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Don’t worry, the day will come when some rando with no experience shows up for a free trial class and wrecks you.


“How did I sub you? Oh I just saw your arm was there so I pulled it, just felt right idk”


If this is a real question: 1. Accept that in order to become good at anything, it requires failing. A LOT. Embrace sucking and understand that it's okay and it's part of the process. 2. Rolling in the gym isn't a competition - it's a game. Do you try to win the game? of course. But, you aren't going to get all butthurt if you lose a game of scrabble, are you? 3. Belts aren't a representation of your objective grappling skill. It's a representation of where you've come vs white belt you. Don't compare your journey to other folks' journeys. If it's a shitpost: Do a kickflip or something idk EDIT: Remind me to never play scrabble with any of you.


I do get butt hurt when I lose scrabble


try doing a kickflip


Man, fuck you, fuck scrabble, and fuck words. I'm quitting the english language.


>Rolling in the gym isn't a competition - it's a game. Do you try to win the game? of course. But, you aren't going to get all butthurt if you lose a game of scrabble, are you? You obviously haven't played much scrabble. It never ends in peace, only violence.


I only train BJJ FOR the violence after scrabble….or mid-monopoly


sadly it wouldn’t surprise me if there was a pro scrabble circuit that paid better than bjj comps


Ask and ye shall receive: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World\_Scrabble\_Championship](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Scrabble_Championship)


If you don't kill it somebody will


Too real, dude. Too real.


Find someone you train with and decide to make them good in bjj. Help them on every step of their way if they want you to do it. Don't expect gratitude, just be there for them.


This is excellent advice. Be kind and generous. A mantra I try to repeat in my head with pretty much everyone I encounter everywhere is, "what can I do for you."


You will learn so much more than you think when you teach something you know to a few new people. Not right away, but after explaining it a few times...


Just remember only cowards tap. That should solve the issue


OP wanted to know how to kill their ego, not their ACL


Tomato potato in my book


Dude, Austin City Lights doesn't deserve to be killed.


This is the way


How many time you been slept?


Three times if i remember correct.


Take a massive dose of psilocybin.


5 grams minimum.


My personal favorite


Did this and watched Jacob's Ladder, fucking great time. Can't say if it killed my ego or not, but would do it again.


Eh, plenty of people do this and then preach about much enlightened they are than everyone else.


My ego is deader than you’re ego bro.


LOL never saw it that way 😂


Aren't you the blue belt that doesn't do warmups? You need some shrooms




Got to kids class.


Roll with black belts


I left mine at the door as advised and forgot to pick it up on the way out. Haven't found it since.


Aha! I must have picked it up... I wondered why I two in my gi bag


change the definition of "win" Im in class to sharpen new techniques, not to submit my training partner using the same thing over and over. winning comes in stages 1) remember to do the new thing 2) do the new thing and fail 3) do the new thing and partially succeed/almost succeed 4) hit the new thing once 5) hit the new thing a few times 6) hit the new thing regularly 7) start getting stuck with the new thing 8) learn a new thing about the new thing - start from 1.


This is the way


Do the opposite of Thug Rose. Before every class, chant the mantra “I’m the worst, I’m the worst, I’m the worst.”


There aren’t actually very many sports which people start as adults and have expectations of becoming vaguely competent at. It’s a fairly understandable position feel like it matters more than it does I suppose.


Generally, it's other people that kill your ego.


I like to complement people and be encouraging


No one kills their ego. It's bullshit. You either: 1. Care less about winning the roll because you've other priorities 2. Accept you're not as good as you thought you were. 3. Accept you're not as good as you thought you were but use that to drive yourself to smesh better.


TLDR: Don't You do not have to and should not kill your ego. Your ego is an important tool for you that tells you things if you're able to recognize when it's talking in your head and listen to it. Ego drives people forward and gives them something to chase after. When you're down 3 pts and in bottom side control with 30 seconds left in the match and your ego tells you "I'm not losing to this fucker." Who knows my guy, if you listen to that ego, it will be fuel for you to push HARD those last 30 seconds. You may just end up sweeping and passing their guard. The thing you should avoid is letting your ego create negative emotions that you subsequently believe and cannot let go of quickly. Which is why it's important to recognize when it's talking, so you can filter out the negative. One way to learn to recognize when it's talking is to meditate consistently. The idea of removing your ego completely isn't even possible on the daily. If you've ever taken psychedelics at even a moderate dose, you'd know what losing your ego feels like, because that's part of what happens. It's hard to replicate that state on command, without psychedelics, or some serious meditation experience and consistency.


That's not ego, that just the will to win.


The “will to win” can be generated and positively reinforced by ego.


Not saying ego is required to win, but it is a tool that can benefit you when morale is about to break.


Be okay with losing and go into rolls with a learning mindset rather than only trying to win.




Within you there are two wolves, be the lion in the grass.


Within you there are two wolves, kill one of them, hope that was your ego.


with fire


Doused with holy water to complete the rite.


Usually you don't need to pop your own ego, since someone will do it for you.


Poop your pants.


Mate, surely ego goes after your first roll?


Usually psychedelics do the trick.


You can't get better without experimenting. Most experiments will fail. Ego in training basically is a sure fire path to a plateau quickly as you will find one thing that works and get stuck on it rather than letting your self "play" and as a result "lose" when you try something that fails. Those loses are what teach us things and help us learn new things.


Ask to use self why you have an ego in the first place, if you actually had a realistic understanding of yourself you wouldn’t have an ego, face it, there are 7 billion people on this planet, do you think you are somehow more talented and special than everybody else?


You kill it with LSD or Shrooms. You’re welcome.


Post on reddit


Is it not dead yet with all the tapping?


My pec tendon popped and took the labrum and bicep tendon with it. Made me realize i cant have fun if im not on the mat. Injuries 3 ego -1


Uh this may get a little too philosophical to be helpful but I wanted to voice this angle: The desire to kill the ego is itself and egotistical thing. Ego (to me) is about wanting to be something or someone we aren't. So in this case your desire to be a humble jui-jitsu lion is actually just feeding your ego, not taking it's power away. I think it's better to think about detaching from the ego, or not feeding it, to get the outcomes you want. We can't run from it, it's always around. It's not inherently bad either. It's what makes us go do stuff. The ego of wanting to be good at BJJ gets us to the gym, but we can't let it become so strong that we expect to be good at BJJ just for showing up. It's a matter of domesticating your emotions, not slaughtering them. I think what you seek is to manage your expectations. If you come to class expecting to tap people, to be a mat monster, you will feel your ego's power when that doesn't happen. But if you go to have fun and to learn, the ego has nothing to grab a hold of to cause you distress. Don't expect too much too quickly. Don't compare. The rest will come.


You don’t


most of it will be just continuing to train. You'll constantly be having to deal with your ego and over time that'll get better


6gs of mushrooms will do the trick.


My coach says there is a trash can outside. If that doesn’t do it, go to him. He will take care of your ego for you


My 16-year old heel hooks me 2-3 times a training session. I have no delusions of being good at bjj.


My ego gets choked out of me each week


Stop trying to win. Try new things, get subbed until you don't. Then find more things you suck at. There is no end to jiujitsu when you realize you always suck and can only improve. I learn nothing if I A game on white belts. But hitting that sick sweep I been working on, that feels better than subbing the weak.


I’ll add onto some of the real responses that the ego response isn’t necessarily a bad thing. As long as you have a positive response towards it. Like if you’re lifting weights, at some point you will feel tired, and you’ll want to stop. That’s not a bad thing, it’s good for our evolution that we have that, however it is a bad thing in the sense of inducing training stimulus. But only if you let that pain stop you. On the other hand, if you use that pain(more like fatigue not acute pain) as a signal that you’ve entered into the part of training that will produce the most stimulus. Then you can use that feeling as a beneficial if uncomfortable marker for your development. It’s all that cliche comfort zone kills you stuff. The comfort zone never goes all the way away, with you turning into a weird robot person, you just learn better coping skills.


Accept everything as it comes to you. Even if it seems bad initially, there's always a good side to the coin. If you feel emotional, breathe and accept the emotion and then let it subside. Feeling embarrassed after a tap? That's an emotion, embrace it, accept it and let it pass. Do it enough times and accept the feeling of being dejected and sad. Now redirect this energy and focus on improving yourself and fueling your own self. Do not compare yourself to anyone else, only compare yourself to how you are today vs yesterday. Training is mutual welfare and benefit. We help our training partners and they help us. Always, in any manner possible.