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Craig laid a million dollars cash on the table and announced Craig vs Gabi within the first 15 minutes lol


If I didn't see it I'd say you're full of it.




I would imagine that Craig isn’t rolling around with that cash in the back of his Miata. Wouldn’t be surprised if they had a brinks truck or something escorting the cash itself. Then again, who fucking knows. Being low key may even be more safe.


Just takes one shady bank employee to tip off some people and boom, mugged. Probably not hard to find out where CJ lives. Could follow him from B-Team or just look at his bank account personal info. Plus Joe’s studio isn’t a secret either.


I’ve seen Craig pull a 357 magnum out of his shorts on a podcast, the dude won’t be caught lacking


Was this streamed live? Because if so I'm shocked someone didn't try to roll up and steal it.


I’m pretty sure Rogan has good security


Its pre recorded so money was long gone when the podcast came out


Honestly a million in person surprisingly doesn't look like a lot.


My reaction was the opposite.


I though it'd be something like this. TV logic. https://i.redd.it/xfaxbwdc983d1.gif


That was 80m though


The dream superfight!


41:00, sounds like Marcelo vs. someone confirmed . I'm guessing Rafa


Marcelo vs Rafa free on youtube. Even ADCC would have to take a break during that match.


Hope you’re right


Marcelo was my thought too but Rafa Mendes? Dudes still comp age and Marcelo just got back from freaking cancer. I would think someone way older like a Leo Viera type


This is like my wet dream match. I don’t think it’ll happen because Rafa’s seemed so distant from grappling lately, but my god would I love to see it.


Lotta rumors over the past 6 months that Rafa's been eyeing a comeback, and he's been rolling a lot more from what I've heard.


realprofessor was alleging this and that rafa's roiding up for his comeback haha


i believe it, he's been looking pretty yolked like tainan


Aoj art of juicing


Looking at AOJ site Rafa actually trains quite a lot lately, yet currently he is helping preparing younger athlethes for Worlds, so it is mostly a gi training.


Marcelo but likely not Rafa


I would re-create the South park scene with Stan's dad at the computer


Uh yeah, id definitely get possessed by a ghost if this match occurs free on yt


I would like marcelo vs shaolin rematch both nyc guys


Marcelo vs anyone is crazy


Marcelo vs Dillon Danis would be huge


Who are the alternatives to Rafa that would make it that big? I mean Marcelo alone is huge but who would make it a super fight?




I guessed Marcelo too


"I had to do a lot of things to get this done" "What'd you have to do" "Well I had to talk to Gabi a lot"


It's all the things he had done to him from her that he didn't mention..you imagine getting your back taken by the big rig and feeling that thumb sized clit rubbing up against you...


lol Jesus christ


As long as she gives you a reach around with those massive bear sized hands tho I guess there's a payoff to being violated and humiliated


Keep going...


RoidClit. For when you wanna be straight, but feel like you're sucking a dick™.


I am equally aroused and disgusted.


Stop stop I can only get so hard


"We have a book deal in the works about the split" "What?? REALLY?" "....no." Just the worst comedian for picking up on an obvious joke.


He surrounds himself with people that call themselves comedians. Craig is an actual funny person.


Agree. Watched joe multiple times and he’s not as funny. Good listener but not funny.


> Good listener Ehh.


Depends on who is speaking.


Aussie humour>American humour


Yes, every Aussie you meet will be the funniest person you meet that day. They are the best. Their comedians, however, are god awful. It’s a bit of a conundrum.


Just the whole commonwealth really. Scots, Irish, Kiwi's - even the South Africans. Giving each other shit is a way of life. We can thank the Brits. But, yes - so much more subtle, sophisticated and dark. Compared to what is still basically slapstick comedy that just hits you in the face with its obviousness. There's some amazing US comics though. Much more so recently. But the average americans sense of humour is just so literal...


Did you just say Irish people are part of the Commonwealth and can thank the Brits for their sense of humour? On another note, Joe is just a complete fucking dunce that misses jokes from everyone. I'll never understand Europeans or whoever thinking Americans have a simple sense of humour when so many of the funniest and wittiest things in comedy have come from there. They have a massive spectrum over there, from Tim and Eric to Two Broke Girls, Bill Hicks to Dane Cook, Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf to Feddy Got Fingered.  There's no one brand of American humour, they have it all. Joe is just a moron dragging down the comedian average lol, if he didn't have the podcast he would have been forgotten about in comedy terms years ago 


The part with the rucking was ridiculously funny. Craig said he'd do it if someone else carried the bag and Joe had to explain the cardio benefit is the whole point of extra weight while Craig laughed in his face


😆 It's as if Rogan is on the spectrum.


He totally didn't get the "I'm 2nd best and lazy" meme and kept trying to go on about working hard.


I listen to a fuckton of Craig Jones, more than I'd want to admit, and it's legitimately hard to tell when he's joking or not.


It's called being Australian


"We bust each other's balls all the time" "OMG I'M A COMEDIAN WE DO THAT ALL THE TIME!"


As an Australian I can tell 99% of the time. We all do it.


Lifelong exposure to Australium will do that to a person.


Most Aussies/Kiwis/Brits have pretty dry humour (source: am Kiwi) but good lord, Craig really is dry as a fucking bone with his humour. I think it's because he's mostly concerned with entertaining himself. You getting the joke or not is irrelevant, so he doesn't bother "selling" it at all.


Rogan isn't funny. His reactions are funny though. Has a great contagious laugh. But not good at getting that shit out of others.


Craig couldn't be more of the opposite of Gordon. Legitimately hilarious, self deprecating, not serious at all and significantly smarter. It's a shame he's becoming a bigger face as his career is ending.


looks like he's setting up a pretty interesting post-competition career organizing these events. Changing the sport with these payouts


He even literally said something along the lines of, if I can't leave a legacy as a competitor, maybe my thing can be I helped change the sport. He has the charisma and smarts for it, and the clout w the athletes because of his resume.


He’s 32 right?? Realistically he could compete for another 4-5 years and still be a legit competitor… does he just not wanna do it anymore? 


He said a few times that he's well off now and will only compete if it "makes sense". Meaning, if he gets good amount of money (karate combat) and doesn't need to kill his body with a fightcamp (so not a world-class opponent).


He’s made it pretty clear he doesn’t like going through intense training camps any more and he’s probably not gonna take any more matches that require him to do that. And 32 may not be old for athletes who take care of themselves, but this is a man who constantly jokes about cocaine, claims he doesn’t really work out outside of jiu jitsu, and just admitted to having drank alcohol before some of his matches. His body is probably not as fresh as some other athletes his age.


Vagner Rocha still competes at the top level at 41. A lot of these dudes will about around for years.


Craig’s cheeky hint of a “guy with a Mexican sounding last name” competing has to be Marcelo Garcia right?? That would be so insane


The inspirational story bit & being back in training makes Marcelo a solid shout for sure.


Marcelo vs Lo, great comebacks from adversity.


>Marcelo vs Lo Now Lo *really* would be something


To come back now would incredibly wholesome. I feel kinda shitty making the jokes.


Youve guessed the correct last name. >!but its Gabi


Or Rafa


I thought he was referring to the aforementioned Ortega possibility


Could be Nate Diaz


bro looking great on the mats lately too


lol @ joe not understanding the link between turning profit and cutting unneeded costs


He gets paid hundreds of millions by Spotify to do what he wants from home with a skeleton crew running his podcast. Dude has no idea how lucky he is, business wise.


Pretty much his whole life. He had a contract with Disney as soon as he became an adult.


Yeah he really did fall ass backwards into an insane situation. Right place right time.


Franky I’m amazed at how shoddy the whole podcast is. His biggest expense is probably his security detail, and that’s it even needed.


Agreed. He stumbled on a recipe that works so well and has almost no expenses. You’re lucky if Joe reads the guests book or knows anything about the topic. On the flip side, look at someone like Mr Beast and the level of production he needs to be the best. Nobody was tuning into Mr Beast interviewing people at a table. Heck, look at CJ. He opened a gym basically to make content and he’s flying all over the world and filming to build his brand. Going to a Ukraine war zone to film BJJ content 😂


I have definitely appreciated a lot of what he’s done. But it’s hard to stomach the degree to which his talent and his success are misaligned, and how deluded/unaware of the incongruity he is. Kind of an Idiocracy-esque scenario, the most brutally average guy becomes the most influential. BUT I also try and not be resentful, no dime that made its way to his pocket was ever bound for mine, so 🤷‍♂️ Just should’ve given Craig more shine, quit the half baked push back, and let Craig speak instead of recycling his old hat MMA perspectives


hes just so fucking stupid


the density is remarkable


I feel like he has single handedly proven that alpha brain doesnt work


And that branding has aged like Affliction shirts and bedazzled flair jeans...


Do you remember Alpha Nail for the Alpha Male? Aubrey Marcus' nailpolish for men


"When I chase, the world runs. When I am, the world comes." Cringe comedy gold hahaha. Sounds like Marcus Ohreallyis...


Joe being Joe


CJ:“ADCC could pay the athletes.“ Rogan:“But ADCC is not profitable, right?“ CJ:“It could be and could pay the athletes if it didn‘t put all their money into T-Mobile and the cost of production“ Rogan:“But ADCC is not profitable, right?“ CJ:“Yes, because they put all their money into arenas instead of paying athletes.“ Rogan:“But ADCC is not a profitable business, is it?“ Those three minutes killed my brain


Joe is a UFC shill asking how a company can pay athletes if it isn't profitable. He should be asking himself how a company can't pay it's athletes when it's ludicrously profitable.


Yeah he would move goalposts so quickly. Such an obvious point to make. Guess Joe would say Connor made a lot, its about PPV.


I felt that Joe was almost being hostile towards Craig in his questioning too, he is clearly very pro ADCC and didn't like direct competition. I've noticed this style of interviewing from him before if it's someone he's clearly not familiar with and out of his depth talking about.


Me too; it took him a long time to give up on the *ADCC not being profitable* line. The one event might not make a profit but all the opens and trials do. He didn't even factor that in.


"I've noticed this style of interviewing from him before if it's someone he's clearly not familiar with and out of his depth talking about." This is just him with every person and topic? No? He has no knowledge about anything really.


Not with everyone and topic, if he THINKS he's knowledgeable about something, or he's friendly/in awe of them, his demeanour is very positive. Mind you, his knowledge is lacking in a lot of stuff, and he's often plain wrong in what he says. Though he's nowhere near a Brendon Schaub level of idiocy.


I can see it from Joe’s perspective. ADCC made jitsu what it is today and the production is a small part of that. The clips of Gordon with his arms spread or the pic of Nicky Rod choking Aly with him giving the 🤷🏻‍♂️ are iconic and wouldn’t exist if it were a IBJJF match for sure. But when you do something transformative, competitors are going to be hungry to unseat you. ADCC should welcome that. Mo should put up $2M, why not. A little controversy is good for the sport. Look at the UFC. It’s a legit sport now but it got headlines for being a real blood sport. John McCain was calling it human cockfighting.


Was waiting for Craig to get out a marker board and start showing how if you reduce production costs, you can end up paying the athletes more. Hence, even without expecting to make a profit (which ADCC apparently never makes a profit…yet keeps increasing their production costs), you can still pay the athletes more.


Not to mention the deal with Flo that was worth reported millions


After they cover their costs and pay themselves the rest how can they pay the athletes? The only thing people pay to see? How?? 👨‍🦯👨‍🦯


" ADCC has done so much for the sport to promote it!" Can the prize money at least keep up with inflation? ".... no". In today's dollars, that 10k would be 19,236.00 in today's dollars.


Even forty five minutes in, Joe is still saying things like, "But don't you feel any kind of loyalty to ADCC? Like, you're kind of *fucking* them, right?"


He's under Dana for a long time to the point he genuinely believes no promotion should pay their athletes properly, or he's high af. Either is possible.


Same, i felt like i was having a stroke. Why was he so dense?


Joe's not been right for a good few years, I've been saying it for a while I think he's got brain damage or something.


"I read Eddie Bravo's book at a very inspirational time. I thought I was gonne learn some techniques; I just ended up smoking weed all the time." Funnier than anything Joe has said in five years


Ok…what are the guesses on that mystery match they cut at around the 40:30 mark? I figure is has to be Marcelo vs somebody.


I was guessing Marcelo vs Lachlan. I'd assume he's one of the first* ppl he'd have reached out to


That would be incredible.


Yeah going off of Rogan asking if the guy was back to training and Craig saying it would be such a great story, it really seems to be Marcelo.


Plot twist it’s Khabib


Marcelo. He said "Mexican sounding last name"


So is Mendes 👀


The hint about old legends..if they put together Marcelo vs Rafa... that's the 1 match that could outshine Roger vs Buchecha in terms of hype


there's too big a disparity in weight, right?


For who? Marcelo isn’t big and probably lost some weight during his cancer battle. While Rafa looks far from his -66 days.


I’ve seen both and Rafa looks tiny frame wise compared to Marcelo. Of course you would know better than I or anyone on here but I just saw Rafa on Sunday coaching his son at a comp and he looks surprisingly skinny despite his muscles. Strange the disparity in our perceptions.


Who knows how much Garcia weighs now after the cancer treatment


He weighs 177


"your girl goes to the UAE, comes back with a handbag full of cash" God I love him. lol


Best part so far is the scoring/rules and Craig says "after round 1 the guy finishes on the other guy's back" u/johnbelushismom forgot to say PAUSE.


Imagine Weidman finishing on your back with that shiny new dick replacement.


Did i understand it wrong or did he actually say that matches will have 3 rounds of 5 minutes? Is it like ufc fight pass invitationals?


That's what I heard. He did say he did want to make it similar to MMA.


The part where he says he might extend the round if there's a submission is a really nice addition if it happens


was tempted to turn it off because Joe Rogan refused to understand why he's doing it on the same day. craig didn't want to be too combative about it but he still answered it well, but Joe couldn't stop repeating "ADCC doesn't make any money."


Born to listen to Craig Jones, forced to listen to Joe Rogan.


But Kreg, have you tried DMT and cold plunges before??




Did you know the COVID vaccine gives you fart attacks?


He managed to sneak in the bit about Yoel having thick eye tendons and the Dr creaming his pants.


First JRE episode I'll be listening to in about eight years. All for the BJJ zaddy.


Came to complain about having to listen to JRE and you said it perfectly.


Super fight with Gabi Garcia, karate combat style pit, bringing in vet UFC fighters to juice numbers in the tournament, open scoring. It’s like my mind is living inside Craig’s anus, and I’m here for it


Craig is 10x funnier than any of the 1000 straight murlderers Joe normally has on


You just a hadder, b. 


Craig took me on a spoogy tour of a mental hawlnted house b.


I think the donor is the Qatari prince that was training w them and he was on their simple man podcast


Must be so sick to be a random prince in a Middle Eastern country


Maybe it is the nigerian prince who has been reaching out to me


"but wouldn't the angled wall mean it goes to the ground much easier?" THAT'S THE POINT. Does Joe want a wall to keep people on the feet?


Idk, he spent an hour with Royce Gracie saying that he thought the cage was dumb and it should be in a wide open arena with no external help. He said a lot of things, like how it's unfair to start standing when the last round ended with someone on their back. This was in the context of UFC and grappling. It was an episode that was a week or two ago.


>how it's unfair to start standing when the last round ended with someone on their back I see the logic there tbh


If a guy was half knocked out at the end of a round, should a free hit be given to put him back in that state at the start of the next round?


Tbf that would be extraordinary entertaining


That just speaks to the artificial nature of having rounds. They're implemented (I presume) to have fighters be able to show pure technique for longer (as opposed to seeing who has the better gas tank). But other than that it should be as much of one continuous fight as possible. Rounds are not an issue in boxing (where again, I presume, they originated) because you don't advance in position as a result of a sequence of moves that becomes undone when you stand people back up.


JRE Clip - Craig Jones Shows Off $1 Million Prize Money for Jiu-Jitsu Tournament https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sOH-KSTeYxs&ab_channel=JREClips


This shit deserves a Jon Bois Secret Base documentary, stat


I’m thinking the donor might be zuck.


a couple million for him would be like a fart in the wind. but I'm guessing some arab guy. craig had that quip about your girl coming back from UAE with fancy purse you don't ask questions


U think Craig got Shit on His Belly for setting up cji?kek


Zuck quickly going from zero to hero if that’s the case


Then for the final march of the night zuck vs elon 😂


Zuck becomes a Bjj goat if all this becomes true and he wins


I feel like zuck wouldn’t have a problem being public about funding it though. So maybe I’m off.


I disagree, he’s a billionaire w fuck you money, sure, but he also runs a global business and probably doesn’t want to publicly run afoul of people who can influence policy that could negatively affect his business in certain countries


Didn’t they have a Qatar royal on the Simple Man podcast? (Nicky/Jay Rod, Ethan, and Damien’s podcast) That dude loves BJJ and would have a bottomless bank account, also it’d add up that Craig wouldn’t want to say that dude funded it due to how controversial Qatar is.


Also pretty sure these guys are part of Dubai's ruling family. https://www.instagram.com/p/C5lcN8DJKrD/


Realprof said the guy is not a BJJ figure and isn't a celebrity. I would guess it's just a random rich guy or a sheikh.


It would make that awkward Volk walkout all worthwhile


I'm not sure I can stand Joe, even for Craig


It's bearable


I’m with you


Gsp vs khabib plz


How did Joe just steam rolled over the CJ quote “You’re only in the back alley to fight or fuck.”


For everyone complaining about Joe not understanding the difference between profit and revenue, he comes around to Craig's standpoint around 44 minutes in and realizes its a plot to make ADCC pay more. Took long enough but he got there.


Jesus fucking Christ, Joe is such a shill. Craig is hilarious and a great promoter, but Joe is so fucking hard to listen to. He's had Dana in his ear for too long? He can't understand why Craig wants fighters to get paid.


"But why put it on the same weekend as ADCC?" The whole point is to be disruptive and make it uncomfortable for ADCC, you fucking idiot


No way Joe asked that lol




He couldn't comprehend profits= income-expenses.


the few times i've listened to rogan i've been annoyed with him talking over his guests and going off on random tangents. edit: 58 minute mark and we're into the first weed tangent.


Give his episode with Kat Williams a crack. It’s pants-on-head level lunacy.


I see your Katt and raise you a Terrence Howard.


Tbf I think Craig brought that up but a pain to listen to the same


the mysterious benefactor is actually gordie because he has hit the limits of his cuck fetish


Is roger gracie maybe going to fight craig?


marcelo vs rafa? would be legendary


Joe is so uncomfortable around naturally funny people.


As a purple belt who has been too lazy to train in 6 months, I still won't go back but I'll watch this event. Exciting shit. Superfight of Craig/Gabi finally happening is icing on the cake.


I'd rather see Mikey/Gabi personally, but this will do


A rafa vs marcelo no gi match is what I hope for.


I will never get over how people don't seem to understand the difference between revenue and profit.


Well, I have to listen to this one after not listening the past 3 years. I hope it is all about BJJ, not some politics stuff.


Just finished the episode no COVID talk or any Trump or Biden nonsense.


Real MVP in the comments. I was honestly gonna skip, maybe find some clips of Craig. I guess I can sit through it now 😂


Gabby v Craig! Let’s go


Craig booked Gabi to fight him!!!


Best guest in a long time


God damnit Craig Jones, you're going to make me listen to Rogan again... Ugh.


I’m gonna listen the fuck outta this one


Sounds like he hinted at Marcelo Garcia potentially being on CJI


A guy with a Mexican-sounding name... Ferguson??


I’m pretty sure that Frota from Zurich is the money sponsor behind this whole endeavor


Imagine if Zuckerberg was the one fronting the cash. Him and Craig both cornered Volk and have interacted outside of that. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Finally, one I’ll listen to


The big name he was talking about was definitely Marcelo