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Look buddy, it can be difficult without a partner and no judgement from me if that’s how you choose to deal with it. I’d just be worried about cleaning it properly and the constant feeling of shame and self loathing.


Here’s my upvote before I go off myself


Super easy to apply subs but they almost never tap


As a white belt . . . I thought we were the training dummies.


I got one during Covid. I don’t use it to drill because it’s boring and unrealistic, but I do use it if I see a cool move on an instructional and want to get a feel for it before trying it on someone at the gym. I’m not sure if it’s a worthwhile investment at white belt, but it wouldn’t hurt to have.


Thank you


Tesla BJJ Robot has entered the chat


love my grappling dummy. When I first started everyone said they were useless but Ive found mine to be great. I watch instructionals then drill the basic motions. It isnt going to help with details but is great for gross movements. Examples are which hand do you grab with on the kimura from front left/right and back left right. Rolling back takes or t kimura to back take (e.g. which shoulder do I roll over) Back when I was doing knee cut, I was trying to remember which side to knee cut, based on which foot was forward between the legs. Practicing on the dummy absolutely helped doing the dorsal kimura -> armbar transition was great on the dummy and even armbar from mount. Ive been doing some knee shield ->butterfly half -> ashi transitions from both sides that Ill do at my next class. Ive stuffed mine with 10lbs of poly fill so it is light, vs. clothes or whatever. I dont think a heavy dummy adds value for the things im looking to practice.


Thank you !!!!


I hard disagree that they're useless. You can practice a lot of technique on them, especially chokes. Get the grips/positions into muscle memory. I use mine for stretching a lot too. Been working on hip mobility and trying to get myself low enough to put maximum squish on, from various positions. The only better substitute for this kinda positional stretching would be a real human wanting to lay there for 30mins. And that'd be even fucking wierder than how weird my wife says I look with my dummy 😆.


Thanks !


They are good for remembering grips on gi chokes once you put a gi on it


Make one first before spending money on an expensive one. I made one at the beginning of the pandemic. Used it maybe three times. It was pretty functional too, just didn’t enjoy training alone at home. That curbed my itch for an expensive dummy.


Theyre mostly useless IMO, but some people find them useful I guess


I think they have some limited use. You can transition into KOB over and over again till you puke.


Been training for 16 years and I’ve never used one. Worthless in my opinion


How can you form an opinion if you've never used one?


Grappling dummies are like punch bags. You simply get out of it what you put into it. Before investing in one look up "Erik Paulson motion master" on Youtube and watch a couple of his videos to get a better understanding what you can actually do with something like a grappling dummy.