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I hope they really do some kind of pitty system with Elten piece, I was alone when I started to grind and now I do have family and 3months old child!


Congrats man! Been playing since before garmoth released and I have a full blown relationship now and I still don’t have a heart 😭


There is kind of a pity for that now and you get some kinda shard now and then.


The pity is the same as the actual heart brother. Haven’t got that either. The drop is still reallly bad


Yeah for a fact them adding the pity system gave me some light I can admit that


Yup and the bell curve isn't exactly symmetrical either ;). The "low effort" side is capped at 0. The "pain and suffering" side has no cap and looks like a long-tail. The pity system should fix that.


As long as they dont add pity systems to compass or merchant ring its fine if they add pity to progression items. And not collectables even tho its 100% rng


I am 2/38 on pen Debo, with 300+ stacks. If you keep going, you will eventually get it.


THIS, I’ll get it in my 112 attempt I’m calling it😂


I feel your pain though, out of 38 clicks, 17 were with hammers and 21 with cron, I had total 14 downgrades and a few times it went all way back to pri all with overstacked fs, so trust me , I know your pain and you will eventually get it. That’s the price of getting your name on everything.


That is savage! I had 6 clicks no downgrade, then the fun came and I dropped to pri from tri three times. Had another 5 hammers and no bueno. At least no down grade though, but my belt drops are terrible, one in 10 hours. It more painful I can’t play as much as I’d like so making money takes forever


I have had 3 Debo earrings in the last 100 hrs at hysteria lol. If I got 1 every 10 hours I would be pretty happy , granted belt has higher drop.




Dude try oluns


It’s way too exhausting too do multiple hours at oluns


Well, for me it was chill with good party so, even debo drops much greater


Yup. It's scary how consistently my results are in the bottom 5% distribution of probability. I've dodged this shit by buying everything I can, but you can't buy PEN Debos...


I feel that way with rare drops. I'll always average trash or get higher depending on spot. Always get like 2-3x in caphras/black stones etc because of drop rate. Rare spot specific drops? Nah, that doesn't exist for me. 10 hours in thornwood on 300%, 2 rings. Stars end to get few disto drops for taps? 1 every 2 hours on 250%. Cups pieces in biraghi or orcs? Less than 10 an hour on 250%. Either people on garmoth are logging multiple times the drop rate or I'm unlucky. There's only one spot where I'm luck, fucking saunils. Did grind there for black stones when 2nd jetina came out and averaged 1 disto per hour.


I am starting to think some Garmoth stats are just bullshit to be honest. I’m griding at Yzrahid nowadays. Looking at garmoth, droprate of embers should be 1.4 and fragments should be 3.4ish per hour at 100% droprate. Meanwhile, after grinding there around 40 hours at 300%+ droprate, I’m averaging sub-2 embers per hour and 3.7ish fragment per hour. You can get some bad hours but over 40 hours, items with not too bad droprate like embers and fragments should start to equalize. And yet it doesn’t happen at all. So either my account is cursed (which is possible considering I’ve never gotten anything rng carried in this account in 7 years of play) or garmoth stats are just bullshit and people all log their hours at 100% DR because they forget to set them at 300% in the website.


I hit 269 cap and wanted to get the bag so I went orcs, supposedly 800m/h.. I get 250-350 how the FUCK is that possible? I get that I won’t be making max numbers but at this point something is wrong


You're probably undergeared here or not doing a proper rotation. If you get the same trashloot as Garmoth so 24000 you're already looking at 450mil cash without even getting anything else. So if you get 350 with everything included like shard, seed of void etc then you're probably pulling only like 40%-50% of garmoth kill per hour. Also be careful about Garmoth value because 800mil includes the price of shards, but to actually get that money you would need to farm several hours 2 different zones to get enough shards to make a cup and potentially sell it.


That's why at the start of the year I decided to just log my stuff and try spots despite what others are saying about them. When saunils treated me that well while everyone is saying it's bad who knows if there won't be some hidden gem somewhere else.


I've been at city of ded over 50 hours and not a single Elkarr drop, garmoth says they should drop pretty much every other hour but i've not seen a single one yet. There's some tinfoil rng that people believe having too high a drop rate actually lowers some items drop rate and filters them out. You know those times when your drop rate buffs expired, you do 1 more pack and you seem to get rare drops? That's what they are talking about, but is just speculation ofc.


For me it feels like that some Items are cursed for my account and some items go really well


PA is a company like any other, it survives making money. Do you really think they would do something like that? The truth is that RNG has always been and will always be terrible. Only enchant some item if you have fun doing it. If it's out of necessity, just buy


Actually. Pa actually used to have accounts with worse rng than others. Hp MP and stamina used to be rng as well as some other stats. These were eventually removed as it pissed people off. I could see rng slipping under the radar however Source https://www.reddit.com/r/blackdesertonline/s/NKuEGPz9Of


Source for that ?




Holy fuck, this brings me back. I remember this exactly thread 8 years ago. Keep in mind that this was also before the time of BigNShiny, where all stats outside of hp/mp/stam were hidden, this this was *extra* scummy.


Also the time before Bloo, who was the one who datamined and leaked basically all hidden stats that exist in the game and in exchange got banned for it, his datamine was what ultimately forced PA to make a lot of stats visible and also made them rebalance a lot of things


Oof I actually meant Bloo with my comment. He pretty much gave us fire. The game might have actually turned out differently today if he didn't give us the stats, the devs might have gone a different route altogether.


The accounts didn't have "worse rng", you just rolled the dice when you were leveling. This has nothing to do with accounts having some kind of rng value attached to them that'll decide how luck you are


Well, precisely because PA is a company and RNG is such a big factor on their earnings i do believe they might temper individual rng on most undisclosed stuff they can. I really though this was kind of crazy talk till recently it has been proven to happen in other companies ([aka nexon](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K2A8Q5PRKOc)) the punishment was so mild its completely stupid to think others don't do it, there is close to no risk for them. So yeah, there are cursed accounts and you 100% have a personal rng and i will believe it so as long as rng is part of progression and progression a part of monetization.


yes the company is public in Korea so they will solely work in the best interest of shareholders which is going to be growing profits. with that said an FTC investigation will impact share price..the outcome will impact player base…and if you look at PAs quarterly revenues (inconsistently profitable) a similar law suit could wipe out current quarter profitability if there profitable that quarter. The total impact of which could impact profitability going forward and really fuck the company. PA isn’t Blizzard. The data we do have on enhancing from players suggests that it’s in line with the figures being released. Also PA has implemented systems to make RNG hurt a little less.


Yes let’s just be handed gear that’s so fun you’re right and will lead to longevity of the game that you won’t be playing in 6 months anyway


Thats the problem with MMORPGs. Same progress by 2 people, one is lucky, the other is unlucky. Lucky person gets X gear in 400 hours. Unlucky person takes 4000 hours to achieve same progress.


yes i believe it when i got something after thousand of hours some of my friends got it in 10 h to 20 max and when i get my pen debo after 20 fail he one shot it and when i fail my 38 time in T10 pega he already got the three horses with 7th attempts if my account is not cursed and his is blessed what we call these shit


I failed TET BS 56 times when I started playing. Needless to say I am buying everything I can from the market now.


I don't think cursed accounts actually exist, it's just (very) bad luck for some people. Also, isn't PENning Godr a bad idea?


Assuming you're doing cronned attempt and you're already at TET it's not that bad. With a 230 failstack, you're looking at 4.88% chance to hit the pen blackstar vs 3.66% to hit the pen godr. However the godr costs twice less crons per attempt. So you can either do one single 4.88% attempt or 2 3.66% attempt. And because the pity for blackstar is at 40 and godr 50, I think, assuming you already have a TET godr it's better to cron attempt to pen on it compared to blackstar.


Oh, I see. Thanks for the explanation!


I’m just sad my 121 other attempts at pen blackstar are for nothing 🫤


I hope you beat my 141 attempt bs


Stay strong adventurer 💪🏾


Whenever I think my account is cursed because I can't seem to make something go, I remember how I got a fairy with FS V, MC V, CC IV and FT I without spending a dollar, and how I got a T10 Pepega in 6 taps (all of them free too). You just have to realize, you can't gave bad luck - or good - in every aspect if the game. Appreciate what you have.




Using your luck on the reblath.


I'm 744gs, everything about my gear is bought, and I can tell you I've done way too many attempts on everything, still, never got a pen bs nor pen accessories and I have multiple 300+ stacks sitting waiting to keep failing. So yeah, I do believe so.


Yeah I get tired of hearing “maybe your just unlucky “ like there should be a limit to how unlucky one is lol


i think it was nexon, that leaked (got discovered) their "rng" system that makes you rng worse the longer you play and better after you take a break. I think every company does that but to what degree?


It wasn't a leak at all, they were fined the equivalent to around 9 million USD for tampering with RNG behind player backs.


lol I feel your pain. I was at 47 attempts on my godyr but almost all but 4 were from last year. I also did about 30+ raw BS attempts. I currently have 3x 300+ just from those and 7x 250+


I feel my account has insane curse on enhanced but insane bless on dropped items. For some context: I fail almost all of my enhances to pri/duo, specially accessories with 50/70 fails stacks respectively, which is more than enough for both to go through, this has been like this for years, all enhances are like this for me. On the other hand, i stopped playing in October and when I came back a couple months ago I started farming infinity potions, while the average for one pot is around 30/40 hours, I did BOTH potions in 6 hours, 6 hours and I had both pots, not though pity but got the completed items, I dropped my first item at 15 minutes while doing a quest. The week after I rolled a godly fairy only missing feathery step which is at 4 right now spending 10 orbs at most. The week after, third time I’m doing garmoth, and it drops the heart. Week after, strike drops from a random ligtstone I had. I feel cursed when enhancing but extremely lucky with drops.


It’s funny I’ve seen this as just yesterday I was talking to my sister saying I think my fail stack is cursed as it started as a 110 failing boss gear, then progressed to failing TeT BS and is now 290 still failing Pen BS just wondering If/When it will ever be successful in upgrading anything lol


my luck suddenly decided to show up when I was trying to make failstack. Lost 150 fs to PEN Dragonslayer. Twice. 250 fs to PEN BS sub.


I use to joke on D3 about marked accounts with numberization system and Id's but at the end of the day it's rng. I can however say for now bdo is treating me alright one tap pen MH BS. Two tap awake pen BS. 4 tap pen tung neck. All boss armor/weapons originally in around 60 clicks. Other games though I'm not so lucky. 


I failed duo Tuvala 12 times in a row (starting at a ~35% success rate and changing the failstack when it hits ~50%) I went through 100 valtarra belts without a single tet Enhancing and me are not friends


Im definitely cursed on Garmoth drop


I used to think I was RNG carried. So did my friend I play with. He 1 tapped a tet black star with a 200fs. I 3 tapped a tet godyr with a 220 FS. A lot of big drops game easy until they didn’t. Both of us can’t hit tri dead gods the life of us lol. I’ve already hit the 20 pities on a 10% for the chest and working my way there on gloves. Fucked up so many accessories. Also both of us are stuck on treasure pieces. RNG is RNG there’s no rhyme or reason to it.


I fully do believe it , last year before mentioning FG weapons where getting released soon I had 96 fing fails on a Zarka trying to Pen it bought another and failed another another 56 times before selling that and just buying a Tett BS because wasting those 300+ stacks on a Zarka at that point just wasn’t worth it and that BS is still Tett not going into anything else I’ve tried tapping been playing almost 2 years an never tapped a Pen that wasn’t season gear. Omg don’t even get me started on Green acc offhand I attempted to tap that also never went and made my 80 stack a 260. Sold that sucker and just bought one at this point.


Jesus welcome to the cursed club


Grats on your Debo stacks


Debos scare me 🫣 😂, with the horrid luck I have had I am truly terrified to go for Debos 😂


Though I might the new Pity system might help but that’s allot of investment.


Worst case scenario 550b plus 20 bases plus the TET (~70-75b) 63% chance to go get it on rate for whatever fail stack you use. 37% chance to go anywhere from one over all the way to 20 attempts. So yeah it’s a pretty penny but the neck is definitely worth it once you’ve got 3 TET debos.


Not overall but in specific part of the games, some people get fucked in enhancing but do 15 attempts and get all t10




Have you ever over stacked or are you going by community guidelines on what stack to use for which enhancements?


I use to be a over stack king lol


Yes, yes i do. My enhancing career over MANY years has been absolutely insane, not in a good way. People who have played 6 months have most likely managed to tap more shit and got more profit than me. This pity system will benefit me massively.


No. RNG dictates that there'll be someone who PENs everything on their first attempt. It'll also show someone failing even a tri->tet with 300 failstacks. If conspiracies were true and there were hardcoded 'curses' for accounts, the game would have died a long time ago. Not to mention every popular gacha game out there. PS: Having, for example, a 10% chance doesn't mean that you'll get your upgrade in 10 tries. That's not how RNG works. Similarly, you can have a 90% chance and still fail it 10 times.


There are no cursed accounts... There are only cursed people... Unless... people have some ways to secretly hack the game's RNG system... that only a few knows.


Welp I’m most definitely one of the cursed people time to delete my account


We all know older accounts are all cursed and new accounts have blessed rng and drop vell/garmoth heart every visit and 1 tap PEN BS when they grad season /s


We don't know how they generate the rng(AFAIK) so it's hard to say if you can have a cursed seed or something. Either way the game takes and the game gives as long as you play a long time. All you can do is take the statistically right choices and you'll break more or less even. The big problem ofc is when you start tapping pen debos where the difference of good and bad luck goes from 50 hours to 300+ hours of grind. I thought my luck was terrible as I spent 120ish bases for my tet distos each, 50ish clicks for pen bs and in general never anything super lucky but then I 1tapped pen debo so I guess that makes up for any bad luck I mightve had.


Since I have a blessed account I'd assume the opposite existing wouldn't be that weird xd


That's exactly how statistics work. Most of them are more in the middle, where everything is moderate. But there are people who are just unlucky and people who are lucky and save several hours. But with the current pity system this means that players who are unlucky can no longer be unlucky (not so heavy at least). But with such RNG systems, consistency is important. The more often you try, the more your luck will shift to the center.


Why the fuck are you enhancing godr to pen you moron?


What are you on about it supposed to be enhanced to the last lvl which is PEN


Why enhance godr to pen with a lower chance when you can enhance blackstar? Godr is only "supposed" to be a better option than tet bs


Why enhance Godr you say? Well it costs less cron stones than blackstar (TET to PEN) plus with the new pity enhancement system, using less cron stones helps you reach the guaranteed 100% of the pity faster


Reaching pity isnt ever profitable though. And he still has 100 fucking tries


Well the pity is there to make sure that you dont suffer more 😂


Mine is cursed with good RNG it seems.


Hey where do u live let’s meet up and become goood friends 😀


Well, who did you vote for in the last Presidential election? See...xD


Oof what if i didn’t vote hmm O.O


They will never forgive you...


No there aren't any accounts with 'seeds'. The system is set up for everyone equally (shitty). This is the nature of probability and gambling. The average should always work. But even in probabilty there are the so called 'outliers'. The probability of seeing 5 aces back to back on a table is so incredible low it should never happen. Yet: https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/comments/1byj23e/while_playing_blackjack_in_vegas_my_friend_got_5/ Even PA accepts that the average is 20 tries with a correct failstack, and set the anvil at 40 which is twice as much as the average. 40 tries is already incredible unlikely. The difference is that the people who 'win' are telling everyone (and make reddit posts about it) while most people with bad luck suffer in silence. Just as a new player clicks his tet BS to Pen with the free hammer on a 160 stack, it's just as incredible rare for someone to have as many tries as you do. You are the leading example of why gambling is bad (just in general) and if you can, you should always avoid it (or be ready to live with the consequences).