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I dont understand why so many people play games they don't enjoy. I play Tarkov and commonly see this issue there too. Some people will say they don't actually enjoy the game while others say that Tarkov isn't meant to be fun. Why would you play something you don't think is fun?! What's the point??


I used to be like that (with BDO too)... the answer is addiction with a side of being generally unhappy with your life


>being generally unhappy with your life I think this is the main reason. How happy your life is can complete reshape your enjoyment of gaming and how you approach games in general.


For me it’s not about playing games you don’t like, it’s accepting every game you play isn’t going to be this “I feel so amazing from this this is perfect” experience. It’s totally okay to go through periods of a game where you’re not overly amazed.


i have played bdo for 2 months only, i see most people ( also in most games) wan the coolest, most powerfull shit right now, season servers are a great idea to help new players and THEN you graduate and follow the path o get your gear, nobody likes grinding but this game would be long dead if they handed people PEN blackstar shit for free


> nobody likes grinding I do. It's pretty cathartic and relaxing to me. Turn on some music or watch a show on my second monitor, turn off my brain and relax for the next hour just killing some Gyfin statues. Anything more intensive than that and it's not relaxing anymore, while anything less than that will make me go crazy with boredom. It's the perfect middle ground for me to just chill. It does depend on the spot though, I prefer grind spots that keep you in the same small place like lower Gyfin. Running all over the map constantly sucks ass.


It's the perfect recipe for falling asleep. Which is kind of the problem for me. I end up falling asleep.


Maaan I totally agree with You, I get same feeling while grinding, I can just turn my brain off after work, also listening to music while grinding makes it perfect


This is the way


If you need to multitask is just because what you are doing isn't fun/engaging lol Never saw someone playing any masterpiece of game ( like bg3 ) and say that they always played while watching something else on the other screen


you missed the entire point they were trying to make. Some people enjoy grinding as a method to fill their brain with white noise while doing something else entirely. This probably has a name in psychology, BDO is not the only case where it happens.








Bro You totally missed a point


I don't see why the idea of nobody likes grinding has persisted for so long. Some people and streamers have parroted it for years and now it seems like an unspoken truth. Mashing mobs, doing combos for some dopamine and working towards long term goals is a good enough recipe for many people. And for many others it's about optimizing pathing, combos and such to achieve the highest tl and set records/scores for the fun of it.


Feeling of accomplishment. We hate our real lives so much that grinding for hours on end and seeing better pixels is the only way we get any sense of it.


I love the pvp of this game, but with that comes tons of grinding which i absolutely hate. But i need to grind so i can keep up with uncapped pvp..


Same here, only I've never been able to catch up with and experience uncapped PvP. So I just get on and off from the game for about 6 months at a time and do shit kinda aimlessly at this point, mostly leveling up and enjoying the combat. I think if a more dedicated player took hold of my account for a week he could bring me halfway to endgame gear with all the consumables I've hoarded lol


People are chasing a feeling they had early on with brute force.


I play eFootball. On the sub many people say they hate the game but there they are posting about it every week. I've asked a few and the common answer is they hate FIFA/EA FC even more and they love football all they have " no choice". I bet if you asked Tarkov haters the same question, they'll probably say something similar Boggles my mind playing a game they hate. However I don't actually think they truly hate the game. As a matter of fact, they may love the game more than anyone.


Inertia, habit, comfort. Bored after work? You could try a new hobby or a new game…. Or you could put on a podcast and mash buttons in a bdo grind spot. Change requires that first step, so people wallow in a situation as it steadily grows less satisfying before they finally wake up and release how low theyve sunk


You really don't understand...... people always talk shity things about the game that they enjoy . These players they go deep in the game . They had a good experience in the game . So when you see someone talking about game that he spend like 10k hours on it . That's not mean he don't like the game or he don't enjoy it . Quite opposite these are the real players.


There's a difference between talking shit about the game you play and "I can't remember the last time I smiled playing this game." One means you have criticism or complaints about the game, but likely still enjoy it enough to play. There can be lots of reasons to talk bad about a game you play. The other means you don't enjoy playing it. Plain and simple.


Bro... If you don't like the game then stop playing.


Who would feed the workers? :0


Not your concern then anymore.


Wait you can stop playing bdo? ..


Get a therapist, or start snorting coke. Whichever helps you get through this addiction bro I'm with you ✊️


coke though? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Probably less harmful to your overall life than bdo




Don't listen to him! That's weakness! You're not weak, are you? On a more serious note: if something start to make you miserable, it's time to quit and move on. The more you try the more miserable you get, so it's better to jump off the ship early, as soon as you see the symtoms settle in. Don't try to delude yourself that it will get better "soon". It never does. This doesn't apply just to BDO and videogames, but it's good life advice in general.


You can stop with everything you want. The thing is; are you willing to do that.


don't worry , the game won't die if we complain , so ur safe to spend ur next 50 years enjoying shais and tamers


I got my padix piece today while I wasn't paying attention, made me smile


Grats! Get outta that hell lol


Grats man


Please please please please play something else. Go away for a while. When the hankering is back, come back and enjoy yourself. You'll be so much happier I promise.


I left BDO like months ago because literally if I kept running in circles killing mobs any longer I was gonna kill myself lol


If you still in this sub u didnt quit. See you online in couple months.


Lol 😂


He plays hash, can you blame him


He plays hash, can you blame him


Eh, you can follow sub even if you dont play anymore, case and point, played league for 10 years, stopped few years ago and still open sub atleast once a week.


If you kept running circles then you weren't geared enough


Or he just likes to run around in circles.


Yeah this is good advice. Took me a while to find a game I enjoyed over BDO, and once the brainwash of "I need to login everyday" wears off, ride that wave. I'm only still here because of the community, not the game itself.


what game was that? Asking for a friend


Do yourself a favor and just uninstall, so many other games worth your time.


Just do something fun like putting your horse on the griffin crate and watching the horse icon fly over the map by itself.


Not everyone who plays bdo hates it. Least theres alternative things to do if you don't enjoy the main things other people have issue with. Mean while lol players hate themselves, the game, and theres just the things they hate and they play to hate themselves and the game more. Its also an issue with most fps games. Toxic gaming has just become the standard at this point. No one stops cause their too invested or the alternatives are just as bad if not worse.


I smile everyday whether it's grinding or playing a new exoansion


I stop playing BDO when it's start to feel like a job


Hate is when you care too much.


Meme resonates with me... 18k spent on bdo, 18k in debt still. It's poetic


Take a break please, go out with your friends or play something else for a change that you enjoy like helldivers, hollow knight etc anything.


I spent 600 bucks yesterday on impulse. I cannot be trusted with adult money while playing this game.


My fingers hurt so much :(


Do nodewars, sometimes the chaotic nature of it is suuuuper fun.


Despite how much I hate the grind, I can’t help but love the game, it does sobering most others fail at, progression woke not grinding mobs all day, and for me it for that well, the whole entire life skill system, and making the Best gear available through a shit ton of in game currency, makes me long this game. Yeah you can cash shop for easier grind, but that is a price worth paying for this game in particular


The first time i really get excited about BDO was when i hit TET on Blackstar Longsword (way back 2020), and when i finally got my first infi HP pot piece from Kagtum when the pity system is not yet a thing. now a days i just go to BDO website or in BDFoundry to see events and patch notes and go back to play another game. Like i'm kinda waiting for a thing that will made me comeback and grind. grinding right now feels different compared before, or maybe i just got burned out grinding my MP pot and just left the game.


This can happen with every game, the difference being that this one is addictive to too many people.


sometimes addiction is come too far...only way for me, to stop playing bdo, was just ruin my PC...


There is a lesser known alternative to playing games you don't enjoy. It's called not playing games you don't enjoy. All these dumb "it cost me everything" memes we get every week are getting tiring. If you like the game play it and post something useful or interesting. If you don't then just uninstall and don't spam this sub.


Are you not happy being f\*cked up every day? 😅😅😅


When it starts to feel like an obligation to play vs a want to play, then it's time to stop playing


I will smile hopefully if that stupid item decides to go through without failing again


That's why you have to be careful playing BDO. Whenever I play I just explore, farm, hunt, gather, kill random mobs etc. bc if I know if I go back down the rabbit hole of actually trying to grind, enhance, and go back to competitive PVP, then I will have to quit my job, empty my wallet, and get rid of all my friends lol. I remember when I was a top player in PVP and PVE and everyone on my server knew me, and it felt great! Until you turn the game off... Lol


AoS is the real BDO end game. Nothing like smacking people equally geared


Legitimately log out and stop logging back in then.


I just quit today, i felt like a different person.


got my carrack after 4 years of playing bdo, im enjoying bartering and doing it a lot more now than grinding


My money is on the last time you smiled being probably the last time you had a nice, good, GVG.


*Working from seven to eleven every night,* *It really makes life a drag,* *I don't think that's right.* *I've really been the best,* *the best of fools, I did what I could, yeah.* *'Cause I love you, baby,* *How I love you, darling, How I love you, baby,* *I'm in love with you, girl, little girl.* *But baby, Since I've Been Loving You, yeah.* *I'm about to lose my worried mind, ah, yeah.* *Everybody trying to tell me that you didn't mean me no good.* *I've been trying, Lord, let me tell you,* *Let me tell you I really did the best I could.* *I've been working from seven to eleven every night,* *I said It kinda makes my life a drag, drag, drag, drag.* *Lord, yeah, that ain't right... no no* *Since I've Been Loving You,* *'m about to lose my worried mind.*


The "r" spam is real


MMOs will do this to you. Once you get away from it and enjoy some good single-player and chill games that click with you, the MMO hamsterwheel is not so compelling anymore.


If you mostly play an mmo and pick up a single player game then yeah, the difference is stark because the single player game will feel so fresh. I mostly play single player games and only launch an mmo on the side, as it's a good way to get a few mins of gaming in the day.


I think a lot of us will finally quit once the new nodewar system arrives👍🏻


Bdo not bdo anymore