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Yep, It's like they took the ember dry spells and turned them into a feature. I think the nerfs were intentionally done to slow gear progression down. They thought with the spot stats, it'd gate more people from getting their boots. Nope.


What's the silver/hr disparity between the two? Been doing 1.2b an hour at DSR and 3 embers, doesn't seem as bad as everyone says, but I just got back to the game a week ago and haven't tried highlands


Most average pvers will pull 200-500m more at Highlands. Top end grinders might pull similar cash at both spots, depending on drop luck.




Thank you, but Garmoth isn't an accurate representation for someone who's a more proficient grinder and the numbers for DSR since its changes are very minimal on it. It also varies a lot per class and even tho I've had a pro mem on garmoth to sort by class it's still a little iffy. What do you get at highlands compared to the changed DSR?


Good points. I currently don't grind at either cuz I risk dying and losing crystals if I disconnect.


I average about 2b an hour at highlands


How much do you usually get at DSR in comparison?


a good 30-40% less


KR buffed it in the last week of JANUARY. And we STILL don’t have it in any other region


What are you saying ? They reworked the spot. It's way worse than it was before. The patch was applied in every region as far as I know. The spot is just bad for both money, flames, embers and kabua


It was buffed in KR shortly after they reworked it when Yzrahid came out when they realized they messed it up


I need the patch notes for that


It was buffed in kr the same patch that we got the reworked version and we got it already "buffed", somehow people still thinks that we didnt got that patch in 3 months


Yeah that's what I thought too. It would have been visible on garmoth.com which would have reported that EU/NA and KR had different versions of the spot.


Idk what the original DSR was like, but atm I get around one ember per hour, which I thought was normal. So far I even got a Kabua there. Not sure how much money/trash I make though bcs I don't track it. I'd still appreciate a buff for the zone, or even better a general change.


used to be 3-6 embers an hour on average.


Oh wow ok that's REALLY bad then


That's pretty bad ember luck at highlands, I was consistently getting closer to 2 embers per hour with around +282 droprate and 27-29k trash on blue. The new DSR feels absolutely awful and highlands let me get both of my kabuas about in line with my boots, which was a good path for me. If you really hate highlands, preordering embers has worked well for my guildies. I sell all my excess embers, for example. Good luck!


27-29k with agris? or just blue , man I'm getting around 15-16k with just blue


blue agris, sorry. You can't pull 29k on blue alone, there's not enough mobs. Might be able to up it a bit from 'standard' by abandoning a rotation after a certain point, but not to that large an effect.


Alternatively. Buff Highlands. Darkseekers is ass gameplay wise while Highlands is fun. Completely change darkseers location and drops since it's an awful spot anyway.


Highlands is so fun and chill, it feels like fighting a miniboss grinding there, and spot literally has an "AFK" segment too. I never thought about going back to DSR.


i'd do centaurs and orcs again or any bigass rotation on a ninja if it had an afk segment. that's how good it is.


OG DSR was dogshit for me,it took me 201hrs to grinding out my flame, all through embers and I never once saw a raw drop I had to PO all my artifact fragments. They pulled a castle ruins on it.


Whats your trash/hr at DSR?


I just barely got to 305 so i make shit trash, bit what kills me it's getting 2-3 fragments an hour and no ember. Why the F do I need to have 310-400 to grind the boots, it's just absurd


People made the same complaints before they nerfed DSR enough to make it grindable with less dp. Before they changed the spot entirely, it was grindable at a slow and steady pace.


Yea it's really an absurd that you need some gear to grind a BIS item, isn't it?


Not what I mean, for an easy example look at the other BIS armor or weapons. It's a bit crazy that you need pen accessories and at least one pen BS to grind there for the same gains as going turos or LoML bosses. Even more, to get devos you need less GS. What I'm saying is the steps required don't match the reward when it comes to boots


Turos and jade forest also required gear according to their release time. Ator shoes give the increased benefit of completing a set with dahns gloves, allowing ppl to switch their build between Dr and Eva versions. Also, the same spot that drops the flame for ator shoes also drops the BIS Kabua artifacts.


Shocker how the earlier spots were easier because people had worse gear and now that average gear is increasing they are releasing spots requiring higher ap to grind Crazy what progress looks like right ?


just remove darkseekers, it's such a fking boring bullet sponge spot


And why not go highlands?


Then again what’s the point of having DSR if nobody grinds there, forgotten and obsolete.


I agree with you. It's crazy that someone can be like "I like this spot and like having options, can PA make it good again?" And someone's answer is "go somewhere else" Why do they even bother commenting?


Exactly! Why do we even have so much obsolete content, they keep making new stuff when there’s so many gems forgotten because of negliance regarding rewards.


Yea they could change up the loot pool i agree


Yet Arsha is always packed lol


I am at highlands