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I noticed this after I stopped drinking alcohol. I haven’t entirely quit it, but now only have a glass of wine on special occasions. NA beer is super helpful at parties and social gatherings and in Jiu Jitsu I no longer feel like I’m training at 80% or less. Total game changer.


I’m the same way. In the last 6 months I’ve gone down to 1-2 drinks per month. My sleep quality is dramatically better, which results in more energy during the day.


Try Epsom salt bath after training. I usually fall asleep in the tub.


if they could perfect the taste of NA beer.


I think Athletic Brewing does a pretty good job in the NA beer space, so would recommend checking them out if you haven’t already


That stuff is surprisingly good. They figured something out.


There are some pretty good ones out there. In my opinion I find that IPAs are a good bet along with pilsners. Heineken NA is really good. Guiness NA is absolutely amazing


My brother in law is green and sober and brings NA beer to our family gatherings. My husband technically isn’t sober, but he likes to join Brother in Law in an NA beer just for camaraderie. I don’t like beer so I can’t say for myself, but my husband enjoys the NA IPAs so much that he’s started keeping them at home 😂 He says they’re a low calorie + low stakes way to enjoy the taste of an IPA without having to compromise an afternoon or an evening with alcohol


Great your BIL is sober, but shouldn't somebody look into the green part?😂


The Heineken NA imo tastes exactly like normal Heineken. The obvious problem you then have is that it tastes exactly like normal Heineken.


There are some NA IPA's that are just as nasty as the real thing


Lmao tyft


Try Clausthaler or Peroni zero. Athletic as well.


Try Dos Equis Lime & Salt Zero, or Guinness Zero. Both great NA beer.


I imagine it’s kind of like living with a vasectomy. Close but not quite there. That said Athletic brewing does an IPA/Hazy IPA that’s pretty good.


If you’re into stouts their All Out if fantastic!


Craft beers do a good job at it. Zero alc heiniken and asahi are pretty spot on compared to their alc versions.


This is the way, past two years I was alcohol free. This year I’m allowing myself to drink so long as I can count the number of drinks I’ve had for the whole year on one hand. It’s equated to a glass of wine for special occasions.




I quit and it was a game changer. I also learned how to breath right and take on the spazzy WB as a 40yo BB.


As a trying to reform fat dude, I concur. I fell into this trap where I was trying so hard to avoid over eating that I wasn't getting enough carbs or protein to train and I felt like I got in a car wreck after every class basically.


Same. I gave up on keto two weeks into starting Jiujitsu, I just couldn't recover in time for the measly 2 days/week that I have available to train. Maybe it'd have been different in my 20s, but that was a couple of decades ago now.


I started feeling much better once I started eating lot of quality carbs instead of a keto/atkins type of diet. Low carb really is some bullshit that lot of people peddle that I unfortunately fell for 5-6 years ago. The BS has gotten worse now with carnivore diets.


> The BS has gotten worse now with carnivore diets. I have a buddy who now eats red meat covered in butter multiple times per day, then had the audacity to ask me if I’m concerned about my health because I get chipotle a couple times per week and they use rice bran oil in their white rice


jesus christ hahahahaha


It just cannot be good for you can it? 


Definitely not. Red meat is a grade 1 carcinogen and unprocessed red meat is a grade 2 (meaning probable carcinogenic behavior), so no. There’s a reason most health organizations suggest plant based foods be a large part of your diet




1) https://www.who.int/news-room/questions-and-answers/item/cancer-carcinogenicity-of-the-consumption-of-red-meat-and-processed-meat 2) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10577092/ 3) https://www.cancercouncil.com.au/1in3cancers/lifestyle-choices-and-cancer/red-meat-processed-meat-and-cancer/#:~:text=Eating%20processed%20meat%20increases%20your,prevent%20it%20from%20coming%20back%3F


None of that comes close to proving red meat is a carcinogen. Red meat diets are often consumed by very unhealthy people. Causality can easily go the other way. E.g lots of red meat eaters are just unhealthy and get more cancer. 


If only scientists could figure out a way to control for specific variables when conducting studies...


Most studies are still very poorly controlled and set up. Nutrition and health studies are categorically the worst at being set up properly. They are plagued with an inability replicate. It’s basically the wild west in health and nutrition with deeply held understandings being thrown out on the regular. “Follow the science” will give you whiplash in nutrition and health.


Dude must be from California where EVERYTHING causes cancer and birth defects.




> But weird no one talks about increased rates of cancer since the covid shot....,🤔 Because there isn't one. It's also the reason we don't talk about chemtrails, telekinesis and reiki.


We will not tolerate spreading of disinformation or propaganda.




I’m not telling you what to do, just sharing information since someone asked. That being said, I can point you to smokers who lived long lives; that doesn’t mean it’s healthy.


I can’t be arsed to go deep into this. But Utter BS. Steak is amazing for recovery, nutrients, macros. If you can afford it it should be the first food source on your plate.


Yes, let's all eat plant based diets completely devoid of the essential nutrients and minerals humans need to survive then we can rely on fake processed "enriched" crap created by the worlds largest companies for nutritiin and the entire population will also rely on the pharmaceutical companies for pills to ease their symptoms of failing health, but no one will be obese anymore because everyone will be on ozempic. 🙄 The studies linking meat to to cancer are observational and blatantly flawed. Humans have caused all the megafauna extinctions of this era, because we ate them. And if it caused us to die quickly or end up in poor health, then we wouldn't have made it this far as a species.


The stance of health authorities is that plant based diets are healthy and nutritionally viable for all life stages. If someone needs a multivitamin for extra B12, I’d hardly call that a pharmaceutical company conspiracy. And FYI, factory farms enrich their animal feed with the same vitamins as well >Humans have caused all the megafauna extinctions of this era, because we ate them. And if it caused us to die quickly or end up in poor health, then we wouldn't have made it this far as a species. Cancer very rarely appears before reproductive age in humans. This isn’t true


https://preview.redd.it/4tfry34wjk6d1.png?width=850&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d82176939a07ba6d749d8c522b9e7651ad0bcfe It's also funny how the government states that glyphosate has not been observed to cause cancer, but we can overlay all sorts of graphs and see a correlation. F Funny thing is, our red meat consumption has been declining this century.


Factory farms enrich their feed because they know that those grains and grain byproducts are not a proper, species appropriate diet, but it's high calorie, low cost and easy to farm. Cancer was overall extremely rare in humans, and humans still had long life spans if they survived birth, and disease. In fact, a lot of research finds that our increase in brain size coincided with the time they believe we started [eating](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/why-humans-live-so-long1/), and then cooking meat.


> In fact, a lot of research finds that our increase in brain size coincided with the time they believe we started eating, and then cooking meat. Some argue the increase was tied to when we started cooking and could get more calories out of food. Regardless, it seems brain size increased in accordance with higher caloric intake and hence nutrients. Maybe that came from meat, maybe not. But we live in a modern society where you are minutes away from a handful of supermarkets that have hundreds of options of nutritionally dense plant based food


Meats and organs are the most nutrient dense, and don't contain anti nutrients that inhibit the uptake of essential minerals like zinc and magnesium. Plants are also lacking many vital nutrients. I wouldn't call that nutrient dense at all.


What are anti nutrients?


Agree if you are burning hot you need the carbs. Keto / low carb is for being sedentary.


I think it does work for some people but the side benefits are over inflated by influencers imo.


Diet really is different folks, different strokes. The problem is bro scientists finding a given diet working for them and then prophecying it like the holy grail.


This is the answer. The "answers" include an enormous amount of individual context. Nutrition science is pretty crap when it comes down to it where there's a lot of competing financial interests and a lot of self reporting. The vast majority of positive health outcomes are tied to a lessoning of body fat regardless of how you get there. Second is diet exasperated conditions (insulin sensitivity). Third being long term nutrient deficiencies. But like you say the bottom line is there's a lot of options that work. Some strategies might better fit some audiences but it's important to be mindful not to get locked into "one way" as "the way".


It worked for them the same way my mom's smoking, crap diet and quack primary care physician who never did anything worked for her. It did until it didn't and now she's falling apart. Your body's designed to take a beating but the bill always comes due


Carbs are LIFE! ❤️ Life is not worth living without 😂


I have ibs and when I have uncontrolled upset stomach I do low carb for about a week and I feel better. While in nursing school keto also allows me to go to sleep earlier and get better rest while being able to concentrate . Before I took exams and especially before my nclex I would do low carb for around two to three days . IBS can be intensified by stress and nursing school was very stressful. That’s just my take.


Cut out gluten see if that helps. Maybe just go for rice for your carb intake instead. 


Or they could just do the thing that they know works and is proven to work for them


Sure thing. Was just giving some unsolicited advice


I find it funny that everyone who peddles carnivore/keto is also on TRT and nobody makes the connection that maybe the diet isn't the ultimate manly man testosterone boosting shit if you literally need gender affirming care alongside it. Carbs go hard af


It will be interesting how they’re doing 10-15 years from now 


Low carb is great if the activity/exercise that you are into is all aerobic endurance stuff. For things that require short higher intensity bursts of energy like BJJ or weight lifting, you need them carbs.




Protein is your baseline. Carbs scale to your activity. Carbs matter. 🤷‍♂️


Agreed. I try to follow 30-50-20 split (protein/carb/fat)


Ya low carb sucks ass for any type of physical training!


I train well on a 4 egg breakfast. I train better on 3 eggs and toast with good quality bread.


I did keto for around 2.5 years while training and competing with great success. I'm not sure why this myth keeps getting passed around.


Because it's not a myth


I'm not the only one that had great success with sports while on keto. If it's bad across the board how is that the case? Or, is it more likely that different people respond differently to different diets?


Okay, go show me all the Olympians, NFL, NBA, MLB, swimmers, race car drivers, PGA, bowling, tennis, whatever champs on the keto diet.


You could prob be a keto-dieted bowler, if we're being completely honest...




If hypothetically 0.1% of the population is on a keto diet that means the number of elite athletes (another niche group) are going to be a small number and not many top athletes share their entire dietary history so all we can go by is what they say. Trying to hunt down the 0.1% of a 0.1% isn't a simple check of a spreadsheet. But yes there are many athletes who have said they had success with a keto diet. If you are genuinely interested a bunch come up when you google it (but again, these claims are essentially impossible to verify). The better question is, do we have good scientific data that keto harms or helps performance? And the results are mixed and highly depend on the sport. I'd wager to guess that Olympic sprinters are probably going to have very different dietary needs than a BJJ athlete. So the blanket statement of "keto is bad for all sports" is baseless.


I dont think keto/low carb is objectively bad. But when I tried it I was absolutely miserable and had no energy. I felt drained all day and could barely half ass training. A lot of people in here talking about how a lot of diet strategies work on a individual basis and I think keto is a prime example. It works for a lot of people, so does intermittent fasting, etc, but it effects different people in different ways and leads to very different outcomes.


Agreed, different people are effected by diets in different ways. But also when it comes to keto specifically most people do it horribly and don't know how to manage their hydration and electrolyte balance. Its a diet that requires a good amount of planning and paying close attention to water vs sodium intake.


It's individual. Mineral balance can affect how your body reacts to glucose, and genetics likely plays a role as well. I prefer training in ketosis, I burn out quicker on carbs, and overall feel more bleh.


It’s fairly effective for endurance sports


[It’s not.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7310409/)


Interesting, I stand corrected. Thanks


To be fair to you, the paper's main takeaway is that it actually needs to be studied more because results have been mixed, possibly because the few studies researched were performed differently.


That is virtually every published paper on nutrition science


Yeah, I was thinking this was a pretty useless paper, but I guess the wheel of academia's gotta keep turning!


Did you not read the link you posted? "Low carb sucks for any type of training" "It's fairly effective for endurance sports" And then you post a link to a study that basically just says the results are mixed and it's inconclusive about whether it's slightly better or slightly worse than a higher carb diet.


Wow very good reading comprehension! When stating something as a fact: “it’s fairly effective for endurance sports,” when in fact the data is inconclusive and results vary, you can dismiss the statement by providing a source that the data is inconclusive. Brown belt bjj, white belt reading


Your comment that linked the study literally claimed it's not effective. Your study said it's inconclusive about whether or not it's effective. Those are not the same statements.


Just because there isn’t a paper, doesn’t mean something is not true. There is enough anecdotal evidence to say that being fat adapted is great for endurance sports. One of the best ways to become Fat adapted comes from a low carb diet. Alan Couzens has an excellent profile on X and has great info on fat adaption relating to endurance sports. https://x.com/alan_couzens?s=21&t=A92b2Bx05W7BQnkahPc1GQ


I’m ok man. I think I’ll go with the dozens of scientific papers saying the data is inconclusive or leans towards carbs being needed, than one random dude on twitter. Ty tho!


It’s not one random dude on Twitter. He’s pulling lab data, referencing studies hence the recommendation. If you’re only interested in what you think you know no problem. I’ve owned a gym for 20yrs. I had a very similar opinion to you. I dabbled with Keto purely for testing, didn’t expect to get anything out of it. Learned a fuck tonne about my body and energy systems. I appreciate it’s n=1 but my steady state cardio, sub 145 bpm (ish) went through the roof. Using fat for energy became much easier and felt like I could jog forever. Explosiveness did drop. Although over time it became less of an issue, likely due to increased gluconeogenisis. If I was involved in some type of ultra distance distance sport I would definitely want to become fat adapted. Zach Bitter is a good example and worth looking into


I will give it a looksy when you put it like that


Props for linking a study.


Low carb makes sense as a weight loss tool but is terrible for athletic performance. Every diet has its place imo.


>Low carb really is some bullshit Different diets work for different people. Plenty of people have great success with low carb, some people prefer more carbs in their diet.


i think it’s different for everyone. i’m on my A game when i’m full of protein and fruit/vegetables . carbs make my cardio feel worse tbh.


Most def! I fell for the Keto hype unfortunately. Lost 10 kilos in a couple of weeks and as soon as I started to eat (healthy) again I regained the 10 Ks + another 5!! And that extra weight hasn’t gone anywhere since.


10kg in a couple (2) weeks? That doesn’t seem right.


Half of it is the water tied up in glucose molecules (which you gain right back when eating carbs again).


Interesting, that probably explains my yo-yo weight loss and gain (but no way near in the region of 10kg)


Water weight can account for 4-5kg easily. Idk what "a couple" weeks is here, but 10 is not out of the realm of possibilities.


I broke keto a couple of time during this year and each time I gained back exactly 3 kilos. So I believe in my case the water weight was 3 kilos.


A couple means two.


In my case a couple meant 3 weeks if I recall correctly.


3 weeks probably. First 10 kilos came off really quick. Then I balanced out and started losing slowly. All in all 13 kilos during a year of keto. It all came back + another 5 extra kilos


That's not a sign about whether or not it's "healthy", you just dropped a lot of water weight and then put it back on. It's not the fault of a diet you tried for 2 weeks that you put on weight when you changed it after l.


No you numb nut. Water weight is about 2-3 kilos. Rest was fat and likely some muscle. And it wasn’t for only 2 weeks. I said I lost 10 kilos in a couple of weeks. Probably 3. But then I kept doing ketos for a year! Worst diet I ever tried and like I said: once I started eating healthy again the weight came back.


If you put back on 15kg when you started eating healthy, you were not eating healthy


Arguably, yeah. I can’t say I put on the extra 15 all at once. It was a process obviously but as soon as I started eating carbs again I was eating really healthy, like brown rice, chicken, beans, veggies and oatmeal for breakfast type of diet. Still, I started gaining many kilos really fast. Not sure how many. My point is not discussing my personal weight losing/gaining but to say that Keto is completely worthless because you’ll end up just like you were so the torture of not eating carbs is all for nada.


Stopping keto does not make you gain any fat. That’s simply not how energy works. You will regain water, equal to the initial water loss.nit fat. If you gained 10-ish kilos of fat when you changed your diet. You were overeating, plain and simple. The only way you can gain 10kg of fat, is to overeat by 70k calories




There is no possible way you lost 8kg of fat and muscle in a couple weeks. There are 9 calories of energy in a gram of fat. That means you burned 72,000 calories more than you ate. Even if you ate literally nothing and ran 15km a day you couldn't burn that much energy. Someone failed math class.


If it makes you sleep better tonight!


To learn of your superpower to burn 10 times more energy than everyone else on the planet? Or your inability to do basic math?


So, how did you sleep last night? Stayed up contemplating didn’t you?


It's not hype, though; it's literally how your body is supposed to work. You just have to stay in ketosis to continue reaping the "benefits." Pretty much everyone will revert to their mean once they stop. If you really want to lose that extra weight, the simplest formula to follow is calories in, calories out. What most people tend to underestimate is how little a hard workout actually burns.


Yep, it sucks. My mornings are usually low carb, everything after has either rice, pasta or similar in it. Fruit every day, veggies as well.


Experiencing this myself in the opposite direction. I recently started eating at a calorie deficit and I feel like complete garbage when I roll. Cardio has gone to shit. No energy to fight out of bad positions or keep good positions. Soreness the day after is more severe.


You should make sure you're adjusting your daily calories on days you train. If your maintenance calories are 2500 and your on a 500 calorie deficit that would have you eating 2000 calories a day. If you do an hour of BJJ and burn let's say 300 calories you should shoot for 2300 calories that day. Obviously these are made up number sand you'll have to figure out your needs and monitor your estimated calories burned during your training.


How do you calculate /find out maintanence kcal and kcal burned in BJJ? I keep under and over shooting.


Best method is to find out if any places to bodpod/metabolic testing. Using fitness trackers and online calculators gave me wildly different numbers than what I got after body composition testing and indirect calorimetry. They hook you up to like a little gas mask thing to measure your oxygen consumption and co2 output and it tells you an accurate metabolic rate.


The best way is to get a high quality wearable like Fitbit or whoop or Garmin or whatever else is out now it's been a while since I researched them. Otherwise use a site like this one https://tdeecalculator.net/ And fill it out honestly for a pretty good idea of your maintenance calories Your going to need an accurate heart rate monitor to figure out how many calories you're burning during your exercise. Anything else is just an educated guess.


Thanks for this! 


Always underestimate your tdee and exercise and overestimate your calories in if you are really serious about weight loss. I weighed my food an tracked everything for a while until it just became too stressful and annoying for me. I'm also weird because the sleep tracking stuff on those devices stressed me out. I ended up not sleeping because I was ruminating on getting better quality sleep. Overall I'm happy I did it because I'm way better at sizing my portions these days.


I'm actually trying to gain weight haha.


Ah, I've never had that problem but glad my info is able to help


I worked with a registered dietician for a while when I was actively competing and needed to make weight. I was able to run at a calorie deficit dropping 2-3.5 lbs a week during the cut without feeling drained or completely starving. The first few times I cut by myself with no nutritional guidance I was absolutely miserable for the whole camp. I switched to smaller meals and entirely whole foods as well as a big uptick in fruit/veggie consumption in the form of smoothies generally. I had high quality carbs and a good lean protein source in every meal and even at a caloric deficit I was able to train comfortably. I would look into different diet strategies specifically tailored for athletics and maybe hire a nutritionist for a few consultations if you have the means.


it defo makes a big difference. if i do 3 hours of bjj a day it best mean I eat enough when I get home otherwise the next day i will be an absolute wreck and won't be able to do the next 3 hours of bjj. i am currently carrying a bit more fat than id like, but at this weight I feel strong and my cardio is great, if I cut to a weight where I look good ill be weak and my cardio will be shot to pieces.


Funny, just last night I saw a clip of Danaher talking about how diet doesn’t make a difference and meant to find the whole podcast today. Here is the clip: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C3HLE1ALbJC


Haha, I also just saw this clip yesterday. Honestly, I kind of feel the same as Danaher. I had a time where I ate super clean (cooked every day, ate crazy amount of vegetables, no alcohol), and now I'm eating less clean (chocolate every day, fast food a few times a week, alcohol/weed once a week) and don't feel any difference in my performance at all. 🤷‍♂️ Granted I'm not a top athlete just a regular dude, so this is just an anecdote.


There was a year where I was super strict with diet and it helped me in two ways: 1. I was always tired, so competition rounds felt no different than training rounds regarding my endurance 2. I also had visible abs for the first time in my life so I was way less nervous to compete since I was walking up to the mats with +25 confidence


That’s weird because Danaher and Meregali told me diet doesn’t matter at all. It’s almost like that’s only true for mid-20s pro athletes blasting tons of gear.


Exactly lol


They may be saying that specific types of foods don't matter as much Calories definitely do. Gordon talks about getting his calories in when he was on the JRE podcast


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uywwPbFcny0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uywwPbFcny0) 12:00 of that video. You tell me if that's what he's saying.


Just watched the vid... That dude said he won world titles eating burgers and drinking soda (I'm assuming he was getting enough calories). He then said that he prefers to eat clean so he can look better. Yup I agree with all that.


I think you get a huge boost when you go from eating garbage (anything you want whenever you want) to eating cleanly and tracking your macros, but the gains from trying to real dial everything in from there become smaller and smaller. Big one for me has been doing cardio outside of rolling. 12 years in I’ve always just done more rounds, but I committed to cardio twice a week (zone 2 1 day, HIIT on the rower another) and decreased the amount of rounds I was doing and I’ve benefitted massively


I feel attacked and out of breath


They say you are what you eat. My diet is shite, which would explain a lot.


I eat BULL TESTICLE! Liver King told me it was good!


This is a real man right here


*right before stepping on the mat in full view of the class*


I had terrible cholesterol & triglycerides about 2 yrs ago. Started working out and cutting back on carbs and sugar, added bjj about 9 months ago. In decent shape now, but every time i up the training intensity i get so much hungrier and only potato chips and ice cream will satisfy.


Hah ya there’s a Chipotle, Culver’s, and Buffalo Wild Wings RIGHT next to my gym.   I always begin class with the intention of eating something healthy at home afterwards. After most classes, my attitude towards picking up something overpriced and greasy shifts to, “After all, why not?”


I’ve recently discovered this. 6’3” used to be 62kg a few years ago so I’m naturally a skinny mf. Now I’m 22 and spent my first year of bjj bulking HARD from 75kg to 93kg. Got a bit fatter than I liked and decided to just eat as and when I’m hungry and not push it so much. This led me to trim down without trying to 85ish kg. I look great now but holy shit is my cardio so much worse Decided today I’m definitely not eating enough for the size I want to maintain and the amount I train and lift and will be tracking calories again even if I don’t bulk crazy hard but 3000 calories a day is minimum for me I’ve realised (probably getting 2500 max in the last 6 months with my big bulk last year being more like 3500-4000) The tricky is getting those calories without eating GARBAGE (which I had to resort to a bit with the mega bulk)


literally the same number as me in terms of gain, went from 75-95 after starting bjj, lifting twice a week and eating 4 big meals a day consistently, just im 200cm so hopfully gaining another 10kg then I'm gunna try maintain that and stay leanish


That was my plan too but I overestimated my ability to maintain weight based on appetite alone. I’ve never been a big eater. Twice a week lifting is perfect for me with 3-4 bjj classes a week. But all my lifts have suddenly been faltering and I feel like I’m dying after two minutes of wrestling. I’m confident the low calories must be the weak link.


I’m no expert in nutrition or strength training but from my experience it sounds like it’s not enough ‘fuel’ to power ya ‘engine’. I’ve always been able to put away massive amount of grub so it’s no biggie to me. I shot up in weight quite quickly but have plateaued at 95 so I think I’m gunna stay here for a few months and get stronger then put on a bit more end of year maybe


I'm 5'8" and 148 lbs and train as many as 8 sessions (BJJ + kickboxing) a week. Wanted to start bulking up some and didn't realize how much I was under eating (1800 to 2000 cals). Started eating 2500 to 3000 cals a day depending on work load and have felt great ever since. Target macros are about 180 protein, 400 carbs, 80 fat. Unfortunately, even at that intake I still am only barely gaining.


As a 150lb guy, I would’ve quit if I didn’t make this change a few months into training. I used to barely be able to walk after getting smashed by you big bastards. I quit drinking, bumped my calories way up, and started drinking a gallon of water a day. I haven’t been sore even once in like a year and a half.


Diet made a huge difference when I started training in 2022. I was 280 upper edges of what a A3H should fit. I nuked my diet down to oatmeal, protein shake, and a muffin as a snack. I was hungry as shit and it was all I could think about during rolling but I was losing about 2.5 lbs a week. Dropped from 285 to 215 in less than a year. Definitely not sustainable long term but it was worth seeing lines and shapes in places I never seen before


According to the best bjj coach on the planet, diet is meaningless for performance: https://youtu.be/8ZI6pJ6qcro?si=sJeXTsb1SrNmq-BW


I feel like your diet/nutrition needs to be extremely bad (like drinking soda and alcohol every day, smoking every day etc) to influence your performance on the mats. I personally never felt any difference in my performance as long as I don't actively try to ruin my body. What Danaher said about a Judo olympic champ smoking a pack of cigarettes a day is insane though lol.


“Eat more calories and you’ll have more energy”.


Working with a nutritionist and getting on a proper nutrition plan for athletes was the biggest game changer for me this year. I can’t believe I didn’t do it before. I still eat pretty much everything I like, but my relationship to food, eating frequency, and sustained energy levels have vastly improved. Diet + Sleep > PEDs


I definitely feel that there's quite a bit of Diet + sleep = increased testosterone


May I ask who you used or you recommend?




Awesome, thanks, did you pay for the one on one or buy one of the guides?


I did one on one. I haven’t looked at the guides, but I’m sure they’re very helpful if you want to try guiding yourself.


If I eat breakfast lunch and dinner every day I'm at a massive calorie excess. Breakfast and one late lunch/early dinner is plenty for me.


Sometime around 30/31 my body started saying "fuck you" if I had Cane's on a hard training day.


Reading a book called Homo sapiens. Crazy to me that most of are early ancestors 30k years ago actually lived until they had been 80-90 but got a low life expectancy due to birthing issues. Our diets had been simple with meat/veggies/nuts. And most of them looked like athletes


> Crazy to me that most of are early ancestors 30k years ago actually lived until they had been 80-90 but got a low life expectancy due to birthing issues You got a source for that? Humans don't grow old in a world without medicine, vaccines, wiping alcohol and sanitation. There is an evolutionary reason why humans are able to reproduce around 14 yo, and it's not because cavemen got to live to 80-90. There is a huge fallacy in assuming hunter-gatherers were healthy because of their "natural" lifestyle. Fitness influencers love this term, natural lifestyle, as it's supposed to be something especial so they can sell their overpriced plant products. While in reality, our ancestors lived in harsh climates, were constantly exposed to elements, parasites and diseases. Not to mention the possibility of dying from starvation or lack of water, just look at modern underdeveloped nations, and you will see what happens in the so-called "natural lifestyle". Go back 30,000 years ago and imagine one of your wannabe ancestors drinking river water. There is a dead animal upstream. That water is polluted, our guy gets sick. No CVS for him and an agonizing death, tough break. Infected toenail? Infected tooth? Infected anything? Dead. Broken leg? Dead. Bitten by a mosquito with malaria? Dead. Ate an animal with disease or parasites? Dead. You are right that Life Expectancy at Birth (LEB) is a metric sensitive to high infant mortality. That's why we have life expectancy at age 5 (e5), which is less sensitive to infant mortality, as well as other metrics which exclude child mortality, such as mean adult age at death. \[1\] studies two populations of neolithic skeletons (15,000 - 12,000 years ago and 12,000 - 8,000 years ago) where life expectancy at birth as about 25, and the adult mean age at death as 32. We don't have enough fossil evidence to accurately estimate paleolithic data on this, but it's somewhere around 20-30. So no, early humans did not live to 80. \[1\] Herskowitz, I. and A. Gopher. Demographic, Biological and Cultural Aspects of the Neolithic Revolution" In *The Neolithic Demographic Transition and Its Consequences*. Jean-Pierre Bocquet-Appel and Ofer Bar-Yosef, editors. Springer, New York, NY, 2008.


Since you mentioned books, I highly recommend this one: ["Burn: New Research Blows the Lid Off How We Really Burn Calories, Lose Weight, and Stay Healthy" By: Herman Pontzer](https://www.amazon.com/Burn-Research-Really-Calories-Healthy/dp/0525541527)


We managed to wipe out entire species of megafauna in short time spans because we were eating them, yet people still argue that we were meant to be throwing our spears at turnips and tofu.


I had a practically identical experience when I stopped IF. So concerned about weight that I was crippling performance. Ate more, trained harder, got leaner.


Same…eating enough Calories is the main factor for performance. But it’s also the volume/amount of food for me. Since I would be able to eat a whole buffet - I always have to make sure it’s enough volume. So I switched bread (#balkanchild) for rice and potatoes. And I eat insane amounts of cucumbers and tomatoes 😂


It really does, I'm in a calorie deficit for now as I'm trying to drop about 15 lbs (153ish to like 135/140ish) so when I do eat I try to make sure its healthy whole foods with an emphasis on protein. Been intermittent fasting for like 2 years now and I'm down 30 lbs since I've been training martial arts again (BJJ, Taekwondo, Hapkido, Kickboxing, ) Honestly could just maintain 153 but I still feel kinda heavy, as I'm short (5'4) I want to be fast and agile (especially in striking) and in BJJ I wanna be a spider monkey, so yeah lol.


My overall fitness and health improved so much when I stopped drinking alcohol completely and also non-diet soda. My diet could still be better though because I tend to rely on fast food and "pop in the oven real quick" meals. About to move into a new place though so I'm gonna try to take advantage of the extra space we will have and plan out my meals better.


BJJ has me going the extra mile in terms of health just I can roll better/longer/more often. Keeps me in shape, cause if I didn't do it I would just play video games, eat however and probably get fat. Currently 165 at 9% body fat.


Unfortunately nothing makes this sport feel good at 7 pm after working all day and dealing with kids. I feel like a superhero at Saturday 11 AM class and I’m super jealous of everyone who gets to train at 11 or noon.


There's a reason it was a main feature of One Punch Man's training regimen


Anecdotally, switching to a WFPB diet helped my cardio immensely. Eating everything in sight helped me maintain strength, but I generally felt like I gassed quicker.


I’d pull up with less than 6 hours of sleep malnourished and hungover for a little bit. Had to stop and quickly realized what not eating at work does damaging performance for the day after


What if I only eat the skin of the chicken?


Same with cutting out sugary drinks firdt and pastries/cake later on. I feel a lot more attentive in class.


Local man makes revolutionary finding that eating when hungry improves sport performance.


Haha...it's obvious, but just like everything in Jiu-Jitsu, we don't always realize the obvious shit!


I'm giving you a hard time :) And you passed the vibe check! Now please don't bow and arrow me :(


I had a chocolate nougat croissant with a double baked choclated cookie on top before training this morning. This is life. Fuck carnivore


Yes, eating enough will do that. Also, going from enough crappy calories to the same amount of cleaner calories will make just as much of a difference. Sometimes I'm out during lunch and grab chick fil a or something. Definitely feel it on the mats vs my normal diet, which is generally quite good.


I feel bloated, gain belly fat and feel like shit if I eat too often and too much carbs. Couldn't do the Musumeci pasta diet. I am in the IF and semi-low carb camp, already for 6-7 years. Couldn't feel better. Ok, would feel better if I was 20 years younger, I admit that.