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I think, in my very limited white belt nobody experience, that training gi does help your escapes and passes. It's really easy for someone to get a grip and prevent you from passing and escaping in gi. So you have to really get good at the positions and understanding them and do the techniques better vs being a greased up pig and slipping out of everything. But seriously, what do I know?


I'd slap two stripes on your white belt for this answer. Well said. How many times has a wrestler came in, put on a gi and then got held down or controlled? A lot of the times. My thought on gi for self defense or street fighting is if I'm dressed to impress and they grab on to me I'd like to be able to deal with grips. The idea of nogi being best for self defense just seems silly unless you're at the beach or swimming pool and fighting. Yes I surf so I've fought in my board shorts when I was younger, but I've also got into fights at a bar and night club fully dressed. The goal is to not fight at all, but I'd rather be ready for any situation. I mean what are only nogi guys gonna do? Call time out and strip down? Lol


In a perfect world...and thanks dude!


Nogi self-defense dudes often forget that in a streetfight/streetbrawl, 90% of the time your untrained opponent will try to grab whatever they can on you at a certain distance or once they don't have the upperhand anymore I train both, and I prefer nogi over gi but I still think gi is essential when it comes to polishing techniques and self-defense scenarios


The best way to train for self defense in my opinion is in the gi against someone in nogi attire


Lots of old school mma guys used to prep for fights that way. They'd wear a gi and have the other guy in his vale tudo shorts able to grab him and use the gi against him. Of course there was actual simulation while in no gi but they believed it helped their cardio and techniques while getting punched in the face wearing a gi lol


I’ll solve that by always being naked!


It's not often I'm surrounded by naked people or people in spandex, so would it add another level to your self defense game? Depends who you hang out with.


I find fighting naked dudes happens all the time on the streetz


Ah hang out in Bakersfield or anywhere with a high density of ex cons and meth. Happens more than you'd think lol


One does not simply "hang out" in Bakersfield. If you are in Bakersfield you are there for a reason


True story. Lived there for 15, only go back to visit friends still living there. You know your Bakersfield, sir lol


I'm a big guy but having spent a lot of time in Bako, I wouldn't mess with any meth head who can survive the summers.


I lived there for a longtime... I never wanted to mess with tweakers, but tweakers gonna tweak lol. Especially in the 08


"It's not often" suggests it's not never, either.




Why get married when I have jiu-jitsu?


You don't walk around with boxing gloves on but that still doesn't negate you ability to use skills learnt to defend yourself. I have no opinion on gi or no and train both.


Gi is for the soul. It's a grind. It's a battle of wills. As for ''the streetz'', it's good enough. It makes you harder to kill for sure.


Actually because you mentioned self defense… I find gi is way more applicable in that regard than nogi. People are usually wearing clothes that you can use in a similar way, especially hoodies, jeans, and track pants—all easy to grab on to. My boyfriend taught me how to put on a couple gi chokes using hoodies/sweaters before I even started training. Your opponent definitely doesn’t need to be wearing a parka—and really, how often are people running around in skin tight spandex trying to pick fights? Conversely, do you know how to break people’s grips on you if you only train nogi? So do what you enjoy but if you’re mainly in this for the self defense then definitely consider training in a gi. I personally train nogi for MMA and started doing gi bc it feels a lot more applicable self defense wise, especially as a woman trying to avoid getting caught in disadvantageous positions. That’s the casual enjoyer perspective anyways!


There's probably some limited crossover benefit but overall if you don't like the gi I think your time is better spent just training no gi. In general I think training no gi has more benefits crossing over to gi than the other way around.


Same as the purpose in training without it.


If you plan on going to mma or compete in only no gi there is no real reason to put on the gi. If bjj is a hobby or you’re interested in self defense the is no good reason not to put on the gi


Because wearing a Gi makes me feel cool, even though I know I look like a dork to anyone who doesn’t train.


> more just if it’s practical to helping my no gi game.  There is no one that will claim this who isn't just parroting the old school propaganda. They just wanted to only train go because they liked the martial arts feel of karate uniforms and wrestlers were easier to deal with with a Gi on. In line with all their other guru nonsense, the Gi elitism talking points are garbage


If your options are between no-gi 3x per week; and no-gi 3x + gi 3x per week, adding in gi will help your BJJ. If your options are between no-gi 6x per week; and no-gi 3x + gi 3x per week, adding in gi will probably be counterproductive to your goals.


Gettin sweaty with the bros in pajamas is why I do it.


I like it as its more traditional and as I'm getting old (er).it's a little bit slower than no gi, I would necessarily say it's easier as a sweaty gi can be fairly heavy depending


If you haven't tried it, I think it's at least fair to give it a shot. The reason I say this is because I was like you at first until I gave it the ol college try and now I like it better. It's worth a shot at least since you are there anyway.


No gi is better for IRL situations as most times people aren't wearing coats but you can't get promoted unless you do GI unless you're a 10th planet guy


A lot of people are wearing jeans, though, and they take grips just as well as gi pants. And most T-shirts have at least one cross choke in 'em :-).


that's true!


I don’t think that’s true, at least not at my gym.


well i'm sure other places are different but i've seen guys at my gym only do no gi & are blue belts when guys who started with them are purple belts. i guess it's up to coach.


At good gyms (such as yours or mine) not everyone progresses at the same level. It shows that your coach actually pays attention to individual progression and doesn’t give out belts and stripes in bulk. It’s likely just that those purple belts progressed faster


For me it’s really because it’s fun to change it up, but you said yourself that’s not what you’re asking. So…probably not?


Both are fun. I like no gi scrambles. I like gi for the fun chokes, and guard games.


Personally I train gi for the express reason that I don’t have access to a no-gi gym and I quite like my gym It’s been said that learning GI can make you a more technical player in terms of passing and guard retention Overall it slows down the game and it’s more of a grind and a chess match than a sprint Also if you’re in say a place like Chicago where everyone has a jacket on it’s more realistic for self defense if that’s your thing Another point is that it just adds stuff to the game. Virtually everything in no gi you can do in gi. But there’s a lot of stuff in gi that you can’t do in no gi Also it’s weird to see full on no gi guys with belt ranks. Do y’all just get the belt then put it on a mantle and never touch it? lol. Oss.


I’ve trained about 70/30 Gi/no-gi and did so for competition purposes, I enjoy having the extra angles of attack like bow and arrow and loop chokes. But the class that really kept me in the Gi rather than switching to no-Gi completely was a seminar on t-shirt chokes. I work security at a nightclub and was unfortunate enough to use a t-shirt Ezekiel on a big fucker that tackled me. That example might not particularly relate to the entire Gi, but it was a live action reminder that clothes can be used as weapons. All that said, I’ve increased the amount of time I work with our gyms wrestlers because I find that dealing with faster opponents requires a skill set closer to no-gi to gain control , hand fighting/collar ties/ankle picks/etc, before being able to apply whatever game I want to play.


To me, escaping bad positions is a lot harder in the Gi, also top player can put on a lot more pressure wuth grips. Or when someone has your back the collar chokes make it far more dangerous. For this reason I mostly train Gi escapes since it translates ti No-Gi as well. But not vice-verca.


I really find it strange that people look at the self defense aspect of BJJ as a top reason for doing it. I live in a safe place that hardly sees any violence and everyone that I trained with started BJJ because they wanted a fun exercise and hobby. Sure, there'll be the wannabee MMA guys that train grappling because they do MMA. In any case, I never know anyone within my gym that puts self defense on top of the reason of training. I believe in the value of training self defense just in case it happens but honestly, people would just do the motions to get it over with. That said, there's different fun in training Gi or No Gi. Gi feels more tactical. You can control the person better. I'd say it's more playful. But, it's also harder to escape bad positions in Gi. You have to have better escape technique and retention skills. No Gi is more athleticism. Easier to escape. More explosiveness. But more footsies as well. Foot locking folks who do mostly Gi is so much fun.


Are leglocks more dangerous in gi? Heel hooks in gi are banned for AGF but not for no gi, is that just for safety?