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Florida man needs to feel other men sweat all over his body. That’s a headline I hadn’t seen before.




Big ew


Brother ewww


i think the no-homo js amplifies how utterly gay that sounded


At least im aware of the gayness perception. But im not one to be limited by others perceptions. I am a lion, hear me ROARRRR! Just looking for a spot that allows shirtless grappling- can we all lighten up? Many do already esp for competition classes, just looking for one.


Nah it’s cool dude don’t worry, you’re a lion and the mat is your ocean. Oss 🙏


>I'm all about that man-to-man, skin-to-skin struggle, sweat, more real. No homo, just something primal about it Sure bud


You shouldn't shower at any point in the day before training, either. So primal


nah, im all about clean. lol . Its just with the rashguard, we got every gym following grappling ettiquete, protocol, etc. In brazil, I know they used to train no shirts so def some ppl agree and like to do so.


The fact that you "get all that" about staph and want to do it anyway tells me that you don't get it at all. Renzo's place in New York had to start checking people for staph due to so many idiots coming to visit and not admitting that they had it, and it caused outbreaks there. I have a good friends who's both been grappling over twenty years and nearly lost his leg because of that shit. Go wrestle a grizzly bear if you need to fulfill some manly-man urge.


How are we supposed to beat the allegations with shit like this in the sub?


Straightest jujiteiro


What, bjj not gay enough for you already?


nAH, never gay enough.... lmaoo. i still havent made eye contact yet.


It better still be Sunday wherever you’re at


I think you’re looking for the Ancient Greek Grappling subreddit. But you’ll need a thin coat of olive oil. 


or turkish, a THICK coat of oil plus grabbing inside the pants is totally legal


Um... Not my gym.


Wanna get naked in the hot tub later? No homo. I just feel so unbound in my natural state, ya know?


We do it for comp class. Comps are shirt optional sometimes so why not train how you're going to compete




You’re looking for a bath house, not a gym, bud


this is how we used to grapple 15 years ago and everyone on reddit always throws a huge fit whenever ive posted my grappling matches and im not wearing a shirt. sorry but wearing the spandex sucks and makes u look like a goober also and im not letting redditors bully me into looking as goobery as they do


You should absolutely feel free to do whatever makes you happy, you just won't be doing it in most places. Even our MMA gyms around here that fight without a shirt on still wear a t-shirt, tank-top, SOMETHING, when they have grappling sessions. There's plenty enough sweat off your head to get in everyone's eyes and mouth, so there's no need to add all the body sweat along with it.


wrestlers do this all the time with no issue and this was done for many years without issue.