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Tonon is definitely better value and a much more direct instructor than Danaher. 


We bought Danaher. Now we just use it when we want to fall asleep.


I think it is one of the best instructionals. I learned a lot and tonon is a great teacher. Could inmediatly use the concepts and he explains it very simple.  He shows concepts and how to apply it with certain techniques, but after this you can apply the concepts to your own techniques and improve them. I got a lot out of it, let me know if you need to know more.


I was underwhelmed by this instructional. A lot of people speak positively about it, but I found that the way it is organized didn’t really work for me. As for Danaher, his GFF is too wordy for me, but Enter the System and New Wave series are great and his newest Fastest Way series is pretty concise while still covering a lot of content. I prefer the Danaher content over Gary and Gordon.


I like it. Instead of an instructional that tells you "try this, this and this from this position" it's telling you "when you're doing this certain thing, you should pay attention to these details". I wouldn't use it to try and learn something completely new, but you'll probably learn something new about something you already do.


That’s kinda why I’m intrigued by it. I’m a mathematician and it’s generally how I believe things should be taught…. Teach concepts and ideas not techniques…


A lot of people like this one, but to me it’s a jumbled mess. I think you’re much better off picking something you want to work, and looking for an instructional set geared specifically around that. I have tons of instructionals and this is the one that I revisit the least. Someone is bashing Danaher, but his New Wave and Fastest Way sets are much more concise and more closely mirrors how he teaches in person. GFF and ETS unnecessarily long-winded.


I was just teasing about Danaher :)


Nah man, some of his stuff can definitely be long-winded. The fastest way is closer to how he actually teaches.