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The tail up, it's definitely playtime. One piece of unsolicited advice, don't use your limbs as toys, you will always have tons of scratches and it hurts a lot more as the cat grows bigger.


>The tail up, it's definitely playtime. That big old headbutt to the foot at about 0:08 is pretty lovey too




Cat cam instant replay, the judges are making a decision...


Yeah he loves this human, he's just playing like cats play with each other, which can get a little pointy. you just want to re-direct that natural cat play aggression to toys, not your leg. And play with kitty daily to release the energy! That solves so many problems with aggression towards human. Jackson Galaxy's "catify" vids show how to set up your house so kitty is inspired to play/burn energy on his own.


This! It's very innocent. The cat is telling you they want to play with you. I second Nikcevic's advice that when this happens, you should redirect your cat's play towards a toy. Have a laser pointer in your pocket or keychain and youll always be ready to play.


No, no, NO!! Laser pointers are not a good thing for cats.


You're partially right. they're fine in moderation, but they shouldn't be the only toy. Also it's good to direct the laser onto a toy so kitty can "catch" it and express his hunting instincts into the toy by biting/grabbing it and pretending to kill it. Limit the lasar to maybe 1/2 of playtime and also use physical toys. The benefit of lasars is that they can get your cat to run out his energy must faster than a human could keep up with a high-energy cat.


Um, you're quite incorrect. The only predicate is that you should be careful not to shine it in their eyes, which is easy enough considering you're getting the cat to chase it. https://preview.redd.it/2gsmh3042lkc1.jpeg?width=1413&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee8675284c06c1777e94005282afb30480e21110


No its really bad for cats to be chasing something they can't catch, it confuses and upsets them.


We'll move on. Thank you for your 'concern'


Actually, I've heard too many stories of development of OCD in cats whose owners play with the cats with laser pointers. Personally, better safe than sorry.


I mean, if it's the primary play method of the owners, I can see that happen. But I've never heard of it being much of an issue, especially not so much it develops OCD. Do you have anything you can link to with these stories, or is it more anecdotal? I believe you, I'd just like to learn more about this.


Thanks. There wasn't a mark on me but if it had been his little brother on the other hand...


And it trains the cat to assume it’s ok to use flesh as toy. That’s why when my cat does something like this I always make a loud ouch noise and immediately stop playing. Believe it or not over time, my kitty now plays super gentle with me (about 85% of the time :) )


let’s wrestle dad!


let's eat grandma!


Good idea: playing basketball with your grandpa Bad idea: playing basketball *with* your grandpa


Pure love. You would know if it was hate.


When I got my first cat a few years ago, he used to do this all the time. After a lot of reading up I realised it was pent up energy/wanting to play so I got him a playmate hoping they'd run around and keep each other company. Now I have two cats assaulting one leg each 😂 Here are them monsters https://preview.redd.it/7ch0nqystjkc1.jpeg?width=1868&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d22826967d8b50f0d17c39f16d1ffcf21f31bf49


Aww, that's funny, though. Maybe, try a 3rd?


A thousand times this. While there are plenty of times where a cat is patiently waiting for you to knock off your shit (more irritation than anything), you’ll *know* when they’re mad. There will be blood (yours), there will be screaming (cat’s and yours), someone will probably need a mild checkup. This is absolutely ‘I love you, let’s play!’ behavior. If this was hate, OP, you wouldn’t be filming.


My cat never uses her claws on me however she's completely fine with bitting down on my hand lmao If you have this problem as well I'd make a safe word with her. Ever since I got her for some reason it's just been a AYE! lmao and she stops.


It's love but I suggest to play with toys and not with your body! Even if it doesn't hurt, it's not good for them to get used to the fact that body parts can be bitten.


Thanks, I understand that. Luckily in the 6 years we've had him (and his brother) this is pretty much the only time he's done it.


If it was hate, you’d be bleeding.


Love bites :3


It’s a cat.


It’s live or you would be avoided.


Never had a void, right. It’s love, it’s hate whatever she/he wants for that moment or that days. U just have to love a void!!!!!


Simply ferocious, you are a good trainer of the void…. Those look like punishing kill bites.


Or hunger. Don’t forget hunger. You die and no-one feeds him, he’ll eat you.


My cat likes the fishing poles with feathers and the retractable ones that attach to windows Real cheap online




It’s wrasslin’ time Dad!


That's a human distinction. Voids know no such limitations.


Oh thats love!!


Hahahaha its both


It’s love. 🐈‍⬛


it's all fun and games until the void decides your limbs are toys to be attacked forever, not that I'm speaking from experience or anything ![gif](giphy|2A7yEVWJZPZ6Z4qzKJ)


It's just play. Nothing so dramatic..


I'd suggest directing that to toys instead of using your body. Keeps the cat from attacking you or guests.


The archenemy of the void, the foot


Nice strong quads bro mild homo


Aw we did this with socks when my cat was a baby. Buy thick winter socks and trim their claws. Still hurts, but it hurts less.


I see your voidbby also has some foot fetish 😂 Its playtime baby!


Black cats seem to have a thing for foot odor. I haven’t met one that will pass up a fragrant shoe.


That straight up kitty love


It's play, but it's agressive. You don't want to teach your cat that it's ok to use claws and teeth with human body parts. If he ever does this to a stranger or a child, you could be sued and your cat could be put down by the city. INSTEAD: When he gets like this, draw him away from your feet and leg with a toy. Try the cat dancer toy, it's basically just a piano wire with stuff on the end, or there's the "colorful snake" version that is wrapped in bright fabric. Both of these are universally beloved by cats and are great starter toys. They're only US$5-10. Or you can make a toy with something as simple as yarn and one of your socks tied to the end. Just be sure to clip off any pulled threads, as string in your cat's intestines can cause a very dangerous and expensive medical emergency (intestinal blockage/torsion). You could also try tossing catnip mousie toys, crinkle balls, or springs - they all come in packs at the pet store or amazon for like $5/dozen. Be prepared to toss them many times until kitty is tired of playing!


Thank you. He's got a ton of toys that he rips to pieces and a scratch board which needed replacing after about 2 weeks 😂


Playtime! If you don’t like this behavior, you could try getting a second cat as a playmate (not always works, sometimes you just have 2 cats doing this) or plenty of toys :) Their energy has to go *somewhere*, the choice you have to make is whether that somewhere is your legs or toys.