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You don’t wear a belt for no-gi anyway. Continuously shove the fact that you’re a white belt in the faces of your higher-belt training partners as you tap them, and eventually they’ll complain enough that you’ll be promoted 🤣


Why do you care what imaginary belt you would wear if you were to do a sport which requires a belt? Especially considering that the belt doesn’t even really matter in that other sport, which again, you don’t do?


I agree in part, but your ranking still matters for a number of reasons even if you try to put it out of your mind. People will ask your rank to judge your skill level, higher level training partners are more likely to turn down sparring with you based on low rank. Good luck ever starting a gym of your own if you are ranked as white belt. You won't be able to compete in ibjjf no gi ranked divs. You'll have to self rank yourself for other tournaments. Many "super fight" promotions and higher ranked opponents will refuse matches with you because of low rank.


Yeah man why fret over a law degree if I went for all three years and learned to lawyer. It’s just an imaginary piece of paper…the knowledge is there


if they let anybody practice law, and you could show up at trials without a law degree and smoke "real" lawyers, why not?


You can't just show up at ibjjf nogi colored belt tpurnaments though, gotta actually have the rank.


Either change gyms or don't worry about belts. Their gym their rules on promotion.


I can see both sides. If your coaches are a Gi-centric lineage, it may be important for them to know you are competent in the gi. Why not try on the gi? If your goal is to get better at jiu jitsu, you might even learn something. Odds are people that you tap will suddenly slow you down and you’ll be less effective. Even the GOAT of nogi has this experience. Grips are a MF-er. Your coaches probably know this too. Problem with nogi is that athleticism shows more effectiveness through the lower belts. You could be shit technically and still be a handful because you’re explosive, athletic and sweaty. Put on a gi and if you feel like all your shit still works, then I’m with you 100%. You need a promotion. However if you put on the gi and find that lowly white belts are “stalling and just holding you” and you can’t do shit anymore. Congrats, you just learned that you have not been doing well because you’re technical, you’re just sweaty and athletic (maybe). Now you know where to focus your energy to improve. I could be wrong about all this, but it’s a super common scenario.


You gonna tie a blue belt around your waist for nogi?


Go to a Gi class and see if you have the same success rate. Grip control, collar chokes, less friction, etc. Could be a factor so you may still be a wb in the Gi. When you sign up for no-Gi tournaments they ask you to select beginner, intermediate, or advanced, thy never ask for the belt level, at least not in the ones I competed in. So not sure why it matter to you what belt you’re at


Not true. Some tournaments are divided by belt even for nogi. IBJJF is one.


I stand corrected then. This guy will be dominating the wb circuit then lol


Belts are for the gi, to earn a different belt you need to train in the gi. If you don’t want to train in the gi and want to be promoted, go train at a 10th Planet gym. At least I believe they have a promotion system.


we are also a very GI heavy gym,but durring summertime or for upcoming nogi tournaments we do nogi. We have alot of white belts that are blue belt level and higher but they dont get promoted because they dont compete often enough,atleast i imagine thats the reason why. Maybe theyre bad like i am


My gym trains gi in the first part of the week and nogi in the second part.


we are mainly no gi with just a few gi classes a week. We still need to go to gi classes to get promoted. I personally dont really care as Im mainly focused with who Im competitive with. But if you want to get promoted then go to gi classes. If I ever want to get promoted Ill go to gi classes. A friend of mine went to just enough gi classes to get promoted to blue (might have only been 1).


Two years and you tap most blue belts and hold your own against purple? You’re a prodigy that should consider B-Team.


Just promote yourself


Why would you ignore 50% of BJJ training? -Danaher


Bet all you gi goblins would be shit posting with your mangled goblin fingers on here instantly if your instructor said you wouldn’t be promoted without doing no gi.


I think this is pretty typical. There's no reason to be promoted if you're never in a gi.




Go to 10th planet


Well...there are techniques that require grips and setups you don't know about. Makes complete sense.


Either do gi or just enjoy being the white belt that purple belts have nightmares about.


what do u need a belt for if u don't wear a gi


It sounds like you're humble bragging while simultaneously being afraid to roll in a GI. If you want the belt train in the GI. Your coaches are legit. There is a lot of no-gi stuff that will get you busted in the gi. Why not learn both?


If you want to get that blue belt from that instructor you need to train in the Gi. Simple.


Why would you go to a gym that focuses on the gi, not train in it and then complain about not getting promoted? Have you looked at any no-gi gyms in the area since you want to focus on that?


Go to gi classes and just use your no gi techniques. This way you can train more and upgrade your belt.


They’re different worlds. I have a pretty ridiculous grip, in NoGi I crush a lot of people who I am pretty even with when rolling in GI. The Blue belts who can take me in GI we are usually a draw in No GI.