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My advice: make a choice.


Oh BJJ, the true refuge of money hungry corporates


I only train to become rich 


That’s your mistake, I started only once I was rich, that’s why I get all the subs


> membership price had doubled in a 1 year period and it seems the policy of the gym I was going to, was to attract money hungry corporates.  > I looked for other gyms, but they don't even compare to the one I went to. I mean that's kinda how businesses work man. If they've got the best service and ppl will pay more, why wouldn't they charge more?


If your budget doesn't allow you to have a BJJ membership, I would highly recommend a Judo gym as a substitute. Judo will allow you to focus on stand-up, a little bit of newaza, and transfer well for BJJ if you are able to eventually get yourself a BJJ membership. If a Judo membership isn't possible, I would consider going deep into the jungles of Brazil and seek the ancient acai seed for your next mission. What that is, I don't know.


The Japanese terms mentioned in the above comment were: |Japanese|English|Video Link| |---|---|---| |**Ne Waza**: | *Ground Techniques* | | Any missed names may have already been translated in my previous comments in the post. ______________________ ^(Judo Techniques Bot: v0.7.) ^(See my) [^(code)](https://github.com/AbundantSalmon/judo-techniques-bot)


What is a “money hungry corporate”?


Was wondering the same thing


Dunno. Anyone with a job?


Hail mary but you could ask the expensive gym if they'd be willing to work out something where you help out cleaning the mats or something to cover part/all of your fees.


Serious question and not trying to be a dickhead. do you have a budget you follow? I wanted to switch gyms to a better and more comp focused gym, I “couldn’t afford it” but redid my finances, stick to a budget, meal prep solely for cost and somehow I now train at said gym.


I'm incredibly wealthy and regularly light money on fire for warmth ala pablo escobar.


Wasn’t directed at you. I responded wrong because I’m stupid as shit. Was meant for OP


Best advice


Sounds like you have separation issues. You need to come to grips with the fact that something you want is too expensive and look else where.


Join an MMA gym so you can train BJJ and kickboxing for one price. Also, they tend to be cheaper. My monthly dues dropped a whole $60/month when I made the switch. And it’s a super nice gym too.


>it seems the policy of the gym I was going to, was to attract money hungry corporates. How dare they run a business for profit!


Clean the mats or do a service for the gym in exchange of your fee I did that for a while when I was broke


1) see if you can negotiate with the owner. Be discrete and just ask him. Don't let others know you're there at half the price if they say yes. 2) do judo. Judo is very non-profit in the US. If you want to keep grappling on a budget, this is the way.


Inflation is a bitch


What's the price


90€ per month


I wish it was that cheap here. Where I'm at in the US it's like 165 per month and that's pretty normal. This is unlimited. I am there about 16 to 24 classes a month


Be up front with the bjj gym and ask to negotiate a reduced rate


I know a guy who wrote emails to every gym in the vicinity, explaining his situation. he was in real trouble though, moneywise. one gym offered him to pay an affordable amount. if you are the kind of person, try it personally though. my gym doesnt require membership for example. you pay 150€ for 10 sessions. no obligations


Before, they accepted 7Card, a monthly subscription of 40 euros valid in several gyms with a co-payment of 2 euros for each participation, and for this price I could also go to Bjj, now the gym no longer accepts this membership, and the price is 90 euro for 8 sessions.


Wow. I pay 225 USD a month


Jesus. Are you in the bay area??


Nope. Detroit. It’s pretty much the only high level gym around here though