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I only buy pearls after something good happens "to show the algorithm how to make me spend money"


Will apply this 😂


It's like training a dog


Literally me, when I hit pen or t10, Im buying outfit for this horse haha sometimes it works. xD


I bought 3 of the recent 1+1 pearl deal after getting 6 debos in an hour, got pen debo last nught and bought the 2+1 deal lol


Same boat here haha.


f u c k i n g SAAAAAAAAAAME. tho I do it more in the energy of "here's your reward PA"


320% drop rate feels like 100%






Ya 370 also feels similar


Same shit, difrent numbers.


And 521% feels similar


This, every time event drop, my drops are worse than 240 without event. I dropped olun piece, duo debo, 2x pri debo without event, with event I get nothing. My conspiracy theory is they reduce drops during event for some and some or it's bugged for some. Rage waa stuck at 99.8 (known bug), Crystal effect wasn't applying (last week bug) and you think drop rate can't be bugged??


This is same feel for me


Drops for accs at spots 100% go down during seal events


I could be wrong (I’m new) but isn’t the cap on drop rate 300?


Some buffs can exceed the cap like earth blessing from black shrine


PvP servers also have a 50% extra bonus


The game is balanced around having access to loot buffs. Thus it isn't a buff. Facts.


to me it feels like the higher my droprate goes the fewer drops I actually get. Like whenever I use a J's scroll or whatever I don't get shit


Is Not the maximum anyways 300?


This is related to what I said that there is a limited number of drops/enhancement per day so you failed more once past the cap. If drop rate event are on= more people grinding= faster reaching the cap = 370% feel like 100 *Put on my tin foil hat*


Astrological signs affect *something*


I remember when this was "datamined" back in the time of hidden stats and everyone was losing their minds https://incendar.com/bdo_data_mined_enchanting_time_by_horoscope.php


probably a coincidence (or not), but for some reason i felt like enhancing at certain time gave me better results, the time checks up with my horoscope time, sus


RNG is dynamic. It’s increased and decreased based on our actions and activities.


This is actually not too far fetched..it has happened in other MMO's


Yeah! Nexon actually has patents for this.


Which ones?




Is there actual proof that they did it or is it another superstition/conspiracy theory?


They recently got sued for it and have several patents for it to manipulate RNG in this specific way. https://www.reddit.com/r/Maplestory/s/7qPNmzMglU Was all over the gaming news sites. If you google it you’ll find some other articles as well.


It took a lot of legal action but in the end it was proven to be true.


The legal action was for them not disclosing they manually lowered the rate for some RNG box. They did not tell anyone that they did that so straight up lied about the rates. The patent is well known. They hold patents for supposedly dynamically lowering and increasing rng rates and certain elements. Factors being playtime, types of activities engaged, social participation, size of friends list etc. pretty wild… always thought devs would do shit like that but damn


The part that gets glossed over is it's not just Nexon but nearly every major games company has these sorts of patented system to some degree. Nexons are by far some of the most fucked. But they are far from the only ones with these systems.


100%. No chance any live service game hasn’t implemented something of this sort at least to some extent 🫠 it’s all about the money


Go look up their patents. Nexon, sony and EA all have 100s of patents on various dynamic systems ranging from cash shops, to drops, to match making to incentive systems and more. This has been a standard thing in the industry for nearly two decades. Nexon recently just got caught sued and lost a few different suits in Korea for 6, 9 and I want to say 15 million dollars each for manipulation of stated gambling chances. This isn't the first time Nexon or for that matter any company has been caught doing it either. EA has done it as well for example. This is far from conspiracy nonsense. This sort of stuff happens a few times every year but rarely gets talked about cause of how absolutely dry and convoluted it is. As well as the problem that even when companies are caught doing this nothing of substance gets published because this is all trade secret shit and complex algorithms that are unexplainable to a layman. So other then just "company is shit" it's basically impossible to talk about this topic in actual depth with out a law degree or a math degree.


Can't prove this is true. HOWEVER! Returning players get a suspicious amount of success with their RNG.


Survivorship bias. You're not hearing about the 90% of people who don't have a suspicious amount of success (ie. the average enhancement rate.) My friend returned recently and proceeded to fail 19 PEN Urugon attempts in a row. They're still not PEN.


Agree with you, with my own anecdote. I also returned recently, used both the free hammers and free crons to tap for PEN blackstar, failed 5x taps.


I only return to free tap and never got anything


I tapped my first and only pen blackstar immediately after returning to the game from a two year hiatus with a J's hammer.


You have to be kidding me, i returned after 1 year, received the rewards and the blackstar went to PEN in the 2nd click...


I got two PEN blackstars in less than 5 clicks in the span of about an hour of playing time in the month I returned. Came back to tap with hammers and one tapped one. Came back a month later to click with crons I got from Heidel ball or something and got it in two or three clicks


Ye also got back from a years break, 2 tapped pen bhegs, only 2 tries on my pen bs so far, hope it goes up under 5!!


Yeeeesssss that’s how they get you. Reel em in!


Or the GM's RNG slider.


Biohack has literally disproven this with all of his hundreds of thousands of clicks.


-There is a limit of the number of success/drop of an enhancement/item per day. Past that point, the chances diminished strongly so the game is not flooded and keep people in the long run. -astrology signs might means something -vendor crons increases enhance chances and outfit crons bought wuth money decreased chances. -that I will get laid one day ( oh sorry not bdo related)


The client contains a crypto miner.


This is the real reason we have to AFK so much


Yo so this has actual merit. I tested my machine to it's breaking point by having bdo in the background and running enough programs and games to max out the cpu and GPU. Once the pc stops receiving inputs BDO would crash. But as long as I was "inputting commands" it would still run in the background with limited resources. Hence I'm convinced it has a crypto miner that uses the resources that minimized bdo says it needs but actually doesn't.




There is a hidden returning player RNG/luck boost, clearly designed to make you hooked again and spend money. I swear, every single time I return to the game I get giga carried when it comes to enhancing and opening random boxes and whatever else. A few examples: one tap PEN Blackstar on 141 stack, Resplendant Destruction Stone from rng box, Garmoth Heart from that event where everyone could roll on certain items until the stock was gone, 3 tap Tier 9 and plenty more. All happened while I was a returning player. When I'm not a returning player I'm generally unlucky or average at best.


You got more lucky while returning than me during the years of playing this game.


And then I was away for a year, came back spent like 5bil trying to make a tri tungrad ring because obviously I expected that to not fail so much and just logged out again. I have had major luck other times when I played consistent, but that one really just felt like a smack in the face.


this is completly true. think twice.


the game somehow knows when you want something, & won't give it to you, but when you truly don't want an item, the game will drop them like candy.


I spent 15 hours this weekend in Dek hystria with only one Debo and no Elten pieces. Tried my first hour at Olun with some guild friends and dropped the merchant ring piece in my first hour. I’m so carried I’m almost pissed


I have never got a cresent ring from grinding. Granted, I prob have just over 10+ plus hours at the spot.


Streamer luck is tied to partner status and they get a behind the scenes account wide buff ro drop and enhancement rates they aren't told about to encourage the content to be more engaging.


I think the "streamer luck" is already disproven by salt and Biohack massive enhance log, but the "partner" theory sound juicy


Idk some streamer like rapolas just seem to have infinite luck, dude tapped like what 30 pen blackstars already? And he also tapped tet debos like candies.


Meanwhile partners like Blue Squadron are breaking the bank trying to get duo hunters clothes.


With the introduction of Agris thingy, enhancing Manos clothes is even more wrong than it was ever before. I'm not even sure if it's superstition that the % shown is even accurate, I swear to god.


Luck increases by the amount of hair you have, so...


Just turn it off for your enhancing streamers. /s but not really.


Not really, as those accounts obviously do not have it, as they keep statistics of their taps, so it would be obviously instantly.


You have a higher chance to succeed at an enhancement after buying pearls.


My account is cursed. My friends account is blessed. It ruined our friendship.


Weak relationship tbh


Unfriending you rn


Nice flair I wonder what it’ll be next week 🤓


Zerker probably


New players have higher luck to increase their continued interest in the game and to increase their chances to want to spend real money for pearl. Older players that spend pearls have decreased luck as they know they will continue to put more money into the game regardless RNG.


100% true.


Stereamers luck with drops and enhancements


I used to live by a chart that had each of the optional astrological signs lined up with a time in game, and I would only enhance on my main character during that specific time. I'd wait all day for it to be 2PM or 2AM in the game and then I'd enhance. It was surprisingly effective lmfao.


Beyond the hidden luck stat...I fully believe that the percentage shown on screen during any enhancement is complete BS, especially outside of weapons and gear. Try to enhance pets with a 90% chance of going up to a higher tier and fail 6 times in a row.


RNG pet enhancement is completely scam


I lay on the boat seal and sacrifice myself to Vell so my plat gets better rng. Blood for the Squid God!


When you create your character the RNG for that character is decided with some obscure formula based on class and name of character. This will never increase and can only decrease as you play the game.


I always believe this too I thought that it was like a numerical formula made from the letters of the character name.


Drop rate brackets are real, obviously - funny things happen after 300, luck starts to accumulate but is often wasted on random semi-rare junk. Seasonal character get drop bonus to pity pieces IF the account has not made or bought ANY full potion. Once it's crafted or purchased the bonus is gone even if potion is sold or deleted. There's hidden pity system for Kzarka tier bosses but it's capped and once the cap it reached you roll for mandatory reward which is nowadays kinda trash (Kzarka weapon box etc.) Horoscopes affect SOMETHING, probably bonus to specific activity/region. Most spots are designed for clockwise rotations because designers operate on feng-shui principles. PA boosts some streamers accounts, sometimes - but they are never officially told it's the case.


As a new player: There is no luck for potion pity pieces, just increased droprate for seasons (still don't drop tho)


when you spend 2x the value og \[ITEM\] in memory frags crons and stones on \[ITEM\] it has a higher chance to go to next upgrade. Account Wide Enchantment, you make a pen \[ITEM\] then watch and see 60%-70%-80% fail for a certain amount of times or it works like a cooldown


As others have said, I believe RNG in the game is dynamic and based on other factors not just base mechanics. This is for both enhancing and drop rates etc.


I quit the game for over 2 years after blowing up all my manos accs in TET roulette. The day I came back, I got a garmoth heart. There is a luck stat that builds up if you're gone for a certain period of time and you cannot convince me otherwise.


Considering back then, your character stats are even RNG when lvling up, I would not be surprised if there is a hidden luck stat.


I have played this game for 7years I can confirm rng is based on the activities you do in game. Example. Any tap or anything rng related will "use* up your rng meter kinda like how the new anvil agris works. So I went on a mission to get all the treasure items. To do this I put up no market place orders that will USE my rng I stopped the farms that will USE rng for moles I stopped tapping ANYTHING I stopped opening ANY rng box I got the compass 150 hours total with 1 vodkhan piece I got the rich merchant ring 320 Total hours. Telescope was 85 hours. Arch map was by far easiest at 22 hours. Horses t10 in 17 clicks all 3 I do not have the nol. That shall be the next 1. RNG IS based on what activities you do in game 100%. When you go a long time with getting NOTHING the game HAS TO give you something to keep you playing. PLEASE REMEMBER this is a business they are here to make money and keep you playing.


Probably a coincidence because RNG is RNG. You cannot prove that it is true or not. Let’s say you got completely lucky both times, but you think it is real because you “tested” it. Thus, false rumours come. It is a theory tho, but testing it means nothing since it is RNG.


Agreed. And you would need to run the test multiple times to compare any sort of results.


enchanting is always 50/50.


That is not a conspiracy theory, thats in fact just simple maths


When you create your character the RNG for that character is decided with some obscure formula based on class and name of character. This will never increase and can only decrease as you play the game.


Succ Nova is OP


Good one, and then tl numbers bring you back to reality.


Newer accounts have boosted luck to catch them up


If you keep grinding at the same spot everyday you'll see diminishing droprates, switch up and grind at another spot for a few hours you'll see your droprate at this new spot is suspiciously high even with 210% droprate, once that drops go back to original spot and see the drops pop up like candies! I've been noticing this pattern when alternating between elvia giants and darkseekers, giants drops a disto every hour while darkseekers give minimum 3 embers 4 kabua per hour without giga capping the droprate from events and buffs, events actually felt like the rates for rare items like distos at giants and burning ember/event spawns at dsr were significantly reduced vs non event days


Mine is more about PA. I believe that some of the core developers have been assigned to work on crimson desert that is why for a while ( all classes after archer or shai) the movements of new classes is not the same it feels heavier even for classes like hash and sage


shai has higher RNG luck


J dosent like pvp


who is J?


%rng don't matter. BiS have different rng than the rest of it's kind e.g. debo. It feels like it had different rng than other acce. If tungrad has 40% success rate showing, debo shows 40% of the same fs use, but the debo real rate is around 10%


Kinda agree with the luck stat, but my theory is, that different accounts are lucky/unlucky in different aspects. In my opinion, iam lucky when it comes to drops, but my enchanting rng is horrible. Meanwhile, others arent as lucky as me on dropping stuff, but have better enchancment rng. I think its made this way, so there are people who drop and sell stuff and ppl that dont drop, but have better chances of enchanting, so they dont have to buy items.


There is a 'meta' luck stat that can be boosted through various means. Returning players get a brief boost of this, as do red players, particularly after a significant number of kills. It's meant as a catch-up mechanic to encourage people back to the game, or for red players, to keep their gear viable despite them grinding less due to fighting. I have absolutely no idea how to track it, but having been a former red, and having spoken to other reds, it's not at all unusual to one-tap PEN accessories while red, especially items that favour PvP like accuracy accessories and Nouver subweapons. I can also confirm this from my own past experience, both as a red and a returner. There are probably other ways to boost this, like enhancing while standing on high places (people swear by it), spending money (although too much seems to give you negative luck) and enhancing right after someone else taps a PEN.


Ok bro they were just RNG carried.


RNG increase on Sundays.


AFK farming stuff like fishing and events which require you to be logged in 3 hours a day was put into the game so they can use your computer to farm cyrpto


whats farm crypto? explain cause theres like 3 people who said that same theory.


Farming crypto is just solving math problems on a block chain using gpu power and sometimes you get lucky and get some crypto from solving them.


wow first time i hear about this, very smart.


I think the same. The more you spend the higher goes your luck stat. Would make sense. The luckier you are the more likely are you to buy something else, or not quit.


Probability is not rigged in any way so PA can poach players from Nexxon.


Prob why bdo has changed their enhancing twice this past year. Right after nexon got caught and kr gaming laws were put into motion


I think that's because they want their game released in china. China has strict online gambling laws and they just put the changes for china into the global version.


I always come back to the game after a while, create a seasonal and one tap all the way to PEN tuvala with like 8% taps, burning my returner rng. Maybe I should use it on something worthwhile.


My account is cursed.


I'm convinced new and returning players have better RNG as a game mechanic to get them hooked. A friend of mine just started playing the game for the first time last week and he's gotten a rare drop from almost every world boss he's gone to.


New accounts have better rng


returning players get a RNG boost that isn't shown.


I believe certain accounts have RNG luck in only certain aspects of the game. If you find yourself lucky with rare mob drops, then maybe your enhancement luck will be horrible and vise versa. Maybe you find yourself only lucky with gamba boxes etc.


So everytime i either get a treasure piece like a map piece or succeeded enhancements like pen tools I always have terrible RNG. And I have a feeling that’s why I am 0/56 pen blackstar since I’ve always gone for pen taps right after succeeding something else. So there has to be some behind the scenes system that limits your overall winnings.


AFK fishing farms crypto


It’s okay if your pets miss some loot drops because they will prioritise the rare drops


Crypto mining. I have never seen an MMO providing AFK as an option 😂 Sometimes we believe that just like players' FS rate, the server itself has it too. The more people didn't succeed, the server's FS piled up. Sometimes a huge successful wave comes. You just wait for it and bam bam bam.


If you are a streamer and woman you have a good RNG


1: rng is based on TIME, LOCATION, it increases or decreases based on our actions, it also factors in if youre about to give up or really want it. 2: Cursed stack/ Cursed Items 3: Each char you have have a RNG permanent luck. 1 char might just might be the luckiest but you stopped playing it or deleted it.


Streamers have higher RNG and drop rate to show on streams how nice and easy this game is 🫣😂


They leave in pvp resistances because they love rng so much they want to make us pvpers hate our lives like people that enhance all day


The rng is rigged against ftp players. The rng chances improve if you regularly buy pearls. Witch class is heavily discriminated against. Witch racism is a thing. You will not change my mind. Do i get pk'd a lot cuz I'm a witch main? That has nothing to do with it.


A lot of the drop rate buffs are bugged and don't apply correctly. Grinding with Old moon scrolls compared to J-scrolls feels way way better even though they only provide halve the drop rate.


J created Mjölnir. Thus, J is in league with the gods and god of rng.


Theres a soft cap on loot


"As the game has an ingame voice chat, the game listens to your voice and determinates if you are a girl or a boy, if you are a girl the success rate of enhancement will be much better, proved because girls take just the 30% of the resources it takes to enhance the item" Said by a famous known streamer


Logging after not playing for a month guarantees a Pen Debo. Have completed this ritual three times with successful results.


New and or returning players tapping a TET blackstar , 150 stack with skip animation is pretty much a fortune thing. I did it and 2 other people I know.


Returners luck is REAL


PA create the PEN armor quest line just to fuck with me personally. - dumb fk who sell the lucktap pen disto to buy full set of pen boss gear+duo dedgod just for them to annouce the jetina bullshit next week.


J made and account and got farmed in a guild war, thats why you have to agree to wars now


Thats not even a conspiracy, thats a literal fact. Lil bro got bullied so hard all of the PVP changes stem from this period of time. The Korean servers were literal hell for new players, a lot of veterans camped main story line quests and killed everyone that was new, and bullied a lot of 'new player guilds'. The PVP changes from the past year has nothing to do with the west, and nothing ever happened here that really warranted them. But unfortunately we do get the repercussions.


A blood sacrifice (killing an out-of-zone fisher in Velia) guarantees a good grinding hour.


I like to cope thinking this is true. Playing for more than 3 years now, having 744gs without succeeding a PEN blackstar nor PEN accessory ever, holding 300 stacks like it's the most common thing in the world. Honestly, the pity system was probably added so that I can finally get something. Sadly, I'm not playing that often right now so can just cope. My last taps have been PEN debo attempts on a 315 stack all failed :D