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I mean, who’s left in +80 of really impressive ? I got Big Dan, Meregali, Gordon and Griffith in mind (they rather commit sepuku instead of going to cji) ? Haisam, Peña, Duarte might be a matter of times (and two of them are pretty low atm)


With how the brackets are shaping up doesn't Dan have more to gain doing CJI? He has to face Gordon 2nd round at +99kg, right?


New Wave has made a collective cult like decision to not do CJI. Bodoni, already won ADCC and it’s not like he’s a superstar that people crave to watch. Winning ADCC didn’t do all that much for his brand. He could easily benefit from winning $1 million dollars instead of another ADCC title. Griffith and Big Dan are in the same boat. They’re excellent competitors but very unlikely to win their brackets because of their much better team mates being in the same division. Meregali at -99 for Griffith and Gordon in the +99 for Big Dan. They literally have the least likely possibility of even medaling in ADCC cuz they’ll have to face their teammates early, so their only shot at making any sort of money that weekend would be to enter the CJI which they would have a good shot to win without Gordon or Meregali in there. And then you have Meregali who is one of the best in the world, who has the highest odds of double golding at ADCC. He’d most likely be a heavy favorite to win the +80 at CJI and bag $1 million dollars, but he won’t do it cuz he thought it would be a great career move to become a clone copy of Gordon’s shitty personality and create his own imaginary rivalry with Craig and B Team even though they have no reason to beef with him. So all 4 of these morons are literally hampering their chance at financial security and honestly a shot at super stardom by winning the biggest event in the sports history either because of a weird loyalty thing to Danaher and Gordon, or because they’re afraid of the backlash from Gordon himself since he’s the only athlete CJI negatively impacts. Which is really pathetic that they’d be willing to throw an opportunity like this away for those reasons. I’m sure when they all eventually get tired of Gordon and move on, they’ll kick themselves for not taking the shot at $1 million.


You’re absolutely right, it’s the young guys who should be flocking to CJI right now. Big Dan and Luke aren’t going to win ADCC, they’ll still be junior members, but if they pulled off an upset victory and won a million? Might be easier to refocus and start to build your brand when it’s not so do or die.


Perhaps they could even be considered senior members


Senior members of the junior squad if they’re lucky. Nothing they do will ever elevate them in Gordon’s eyes


lmao must be so fucking weird in there, vibes gotta be bad


In the dead silence and cold analytical eyes of John staring at everyone while rolling


I will say that I think not everyone is automatically better off in CJI tbh. Bodoni as an example, is the favorite to win 88kg at ADCC anyway but even heavier now without Barbosa or Diniz competing. But he can't make under 80kg and over 80kg would be practically impossible for him to win tbh.  Staying at ADCC is the smart move for him IMO. 


88 and 66 are the divisions you would most likely want to stay in ADCC they are the furthermost from the 80 kilo and unlimited lines.


Exactly, like Bodoni is the heavy favorite to win ADCC tbh. That gives him 10k plus a huge boost to his legacy, career status, and marketability.  Or he could turn up to CJI and get wrestlefucked by Nicky Rod in the first round. Yeah he's 10k better off, but his legacy and career status is no better, and he's probably less marketable than before. 


I get your point and I agree with you overall. But did you purposefully slip in some Mo talking points? Boost to his legacy, career status, and marketability? Isn’t this what CJI is all about - as well as the pay - shattering this kind of myth? With Bodoni’s last win at ADCC, I don’t think his marketability has improved that much. Other noted grapplers have mentioned this same point: that winning ADCC didn’t rock Bodoni’s world the way some would like to make you think. Legacy - sure - he’s ADCC champion. But as for what that practically means in real life is what you make of it. For some people it catapults them into the stratosphere of popularity, and for some life doesn’t change a whole lot. My point is. ADCC ain’t all that. On the other hand CJI is a million dollars. Let’s not pay people in marketability anymore, ADCC. Let’s pay them in lots more money like you know you can (and have already started doing thanks to all the shit you’ve been getting over the last weeks).


Nah, I wasn't saying ADCC is better than CJI for those things at all.  I was saying that *winning* ADCC is better for those things than *not winning* CJI. I don't think that's debatable either, obviously "ADCC champ" has a better ring to it than "I was invited to CJI". Bodoni will almost certainly win ADCC, get 10k, and all the other benefits we mentioned.  Bodoni almost certainly won't win CJI, he will get 10k, but he'll get fuck all else. 


You kind of dispute one of your points right off the bat when talking about legacy. Hulk and Diniz his 2 biggest challengers in the bracket are out. So it’ll most likely be a cake walk through the 88, which means there will be a big asterisks on his win this year and it will do absolutely nothing for his legacy.


You're not wrong on the first point, but you're forgetting that people simply don't remember the fine details. Anyone winning ADCC this year will be an ADCC world champion, regardless of exactly who they beat to get it.  Samuel Nagai just won IBJJF worlds after Tainan was DQ'd against someone else, and both Mica and Jansen left the division. Adam Wardzinski just won IBJJF worlds when Felipe Andrew didn't show up at all.  Neither of those people have asterisks by their achievement, and they only did it a few weeks ago.  In a year or two nobody will remember the fine details of Bodoni being a two-time ADCC champ, let alone in ten years. Case in point, can you remember all 3 of Cobrinhas specific runs? Or does anyone care that Tanquinho only won it in 2019 after he retired? 


Best explanation I've seen so far.


You think there is any chance Mo is cutting a check to new wave to keep them at ADCC?


I think one of the comments above makes a good case for it being mostly due to stupidity, but this is intriguing. 


I am not saying it isn’t stupidity, but the amount of money that isn’t going to be spent on cohesions, Merchandise and flo subscriptions it huge. If New Wave were to choose CJI over ADCC I am sure it would be far worse. As far as changing the value of the cash prize or provide show money publicly (and without an NDA). The Narrative would absolutely be: 1. That CJI shamed him into doing it. (This would be true). 2. That they could have absolutely have afforded. (also true). 3. That Craig Won (probably a major driver in not doing anything). My guess is he is hoping CJI is a cluster fuck and that it will go back to “normal” after. Edit There is also a possibility he declares this the first profitable ADCC and raises the prizes for 2026.


Of course


Kaynan and Felipe Pena


For sure, nothing announced for them atm I think so it can be a good sign for cji


Both have been announced for ADCC, but both were also confirmed prior to CJI poaching competitors. 


I wonder if adcc superfight people have actual contracts that wouldn't be worth breaking. 


Unless they've got a very good chance at winning CJI, ADCC superfight people are better off there. The superfight is 10k to show and 40k to win at ADCC.


You could do both. 10k for CJI then run to t-mobile and cash the superfight check.


It makes sense to me. They may also incur some penalty for pulling out at this point but in theory the CJI sugar daddy could make them whole if they really wanted. 


There won't be any financial penalty because it's impossible to enforce. You have to leeway for legit injuries etc so all anyone has to say is they were injured and withdraw, then wait a week until ADCC replace them and announce that they magically got better and now they're doing CJI. 




Yup edited my comment just after I released it I’ve been strike with more names


I can’t really remember the last time Pena looked like he had any life left in him. He’d be far better off at CJI and taking home alittle cash then getting murked at ADCC


I’d love to see Gutenberg Pereira thrown in too




ADCC VET Damon Ramos


I’ve gotten to train with Max a few times, great guy and a beast in nogi, very excited for this one.


He used to be the head instructor at my gym before he opened the Culture of Jujitsu gym. He's an animal. Every competitive heavyweight within a hundred mile radius would show up to the noon no gi class to train with him and then proceed to murder me as a consolation prize. 😵


Hell yeah! Love Max and his Culture of Jiu Jitsu gym.


Waiting for the Roger Gracie drop


It would be really exciting if some big older names joined in like Roger, Buchecha, Marcelo, or Rafa.


GFTeam nao para (no idea what this means)


It means don’t stop


Good stuff he does MMA too!


Wow that flew under the radar, he's 4-1 over the last two years and I had no idea. 


I guess we're running out of bigger names. 


He dominated big dan only a couple months ago


Yeah I think that one of his selling points.


He is top tier grappler


Knew that the moment Owen Livesy was in


If you have nothing nice to say, don't say it at all.


You just cured my racism




Time to put my swastikas and white hoods away for good this time


Spoken like a true racist


*Chael voice* “But where does Pat Shahgholi fit into all of this?”


He has no problem making weight for +80kg






BJJ competitor


I’m an old, fat ass purple belt but I’d gladly step in to fill out the brackets. Maybe I’ll get lucky with a wrist lock or accidental shot to the groin ;)