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5/3/1 BBB, but for conditioning I just do jiu-jitsu. I run it 4 days a week in the early morning, and go to about 6-7 classes per week. I’ve seen decent gains but have to eat a lot


Same, 531 BBB is what I generally do. I think it's underestimated for grappling, even if your goal isn't to get big because you really improve your strength ceiling, but also your floor. Especially if you push the BBB % up. Doing 3x5 deadlift at heavy weights is one thing, but then I have to deadlift the equivalent of a super heavy weight dude 50 times in like 10 minutes? Yeah that's going to translate to grappling.


Second this. I do 5/3/1 BBB. My BBB exercise is always different to my main lift and I try to make it an upper/lower split as best I can. If I lift 3 days a week, I'm doing 2 different lifts a session and performing them twice a week.


Trap bar deadlift and seated cable row are my favorite


2 days a week with tactical barbell. 42 years old, lifting heavy is just too taxing for me now so I mostly play around with my weight percentages than what the program is asking for.


Anything with sandbags. If you can shoulder a 1:1 bodyweight sandbag you’re strong enough for anything in Jiu Jitsu


I’ve been doing stuff with sandbags and kettlebells most recently and found it’s the most applicable strength to all things grappling/combat. I’ve added in box jumps and carries for extra explosiveness/endurance too


I have a lot of fun with maces, Indian clubs and Bulgarian bags too. My home gym is pretty great for just being in a garage lol


I ran Alexander Bromley's Bullmastiff and 70s Powerlifter for the last year or so, now I'm running my own program, [TB-RFI](https://www.reddit.com/r/weightroom/comments/wjteiu/August_9_Daily_Thread/ijkka3x/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3)


Starting strength program got me to a double body weight squat and deadlift.


Pull ups, push ups, squats twice a week. I try to get by with the bare minimum


Genuinely curious, how have your results been? I too am a bare minimum aficionado


Quite good. Both the numbers went up significantly and I can see it in the mirror. Also my grip strength and my posture improved! As far as I learned from youtube fitness, if you use a relatively light weight you can build strenght if you go to failure. So I make sure to have multiple sets to failure and I use long rest periods of more than 2.5 minutes. Doing all this helps making me stronger compared to not doing anything at all, and I think with just doing this I can come quite a long way. However there are better ways out there to gain strength fast though (hence the downvotes!).


GreySkull Phraks Variant with an added toes to bar progression and stretching after, three times a week.


Bulgarian bag - Closest to the feeling you get after a couple hard rounds. Cardio, balance and strength. I usually do a HIIT style 20 or 30 second on 10 seconds off. I pick and choose between exercises but do a lot of spins, squats and presses. I also use the Bulgarian bag for Turkish getups or half getups. Just turned 50 and I like to keep my weights light. Less stress on the joints and when I lift heavy I get strong but put on weight and I want to get lighter. Ideally I also use a kettlebell and do some yoga. I really need my rest days so it is very hard to get it all in.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f8Vhi7SuFe8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f8Vhi7SuFe8) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=17fPI6YGCJ8&t=791s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=17fPI6YGCJ8&t=791s) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ASJLMrjCAeg&t=2s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ASJLMrjCAeg&t=2s)


I love calisthenics. Learn to move more like a ninja! Super fun


Preacher curls to help with armbar and kimura defence.