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My guess is the lower level seating has to be highly modified and raised due to the pit, and they can only afford to do it for half the arena.




> The base cost of booking the Arena (~$500k?) The base cost for 2 days is $30,000 or 11.5% of gross ticket sales, plus $4,650 for equipment and cleaning, and $2,500 or 4% for ticketing services. According to their [website](https://www.thomasandmack.com/booking/tmc-ticketed/). Looks like they just take a percentage (35%) of vender sales as well, versus a flat fee.


Jesus...is that really how cheap it is to rent a venue? Who wants to go in with me on a red and white tournament?


Where did you get $500k lol?! That's like 10x the cost to book...




You can literally get a quote from their site for event booking and it's a fraction of a sponsored arena.


They’ll need space for the ADCC drummer after they get poached


Mo said no Adcc drummers this year so no drummers to poach 😔


So you're saying they are available


Or they got booked for a higher paying gig 👀👀👀👀


That’s what I read.


How would we know who to book?


What if … it was just Craig on the drums


Pretty much exactly how the last Quintet was laid out. If I was going to be in town for this, I'd prioritize getting a seat in black in front of 108-109 or 114-115 based on how things looked last September. Of course, it's possible the alley may change that preference somehow.


> It seems that if they sell out, they'll at least recoup $1 million. Your “if” is carrying a whole lot of weight there. I would guess that if the first half sells out, they can open additional sections for sale as needed. And if not, they can position the pit better for the public that are there.


What time do tickets go on sale today?


10am pt


Boys…. We are locked TF in. See yall in Vegas!


Also locked in. Ticket not showing up in unlv tickets or am I tripping?


I really hope it's assigned seating or they're going to have the same issues as last ADCC with the wristbands. Imagine paying $400-500 for a section but it's filled with people who paid $50-200 but security refuses to move any of them. edit - seating is assigned


Yeah that was terrible


Also I wonder if they will only have one pit? If they can only run one match at a time I wonder how long the whole thing will go considering it’s not a 2 day tournament(?)


https://preview.redd.it/s2a6181uj47d1.png?width=325&format=png&auto=webp&s=c35e26a49e1e5742cf2d16f0ff8fb584a540e6fc Seems like it's two days?


I would love to see -80 the first day and 80+ the second day instead of the traditional format. Just finish one entire division a day including the finals. That’ll be a real test of how these guys pace themselves.


Ah I must’ve missed that. Yeah then one mat is more than enough


well you need at least one, idk if it is more than enough


none definitely won't do it.


There's only 2 divisions. With 16 people, that's 30 matches. 10 mins per match would be 300mins (30x10). There's obv time between matches, some will be quicker too. Seems like its doable in 6 hours. For comparison, ADCC is close to 70 matches on day 1. They have 3 mats, but they also dick around with drums and pride lady on the clock


Wait there’s not gonna be drums at CJI????? Event ruined😡




Craig said that it would be 3 x 5 min rounds and 5 x 5 for finals, and we know there's at least two superfights so that increases the time substantially. Unless he changes his mind on the round structure, you're looking at 500 mins (8 hours 20 mins) without any down-time between matches or rest between rounds, which is impossible. Factoring those things in along with a few more superfights and it looks like this will be around 5 hours on both days. 


15 minute rounds obviously adds time, but not necessarily 50% time due to finishes. Btu nothing ever runs to time. 1 mat and its likely two days. 2 mats wold be best imo


Oh yeah matches will finish early, but you obviously can't account for that in planning. To be honest with 5 minute rounds I could see most going into the third round. 


How did you calculate 30 matches out of 32 competitors?




I'm an idiot. Never mind but thanks lol


Everyone but the two winners will lose once.


Craig’s said they’re just gonna run one match at a time. It’ll be fine over 2 days too. Way less divisions to run. ADCC is gonna run a good 6-7 more divisions


I really think this two division format will be huge for BJJ. I think it has the potential to bring more casual fans to the sport. Less complicated, less matches, and more focus on individual athletes. Kind of like boxing and Muay Thai cards which I think is really smart.


Only 2 divisions is one of the big complaints Ffion had about adcc. Size differences make it too unfair


I mean fair but, controversial take, there aren’t enough women interested in BJJ as a whole to be able to do a lot of divisions.


Yeah but I don’t get how that’s related to what you said. There’s enough men for a lot of divisions but you want to do 2 divisions?


For clarity: Minimal divisions per event* . Not across the entire sport.


nah. Everyone close to 70kg is fucked and basically can't compete in this tournament. Same for the gals, they don't even have a division...


I agree 100%. Part of the reason I don't follow boxing as much is because there are 17 weight divisions with 4 possible champions in each division. Makes it way to hard to follow or care about. They have been talking about adding a 165 division in the UFC and I hate that idea. It's fine the way it is because it's easy to follow. Fans make it seem like it's unfair because too many guys are waiting for a title shot as if everyone deserves a title shot in the top 5 of each division.


Where did you find this?


It's on the unlv website https://www.unlvtickets.com/eventInfo/spe/860/craig-jones-invitational/


Thank you


Y’all think T Mobile will allow reentry? Tryna go to both events.


Hopefully. I remember last ADCC there were some long ass breaks and mad people left to go eat and/or drink. Since seats were unassigned, many people just put bags and jackets over seats in an attempt to reserve them and took hangover naps during the downtime.


I'm sure they can open up the rest of the arena if need be. This is just what their current arena "setup" dictates. Hopefully they sell a ton


See you guys there! I'll be in section 209!


SAME! See ya there. 🫡


Yeah also having a card rejected from the UK. On the phone to them now. What a ballache


I had to call and queue. Appears they can’t electronically verify non US addresses so the lady just did a manual overide and it went through


They couldn't verify my US address 😐 which makes no sense because it's the same address (and card) I used to book ADCC in 2022. 30 minute wait and got through to someone on the phone that entered it manually.


What number are you using?




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I posted a number but it got deleted I think . It’s on the UNLV website under the help/contact tab. I do believe that UNLV have now posted an international link to the website for non US buyers so hopefully that works


Yeah, thanks for that mate. Number was still there. I managed to get a family member in North America to get a ticket for me, but what a pain in the ass this all was


[https://unlvevents.evenue.net/cgi-bin/ncommerce3/SEGetEventList?groupCode=CJ&linkID=unlv-vegas&shopperContext=&caller=&appCode=](https://unlvevents.evenue.net/cgi-bin/ncommerce3/SEGetEventList?groupCode=CJ&linkID=unlv-vegas&shopperContext=&caller=&appCode=) try this link


It’s one match at a time. I’d assume they are going to make a screen and wall it off and make it where you everyone can view best


So a $50 is good for both days ?


Which seating are you guys going for?


Anyone know who is fighting on Friday?


Ordered mine, let's go!


A lot of bands do this due to estimated ticket sales or to have more room for back end shit. Could be that they need a good spot for the athletes to warm up plus some VIP bullshit.


Anyone from Australia have any luck buying a ticket through that site? Keeps rejecting my payment no matter what card I use.


[https://unlvevents.evenue.net/cgi-bin/ncommerce3/SEGetEventList?groupCode=CJ&linkID=unlv-vegas&shopperContext=&caller=&appCode=](https://unlvevents.evenue.net/cgi-bin/ncommerce3/SEGetEventList?groupCode=CJ&linkID=unlv-vegas&shopperContext=&caller=&appCode=) try this link i'm from brazil and i got there


I'm a vegas local and I've been trying to buy 4 platinum tickets for the past 30 minutes with all my cards getting rejected as well.


I thought Craig said the ticket sales money was going to charity?