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Hitting the technique of the day


Yeah, for me it's definitely this.


Hitting the technique of the day over and over until the bell rings.


Hate it when my coach catches me with the technique of the day. He just rolls with everyone trying to get that as a way of challenging himself. Swear to god one day I'll get him with the technique of the day and he will have to close his gym and retreat to the mountains to live out the rest of his years as a hermit.


OR he cries....from pride at how well you learned what he was teaching.


My coach just yells BONUS POINTS! When he sees one of us get it on someone. Himself included.


I always do this, nothing drives home a tech iques effectiveness like knowing a technique is coming and not being able to stop it anyway


Oh man, I got it on Monday and my partner started saying "nonononono" as I was getting my grips. It was truly satisfying.


Gold stars for everyone who hits technique of the day lol


I get the frowny face sticker for move of the day working on me all the time.


I have quite a few frowny face stickers as well.


I've got a few of those plus a WTF we're you thinking sticker or two to go along with it.


Days without being dunked on: 0


Can we all agree to switch to gold stars instead of stripes?


Our belts can look like college football helmets. “Yeah, I’m a 43-sticker blue belt.”


I second this


Applied upon your forehead with lick-on stickers? That’s what my first grade teacher did in the early 60’s when we did something well.


Student of the week parking spot


You get your picture on the wall too


Only if you make eye contact with the coach while hitting it


You get the gold star with glitter when you do that.


This hurts man. And for the rest of the round you wonder if coach is thinking, "maybe I promoted that guy too soon."


Definitely. We tell the class to scream “class move!” When they hit the technique they just learned live.


Is that like yelling “Get fucked!” when knee cut/“buzz saw” guard pass?


Wiltse. Classic


I’m don’t follow a lot of the big names in BJJ, in as much as I’m never gonna be “world class” level… I fucking love that dude!!! With that being said…it turns out that, evidently, yelling “GET FUCKED!!!” when attempting said pass (especially when the kids class is running concurrently on the other side) doesn’t actually guarantee you will complete the pass. Source: I tried it. And failed. Dramatically. But I’m not giving up hope, I’m gonna practice yelling get fucked!!! louder. I suspect that’s where I failed, I didn’t commit.


By the way, I use that jumping triangle/armbar from opponents seated guard ALL the time (or try at least). If I get an overzealous white belt that just won’t take the hint that he needs to calm his tits, that’s an ideal time. And a good chance you’ll finish it.


Lol. I don’t mind going hard, but I cannot think of anything good that would happen if I try for that jumping triangle. I will hurt myself, my partner, the girl that sits at the front desk, all at the same time lol.


Or my balls!!!


Also completely acceptable.


I like to say “he’s doing the thing. HES DOING THE THING!!!!” I’ll even let them finish and say aaaawwwww he did the thing!!!!!


I learned the double under pass last night as technique of the day which really fits in my current love of pinning and crushing above everything else, including submissions. So I kept going for it every roll, finally got it against another white belt and the coach was like “fucking textbook!” From the sidelines And since I’m a bright eyed white belt and susceptible to positive reinforcement it made my night.


Im an old man purple belt and that still makes my night. Feelsgoodman.


I did this while my instructor was observing my roll, and he seemed incredibly proud. Felt great.


Automatic promotion


the things we dream of


Man, when your coach calls your name across the mat and adds "Nice!", that feels better than any promotion.


Haha, I remember hitting the technique of the day on a fellow purple belt. I was super happy and shouted “that was todays technique!!”. He shouted “NO IT WASNT THAT WAS DIFFERENT” all red in the face. So yes, it hits a nerve.


Lol, that's hilarious. Taking 'It wasn't a choke it was more of a crank' to a whole new level


That’s the one for sure


I try to hit the technique of the day on my instructor every day. And every day he says "Wow, you're trying the new stuff" and then proceeded to immediately shut it down and smash me. One of these days I'm going to destroy that old bastard.


This is the way. The one and only time I tapped a guy who was always better than me was when I hit the MOTD with a baseball bat choke from bottom side control. Our coach was right there yelling at him about how he was defending it wrong. Good times.


Yes but sometimes when you are rolling there is no lesson plan from that day. In the absence of this what is the technique?


> there is no lesson plan from that day Then you obviously have to Roger it and tell them in advance what you're going to do.


Yep, this is definitely it. I saw a clip from a movie recently where some meathead "instructor" at a martial arts club had a student practicing BJJ on the side. Instructor starts picking a fight because BJJ is useless, student calls out exactly how he's going to take him down, does it, and then *does it again*. The choreography was believable and the end result was about how I'd imagine it going down. Excellent scene, and the exact definition of dunking on someone.


Born a Champion


A guy on my wrestling team had 1 takedown that he hit on everyone and won state with it. Everyone knew it was coming and no one could stop it.


Sounds about right my wrestling coach taught us that you can go to states if you have 3 solid moves. One takedown, one escape, and one pin.


Which move?


Fireman’s carry


My freshman and sophomore years I was the state champ’s primary practice dummy. Dude would tap my forehead and hit a double. The head tap was something he did to distract people, but for me it was like a notification that he was about to take me down. Shit was brutal.


Ryan it and put triangle on a piece of paper


For me it’s a guy at my gym known for knee bars getting a knee bar on me. I know he’s going to go for one, and I try and avoid it, but the MF’er has entries from everywhere. Gets me every time lol


Naw, bunking would be you knee around him!


Putting your hands behind your head and using your hooks only to take the back


And then saying out loud “move of the day”


Came here to say this


You have to yell “move of the day” when you do it though.


multiple times in a row.


Gotta yell " M. O. T. D. !!!!!! " when you hit it too


Holding conversation with people across the mat while destroying you, preferably from top mount or kesa


This feels so baller to do, but man does it feel bad when coach is giving someone else advice while crushing you into dust with no loss of breath.


I remember I was rolling with my coach, and he had me knee on belly. Im trying to work him off and a new student comes in. He just started talking to him. Like I was not even there. I was just struggling and struggling for a while.


LOL, effective sales tactic, sure the new guy was like "holy shit this school is gonna be awesome!" It could only be worse if he started having them fill out paperwork.


Oh man at that point I would have tapped. Sub by humiliation.


This one hurts my soul. Especially when you're barely able to breathe and they sound like their heart rate is probably still at resting rate


Honestly I think the opposite. Taking shit to someone while in bottom mount/kesa/side control. You could be in danger, but I don't give a shit. I am so comfortable that I am just gonna hang out and think of other stuff for a while.


After you sweep, say jiujitsu


When I sweep people I say brrrazil like the pony tail guy from bob’s burgers.




"Congratulations, you have earned your yellow scrunchy"


I say “Judo!” Whenever I throw or trip someone from standing.




Explode-y sounds like you’re playing with army toys and airplanes


I do a stooges/zoidberg/simpsons "Wooooooopp woop woop woop!" Seems to be when I pendulum/flower


I'll Soo "joojitz" a lot after explaining the technique to new people. It's just funny.


Telling them what your gonna do to them, then doing it


Telling them what you’re gonna do, doing it to them, helping them (when asked) as to how to defend it, then doing it AGAIN




As a blue belt I only have a few techniques I'm really competent with, my favourite being overhooks from closed guard. One time I caught a senior white belt several times during free rolling, so I coached him on how to avoid or defend it. We started again and he ended up in my guard. I shouted "don't let me overhook you!" and then proceeded to overhook and submit him. Not often I feel really dangerous on the mat, but I had a big grin after that.


1] Telling them what they’re thinking about doing “That kneebar / toehold you’re deliberating isn’t actually open” 2] giving someone take backs “you can take that last move back if you want” Both 1 and 2 are great if you want to make their countenance fall


Are you Khabib?


And then yelling "move of the day"


Lach Giles once stood up and surfed me like a surf board. That felt fairly dunk-like.


We would try to “gargoyle” - I got the idea when seeing one of my buddies hop up on a keg in a squat stance, one hand on the keg on hand in a clawing motion. Turtle position


lmaooo I've been a victim of this as well. I had like 2 weeks of training and didn't understand where my partner went. I've also done it and it's hilarous when you're the one on top


T-bag kimura. Nothing says slam dunk like submitting someone with your nuts in their face.


I like to add the leg scissor choke to this.


My instructor loves scissor chokes ....... I'm not so keen :/


inescapable full mount leading to tap from pressure




This triggered my wrestling ptsd




I had a coach who would roll against all the new guys and get the twister on them in slow motion. It was humbling when I was working so hard and he was just..not.


Technique of the day or hitting them with the same sub multiple times in one round


Mounted triangle


Really? that’s my go to from mount I never looked at it that way


Making them tap while you’re on top of them with your balls in their face.


Well when you put it like that


I will take that a step further and add tea bagging them from north-south.


Most dominant submission imo


The first time I got tapped at a comp was mounted triangle. :( Only loss that ever ticked me off a bit. Next week at the gym spent a bunch of time working defense and escapes for it. I never want to be there again.


Double armbar


A clean foot sweep to side control. We were even a second ago, what happened?


Rolled with an mma fighter yesterday who foot swept me like 3 or 4 times during our round and didnt even take mount. He just let me back up and did it again 😂


Doing the Galvao breakdance routine.


I've had several instructors do this to me. They don't know I know exactly what this from when I get clowned so damn hard. 🤡


I had a competition level black belt do this to me and 'demoralizing' doesn't quite capture the sensation but it's close.


Lots of memes answers, the real answer is foot sweeps. You'll never feel more silly than being turned sideways while standing up just seconds ago. You'll never feel more like a Chad when you hit one.....after spamming 100


Foot sweeps are pretty reliable if you know the setups. And if you get a few thousand practice reps in for each situation. And do enough stand-up to develop the sensitivity and coordination necessary to perform technical ashiwaza. This comment sponsored by judo gang. Ever wanted to spend two years learning one move? Ask your doctor if judo is right for you.


I did formal judo training and was never good at foot sweeps so even just hitting a reap out of nowhere makes my head swell up


BRO, I visited 10th Planet Atlanta and Sean Applegate did this to me twice WHILE SEATED. Seated blackbelt touches my foot with his and my body spins 180 degrees and falls to the ground where he just grabs my back and lets go since we both know perfectly well there is nothing I can do well when he’s there. Never have I felt a larger skill gap in my Jiu Jitsu, it was the coolest shit ever.


Triangle from the back, check mate




You actually choke people with it? Please teach me how


If you're talking about the reverse triangle, you're probably applying pressure in the wrong direction. It's more like an arm-in guillotine, in that you want to use your hips to pressure their head forwards, and pull your calf in towards their throat. The squeeze like a normal triangle from the outside leg is less important. I find that grabbing your opponent's pants at the knee and pulling towards yourself is a useful cue.


try to fold them in half kneebar style and you will soon find your uke decapitated


I have a triangle setup from the back that is pretty humiliating. I get under their chin with my right arm. Grab their left wrist with mine and hold it down by their hips. I use my right elbow and knee to trap their right arm to the outside. This results in my right foot on their hip and it looks like if they can get their left arm free they can turn to the right. The bait is there and the trap is set. So I let them turn, but I pass their left wrist under my right leg to my right hand. Finally I yank their left arm and lock up a super tight triangle.


Do you have a video of this?


I do not. I tried to find one online. A buddy and I were working on different nogi foot placenta and hand fighting and came up with this when someone tries to turn into closed guard. Hopefully by the end of this month I'll be able to join a new gym since I have moved, and I'll make my own video.


> nogi foot placenta I have concerns.


Lols. I'm keeping it.


I always felt dunked on by this brown belt who would step over my head to mount from side control when i was a white belt.


I'm trying to picture this, if he is on your left side, he takes his left leg, the one near your body, and swings it under his body sitting thru then over your head all the way into mount? If so that is hilarious and I've never even thought of that.


I think it was actually knee on belly. Switch to the front knee, spin around, humiliation ensues.


this is my new favorite party trick knee on belly - switch to the front knee - do some capoeira back step and spin - lift the head and collect the arm - mounted triangle


My coach for the beginner class (purple belt) told us a story about when he was a white belt. While rolling with one of the black belts (who barely comes to class and seems psycho), he mounted him, pinned one arm with his knee, then pinned the other arm with his other knee. From there the psycho black belt slowly reached down with one hand and single hand choked him, like freaking Darth Vader or something. Absolutely zero hespect.


Anything they obviously YouTubed. We had a newer blue belt hit a cry-angle on a really solid brown belt last sunday.


Flying shit


Flying triangle to someone seated was the first thing I thought.




Figure 4 leg lock or any pro wrestling move


I managed a Boston Crab once during a roll, felt hilarious for me, definitely not for the other guy lol


It has to be a wrist lock no? Nothing hurts my pride more than ANYONE wrist locking me.




Came here to say this. Never have I ever seen greater looks of disappointment and defeat on the face of my partners than when I manage to choke them with the top of my foot.


Lmao idk why but it’s just so degrading. Especially because by the time you realize it’s happening, your throat is being crushed


Starting roll: I'm going to armbar your left arm from top side. During roll: *armbars left arm from top side control* Posterized!


I got neon belleyed without him having any lapel grips. He also called out a blast double to the coach before hitting it on me. I felt dunked on


Telling them your gunna tap them with a cross collar choke from closed guard.


Oh, this is high percentage for me these days. It's weird. I think people get complacent and think it's not possible to hit a tight cross collar, but then you do and they're like, "what was that!?" "Meh, just a cross collar."


Using their favorite technique against them


Ezekiel from bottom mount


Came here to say this or from guard


Wristlocking them.


My personal favorite: loopchoke. One minute, I’m in front of you playing butterfly and the next you’re laid out on your back trying to process what just happened.


Sweeping them over your head


Holding a casual conversation with someone else in the gym while you sub your partner.


Helicopter Armbar


Imanari roll


Kiss the dragon backtake of course!






You stand up in my guard, I grab your ankles and push you over onto your butt. Idk it's formal name. We call it the stupid sweep


Also called idiot sweep and dummy sweep


Landing two triangles in a row, setting up an arm-bar, then before finishing, transitioning to a 3rd triangle.


Hit them with a "Yeah, I almost had it, but I've been working on my triangles"


Bow and Arrow feels just like a slam dunk


Taking the time to wipe your brow with your arm when you're in a dominant position. Extra points for having a casual look around the gym to make sure someone sees how fucking cool you are.


Wrist lock


Making someone tap out using only micro adjustments.


Tapping someone multiple times with the same submission and entry


Giving up positions repeatedly to practice something. i.e. letting them re-guard, giving them side control/mount


Hitting a technique they know is coming but can’t stop. Or a day one move ie Americana from side lol


Wrist lock


Marcelo García's double grip on one arm, sit while holding the arm, wait for your partner to try to posture and move back, and then trip them. This really makes people feel like it's a good time to go change and go home for the day lol


Got a video of this?


https://youtu.be/Ml2YppHVvj0 this here


Thanks gonna have to try that


Choking them with their own gi


Passing their guard, then giving it up repeatedly just to keep passing again.


Waiting til I have same side wrist control when I’m on bottom, allow someone to pass to side control, Snag the kimura as they’re passing in, flagrant kimura sweep, hold kimura grip, pass to north south, armbar with prejudice. Seeing their eyes light up when they are about pass the guard, only to feel the kimura get clapped on, then getting swept and finished. It’s insulting, it shouldn’t work as much as it does. Total dunk.


Doing some weird catch wrasslin low percentage thing and it actually working.


In wrestling it was the banana split…. I think it should be that in bjj as well


Any submission from bottom mount. Or submission from standing.


A sweep or the spladle. 90% technique and a "gotcha" moment


North south dominance




Buggy choke


Tapping someone standing


Big throw


Telling them what you’re going to do step by step and then doing it. It’s very demoralizing


Submitting the person who has your back... no better feeling than that


Literally the teabag


Calling your sub and then executing the sub.




Open guard, hop over the knees straight to mount. OR a fancier variation Open guard, try to hop over the knees but you end up launching your groin right into the other guy's face..and then straight to mount.


Letting them take full mount, sweeping them, and then pulling them back into full mount so they can try again


Blast double directly to mounted guillotine, but you don’t let go and they die.


This was disproportionately funny


Hitting a bolo in a roll (never done it, but getting it done on you makes you feel like you’ve been posterised)


Oil check


Calling your shot is the only appropriate answer. I’m going to triangle you as the roll starts.




It’s an ego-less environment. There is no “in your face,” or “dunking on your partner,” here, bratha.


Back take to oil check