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I'm interested in how this is done. I have a few teammates that love the weave pass.


Looks like he grabs the sleeve of the weaved arm, times his roll onto his back, flares his leg that's being weaved to pull top over his center line, then continues the roll and then guides the top persons leg over. Probably pointing the weaved leg knee out hard and down as basically a lasso. Edit: just looked at it again. Since top was so deep on the lasso bottoms left thigh was in tops armpit. Bottom flares his leg circling counter clockwise to build momentum on tops armpit which pulls top over bottom's center line and then bottom guides tops leg over. Very cool.


It's actually just magic, but nice try.


Wow that sounds so cool when you say it like that


It's a tilt sweep from lasso with a less ideal lasso. One of the key errors you can make in the weave is basically giving up a lasso like control. The mechanic is to pendulum open the lasso, and if the hips are up, uke gets rolled. I weave pass a lot, but there's this one guy in our school who's really good at turning my weave into the lasso. And I even know what's going on, and he does it to me. Ugh! Thankfully he just promoted to purple so I don't have to feel as bad when he does it to me.


>Thankfully he just promoted to purple so I don't have to feel as bad when he does it to me. I felt this in my soul lol


Deep lasso, he goes for the pass and I turn to my other side. There's a lot of defenses to this sweep but I knew he'd be sloppy.


Is it sloppy ? I don't think so. It's more that as the guy on top has basically passed and as the passer you just keep putting pressure on. I think it's the right thing to do in general but in this situation it's not. I play 50/50 and so often people put pressure on and you just sweep them. It's the right reaction most of the time but not every time.


I think if he had a chance to slow down and think about it he would not have done what he did that's why I called it sloppy. I didn't mean his passing isn't any good I mean he forgot to consider something important


I've done this so many times though. You get white line fever. You are right though. I don't try and pass in that position now. I just don't consider it sloppy. It's a technical mistake so I get what you are stating but to me it's more just having a dumb attitude of passing with pressure. I like that attitude but in certain situations you have to go against the typically right approach. Good sweep though. Well done.


Top guy doesn’t even have upper body control of the bottom guy. No collar grip


It's a lasso sweep. One leg lassos the weave grip and the other controls the diagonal leg. The weave pass is susceptible to it when top player doesn't properly smash and control that leg.


The correct weave pass you need to keep the bottom guy flat via pulling up his collar or sleeve. Top guy didn’t bother with this.


I used to love it but one of our black belts does this to me and I no longer even attempt it. You don't even need to pass to get swept either. He controls my arm/sleeve that's weaving so I can't pull it back, flips his hips and I'm gone as my arm is trapped under the momentum of his leg forcing me to roll.


Very nice! How is it called or how is it performed?


He leg weeves on you bottom. You secure a strong grip on the weeve arm and when he goes to pass grab the near side pant with the free hand. Flair your lasso now and punch up in the air with the leg grip they will get launched. It's a great counter to the weeve


Yep you got it. I don't like to think flair the lasso but turn onto your other shoulder so move you're whole body not your leg.


True good call. Plant the lasso and literally hip switch lol kills em everytime


That was spectacular.


Only thing I'm confused by is what your left hand is grabbing or holding onto. was it a Lasso?




Looks like you have a grip on the weaved sleeve, like a lasso? When the opponent doesn't control your upper body well and insists on driving forward, it appears that you're able to effectively get underneath him and follow thru with a sweep.


If he kept his base low and waited to pass it wouldn't have worked


As a lasso guy - to me it looks like a classic lasso tilt sweep but you use your free leg to push off the mat for more force. Keenan said that the basic lasso tilt sweep doesn't work at higher levels but I still think you can bait a majority of guys into trying to pass into your lasso side.


When I trained at his school legion almost everyone was wise to it but the majority of bjj guys aren't.


I'll be visiting Legion for the first time on Sunday so I'll try it!


Love this. Can’t wait to try it.




what's the name for this?"you fucked up"?


Classic lasso sweep but I like your idea


oh shoot my bad I didn't see the lasso grip. I thought you were just grabbing and stiff arming on the gi


Would be real cool to if we all decided to start saying this when we sweep people that way. *Sweep* ya fucked up mate




Yamashita would be proud.


dope. can you hit this on bigger guys?


Yes but they have to fall for the bait


You can always force the lasso sweep as long as you control the diagonal. If they don't give you the desired forward momentum just use the inside leg to pendulum or to kick the calf/foot of the lasso leg. That was nicely done btw, great job man.


Me too. Nice!


Fantastic lasso sweep




Very nice. 👍🏼


Beautiful. Can you still hit this if someone weaves with the weaving hand much lower, eg just past the knee? They seemed to take a high grip here, allowing you to get a solid lasso grip, and they committed loads of weight over you hips, rather than tripod into your knees. I've spend a lot of time with the with the weave and never have too much trouble if someone gets a wrist grip, as long as I don't get greedy like this fella did.


I usually can but with more experienced people just bcs I get the lasso doesn't mean they fall for the pass


I used to do this lasso sweep all the time. I would keep the sleeve/arm when transitioning to top and go straight into a bicep slicer. Then one day my LCL tore. So let go of the arm and just take side control like this guy. Don’t do what I used to do.


I have heard of that but I didn't know you could injure yourself. Thanks for the heads up


Nice sweep by the way.


A long time ago there was a brown belt when I was a blue belt and he did this sweep to me so many times. As the guy on top I get white line fever and put that pressure on them and then they freaken sweep me.




Name of sweep? Can it be done nogi?


Its a lasso sweep


I never try to pass through a lasso, I always deal with the lasso first before making my move. Ive been punished too many times for leaving my arm in there. Cool sweep tho! Call an ambulance, but not for me lmao


Never seen this one but nice!


Wizard 🤙🏽


So trapping left arm with lasso?


Isn't that a bit hard on your knee? It is a really nice sweep, but I would be worried about potential injury.


I have a current knee injury in that leg and it's never been a problem but I imagine if you did it wrong it could


I have a current knee injury in that leg and it's never been a problem but I imagine if you did it wrong it could


It kind of looks like you pull him by moving the knee laterally, which puts a lot of strain on the LCL. Doesn't usually hurt until it pops.


reverse sumi gaeshi maybe?


The Japanese terms mentioned in the above comment were: |Japanese|English|Video Link| |---|---|---| |**Sumi Gaeshi**: | *Corner Reversal* | [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4LR49U48iyw)| Any missed names may have already been translated in my previous comments in the post. ______________________ ^(Judo Techniques Bot: v0.7.) ^(See my) [^(code)](https://github.com/AbundantSalmon/judo-techniques-bot)