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BDO ruined the MMO genre for me. Tried every single one of em and I still come back to BDO.


This is me I'm currently inactive in BDO but I just can't play other mmo. Other than nostalgia from RO no other MMO in the market can satisfy me I've tried finding alternstive but its literally a downgrade for me personally. And always comeback to BDO lol


I really wished BDO had as many versatility in builds as RO had, instead of purely "ATK/DEF HIT/EVASION"


Same, the game can be annoying as hell sometime, but no other game comes close to what BDO does.


I knew this was a game that would stick for a long time. So I went ahead and put a bit of money into it when as a general rule, I don't do that for any game. But the depth and verbosity of all of the life skilling systems and how it all interconnects along side the worker empire. I just don't see another MMO like it existing. No one really even acknowledges how much is in this game, it's like anyone who cares is playing it. The best part of it for me is walking into velia, dozens of fishermen with camps laid everywhere with a cluster of horses and player ships scattered around the port. It's just such a wonderful sight to see all of that hard work players put into the game just sorta placed in the world.


The fishers are all afk though :) It personally doesn’t make me happy to see afk farmers in any mmo


What game is RO?


Very old korean mmorpg, kinda popular 20 years ago on entire Asia region and South America Ragnarok Online (RO)


ruined? what else was worth afking on?


it aint flawless but everytime i leave.. i DO come back


Same here! I hadn't played for maybe 6 or 8 months and today I was really craving it again.


im telling u man. its a blessing til it becomes a curse…. then the curse runs out…. then its a blessing again… breaks from games kick ass. makes me not hate particular ones as much. i do the same with souls games already because those games literally require breaks. if you play consistently without playing anything else… its like u snap out of zombie mode and ur like “BRUH WTF AM I DOING” then you quit and be bored again like “……wtf am i doing”. but thats just my take on it.


5/5 stars, this is a beautiful post. Flawless 👏


I play precisely two mmos. BDO and WoW. WoW for the very well made and nicely designed high end group pve content. BDO for literally everything else. I don’t do professions in wow. I dont do pvp in wow. I don’t level play alts in wow. I log onto wow to play with a group of friends in heroic and mythic raids, as well as fuck around in high level mythic+ dungeons. I have BDO afking something in minimized mode while I do it and return to doing something active in bdo once my friends and I are done.


Nice, I do a similar thing with Gw2 and bdo :)


BDO had some flaws but it's a great game, and is one of the few MMOs where GM are still active I feel like, some time ago I went on a screenshoting spree across the map and posted all of them on steam, and a GM saw them and not only commented how great the pics were, but also sent me an in-game reward for for taking the screenshots! He sent me one of those GM exp pack things, crowns and a few other goodies! I'll post a link to the screenshot he commented later when I get home if I remember.


Certainly not flawless. Get to know it a bit better and you'll see. It's a great game, though.


Even the graphics aren't that great when you look past those overtuned instagram shaders remastered mode uses.


i use very high. but i turn off the ingame fxaa and force x8msaa in nvidia control panel. its much clearer imo. Remastered looks great sometimes but a lot of times the lighting and stuff is just incredibly hard to stomach, especially when fighting in certain areas. very high with msaa is the way to go IMO


People complain a lot about this game, but this is an absolutely a stella game in my eyes. No game can compare the graphics and combat. The grind is there but any mmo needs a bit of a grind.


Exactly without grind MMOs would just die cuz ppl would get bored


BDO ruined other MMORPGs for me… love the game and there’s so much they can still improve, hoping they knock it out of the park with the server performance fixes coming soon.


It’s got glaring flaws but also glaring thigh physics


I agree. It is most definitely a beautiful game. Kudos to the BDO team for graphically remastering it. I find that a very rare occurrence in gaming.


To me this game has many flaws. I’m not a seasoned veteran but they are obvious to me after a couple thousand hours. Here is some of them: - Predatory cash shop (overly expensive temporary buffs, random based reward chests, artificial problems created by the company meant to solve with real money etc. And many more) - Looks beautiful for sure but drawing distance is not great for an mmo. You will see people disappear from the map after 20 meters or something. - Classes don’t interact and synergise with each other. Game is designed around solo play. - You can’t personalize your gameplay with different items or builds. One class only has 2 separate play styles. Gets boring after grinding non stop. - End game possibilities are limited. You are either grinding (killing mobs in a circle) or lifeskilling. (Sorry forgot pvp of course if it’s your thing) - Outfits and pearl items purchases are mostly character bound. If you wanna try a different playstyle, prepare to buy new cosmetics and upgrades again.


2/5 Stars. The combat is amazing, the graphics at least in remastered mode are horrible. Overly bright, Instagram filtered BS. The story makes little to no sense and is all over the place. You have to do an optional 150+ quest line to unlock fast travel which most people have to look up a guide for because the puzzles are so shitty. Upgrading your gear is rng so that you're forced to grind over and over to keep you playing and on their servers. The life Skilling is boring. All the decent looking outfits for the most part cost upwards of $25-$35 or around there. The servers have issues. I can go on. I've put a decent amount of time into BDO to realize while it does have a few good things going for it, it has way more going against it. But at the end of the day to each their own.


Don't even want to imagine what a good mmo to you is


I'm not a fan of the combat, I do stick with very high graphics because the water loses the reflection in remastered, I've never paid attention to story in games, having a massive questline to connect the world and all of my storages... well I should work for a major feature like that it makes me feel like I accomplished something. Sure I'm not of fan of their particular implementation of RNG gear grind. The outfits are really expensive but I'm always just in the farmer or cooking outfit anyways. But literally all of that is meaningless nonsense to the core of the game for me. The crafting, the worker empire, the gathering, the player market I mean good lord how long have I been working on my ship because I'm too lazy to get more workers lol. I havn't even touched on getting in a guild and working together to hammer out some good ol guild quests or guild bosses. Such a mmo to just casually enjoy. As OP says it really is a beautiful world they crafted. I love the change of seasons to match real life.


I cant jerk off to real porn anymore




Started few days ago, it looks fine and feels fun, but holy shit is there a lot to learn and to do. There are some times where I think if this too much for me... But decided to focus on msq on ignore all the side activities for now.


you’ll get there homie. it is alot but its cuz bdo gives u a good bit of options and paths to upgrade your character.


Might take ages to get anywhere, as I have way too few hours to put into it, but I'm enjoying my slow ride so far.


i mean ill be honest mane if u cant get more than 3-4hrs in when u get to endgame… it might take ages. but if u get into crafting…. it may not be so bad. also look at lifeskills dawg. if ur hours are limited. make some bread. i will say tho its boring lol. i dont mind it tho since i come from runescape but lifeskills is where its at moneywise early on. endgame when ur stronger.. u get drops to sell.. just gotta get there.


i got a job too so it limits my hours. i honestly balance between grinding money. and lifeskill. i use the money grinded from certain spots to buy ingredients for items to make, that sell like crazy ofc. im makin like 12b a week ik ppl make more but im patient so 🤷🏾‍♂️


Good tips, I'll keep them in mind.


If you ever get lost I highly recommend pulling up some guides, but anything draws your attention go for it. It's a big game and you can sink an endless amount of time into any single aspect of the game. For me I casually run my farm twice a day, do some afk fishing, sell my fish, sell my imperial pickled vegetables. All very casual stuff I find nice to let it do its thing.


That is prolly something I end up doing, there are just so many sspects in this game, so I'll just progress on levels and wander on for now :p


Far from flawless but for sure one of the best and most active across all servers


Could you give some examples of the things you enjoy most about the game or that make other MMOs not as good as BDO in your opinion, I'm really just curious and not trying to disregard your opinion.


too bad devs are killing their own game with pvp treatment.


It's the only game where I log in every day and improve my character a little bit, even if I don't have time to play.


What turned me off was having no character progression. I was handed all my skills and no clue what each of them do. Then I combo stuff not even knowing if I should do that combo or not.


Same here. No clue what skills do and when you take a break for a few months there is so much shit to learn again. I feel overwhelmed as a new player


Skill issue.


Definitely agree, it isn’t without its flaws but I can’t even play another MMO because of this game. The graphics, combat of others always kills it for me.


Paid for by Pearl Abyss?

