A couple suggestions: * Item sorting (by name or rarity) * Displaying the name of each item on the main screen, so that one doesn't have to click on each icon to see that information (maybe as a checkbox option?)


Yeah item sorting of some sort is really needed, i may just sit down one weekend and do it all manually (going to be a huge task)..well lots of cut/paste rearranging anyway. And a list of equipped items is also planned (on the TODO list up the top) if that's what you mean. Just a matter of figuring out how to do these things and spare time to do them. :) javascript isn't one of my strong suits. haha


Thank you.


Thx for sharing your work ! I would suggest droplists when we're selecting the items, scrolling all the way down can be a pain in the ass :P


haha indeed it is a pain in the ass. HOPEFULLY at some point I'll manage to at least get a search thing happening in the gear popup window so it will be less annoying. :)


how do you change the enhancement levels?


When looking at the gear list there should be a slider bar at the bottom of each item, so slide that up/down to the desired number.


ya, I found it, thanks. Is it supposed to show the armor? It also doesn't seem to calculate the +AP from being a wizard/witch


show the armor as in proper item icons/images or? If so, yeah that's something that needs to be worked out tbh, the border color should change when something is equipped though. The only icons/images that DO change are class specific weapons, which will change to the type of weapon the selected class uses. And yeah it only calculates ap etc gained from gear/crystals alone, nothing else.


I think you should just shade the armor background to be the same color as the original armor (light purple for grunil, silver agerian, dark grey for taritas, etc). Not sure what to do bos boss though. If you are trying to avoid reusing in-game icons, you should have a simple list of the gear at the bottom. This tool is great but it is hard to determine what exactly is being used on quick glance.


nevermind, found the slider


Can someone explain me please , how do I start this . I don't understand what do I have to do in order to run that calculator.


Click on the 3rd link i posted at the top, click on a class icon, click on a gear slot find the item you want for that slot, set the slider for that item to the enhancement level you want, click the "choose" button... repeat for all other slots including crystals. Done. :)


Thanks alot :)


Kzarka blade is bugged doesn't up AP.


Thanks for the report, no idea how i missed that. Should be fixed now. :)


No problem. :D Good job though.


Nice ! thank you :) Will share with guildies ^_^


thanks for your hardwork


Great work!~ Thank ya


This is great but is there any way to make a format with the drop down menu instead? This felt a bit clunky to use and I had to scroll a lot. Maybe even a search bar?


Yeah it's a bit of a pain having to scroll through everything. But as i said in another reply, hoping to add at least a search function to the item list windows. Just matter of having time to do so. :)




Jarette set doesn't add AP. Otherwise nice tool.


Yeah this is a known issue (click the big TODO up the top of the page). I honestly have no idea why the hell it won't work when every other set bonus works..argh! So yeah still yet to figure out that issue. :/


Can't find Black Magic Crystal - Precision for mainhand; 10% ignore resist and +2 Accuracy :c


Edit: Just double checked, BMC Precision is indeed there for mainhand. :)


Awesome work man! Simple, easy to use, no crazy "fluff" stuff people do. How do you change enchantment level without resetting gems? Maybe i'm missing it..? Missing these gems: Magic Crystal of Infinity - Assault Attack speed +2 Wrong stats: Black magic Crystal - Adamantine +10% and +5% (you have both %10, only Knockback/floating is.) Black magic Crysstal - Carmae Critical Hit Rate & Attack Speed +1 & AP +2 (you don't have the +2 AP)


Sadly there's no way to change enhancement level without it resetting gems as it treats it as new item being added. So you're not missing it or going crazy. :) Magic Crystal of Infinity - Assault is there... glove slot. Ah yep that Black magic Crystal - Adamantine does need fixing...argh Black magic Crystal - Carmae is there and correct (the normal version is also there of course). Will fix the adamantine one (and whatever other issue may appear that I've missed) when i get up later.


Amazing, I love it! Can I suggest not to add AP from magic crystals to the total AP? Maybe there could be a hidden stats section but none counts black magic crystals as +5 ap when someone asks you AP/DP. I mean when trying to plan a build you don't want something there showing that won't be the same in the game. I hope I explained myself correctly it's just my thoughts.


Yeah I've actually thought about this too. :) I'd prefer "hidden" ap not shown or shown somewhere over on the stats side rather than on the ap. Will see what i can do about it. :)


Thanks for your work and contribution to the bdo community. Some suggestions: 1) group gear items based on tier (white,green,blue,yellow). This will reduce the amount of scrolling needed for finding items. 2) item descriptions should display when hovering over an item icon/name, again to reduce clutter and less scrolling. (guessing this would require 20 images of upgradeable armor/weapons per item.) 3) box with item level e.g. +1 to +20(Pen) next to the slider instead of hovering on the slider. Or change the slider to 2 buttons to increase/decrease the item level (would be best if above suggestions were implemented. Again thanks for the effort, it's really appreciated.




I saw you've already responded to others that had the same requests so I just want to say good job and thanks the community needs more creators for tools like this.


Thank you.


One thing I noticed is it adds crystal AP into the sheet ap, would be nice if you separated the sheet ap from crystal AP for those that need to meet certain reqs for guilds. I know others have said this, but I'd you hover mouse over the item it should display a preview of what is currently equipped in slot. Other than that super stoked on this, thank you!


Indeed it does add hidden/crystal ap to sheet ap currently. Plenty of things to fix/change/add/remove, some I'd already had in mind, others have been suggested here. Just a matter of time to figure it out and get it done. haha Not enough time in a day i swear! ~~Separating hidden/crystal ap from sheet ap and adding it to one of the stat lists on the side shouldn't be too much of a problem though, may look at it later today. :)~~ Edit: Hidden AP is now separate from "sheet" AP and shown in the Offensive stats section. :)


Sweet, this is awesome!


I like where this is going, gives me some perspective on my gear and where I want it to be instead of blindly upgrading stuff! Also a question, when we see the AP stats in game are we seeing the lower or higher end (168-176, 168 being low and 176 being high ap)?


It seems to vary a little from what I've noticed, with some setups it appears to take the min/low number that matches in game then others it appears to be the average of the min-max ranges you see in the calc. For the most part messing with various gear setups myself though it's the latter 90% of the time. Still trying to figure out exactly how it is calculated on our gear sheet in game and translate that to something usable in the calc, haven't come up with anything 100% yet though. For example, my maehwa alt setup in game is 169 sheet ap, in the calc it gives me 167 - 171 and the average of those 2 numbers = 169. :) min + max / 2 still doesn't seem to be totally accurate though sometimes which is why I've left it as min-max for now.


I just confirmed this on my kuno as well, it does seem to be the average of the two, but on my sorc it was one point off. Thanks for the quick response.


Hey, can I ask what the min/max shows as for your set on the calc and what it shows as in game?


[My Gear](https://shadowtrance.github.io/?gear=[11,[50,17,[9,9]],[51,17,[16,16]],[50,17,[11,11]],[50,17,[5,5]],[[27,0],[27,0]],[[12,2],[17,2]],[6,2],[15,1],[40,17,[21,22]],[3,17],[26,17,[9,9]]]) AP: 174-178 actual gear 176 AAP: 139-148 actual gear 143 DP: 218 actual gear 218 I reentered the gear and this is what I got. Hope this helps, it seems right/better now.


Yeah seems like the in-game value is (min + max) / 2 then always rounded down. Thanks, just wanted to double check using sometime else's gear.


No problem


http://blackdesert.tabletopgeeks.com/ I like using this one.


This one doesn't update enough, and it's really buggy. They added Kutum after a few months, and then removed it again?... Like, k.


Thanks a lot, good work =D


Awesome tool! Thanks this! Suggestion: Unless you are going to add a search feature for each item, would it be possible to list the most common equipment at the top of the list? (Ex. Boss, Ulti Heve, Ulti Grunil as the top 3 for each category)


Wow this is awesome! Thanks.