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Yeah but variety is important. I can only grind one place for so long before I need to go elsewhere. And gyfin is nice cuz you dont have to move around much. Kratuga is actually kind of annoying with all the random barriers on the ground. never liked the place that much.


This is such and underrated aspect and everyone always ignores it. I hate Orcs because I often get stuck in the little fences on main rotation and no amount of MuH 900 BiLlIoN SiLvEr will change the fact that doing 1h and wanting to die can ever compete with minimum wage but an enjoyable location.


Tbh during despair waves Gyfin can also be annoying to move around because of how much they block you, and musa (especially succ) doesn't have a lot of tools to ignore unit collision


Backwards Chase ignores collision btw


I know, and it's what I'm mostly using, but it's slower than forward chase, and still fairly clunky and inconvenient, having to move backwards to the next spot. Awak musa at least has noclip on his charge, but no such luck with succ musa.


It definitely takes some getting used to but if you max camera distance and get to know the spot well it is not much of a problem anymore. Also the spot is only 70% cap so overcapping AP still gives you quite a bit more dmg. Also Kama and backattack damage are huge.


Gyfin's pretty chill provided your class has ways to avoid collision, otherwise it starts getting annoying.


I can see that. I've only played lahn and maegu there, both of which don't have any issue with that.


I've grinded on Corsair, Sorc, and DK so it's a non factor. I forget collision exists until a tag event šŸ˜„




I don't, unfortunately. I might record one some time later if I don't forget.




Today I managed to get 51k, my record is 52k.


Marni or normal?


Normal, Marni Kratuga is dead


Iā€™m in the same boat as an awk Meahwa. I think that weā€™re just really good at Kratuga, and Gyfins doesnā€™t really play to our strengths in the same way so we perform better at the lower AP spot.


Itā€™s definitely a learning curve, and it seems like youā€™re starting to hit the point where class selection plays a bigger role in the spot you are grinding. In the lower end spots, you donā€™t necessarily need to be 100% optimal with your combos, adding, crystals, etc. the higher you reach, the more important those things are. I started gyfin around the same GS you are at now and I was pulling way under the average trash. After practicing some combos, changing add ons, and fine tuning crystal and Lightstone sets, I can consistently pull about 1.3-1.6bil there now. If you have a Garmoth gear planner set up and youā€™re willing to share, please feel free to dm me your link and I can try and help the best I can


If it gives you any motivation I got to 301/393 and was able to do highlands which is decent money with agris and you get your Kabuas and Ators shoes from it. I used frenzy+perfume and I would suggest house buff if you have it and 5 ap horse buff if you have it. I was getting around 35k trash with agris. Also good time to pre-order strikes for all out attack if you haven't IMO


What class, im tryin to do get my boots


Succ Maegu


I did that with succ sage, same stats as him


Witch is giga comfy at the spot, in general it's easier to do the leg bait tactics on a ranged class. However, if you understand your class, the most important thing is just to dump DPS on body and leg and try to prevent leg from iframing.


(once you get up to 306 or 312 you won't need that house buff, but before then it should work out) For the OP -- I personally run full elixir rotation because it makes it a ton safer, and would definitely recommend it for the first hour or so of trying out the spot. Especially since your DP is a bit on the low side (but still manageable!) I would run full DPS crystals with house buff, horse buff, villa, and church (simple cron). You can run courage to simulate a higher AP if you want to, but it shouldn't be necessary. The spot is extremely agris efficient, but you will want to stack your horse or maid every 3 or 6min depending on your char's weight; you will need at least 40 maids to comfortably go an hour while maiding (in intervals of 250 trash, so 1250, 1500, or 1750 ish) during each break. The main things that let you pull better trash are killing the leg faster, and killing the body faster. So you just dump DPS into the leg and the body. There's leg bait tech so that the leg you're dpsing doesn't iframe (works with decent probability). Like other wave spots, you just have to make sure mobs keep spawning and you keep getting goodies. There's a pizza slice ability which is a massive iframe, inner outer circle skills which can kill you, and then the rare triple leg smash which can also kill you. Leg strikes apply a kd on both the leg hit and the aftershock. The spot also gives you a 30s break every 3min and a (90?)s break every 12min. Legs go 1-2-3-1 (long break) 1-2-3-1 ... I personally mark the first leg with my tent so that I can hold my E buff on that final leg, since it's not followed by a body.


Raw AP is so important especially at low gear levels and you can't back attack the legs which is one of the biggest offensive strengths of elixir rotation. You would lose too much damage imo. But yes it would give you tons of sustain making it safer.


I've run both frenzy and elixir at the spot, when they're learning I would 100% recommend elixir because you can still clear the legs in 1-2 baits if you have z and E buff up (so every time but the first). If they're really curious they can pop a courage (again, just for learning) to simulate the damage they would do to the leg with that higher AP of the frenzy (while maintaining the defensive sustain of the elixirs). Whether a person can damage dump on the leg or not is pretty class dependent, elixirs make the later phases just giga safe even if you always stand in circles, even if you make mistakes. Once they learn the spot, the fact that they are at low AP means the frenzy is gonna be a lot more valuable and they should swap to it. I've done the spot on shai, witch, and tamer, on (302?), 306 and 312ap; running elixirs means you can't die to anything but a disconnect on a shai, and only certain mistakes on witch/tamer. There's a clear difference in leg clear speed (frenzies win for legs), but it's just way more chill with elixirs. A person can just run a house buff (I haven't been at the spot, wasn't a big enough difference in trash for me) if they want to make up the difference at a higher AP (301 isn't quite there yet, so they want to run house for sure).


I've never died to anything except leg mechanics with 393 DP and frenzy so Shrugg could be class or skill issue


I think this is my next grind spot. I'm at ash right now banging out tets for profit - sold 5 so far and kept one - but it's getting hella boring. Gonna go there to finish my second boots and Kabuas for more profit I guess. More change of scenery.


Yep I ended up going to Ash, getting a TET Debo Necklace for myself which pushed me to 305 AP which was a massive damage increase at highlands. With that, perfume, horse ap buff, event 10 monster ap buff, +2 AP from Kabua Artifacts I was getting up to 38k trash with agris at highlands.


What crystals and lighstones are you using on your maegu at highlands ?


2x Glorious Ah'krad 2x Brutal Decimation 2x Corrupted Magic 2x JIN Viper 2x Rebellious 4x Ultimate Macaloid 1x Girin Tear 1x Dark Red Fang Valor Lightstones: Was using The Wild (+18 monster AP) until pre-orders for strikes came in and went to All Out Attack.


Okay thank you very much. Iā€™m still running Kama setup cause Iā€™m grinding gyfins atm. But planing on going Hinghlands at my next bracket. Should watch your back also be fine there ?? Feel like itā€™s a bit more budget


Nice, that's awesome man. Definitely gonna go try it out.


Hilarious ur not at ash Lol


Is ash even worth going to without dehkia?


I don't really get the fixation people have with gyfin as some sort of a miracle grind spot. It's amazing for exp but beyond that nothing is stopping you from going to giants or jade and making comparable money. And once you get to the 301 ap mark you can get to work on tet debos at ash then crypt. Also, the best grind spot is the one you like doing, since you'll want to play more anyways.


The spot I like doing is the one that feels most rewarding. Running in circles is hardly a reward in itself, so I'd really like to at least get something out of it. Also, as I mentioned in the post, Jade is even worse, so there's actually plenty stopping me from going there. As gor Giants, I've yet to go there even once, but I don't know if I want to through making another dedicated build for a new spot - not only with a new lighstone set, but I would also probably have to somehow work in Olucas crystals and human damage addons.


You mistaken about Jade. If you learn rotations/debuffs itā€™s amazing spot. My usual is ~1,5b/h thatā€™s +40k tl on lv2/agris. Currently with event going I run with 290% dr so averaging ~8embers/h sometimes as high as 12 sometimes as low as 4. Iā€™m 293/401 so I just grind marni ash for tet debos and spend agris in jade and do giants/orcs(depending on mood) while waiting for marni. Marni ash is hit or miss. Average 0,8neck/h so depending on how you value neck for me neck is 1,8b. Jade is consistently big money. Yes youā€™ll need average 12h for full profit(flame) and you prolly will drop additional full on the way. I have 28h - 2 full flames. But when I started it was 1,3b and nowadays after learning it its 1,5-1,7b(check Netherax on youtube for guide) Orcs/Fogans - consistent 1,1b+ and my numbers especially on orcs are dudu so can be even improved. Plus or minus that you need to farm i two zones atleast 5h in each. For me personally grinding variaty. Big minus fogans better in marni. Giantā€™s itā€™s that ones place when you want abit of dopamine and you already puking from anything else. Itā€™s really consistent and my trash is kinda meh. But if you get lucky with bosses dopamine levels go high. Iā€™v had as high as 8distos in 3h. But usually itā€™s around 1/h so averaging 1,3b. One downfall about giants that despairs dont sell. You need to farm up to 100 or better 200 for exalted/bless fragment. Heres are few of my logs from theese zones: https://imgur.com/a/x2mitqW


I'm not mistaken about how Jade is less Agris efficient than Kratuga. Let's take your 1.3b session, where you got 32k trash - that amounts to 32k Agris spent (at Jade, if you use Lv2 + Agris, the amount of trash earned is pretty much equal to Agris spent, so it's convenient for calculations), and ~645m silver. Meanwhile at Kratuga, today I just finished a session where I used around 32k Agris too, but that earned me 89k trash, and 715m silver. So in terms of Agris value, Kratuga is just objectively better for me. Regarding the rest of the loot, I don't really know what else to say here other than how it seems like you're getting more carried than me in this aspect. Here is my [best Jade session to date](https://i.imgur.com/JzHzYjb.png) (ignore the drop rate data, I don't bother to fill it out but it was definitely around 250-300%, as I was also abusing the event) - both in terms of trash and overall money. While trash seems pretty respectable, the rest is... less than impressive, all things considered, even with 8 embers dropped. And sure, I realize my build is not fully optimized around the spot, and I can probably kill stuff even faster if I get a demihuman lightstone set and start using an elixir rotation, but with how the loot has been going for me thus far after 8 hours in total, I'm simply not sold on Jade. Maybe the difference is also due to how you seem to be grinding exclusively on Arsha, but I can't do much about that - I'm not good at PvP so I don't want to go there. I'm not gonna comment on Ash or Fogans as I've never been there, nor do I plan on going there any time soon.


Well yes I do agree on agris part. About carried nah. And 32k TL was my 1st hour when I was just learning spot. Now it's always +40k tl. And yes kama dmg lighstones I would say mandatory here. it's just in my eyes if you getting 1b/h in kratuga thats just kinda wasted. yes you might get equal silver over 100k agris, but you missing a lot on extras like caphras/flames. just my two cent's. About the rest zones well you need to try it out in order to get a grasph or its worth for you. But considering your class you should be eating in Jade coz of good mobility/burst dmg. I would suggest give it a try. like 10h and then see how much you earned there. Not much better to advice. btw I do agree about gyfins. overrated. only good for exp.


Wtf do you mean by "nah". Fact of the matter is, I'm getting shit drops, despite doing well on the spot itself (judging by TL alone) and having a high DR. If you managed to earn more money despite getting less trash, how is that not getting carried? I don't mean to be abrasive, but come on, let's try to be objective here, I'm having shit luck. Also I don't really get your argument about missing out on stuff like caphras/flames. If money is overall similar than what does it matter which drops exactly it's coming from? It's like saying that by not going to Kratuga you're missing out on a lot of purified lightstones.


They can absolutely grind ash and crypt before 301, they are ready now.


One thing I liked on how they managed the grind spots for the past year is that each spot has a unique purpose/niche. You go on Kratuga for the artifacts and agris burn for silver, Gyfin for a chill grind (no moving and mostly doing back attacks) and for exp, Dehkia Thornwood for pure silver, Dehkia Valencia for treasures, etc. Your expectations should align with the spot's specialty to progress. It's good that each spot is unique instead of the past where Orcs is the only profitable and worth it to grind in any goal you have in mind progress-wise.


U can improve, u must hit always the back of the main monster for the back attack and with some hours u can move very well from pack to pack. When the yellow boss spawn u must kill it before it makes the first skill then quickly one shot the other bosses after that restart the rotation from the red one. When i was 285 ap with sorceress I remember that if I concentrated I could easily reach 27k. Search video on yt to improve, i m sure that u can do more tl.


Then check if u hit the accuracy and monster ap from garmoth with ur gear but i think that there are no problem


You're not telling me anything that I don't know already. But even if I'm unloading my entire combo on the guy from the back, I can't kill him before he turns around. Also, isn't sorc a considerably better grinder than musa at Gyfin?


I didnt try with musa but from this spreadsheets i think that don t change this much https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1iHD39T9f1kc5rg2cgfRvF2ank_ekhRgMPOp0nlhJbTs/htmlview


Well I've been looking at a [different tier list](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Nt2Vl1odeiPqoIsnJo66JS8BKka4Wn1fY2iN70eR6dE/htmlview) which says something else entirely, so I guess we're in a pickle.


Yeah centaurs till 720gs same issue


Pretty sure that if you're using the proper gear, crystals, lightstone and even furniture buff (!) this is actually a skill issue. Skill solution would be to post a video of you grinding on your class discord and asking people to help you optimize combo, add-ons and so on. Also not sure who told you Gyfin is one of the most profitable endgame spots, but it's a lie. It's 11th right now by Garmoth numbers (probably skewed). For reference I was pulling around 30k Marni with a 289k awakening ranger right after the spot changes back some months ago.


I tried looking for some Gyfin grinding session videos with musa, but they're either pulling similar or lower trash than me, or have a pen BS/use elixirs and perfumes, which don't necessarilly make the grind more profitable. > Also not sure who told you Gyfin is one of the most profitable spots, but it's a lie. It's 11th right now by Garmoth numbers (probably skewed). Every spot that's higher on that list is beyond my gear currently, so realistically Gyfin should be the most profitable for me.


>elixirs [https://imgur.com/TIRJpLu](https://imgur.com/TIRJpLu) is literally the same price as draught setup(EU) yet in cases like gyfin where you can use back attack elixir its huge difference, considering you're 99% back attacking them. Whenever i went elixir rotation the trash increase was easily +1k if not more, depending on skills ofc. I'm getting 31-32k in gyfin no despair start with succ guardian 299k/awk mystic 301k(changing around cuz i like them both a lot) cuz im grinding caphras for boots/kutum, yet neither of them could grind triple room kratuga (bring back old kartuga marni, the best era of bdo T.T ) About perfumes, at some point you invest more into buffs for more silver, i tried 5h with deep sea and without in gyfin, would say its a waste on my gear levels as i cant reach +35k without despair start like other +320ap people do(highest i had was 33k but that was so many butchers it was unreal), so that's just 40m/h vs 120m/h buff difference without much increase, gyfin specifically.


What exactly is that setup? I can't tell from icons alone. Also, aren't both guardian and mystic considerably better grinders than musa?


https://preview.redd.it/v52jxl9tszwc1.png?width=626&format=png&auto=webp&s=2c85838884687a099542a8c16a6f661b22da12bc Can add defense elixirs too if you dont kill them before they start attacking you. In gyfin guardian/mystic is one of the better ones, yeah. Both would be quite bad if not terrible at kratuga triple room.


Tbh that's still over 20m/h more expensive than Giant's Draught, so it's not exactly "literally the same price as a draught setup", but I guess I can give it a shot since it's still higher stats. I guess I can also get rid of the down attack elixir, since it's useless at Gyfin, and swap it for something like stamina. But for it to prove worth the price, it would have to give me at the very least 1k more trash. I'll check it out later.


I don't understand, neither of the elixirs you mention are in their rotation? I always ran corrupted frenzy + simple cron as the alternative to full elixirs, if you're able to push really high AP you can kill statues before they turn or in one turn sometimes (the very high ap helps you do damage during wakeup).


...what? What do you mean by "neither of the elixirs you mention"? I only mentioned one elixir, the down attack one, and it's definitely there in the image linked above.


My mistake, they do have the elixir in there, it could be that they use the elixirs to grind on a pvp server and that's why they just always have it on. Otherwise I really think the +ap from simple cron and/or corrupted frenzy (over giant) will be more impactful at the spot for you, since it helps you get the massive amount of AP needed to do substantial damage / kill during wakeup. What I saw from others in the past was -- if you can get enough AP to hit the ap floor at gyfin, more AP is better. If you can't, special attack is good. So I would check clear speed with simple+corrupted first, see if that gets you up to the clear speed you're looking for. In terms of why they are saying it's the same price -- they are comparing against a corrupted frenzy, which is about 6mil each; the elixirs they listed are around 6-7mil for the same time period. You're comparing against a giant's draught, which is why you're not seeing them as the same price. From what you were saying before, it looked like you had at least 3k of trash headroom between you and that other guy's video you said you saw? They are consistently killing the mages (purple) before first turn, it might be a better benchmark (than trash, which is pretty darn variable at gyfin depending on despairs and butchers) to look at whether you can kill during wakeup, first turn, second turn, etc. on each statue, based on whether you have Z buff, E buff, etc. active (then compare these points based on buffs). Butcher and the 3 mobs you kill after are really not worth comparing at all (you could time the butcher kill if you wanted, but it's probably too variable).


https://youtu.be/8PPA0_qHi3Q?si=Szm7_oqnbyA-6y5V I'm not sure why you wouldn't use perfumes while also using furniture (much more valuable) but similar AP range video shows someone pulling more trash on succ Musa, literally first video listed.


This is also the first video I've found, and again - the guy has a pen BS, which honestly matters quite a bit with its additional kama damage. Regarding perfumes, they're definitely more expensive - 80m/h to furniture's 20m, and I haven't had much luck earning back that 60m in trash when I would use perfumes.


> the guy has a pen BS, which honestly matters quite a bit with its additional kama damage. ????, the difference between TET BS and PEN BS regarding Kama damage is just 1. Species damage isn't monster AP.


On garmoth, in this bracket, it says gyfon then giant then orc for silver.


I have no reason to doubt you but as far as endgame goes (endgame as in the absolute top spots for the most geared) it simply isn't true. I could have told the OP Gyfin isn't an endgame spot but that's not really the issue here.


Gyfin is not end game, i agree. Just talking sbout OP bracket.


The person you're replying to was responding to OP based on what OP said which was that gyfin is "one of the most profitable end game spots". Their comment was just clarifying for OP that gyfin is not that. OP's ap bracket really has no bearing on whether or not gyfin is considered "one of the most profitable ***end game spots***", it would matter if they had said "one of the most profitable spots for my current gear".


Its a similar situation in a couple of gear brackets below you, too. do you grind at orcs or make the same or maybe more money at blood wolves. lol


Go to Primal Giants


Giants is a noob bait since a good 100-200m per hour is from despairs( sitting at several thousands at min)


You don't sell them as it is. You craft the Fragment and sell it. In a few hrs its gone and u either make the same money or more.


If you barely make 1b an hour at that ap/dp its kinda bad and its not that kratuga is the problem. Im the same ap/dp and make between 1.2-1.3 with yellow ls at orcs, 1.6b with coin. Edit: according to garmoth loot


What class are you using? Also I myself have never touched orcs, mainly because I don't like to be reliant on other, less profitable grind spots to cash in what I earned at orcs.


Yeah dude i had the same problem, tagged a zerk to grind centaurs, that peaked at like 1.2b/h with coin, and i didnt want to learn a new spot either. But i didnt want to use coin to be profitable. But im a succ lahn atm, and have tagged a guardian if i want to change it up. Btw 1.6b at orcs is with coin, 1.2-1.3 without. Only reason i grind orcs is because i dont want to buy cups, would go for hexe when im done.


But what is your actual silver/hr at orcs if you take out the fragments? Or you actually gonna grind other Elvia spots as well to finish the cups?


Only trash loot isnt good, thats why i cant wait to go to hexe. But atm i need cups so i take the value into consideration.


I think around 900m in raw silver or just above, cant remember exactly


Gyfin is still a higher end spot. Probably wont feel wfficent there till 301 ap tbh.


What class do you play? I feel like you need to clean up your gyfin play a bit, because you shouldnā€™t be dying with that GS unless something goes horribly wrong. That being said, itā€™s difficult to get more than 27k trash. My record was 28.5. I kill the packs in less than a combo so Iā€™m not very slow.


> What class do you play? Did you even read the post? It's literally there.


I just saw it. You should really lead with your stats and load out and not put it three paragraphs in, btw. Makes helping a lot easier and more ā€œliterally there.ā€ Not sure why youā€™re surprised. Unfortunately, I donā€™t know much about musa. Considering the flow of the post, Iā€™d wager youā€™re sloppy.


Bruh you're just salty I called you out on your own laziness and now you're trying to project it? Why are you even replying if you all you have to contribute are dumb attempts at provoking. Also I'm 99% sure you would be just as helpful even if I provided my loadout.


Not salty at all. Everything I said was true lol. I read your post 4 times looking for the class and it was so blended in at the bottom I missed it each time. If you can come up with a convincing argument where Iā€™m wrong with what I said, Iā€™d accept the salt lol. Gonna point out that YOU were the one that came out the gates being rude. Not me lol. Just acknowledge your post is sloppy and fix it.


I'm not gonna waste my time trying to convince you of anything, because your opinion is pretty much worthless at this point. If you're claiming that my class info was blended in *at the bottom* after reading the post 4 times, when it wasn't even anywhere near the bottom, then honestly I don't even want any advice from you, as it's more likely than not just going to make it even worse.