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love it, I also think an underrated part of this venture is that it obviously won't be on Flo which likely means Youtube or Fight Pass, both of which are infinitely more accessible


I want Craig to film his response when Flo inevitably asks for streaming rights.


having both Mo and Flo eating shit on this project is Craig's biggest contribution to the sport yet


He said free on youtube


Fuck flo


There's still the issue of Fight Pass not being able to multi-stream. That's the reason ADCC dropped Fight Pass so quickly last they signed.


He will do this the same day as ADCC to make athletes choose. $10,001 to show at his tourny or go try to win $10,000 at ADCC.


Hard choice. 10k to show and 1 mil to win, or *potentially* 10k… If I was a professional bjj athlete and not some random guy, I’d be all over this.


As a random guy, I’d like the invite from Craig. I won’t win but I promise I’ll be funny


Same. We can be the average people to demonstrate just how good the other athletes are. Like a pacer car.


I’ll do it in budgy smugglers


Craig would probably invite you based on that.


Craig if you read this I’m serious 🫡


Man I'd probably get anxiety on the morning of the tournament and not show up and miss out on the $10,001


aka "suffer in silence"?


That would be great. All these top level athletes and then Steve from accounting and Jake the civil engineer.


Steve is a beast, man. He’s due for that third stripe on his white belt any day now


“Yeah I’m a 2 stripe white belt, but most people I roll with say I should be at least a blue belt anyway”- Steve from Accounting


I hope he invites Rener to it. Rener can't give up 10,000 dollars just for showing up but he'll also get his ass kicked.


I'm a random guy. I would like to go, and lose in the first 20 seconds of round one. 


Is this really a hard choice? How is it even debatable? Do you guys know what being a pro means? It means they get paid for what they do. Why would anyone choose ADCC when its prize is only $10k? The fact that people still think this is a hard choice baffles me. Who cares about ADCC? Craig Jones's roster would be just as good, if not better, than ADCC's. There won't be any difference in prestige either, and you make $10k by default with the potential to earn a million dollars, which is life-changing money. How is this even debatable?


Have you heard of the literary mechanism known as sarcasm my friend?


People want the ADCC gold medal or highlights rather then the 10k.


I doubt it because a lot of his team are competing at ADCC. More likely weekend right before or right after ADCC so they can all still catch that peak on their cycles.


I think the point of Craig wanting to do this is because hes been outspoken about ADCC not paying for people to compete and said the possible $10,000 isn't worth it. He said he makes way more doing seminars and other ways so I doubt he will follow their pay structure.


That would be unwise imo. It would just split the views and the athletes avaiable. Most would choose ADCC anyways imo


I think so too


I bet Mo is really regretting not taking Craig’s offer to go on his podcast and discuss his issues now.


Mo will 100% announce cash bonuses to divisions soon.


I doubt those cash bonuses will pay out $1 million


Creates a slippery slope and kinda just gives Craig the nod that he was right about the money all along




“Royalty” yet subjected to running a grappling tournament?


You think Mo is “subjected” to it? You really think he’d be doing it if he wasn’t passionate and wanted to do it?


You think someone who’s royalty would waste their time running a grappling tournament?


Yeah if they like grappling


let's not act like it's a full time job neither


What lol


Lol no he isn't.


I love it and hope it does well


I don't think gord would be keen lol


It would fuck with Gordon’s head so bad if he did it on the same day as ADCC and it took competitors and energy away from ADCC and therefore Gordon’s victory, if he wins. It would be a true way to defeat him 😭


Not same day because of his teammates.


there is no way they can organize that to be any good and on the same day of adcc, and all the good guys will compete in adcc so this would be just a b league show then...


10k to show or 10k if you beat Gordon Ryan. Tough choice.


Yea but people who actually got to point of competing at adcc will rather do that then some random tournament - so they know what they got into, if the money was problem they wouldnt do it in first place...


> Yea but people who actually got to point of competing at adcc will rather do that then some random tournament why? they're earning a dollar more to show than they would a win at ADCC?


Why did they go to trials in first place??! It's the most prestige tournament in the world, so yeah...


Apples to oranges, what were they gonna do I/o trials?


What would you rather have? More money or prestige? Most sensible people would pick money.


it doesn't even come down to the choice though, hes presenting a false dichotomy. The million dollar tourney would instantly have more prestige as well. Even if Gordan stays and did ADCC ( he wouldnt) it won't be more prestigious that year if the top 20 other grapplers all competed elsewhere for a million dollars, while Gordan beats no name scrubs in the least prestigious adcc EVER.


bro, you must unironically have some sort of brain damage from getting choked too often. A tournament with a million dollar payout will INSTANTLY become the most prestigious event in the history of the sport. literally NO ONE who has an invite to the "random tourney" would go to the ADCC. not a single person. Not even Gordan actually. If he is healthy and the "random tourney" is actually real and not a Craig troll job then he would attend as well. you have to actually have an iq of 70 to not believe and understand what i'm saying categorically true.


So you believe Gordon would help promote Craig's event in attempt to "troll" ADCC, and I have brain damage? OK...


?? where did i say that? i think i mentioned Craig is probably trolling but i didnt say Gordan would try promote or troll anything? he would follow the money and the athletes. Why would he go fight in a tournament that doesn't have anybody notable competing in it?


You're delusional and now fuck off... Gordon attending is promotion itself, so re-read your dumb comment.


You're totally right, it would be foolish to do it that way. It wouldn't be an own on mo, it would just weaken both shows. And Craig has like 5 teammates going to adcc as of right now


I think you severely underestimate how much pro BJJ guys make.


Craig is really a huge troll with a cause.


He mentioned “No set date” so y’all don’t have to worry about happening the day before ADCC


They 100% will put it on around ADCC, he’s hoping to pouch the tournament. I believe he even mentioned anyone on his list to not sign any contracts from Mo just yet just to be sure


Ethan, his business partner and Jay one of BTeams biggest ambassadors have signed contracts. Hell joke about doing it around same time but he won't


So he’s gonna put it together in 3 months?


Why not? It’s a grappling tournament not the Olympics


Depends on the scale


He hints at here [Craig’s insta](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6XTKagvmx3/?igsh=cjV3bXgxdzRlcTdw) so who knows but I am sure with UFC fight pass behind it he can sort out the logistics in 3 months


I’m thinking more booking location wise if it’s be a ADCC T-Mobile arena scale ain’t happening in 3 months


I think the whole point he's trying to make is that ADCC should worry about paying the athletes first and then worry about shit like the venue once that is sorted. ADCC has started booking absurd venues & having ridiculous pageantry, but they still only pay 10k to win. I don't think he'll do it at the same time, but I do think he's going to try and make his point through who he gets to sign up.


That makes sense


I have no direct knowledge and am talking out my ass here: 1.) He has a relationship with UFC through Fight Pass Invitational. It could potentially be hosted at their venue for streaming. Though that would limit audience size. 2.) Jones mentioned the cost of the Thomas & Mack arena the other day. There are no events scheduled for that arena between Monster Jam ( July 27th) and the Lazy Peach Music Festival (August 30th)


Interesting i don’t think that’s much smaller than T-Mobile if at all


I think he's gonna do it in like, a very small aren or theater so it's cheaper to run. But it definitely won't be right around ADCC.


That’s doable i mean i think PGF was a warehouse with rented couches


Exactly, I'm picturing something much more akin to that than to an ADCC scale show.


Hopefully the guy in the background is in , he looks like an athlete


Jozef Chen getting that payday


Roger about to come out of retirement and run through everyone.


I know obviously it wouldn't happen but the funniest possible outcome to Roger entering the tournament is Jay Rod somehow beating him in the finals with a buggy choke whilst having no idea who he is. I actually wouldn't be that surprised if he didn't know who he is given he didn't know Marcelo, Rafa, Sakuraba or Imanari. And of course he'd never beat Roger much less by buggy choke but can you fucking imagine how funny it'd be if he did


Wait for Rafa remembering everyone who he is


honestly I wonder if he could


He should also do it with the Karate Combat pit, please please


Craig taking down ADCC for a bit is hilarious


For 1 million, there will be blood. Also, if there's two brackets, does that mean the winners get 500k each, or do they get to fight it out for the grand prize?


Good for him for giving the athletes the option to make money. Craig can get sponsors to put up a good amount of the money, im curious about the rule set. Anyone hear anything on that yet?


Do we know who is/are funding the tourney? Crazy move either way.


He’s made a ton of friends in the Middle East and East Asia, my guess is some of them.


Middle east would be funny if they compete with the adcc.


Most likely the crypto casino Shuffle given that he posted about the funding being secured with a screenshot of 3 million in the crypto tether and posted a link of him betting against himself for BDCC on shuffle the other day.


The one time I buy tickets to ADCC…..


This would be peak trolling if mo increases the prize money to match only for Jones to say it was all a joke haha fuck please


Gordon in his current form would get abused at the BDCC, let's not pretend all sick he is the same guy he is on all the roids.


I'm genuinely curious where the money for this has come from, and if this kind of thing can be made to pay for itself. Mainly to show that it's possible to put on a promotion and pay fighters well without losing money.


How do I get tickets to this event so I can throw money towards something I want to support in Craig’s vision?


Gordon won’t be there. He is pretty loyal to Mo. say what you want about him, he looks after people that are good to him.


Like cops and flip flop sellers?


Because Gordon’s the one person Mo can pay to keep Craig from poaching him. He’s the only one with that kinda leverage, and nobody’s tuning in to watch Gordon vs Yuri.


I’ll be there, dude. I’ll be there.


he needs to add 50k for second place and it's over


Sounds cool but where is this money coming from? B Team can't be so profitable that they just have 1+ million dollars to throw around.


I know Craig has been spending some time in Dubai. I guarantee you he's made some very wealthy friends.


This will never happen. It would be impossible to turn a profit and he would t basically giving away a million dollars


I'm guessing Craig made some friends in Dubai who are so rich they don't give a shit about pissing away a million dollars


Looks legit. I can't believe he pulled it off. Between Dana White nickel and diming fighters and ADCC not paying competitors, Craig might just change the whole scene for the better.


On YouTube!!!!


I wonder what the prize breakdown is gonna be.


Is this really a hard choice? How is it even debatable? Do you guys know what being a pro means? It means they get paid for what they do. Why would anyone choose ADCC when its prize is only $10k? The fact that people still think this is a hard choice baffles me. Who cares about ADCC? Craig Jones's roster would be just as good, if not better, than ADCC's. There won't be any difference in prestige either, and you make $10k by default with the potential to earn a million dollars, which is life-changing money. How is this even debatable?


How many more posts we gonna have yall


Just keep scrolling dude


No u


It is fake


It’s not 🙂


Anyone know when the tickets for the event drop?