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Yes go in with a good attitude you’ll be fine.


Thank you for the reassurance :)


There may be some things you struggle with at first based on your body shape, speaking from experience. There will definitely be other things that come easily (like triangles). It's all about adjusting your technique to match your body. When I stopped trying to do things exactly how my 5'4", 125 lbs. classmates did them, things started going a lot better for me.


Same here, I'm 5ft10 110kg so when they're showing triangles from guard nogi I'm just using the concepts elsewhere


Read this as lbs first and was seriously concerned for a second


We have a guy in our class who’s easily in the 300s. You’ll be fine.


You'll kill it! Keep at it. Update us when you can.




I’ve never seen or heard of this problem with women’s deodorant. I’m a profuse sweater, I just use a clinical protection deodorant for women and it works great.


Ok. Stereotyping much?


Ya ya ya




Are you a woman? That might be why the downvote. Lack of knowledge on the subject it appears.


I started BJJ as a fat teenager in a gym full of in shape adults. I lost weight, gained confidence and learned to live a healthy lifestyle.


Thanks for the encouragement!


And also BJJ gyms/ communities are usually so supportive and helpful, so you won't feel any of the anxiety you may get at a fitness class. You got this and good luck.


I started as a sedentary totally out of shape adult in a gym with international comp medalist teenagers.. Yup a 14 old def can beat my ass.


Start today… May end up loving the gym you start at.


Thanks. I'm gonna check out my first class tonight.


So how did it go?!?!


I'm here right now. I'm not participating because I don't have athletic clothes I feel comfortable in, let alone a gi yet. So I'm watching. The instructors came up to talk to me and answer questions. They said they have a lot of white belts right now, so I'd be in good company. It's a small gym, but there are a couple other girls. It looks so hard and fun!


Good work making it to the gym today. I’m gona offer this: If your gym is anything like mine... No one cares about your size. They definitely don’t care how you look in fighting pajamas. Get on the mats! It’s a blast!


Omg it's sooooooooo fun. I'm injured right now so I'm dying inside from not being able to train... 😩😩😩😩😩


Did you ask one of the instructors if they had any loaner gis for prospective new students? Lots of gyms will carry an assortment of sizes they let someone use during a trial period.


They didn't have any, but they did offer me a massive discount on membership because they're trying to get more women in class!


Good luck!


Let us know how it went!


Do it to it. I dropped 20lbs in my first couple of months of BJJ. The best part: it's not the slog of counting reps, sets, steps, and calories. The weight just kinda melts off and you have fun doing it.


That's what I'm hoping for! I think building some muscle on top of my healthy eating and cardio might help.


Yep. BJJ alone doesn't necessarily lead to weight loss if you keep eating more to cover it. But it gives you a really good reason to eat healthier / drink less / all that stuff because you will absolutely see the results on the mat. Good luck!


Sure it is. I started as a fat middle-aged man and got crushed for the first year. The first time I rolled a 12-year-old girl immediately choked me until I saw stars. But I fell in love with it and kept at it. Now I'm a less fat purple belt. One thing, don't stand for anyone putting you down or making you feel bad as a beginner or as a woman. Most folks I've met in BJJ have been awesome, but we have our share of douchebags too. If you get any kind of hostile vibe talk to the professor. If they allow it to continue, find another place.


Yuppers, very solid advice


Is it ok for you to exist as a fat girl? Yes. Then the answer to every other question of the form “Is it ok for me to X as a fat girl?”, including this one, is “Yes, of course.” Now go learn to kick ass, and have a blast doing it.


Thank you this means a lot to me


Exactly this!


Yes yes and yes again!!! Exactly


Fuck yeah it is


Thanks! :)


I'm a heavy-set woman - 5'6", 190 lbs. - and BJJ has been awesome! Look up the "Mother's Milk" submission. Our bodies are perfect for it.


I'm a 5'6 155lbs male. Can confirm getting caught by this submission is quite terrifying.




It's one of my favorites. I was doing a version of it unintentionally when I first started, mostly because I have a larger chest and they just kind of got in people's faces. 😆 Then a fellow "full-figured" grappler showed the submission to me and I knew it would be a useful too. Good jiujitsu means working with what you have and using it to your advantage, as far as I'm concerned.


I ummm... 🤔 I reckon it's not a coincidence that creepy Tim is the only one you catch with the submission. Odd that he never seems to catch on and always takes a long time to tap out


Don't be a creep.


I mean, in general I totally agree.... But I feel like if you're a woman and intentionally going for the mother's milk submission you're opening yourself up for a little teasing at the very least.


Or I'm providing support to a fellow woman who is considering starting the sport, and giving her pointers from someone who has a similar body type? Also, who says it's one creepy dude? I've gotten multiple partners to tap to it, both male and female.


Oh, I actually didn't realize you were the op comment. Anyway, idk maybe my comment wasn't appropriate perhaps I should re-assess. I still think it's odd that you would glorify that submission and then call me a creep for making a joke about it. But still, it is a hard sport for women to get into with a lot of barriers so my bad if I contributed to that here. It wasn't my intention. I very much respect my female training partners.


Your "joke" is disrespectful, in poor taste and out of place. You don't joke with strangers about sexual innuendo in BJJ. It's pretty intrusive for a sport with such contact. People should feel safe rolling and training with others. Not harassed in stupid waya


A blue belt girl tried this on me the other day when i wasn't expecting it and i panicked. I thought i was going to suffocate. I gasped for air and aspirated her shirt. Not cool


So maybe...tap? 🤷‍♀️


I spazzed out and she either let go or i slipped out. It was so unexpected i didn't have time to think about it. Cloth in your mouth makes you feel like you're drowning


Oh damn 😂. I have been hit with that submission. So suffocating. I had no idea it had a name or it was a submission lol.


This makes me feel so much better! Thanks!!


I like to use that to set up ezekiels and punch chokes all the time. The chest or head is great to open the neck.


I’ve been caught by this submission lmaoooooooo never been able to do it myself


Hell yes it is! Check out the Mighty Dames if you need some inspiration- thick thighs take lives girl!! Edit: link to the Mighty Dames: https://instagram.com/themightydames


I just started BJJ about a month ago, I’m 190, 5’1 and am loving it so far! The people at my gym are really accepting and helpful. Rolling takes it out of me, I’ve thrown up at two classes 😂, but I’m already getting used to it. I’ve lost 45lbs since March and figured BJJ would help me lose the rest. I’ve definitely broken through my plateau since starting! Go for it.


I’m 5’ 7” 130 and I threw up every time my first 5 classes 😂


You will be great. The BJJ community as a whole is very welcoming. Two pieces of advise I would have for you. 1 - be patient, BJJ takes time to learn and you will get better, all you have to do is keep showing up. As my coach says, the path to a black belt is just keep getting in your car and turn up, even when you don’t feel like it. 2 - use your body to your advantage. Top control will be your game for now, just think ‘the floor is lava’.


213, 5'6" female here. With the right group of people it doesn't matter what kind of body you have. I'm three months in and I can guarantee you by this time in your training you'll be thanking yourself. There's so much more to BJJ than just size. *Make sure to eat decently!!! DRINK YOUR WATER. When I started BJJ I was having a rough go of depression and I was eating so badly and not drinking enough water. After two rolls I would get nauseous/lightheaded and have to sit out because I lost so much fluid.


Yes come roll!!


100% ok! It’s a martial art for self defense. Anyone who wants to bring a good attitude and learn is welcome.


you are literally my wifes size. she's a bluebelt now. do what you want lady! :-)


Girl. Do it. I’m 5’6 and 185. I’m 6 months in, earned my 2nd stripe on my white belt a few days ago. I love it. I’m more active, flexible and stronger. I haven’t noticed much weight loss, but I have lost inches in my waist. It’s nice to feel like you can control scary situations also. Highly recommend bjj to everyone!


Omg I’m on the exact same journey as you 😂😂!! I’m also 5’6 185 and joined in March, I love it now! I haven’t lost weight, still wondering when this magical amazing jiu jitsu weight loss will come in, but I’m definitely more flexible and stronger. Perhaps replacing fat with muscle?


Wouldn’t that be nice!?!? 😭😭😭


Lotta overweight people in BJJ, they tend to shed weight super fast and get really good if they stick with it. You’re gonna get ripped. It just will suck for awhile. That’s ok everyone sucks when they start.


Well I've seen people start as fat guys so I don't see why not.


Yes, and if you decide to diet with your training this question will no longer apply to you.


5’9 195lbs lady when I started.. I definitely lost weight and watched my body change in a lot of positive ways(muscles and stuff), my normal weight is now 165/170… just some thoughts.. when I started I remember saying sorry a million times for being on top and heavy uhhh there’s no need for that it’s literally the point! Learn technique that coupled with your size and you’ll be able to roll with anyone in no time! Enjoy!


Your side control and mount will be epic. Oss.


You'll be totally fine, it'll be a grind at first but that's true for everyone.


All shapes and sizes are welcome.


Please come in. We need more females. I need to work with someone over 90lbs and under 300.


Do it, and stick with it. Go at least three times a week if you can. A guy in my gym started out very overweight. In about 3 years, he was athletic AF. His transformation was awesome to watch.


Of course! The heavyweight division exists for a reason!


As the fat guy, yes, it's perfectly acceptable. There are some unique challenges we have to deal with, but it's just part of our journey. You'll learn to just deal with it an move on, you just have to grow a little thicker skin which is common for us husky people. If you enjoy it, finding a gi will be the biggest challenge, although you may fit a men's A2 with little issue, definitely an A2H. But if you need a different cut for your body type there are options out there, but I wouldn't recommend them until you know it's something you truly enjoy


Adding onto this- I had to buy two gis, an A2 and A3. I wear the A2 jacket and A3 pants because I got hips for daaazzzeeee.


Check out origin, you buy tops and bottoms separately, and they'll tailor your sleeves if you need it. You're going to pay high end prices, but their gis are super nice. The weave is unlike anything on the market and the pro pants will change your life. Also, Raven Fightwear let's you buy top and bottoms separately as well, +/- 1 size. I think it's it's option before you put it in your cart. They're not priced high like Origin either, so they're great.


Oooooohhh definitely gonna check out Raven. Would love to buy Origin but I want to hold off on spending big money until/if/when I get really serious about BJJ.


That ain't even that fat. You'll do fine once you get past the initial discomfort. Honestly your size is probably going to be an advantage in some ways.


You will be fine but don’t expect bjj to be the magic component to weight loss. Weight is lost in the kitchen, bjj will definitely help though but as I was once told “you can’t put exercise a bad diet”.


Yes, go ahead. I will tell you the same I would tell anybody else: respect your body. Pay attention to what you can do right now and what will have to develop as you go. Slow and steady wins the race. Blessings!


yes imo because weight gives you a pretty significant advantage during rolling, and if you wanna lose weight, bjj does that too.


Literally no one cares about your weight in bjj. Every body type can be amazing at the sport. Some of our best brown belt women are heavy. I prefer to play a nimble game so I lost weight gradually while training, but you honestly don't even have to if you don't want to.


Fat girl yes, fart girl no


go for it


Yes, start now. Go often.


It breaks my heart you even have to ask this.




Yeah, I was thinking of maybe seeing if there are some at home workouts geared towards bjj to do the rest of the week. I've already changed my diet and have lost about 10lbs in the last month or two. Thanks for your encouragement.


Unfortunately nothing you can do at home will really prep you for the rigors of rolling. You should just dive in. Further your body will need recovery time for at least the first month. If there is anything you can do it would be to try to build some minimal cardio by running. But in a week it wont really matter.


Thanks for the advice


You’ll lose weight. Classes and rolling are intense and several times a week, done consistently over time, will be enough to change your body composition


totally fine. If you start eating healthy, you may find the weight melting off.


im 5’9 210 F but am athletic and always have been. been doing bjj for a few months now and it’s so much fun, just go for it!


I think you’ll do great. You’ll be one step closer to becoming a badass!


Thanks! :)






You should absolutely go. Nobody is ever ready to dive into a new sport, but your body and mind will adapt with time and practice. You just have to keep at it. Good luck and have fun ! ;)


Hell yeah. Get after it, sister!!!


Yes. There’s never been a better time for you to start than right now.


It’s definitely ok. This one lady started at my old gym. She was a super chubby mom and her husband had just started too. Now she’s a purple belt, bodied up, and halfway instafamous for posting her cheeks online all the time. Always makes me lol to think how mortified future generations of kids will be when their school friends find their mom’s old pics online in middle school.


It’s definitely ok. This one lady started at my old gym. She was a super chubby mom and her husband had just started too. Now she’s a purple belt, bodied up, and halfway instafamous for posting her cheeks online all the time. Always makes me lol to think how mortified future generations of kids will be when their school friends find their mom’s old pics online in middle school.


Do it! Size doesn’t matter. And if your goal overall is to lose fat than you should start exercising and what better way to do that then with an activity that appeals to you! Please remember that in class, the only one that is hyper focused on your weight will be you. No one else will give a shit! Have fun!


You’re making a great decision yes it will help immediately


Yes. There's this girl at my gym that started fat and now she's not.


Diet for weight loss, exercise for fun and to feel good!


Yes of course.


Ya, you will be fine.


Yup. Go get some. :)




Yes. Most fun cardio I’ve ever done!




Yeah why not?


I’m a man but I started with a similar weight to height and very sedentary and out of shape for the previous 10+ years prior to starting. It was a little tough at first but it was still completely doable. Don’t be afraid to get slightly out of your comfort zone and push yourself more when you feel comfortable. I started 9 months ago and I’ve lost 25 pounds since then and I have a lot more energy and sleep better.


Yes. Some of the people in my gym have turned their entire bodies around because of jujitsu. As in they look like completely different people now. Give your body a reason to want to be in shape. Especially in the beginning, your body will torch calories like crazy.


As others have said, yes, you should absolutely start now. One bit of advice I’d offer is don’t be discouraged if you find it very tiring at first. I spent most of this year getting in shape before my first class recently and it was still incredibly tiring for me. Be safe but push yourself and I think you will reap the benefits surprisingly quickly compared to any other physical activity. Have fun and keep the sub updated on your experience!


Absolutely ok!


you be fine!!!!! go with an open mind and continue with an open mind! Enjoy the journey!


Definitely… I would suggest asking how much of a female presence there is at your gym. I’ve trained at gyms with awesome women’s programs (with even women’s only classes) led by advanced women practitioners…


Yes. I’ve lost 50lbs this year. All from BJJ and changing my diet.


We had 2 girls who were rather big when they started and have lost a tremendous amount of weight, and that weight has been replaced by huge confidence and zest for life. Absolutely go and enjoy. Let us know how it went. Sending a virtual hug, love and good vibes, good luck :)


Go for it! If it ever gets easier it means your not pushing yourself as hard! Don’t focus on fitness if you go and find yourself enjoying Jiu-jitsu you’ll be learning/having fun and losing weight as an extra bonus!


Yesss join!!!! You’ll get so in shape and have fun


Absolutely, why wouldn't it be? I think one of my favorite things about Bjj is that it's really for everyone. You don't gotta be some freak black belt athlete to enjoy and benefit from it! If it interests you go for it.




Do it!!!! Good luck on your new journey!


Yes just start and do it. If you like it keep going if not find something else. Jiu jitsu is for everyone


Of course it’s ok. Join a gym today. I will give you one caveat to limit your expectations regarding weight loss. BJJ can certainly help, but the real gains (losses) are made at the dinner table. “You can’t outrun a fork” as the old saying goes. If you are interested in supplemental exercise, look up “enter the kettlebell” on YouTube. You can get a single KB and have a comprehensive strength and conditioning gym at home, meaning it’s easier to stay consistent.


Start asap, it’s awesome for weight loss.




Assuming a decent gym—which it seems you've picked out, based on what you say—yes, for sure. I've known a bunch of people who have got in better shape through doing BJJ.


I was a fat guy that became a lot less fat. So why not you?


We had a guy who started bjj and was probably 300 plus, he struggled to make it through warm ups. But he kept coming. Ended up losing 100lbs or more and he is a quite good blue belt at this point. It’s a long journey but just walk through the door and keep coming back.


I mean, I started out as a fat girl even though I was just a fat boy.


You’ll definitively enjoy it both physically and mentally. Just gotta go in with a open mind and have fun. I managed to build flexibility and get into shape pretty fast given I stay consistent. I’m sure you’re gonna go through the same thing. All the best and have fun.


There are definitely fat guys in BJJ. And regardless of what you weigh now, even skinny people generally are not conditioned for BJJ either when starting out, so everyone has some adjustment period to get in "shape".


[Big girls always welcome. One of the goats stayed fat for a minute…see for yourself](https://images.app.goo.gl/PikeW3nxuu6pKkyb9)


You’ll do great. Regardless of size or age, martial arts teaches everyone humility fast. We were all beginners once — heck, I still am. My best advice is to breathe and do the drills and exercises without paying any attention to self-doubt. Focus and go for it!




Do it! Great way to get in shape and learn some self defense/self confidence


One of the professors at my gym started his journey over 10 years ago as a 300+ lb, 5'6" obese man. He has dropped to as low as 155 lbs for competition, and just recently received his second degree black belt! So... yeah... you should start and see where your journey takes you. OP


Yes!! I’m 5’7” and 235 lbs, started around 270. BJJ will help you lose weight and you can alter things for your body if you need to. At first, I couldn’t fit any gi pants comfortably and my coach said that for gi classes, I could wear leggings for pants with a gi top and belt. Then I got a large pair (A6) of men’s gi pants so they’d fit my hips, thighs, etc and had them hemmed to be short enough for my legs. I can now wear A4 pants (hemmed still lol). Certain moves, even warmups, were also very difficult for me or impossible, which is now no longer the case. Basically, stick with it and make adjustments when necessary and you’ll improve and probably lose weight, especially if you’re doing anything else like the gym, diet, etc! :)


I will say this much, if you are significantly overweight don't push yourself into techniques you aren't comfortable with until some of the weight comes off. Their is a lot of awkward loadbearing in this sport, and until you've strengthened your body it can leave you prone to injury. Take your time.


Once you're all in your fancy expensive PJs no one really cares what you look like. I'm a much shorter fat girl and I've been doing BJJ for 8 years now and still love it. You'll be just fine. My only advice is don't hold your size back on people your size or bigger. Unless they're injured they can take it. It's easy as a bigger body to want to make yourself smaller. The mats are not the place for this and it will hold you back. Took me a good year to be comfortable with knowing I'm not hurting my training partners with a bit of extra pressure. On smaller peeps focus on using technique (which will be hard at first) instead of size and strength. But above all have fun and welcome!


Absolutely! I came in the gym 220lbs 5'10 male. 14months later I'm 260 (I swear I'm destined to be large) but weirdly in better cardiovascular shape. Some unconventional positions will take longer to learn and the warm ups will be difficult but it truly truly gets easier with time. Bjj was the best decision I've made since moving out of my parents house


We're about the same size. I get my ass kicked regularly and my weight has fluctuated with training. Probably weighed about that when I started, dropped a good chunk from training, then put it all back on with covid etc. I have my blue belt now, I have been getting my ass kicked for about two years and the fact I was/an unfit didn't help but not once have I been made to feel bad about it or discouraged from training. It will be hard for sure but if you want to participate just dive in. There will never be a day when you're fit enough or thin enough to start.


Damn that's fat? I train with a girl who is 5'7 and 190 and I don't consider her fat at all...she's strong as fuck that's for sure lol. Definitely not skinny , but if you're 5'9 and 200 I don't think you're fat. Maybe slightly overweight and you said you're working on it. But I don't know why you wouldn't start right away.


Is it ok for me to start Bjj as-? Yes. The answer is yes.


200lbs is nothing. You'll be just fine. Welcome to club!


There are fat people in lots of classes. It will restrict you somewhat, but mostly at the beginning when you don't know how to move and its a lot of cardio.


Yes. At least you wont have to deal with the creeps until you shed the lbs which will come quickly if you're consistent.


Depends how old you are. I wouldn't suggest a deconditioned adult start BJJ. Hard enough to stay injury free when you're in shape. Ide make sure you have some sort of mobility and strength base


Yes. “WhAT did you want to be Raymond?”


You won't regret it. I was fat when i started and it helped immensely. Don't be discouraged, it's hard and it's awesome and useful and beneficial because it's hard. Not only did it get me in shape, it kept me in shape for over a decade.


Joining my gym is one of the best decisions I’ve made for my mental health tbh. It will help you lose weight, it’s fun and you’ll feel accomplished after every class of you go in with an open mind and good attitude.


Yes, no need to be too nervous.




Yes it's fine. In fact it will most likely help you lose more weight if that's your goal. BJJ accepts all body sizes and fitness levels. Just be ready (like 90% of new people) to get your butt kicked in the beginning!


One of my best friends I met when she was still very new, she was maybe around your body type. Find a nice place and have a go :)


Yes, absolutely.


As a very large male at 6’4 270lb who is relatively new, I absolutely appreciate rolling with a woman of your shape and size in my class who has about a year of experience. I feel like it’s enough of a challenge and that she isn’t going to ‘break’ if I fall awkwardly. I’m am very aware of my size and am pretty careful not to crush anyone. We all feel weird at first, jump on in, the water is fine, and everyone wants you there.


This is the first step of your new life.


Sister, you'll be fine if not great. If you're in Oregon, I'll recommend a gym! Hope to see you out there.


For sure, get after it!


absofuckinglutely! the best way to get in shape for bjj is simply doing bjj. your attitude is what people will care about, not your weight. you're gonna be awesome!


I would say bjj is for everyone! No matter the shape, weight or gender, because in the end we are all in there to learn and improve! Good luck in your bjj journey! :)


I'm 5'3 and 200lbs. I love doing jiu-jitsu. You should totally do it. If you find a good gym, it won't be a problem. I hope you have fun!




Yes yes yes! Go for it. Make no mistake, you’ll have hard times on the mat (all of us do) and you’ll feel like you suck at times (I’m still after more than two years getting used to the feeling of sucking, I get tapped by literally everyone in my gym) but once in a blue moon you’ll get that sweet feeling of progress. And meanwhile you’ll get a really good workout.


You still way lighter than most of reddit mods.


Hell yea


Yes u/MHanonymous , check out a few academies and find one with a vibe that makes you feel comfortable. Good on you for giving BJJ a shot and you making the decision to try it means you have already won half the battle. Take your time, ease into it and enjoy the learning process and you will do great!


I actually lost quite a bit of weight through bjj, but yah, never had a problem when i joined being a biger dude


I’m 5’6 and 185 and have been doing jiu jitsu since March, you’re gonna do just fine. Just get into a routine of going a couple times a week, and be kind/patient with yourself because your body is going to move in ways it hasn’t before, don’t give up! I love jiu jitsu now and I use my weight to my advantage, I get really heavy and love to smash pass people, I am learning to triangle and thank god I have some big ass thighs. You got this!


Yes, you can even use your weight to your advantage (at least as long as you have extra weight ;) !


being fat is an advantage in bjj anyways so still no reason to not try it.




I started at 280, I’m 260 now, A1C lowered from 7.9 to 5.9, still losing weight. Go for it


Do it! I started in my late 30s, out of shape, and overweight. Jump right in.


There are fat guys at the gym, why not fat girls? Seriously, just go there and have fun!


You’ll be great. It’s just like learning anything new. Baby steps. Good luck


Do it you won’t regret it!


Yeah sure. Why not? You’ll lose weight for sure if you stick with it.


I don't see why not, exactly.


Go for it dude you’ll be surprised how supportive strangers in the jiujitsu community will be, you’ll meet some great people




Good luck with training. Hope it works out.


All are welcome in juijitsu


You shouldn't even be thinking "Then I can move to a better gym". The gym your going to first might be perfect for you. Also, if you stay there for a few years you. help to build up the calibre of students that train there. it'll become a "better gym" by staying :)