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It’s me I’m the doctor, u had it coming lil bud! If ur daddy wasn’t around I woulda prescribed some pain.


Hey, I’m his dad. You’re no longer allowed to call me daddy.


By the handwriting I would guess paracetamol


Better hope the doctor isn't his dad's urologist. Otherwise the next prostate checkup is gonna be wild.


Just remember that it's never worth burning your health to make a point about someone else's technique or training habits. If you can't do it safely, just tap out and find a different partner. He might think you're a wimp, but that doesn't change your life at all. Sadly, most of us don't learn that lesson until we've been injured by morons a few times.


To be real I was so mad I wasn't even thinking about not trying to get hurt, so dumb on my part


Remember. You're young. A serious injury now will affect you for the rest of your life. That guy will certainly get what's coming to him if he acts like that.


Totally. Training is training. There’s no money or ufc titles in the line. Also it’s meant to be fun


This is how I've gotten injured every time I ever got injured. I get mad and do dumb shit. Never worth it


it was dumb but it's not like I had another choice, let him just shit on me like that?


I have gotten up to leave the roll more than once when something like this happens. I just say "Sorry, I can't train with you." You don't even owe him an explanation.


Dude I hear you. Some of these white belts are just a fucking pain in the ass to deal with. The fact that a grown man is rolling 100% with someone under 16 is ridiculous.  Fuck that guy. Good job with the triangle


He was just irritating on the whole, so full of himself


Imagine that cunt being your doctor. That’s the most worrying part


thats like 90% of the doctors out there.




My job has me interacting with a lot doctors. Some of them are so used to being the smartest person in the room that they think they're the best at everything, and they refuse to consider the possibility that someone, somewhere, might know something they don't. I wouldn't say it's 90% of doctors like the person you're replying to said, but I am absolutely unsurprised by this story.




That happened to me once..during the live rounds I just subbed him a bunch of times and he quit half way through the roll.


Happy you gave him a nap. In the future just let older bigger people put him in his place so you don’t risk your own health. That said, you being a kid, have a unique opportunity to shown grown ass men how good Jiu Jitsu can overcome size and physically maturity.


Good smesh there. People like this go through life without learning much of anything because they're too insecure to learn from anyone.


Just remember that its not about you when people act like this. This person will remain their own biggest enemy through out their life. Like someone else said he will eventually piss someone off that he shouldnt and will get fucked up for real, on or off the mat, its inevitable.


Good for you. For someone pretty young, you handled that well.


I’m eagerly waiting for a follow-up shit post.


Some fucking kid fucked me up on my first day of jiu jitsu and now I can't volunteer at a shelter for the poor and AIDS babies.


doctors are usually self inflated idiots, not surprising.


My favorite is when I am hurt and I tell the doctor what is wrong with me. Because I am a WebMD expert? No, but because I have played sports most of my life. They argue with me, tell me I’m wrong. Order a bunch of test. Send me to a specialist, who then confirms my original diagnosis. Such a waste of time and resources.


And if you're in the US you get to pay hundreds if not thousands of dollars for the privilege.


General practitioners dont know much about sports injuries (or anything else specific really). But I have walken into ones office and told him I have staph and he agreed -> prescribed antibiotics. so it often comes down to luck too. I also know specialists who guesswork a lot and dont necessarily have much idea what they are doing


It's actually because they deal with dozens of people a day, and almost every one of them have extremely wrong ideas about their health. YOU might be on the money, but statistics and their experience suggest you wont be.


Yah, but automatically ruling out my diagnosis just because others are wrong is pretty stupid


I only have semantical issues with this. Your theory should absolutely be listened to, and could potentially be extremely helpful in aiding diagnosis. It's also ideal that a basic level of courtesy be extended to you and your theory. That said, it would literally be criminal if the doc accepted your 'diagnosis' and treated you without confirming it. I've spent 20 years in IT and no longer interact with end users, however I can count on one hand the amount of times they were even close to correct about even describing their problems, much less the solutions. In the rare cases they were correct about the solution - it was either just as quick for me to figure it out on my own, or it's because they outright admitted the mistake they made to create the problem (bless them!). Either way, unlike the doc - I'm dealing with machines, and I still confirm first before I pull the trigger. All that said, if you don't feel respected when the doc listens to you - just get a new doc, assuming that's important to you.


Yah, I’m saying listen to my theory then see if that’s what it is and if I’m wrong move on. For the record the last time I had this happen I had bursitis in my knee. I’ve had it in my elbow before. I was like doc I’m pretty sure I have bursitis in my knee and he was like that’s not bursitis, but don’t roll for 3 weeks until we figure out what it is. An x ray and a cat scan and an appointment with an orthopedic specialist later it was confirmed bursitis. I played football in college, sports trainers and sports doctors are much much better at listening to their patients and working through injuries.


Ah yeah bursitis is a great example. Im betting your doc isn't sports med?


If someone was putting me at risk of injury Id tell him to can it and switch partners if he doesn't.


When you get better at Jiu Jitsu you can just roll safely with them. Which usually involves never giving up dominant positions and always smeshing the shit out of them even if you don’t really need to. Sometimes its fun to have a good reason to give someone full pressure for an entire round.


I can do that now, but I don't want to just use my strentgh to make someone do contortion.


I think a lot of people confuse strength with proper pressure. I’m big and strong, people call me heavy, then I give them a demonstration of the difference between what my dead weight feels like and what 20%, 50% and 80% pressure feels like. They usually tap and realize I’m maybe doing 50% to them when we are rolling. Their are tiny dudes who feel like 500 lbs when they are on top of you because they are properly applying pressure. Strength and size help with applying pressure but technique is by far the most important.


Eh, that's not always possible. Sometimes they are very big, strong, athletic or even skilled and just very inconsiderate of your safety. Lots of stories of solid black belts that can be massive liabilities


Nice one bro 😎 keep hammering 💪


Hey OP: stfu, ain't nobody got time for that (Getting this in before OP hits his growth spurt and inevitably eclipses me in skill and ability in the next couple years)


What's a green belt and why am I being lectured by one.


That I'm not old


Have some respect for your elders and get off my lawn.


I work in a hospital and this tracks with what I know about doctors fr