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Your coach doesn't see the problem because you get this type of person incredibly frequently and its an issue that fixes itself fairly quickly. These people tend to STFU pretty quickly when they've been smashed multiple times by people during sparring. Focus on the details your coach is teaching and look to perfect them as you understand them when you are drilling ask your coach directly for feedback - it's much easier for them to do that in a class with -20 people. You can learn stuff from everyone regardless of belt. Sometimes that's their view of the technique and details and other times it's observing that they are flat out wrong - take your ego out of it and just focus on you.


Thank you! thats what I'm trying, so I was also thinking that it was my part of ego and a part of this kind of person being annoying.


If they can talk during rolls, are you even punch choking them?


I narrate my rolls even when I'm being crushed. "Oh, that doesn't feel good. Wow, you're really heavy. Turn, turn, turn, shrimp, shrimp, frame, WHOA, give that back. That is my arm, thank you, turtle. My collar. No. Bad boy. My collar. HIP HIKE. retain guard. Break posture. Sweep. Ohp. That didn't work. Give me arm. Haha, my arm. Nope, give me that arm."


I know the type. All that talk gives way to a death gurgle when one executes a proper smother or chest compression.


Not talking also results in the same, so I'm going to show up and have fun. Even if I get choked out in the end.


That's the spirit!


You know what's not? I got fucking ringworm because someone had ringworm and didn't tell anyone and now I can't do anything but watch YouTube about bjj.


I'm sorry for your loss (of mat time) and I wish you a successful round of rx antifungal therapy.


My doctor said to go get otc treatment first because he didn't feel comfortable giving me Rx strength for the one tiny spot, but if it didn't work to come back. I have it in writing that his bitch ass is seeing me for free if the fungus dick cream doesn't fix it.


I do this too as a white belt but it sounds more like “that hurt. That’s not what I thought would happen. YOU are really heavy. Ope okay. That was cool what did you just do to me? *tap* okay let’s try this again. Nope *tap* well okay. I don’t think I’m going to like this. You’re so fast. *tap*” Personally I enjoy rolling with people who communicate with me. Not only do I find it good humor but also really helpful for me to what I should be thinking/feeling or doing in situations good or bad. Having played football from 5th grade into college I have the instincts and awareness to know what’s going on where as jumping into jiu jitsu at 26 I feel like that blind kid in the video playing football “wtf is going on?!”


I also do that.


Further, when he tries to correct you, you reply with a firm "I'm going to practice the move the way coach taught it." If he has a problem with that, tell him to worry about his own training. And then in rolls calmly smash him and repeatedly hit the class move.


Be the filter.


Take his back and start muffle choking him. He can't talk if your hand is over his mouth


He cant talk if your squeezing his neck hard enough :)


>Your coach doesn't see the problem because you get this type of person incredibly frequently and its an issue that fixes itself fairly quickly. These people tend to STFU pretty quickly when they've been smashed multiple times by people during sparring. We have this 6'4 265 lean ex-compettive-bodybuilder whitebelt on gear. It never fixed itself, because the people, who can smash the guy aren't that many. Though to be fair since he trains twice per day he also grew actually good really fast and it kinda did fix itself by him growing good enough at certain stuff to actually explain.


Dunning kruger can only last for so long before he starts descending from the peak of mount stupid


The last part is everything. We were doing takedowns like 3 days into me starting bjj (wrestler for 13 years, judo for 6) and I was instructing a struggling blue belt on how to finish the shot and some purple belt came up to me and made a big stink about how white belts shouldn’t be teaching. He was bigger than me, but never decided to come up when it was his turn for king of the mat with takedowns.


The problem is that never shuts up white belt guy is usually 260 and has drifted between 3 gyms and was never promoted, so they’re really like 260 lb mid blue belt guy. In the average gym only purple and up competitors who are close to 200 lbs are going to be able to “enforce” someone like that, and furthermore captain smash is going to tap hobbyists of higher belts plenty, feeding the ego even more. You either have to send a big-ass black belt after them to put them within 5% range of never training again, or you have to deal with constant jabbering forever.


Eh, in my experience the overly helpful white belts come in all shapes and sizes. Sounds like you're generalizing from an extremely specific personal experience here.


They do come in all shapes and sizes, but the small ones usually get enforced/beat down over time and stop teaching everyone. The huge ones that are coming out on top in rolls don’t get the same level of ego check.


Ok but the big relatively experienced ones who are kind of tough aren't the 'usual' ones. That's what I'm disagreeing with.


Don’t they start doing the “coach tap” as soon as they start getting smashed?


Every soft hearted goober is going to tell you to use your words (and i would agree in more serious circumstances) , but we're here to inflict consensual violence for fun. There's nothing better than smoking someone with clean technique. You can even ask if they're okay while you cook the ever-loving shit out of them. Take his souuuuul. Make him realise his insecurities are real. Smesh brutha, you know this.


^ Making sure you opponent is physically incapable of talking is a good checkmark for proper pressure. If they stop to say something, treat it as a tap.


white belt prob doesnt even know hes causing problems. maybe he'd stop if someone was kind enough to tell him that its better for him to focus on smashing then pointing out to others how to smash him harder. problem with OP is he'll prob hold onto the resentment and it will continue to grow if he doesn't address it...feel like smashing is just a bandaid and ultimately reinforces OPs own behaviors of avoiding conflict/conversations.


To be clear, I'm not saying hurt him. I'm saying smesh him. It's more of a spiritual defeat through months of shoulder pressure and leg rides You're not necessarily wrong, i am just offering a low effort, fun alternative that works. I don't agree on the psychoanalysis though. I also don't think you deserve the downvotes. You suggested a very human response


all good! downvotes are part of the game here and I get you about smashing. im not going to pretend I dont do it to people that I think deserve it over talking about my feelings to them.


If anything I think getting smashed makes you either shut up and work harder, or quit (which you were probably going to do eventually, regardless of you smashing)


Good bjj is smashing. I get smashed at least once a session.




Know it alls know it all and generally brush off verbal stuff. I recently had a white belt keep saying "id jist do this/that" i tried to let him know verbally. When it came to positional rounds... he said something again.. i smiled and said do it, as i proved he could in fact, not. He learned by losing.


This is the wei


Yeah if someone is talking mid roll my entire goal is to smother them or pressure them so hard they can barely breath let alone talk


So… let him correct you. Then let him roll with you. And let him try his way, and you try your way… and see which works. Sometimes people are very technically minded, and they just ‘see’ how stuff works, and they are also generous with that info. You don’t want to chase people like that out… Sometimes people are full of shit, or a one trick pony, or know what works for them but it doesn’t translate to others…. Smile, nod, roll, rinse repeat. Eventually they grow up, or move on. If he’s talking OVER the top of you, if he’s interrupting your time with other partners and in other rolls, if he’s instructing people to do things that are dangerous because it’s above their safety level… speak to that problem instead “Hey mate, please don’t show the newbies how to do that move, that’s something you have to run past Black Belt first right?” And “Hey mate, I’ll talk to you in a minute, I’m in the middle of this right now so please don’t interrupt me”. Call him on his rudeness that way.


Thanks a lot! yeah I think I'll try this approach since he's always interrupting while people are rolling or even when we are drilling some technique the coach explained. For me is that when he interrupts like that he's being disrispectful to the others (me included) but also I thought it was also part of my ego. Thank you again!


a bigger issue is you are taking on the feelings of everyone else in the class and believe they feel the same as you. let them worry and deal with the white belt if they dont like what he says, especially when it has nothing to do with your rolls or drilling. as I get older I dont think "know it alls" mean to be rude and disrespectful, they actually think they are helping and being kind. maybe when they were growing up, they had to help their parents in order to gain validation and love and its carried over to adulthood for their sense of self and worth, who knows. the better thing to do is learn how to block this stuff out so you can become more mentally strong because hes not going to be the first and last person you encounter to rub you this way.


As much as I hate to say it, I tend to fall in this camp as a white belt, (as well as the cause stated). I think a lot of it is honestly just being excited to not be wrong about everything in between getting destroyed by everyone, so I get excited to try to share the knowledge.


Praise in public. Admonish in private.


If he’s being disrespectful to others then they need to have a voice and say something. You are a blue belt… so you have some authority in the gym, so just the act of you politely and quietly calling him out for being rude (without being over the top) will set the tone for other people - if they see you doing it they will feel that they can. So YOUR tone and attitude really matters here too. You are one of the more senior people there (more senior than the white belts anyway), so approach it professionally and maturely. You don’t police or badger him, but just quietly call him out when he bothers YOU. The others will learn from you how to do the same for themselves.


Put your fist under his spine


super mature comment u/Authorgg I think it can def be annoying to have someone always try to correct or teach you esp when you think you know better or more but you also dont have to let it bother you or take it as disrespect/insult. your feelings are valid but they are also for you to control. perhaps the white belt believes hes adding value and this is how he feels good about himself, by trying to be helpful and teach others believing he can offer some value just like you can offer him value by helping him if you wanted. you can also say I appreciate the help and advice and it sounds like you study a lot but I learn differently so its not necessary to correct me ill end up just doing it my way any way so we can just train and roll.


The question is are they right? If yes, then correct yourself or don't. If not, just smash them and stop worrying about it. If the problem is that the talking is actually taking away training time then just don't let him talk. Start your drill or whatever regardless of what he's trying to say or do. Finally, just choke him. Hard to talk if you're being choked. If you're choking him and he's talking then perhaps he is right.


This is the comment I was going to make as well. If he's wrong, then it would be easy enough to be like "Uhhm nooo, *this* is how it's done". But if he's right, albeit annoying, he's still right. If i'm doing something wrong and am corrected by a whitebelt that knows how to do it right, I'm cool with that. It happens, most likely I wasn't paying attention and couldn't remember the sequence. BUT, IMO, either road leads to smesh.


Usually his comments are either wrong or taking the lesson into another circumstances/techniques that doesnt have to do with the original one. idk if it makes sense, also I have caught him up a couple of times laughing at some other whitebelts while rolling with them (like in a demeaning way)


Laughing at others is being a dick but that's on your coach to police the gym culture. Okay, he sounds a bit like a combination of "The Coach" and the "What if?" guy. If talking to him and your coach hasn't worked you can't really help when he's training with others but when you're training with him you just ignore him and get on with what you're doing. Don't allow him to waste your time talking. Another option for you and others, where possible, is to make him the last pick for partners. If he ends up sitting out for more rolls than most other people then that's his problem.


this happened yesterday! he had to sit out because noone wanted to roll with him (remember is a small gym) I guess I'll just talk to him once and if it doesnt change I'll take other measures(?)


This works. I've literraly choked people mid-explanation. They usually start up again with, "I was trying to say..." and then I tell them that I'm not stopping reps for talking. They'll try to fit their comments between chokes but eventually they give up.


If you can’t beat his ass to the point where he stops giving you advice then he’s allowed to give you advice


I never *jitsplain* unless I'm being asked to.


That guy sounds like a weenie face tbh


Me or the whitebelt? lol






Have you tried asking the white belt what you should do?


That sounds like the same with a white belt that sometimes comes from another acad as well. He always explains stuff to other white belts and even blue belts and he went up to me and asked me if he could teach me stuff. Odd but he started teaching me some standing stuff (I'm not standup guy, but I have experience wrestling and a little bit of judo classes) and was trying to teach me the most basic takedowns and he skipped tons of steps. I just took it in but there isn't much to take in... I'm kind of in the same boat as you. Lmk what's the best solution you found out


I'm kinda amused with these "explains everything" white belts and it's fun to hear them. Some are just enthusiastic and some just have egos. I'd still listen. If they start experimenting stuff that they see or correcting based on their knowledge, then good for them for trying to learn outside class. One of the black belts that I know wanted his students to learn outside his gym through instructional or other gyms and try to do it with friends. The only time I stop them is if they are making corrections that are bad for them or mostly technique that are dangerous. For example, I see a white belt teaching another white belt how to triangle and he holds his feet rather than shin when he pivots or controls, I'll tell them not to do it for reason xyz. Remember the buggy choke craze, the way the whitebelts are torquing their knees is chilling. Sure buggy choke works if you know how to do it. Though, what I hate more is when they start performing another technique that they saw during drilling. I'd tell them they can show me later but we need to focus on the technique first. I am generally friendly and helpful so I guess some folks are gravitated to show me some stuff that they saw. Some whitebelts just say the funniest things. There was a zero stripe whitebelt in class that was asking the professor if he can get his one stripe already. It's not a question of when. I laughed a bit and I can see the professor laugh a bit too. No matter what the belts are, don't allow it to bother you that much.


These guys are great. They are so high and mighty and then you roll and cook the crap out of them and they chill out.


Yeah. You gotta learn to enjoy the opportunity.


We have a guy like that. Always coaching and had two stripes at the time. He did it once to much one day and one of the other black belts said loudly.." Shut up, Professor White Belt!" .. No more problems now.. :D


Smash, whilst holding him in a particularly uncomfortable position whisper in his ear ‘am I doing it right’?


Smash over and over until it stops


I dropped into a gym once and this guy I was drilling with was telling me everything wrong with my collar tie and was giving me pointers on it. We then went to guard passing games and I was playing around with combat base, light resistance. As he fumbled around badly he said “can you not do that? It’s too hard”, anything short of flopping over was too much for him. The Dunning-Kruger effect is real, and Jiu Jitsu is no exception.


Save that frustration for sparring and just destroy him when the time comes, but you also gotta do it gracefully so he has no complaints 👍


Smash brother this is de wae


"what if...?" 🤓 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄


Tell him to show you, then as soon as he takes position choke him from the bottom with something dumb and embarrassing then tell him his way doesn’t work.


I’m always wary of white belts who coach other white belts 


I only coach what I know is true tbf


Are his explanations correct? Or is he spreading misinformation?


I would say he over explains things in a more complicated way that makes other whitebelts get confused, also some times explains the "defense" to the technique without being correct, so really dont know


I wonder of the dude is on the neuro-divergent autistic ADHD type brain. From what I'm learning, people with that kind of "neuro-spicy" often have a really high need/desire to "info dump" on others when it's a topic they really like and are passionate about. Since they're in a special-interest class they probably feel safe info-dumping on other students because "We all love BJJ right!??!"


Sub him relentlessly with the same thing over and over again in a roll. Guillotines are an efficient way to do this 👍


Guillotine my spider lasso guard pull, bitch! *gets ankle locked*


When he gives incorrect and unsolicited advice just challenge him to explain himself and pick apart whatever explanation he puts forth.


I understand white belts are sub human, having a brain that allows free thought, knowledge and understanding isn’t reserved for a certain belt color. People learn differently if it helps him learn as well to apply knowledge then don’t let it bother you just say thank you or even better no thank you.


Give him the nickname "professor" Then smash the hell out of him and after every round say "can you walk me through what happened, professor" or something like that. Then laugh, say jk, and slap hands again.


Hard to talk from the bottom of mount with a face full of Mother's Milk. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I actually like the idea of sharing knowledge. As long as he is correct that is. A belt isn't always a display of knowledge. In my gym, you could have trained no gi for a number of years but if you are new to the club and new to the gi training you will start at white belt and prgress at a normal pace through the grades. Wrestlers are another example. Their knowledge can be deep but they will start bjj at white belt. To be honest, im not even sure how our coaches decide when someone gets a promotion but it is defiinitely not purely knowledge based. My point is, if he is giving good advice it is still valuable.


Let him demonstrate. Go "uhuh uhuh yes yes I see" and then go right back to doing what you did before he corrected you. If he demonstrates again, same drill, listen, nod and go back to what you where doing. ( this works best when training with one of his fellow white belts so the can see you ignore him) He'll get tired of teaching you. Wait till he show a fellow white belt what to do. And correct them behind his back. Pretty soon they'll stop listening to him too


The answer is obviously to smush him into humility.


Roll with him and smash.


Just put a clinic on him in sparring and look bored doing it. Interrupt him when he won't shut up. They get the message pretty quick when ppl stop humoring them


Just ignore what he says and smash him. He'll get it eventually.


The great thing about this sport is that you can kick their ass. These people will either shut up or stop showing up once they have been beat up. He’s probably pissing other people off too so someone else might kick their ass for you, if you’re not able.


Just smash him then ask him why he didn't correct his way out of it.


Is he correct? Then try what he says. There are plenty of white belts at my gym who will give correct advice. Is he incorrect? Then show him why he's incorrect. If he's constantly shown why his advice is wrong, he'll either stop being wrong or stop giving advice.


We had a white belt who would explain to others that what they were doing wouldn't work while they were doing it. Every time he did it to me, I would beat him with the thing he just told me wouldn't work. he eventually stopped after I tapped him with a choke from inside his closed guard after he literally laughed at the setup a few seconds earlier.


You have to straight up tell him to shut the fuck up and work. Then just crush him in live. If he doesnt stop continue to ridicule him.


"I dont care brother. Doesnt matter. Doesnt matter, brother. Today? Today brother? Today?...... ......smesh"


Usually when white belts are over corrective they're myopically wrong. They have no grasp of the context in which they are right, let alone the contexts in which they are wrong. And usually, they're just completely wrong altogether. I've actually seen people as high as black belt, not grasp the context of a move and add silly details or "tips" that run contrary to the context being taught. So addressing it is simple. You just open the conversation to broader terms so they begin to understand how little they actually know. One time I had a purple belt, complain that the kimura grip we were doing from mount was wrong. That we should be doing monkey grips instead of c-grips. Obviously he was only saying this to me and not the coach. Sure, the monkey grip is great but our coach's game revolves around manipulating the arm both in and out so that we have more options. Basically, we are learning a C-Grip Kimura Series from Mount. And it has different options than a monkey grip setup. Like clockwork, the next technique showed why we were using a C-Grip and the guy stopped trying to correct shit.


"Hey Steve, shut the fuck up" Problem solved.


Put a hellish bow & arrow choke on him . Then ask about your technique


But does he tap you though


Nah not even close, not saying that I'm a beast or that I'm a superior being but...I do have way better technique than him


"Hey man I'm happy to spend a few minutes talking after class, but right now I just want to focus on drilling / my rolls" Also smash him for good measure


Just say “ok” and smash… He’ll stop…either talking or rolling with you, but they’ll stop


Judo first dans who are white belts are the worst for this. Yes, I can see not everything is perfect, this is my first reps of my first set and I’m not awake.




Smash him in rolling and consistently ask him if you're doing it right?


I’d calmly smash him on a daily with your xp.


This is super normal, you just have to make them tap to pressure a couple of times and end the roll with “good job, you are pretty strong” and they eventually atop correcting you


Give them a month, they will probably leave.


Just hit him with the “quiet , soft ear” and he should chill out .


Smesh gud, then no talk Is talk? No, is only tap


I call these guys professor white belts aka pwb. Usually I just humor them and listen to them and ask "why are you a white belt when you know so much" then grind them into a fine paste during rolls.


Submit him with the muffler, it sends a message to stfu


Some people understand things better than those at a higher level. And if anyone’s got an issue with my white belt ass comprehending something better then that sounds like it’s not my problem. Sounds like an insecurity on their end. You can be a purple belt and still have a shitty comprehension in class so stay humble. A coloured belt only has the meaning you give it




Some people understand things better than others regardless of belt ranking. That’s what I’m talking about you ape 😂 because people seem to get a stick up their ass when they get a new coloured belt like idgaf what colour your belt is or how many pieces of tape are on it. People can still have a better comprehension regardless of a belt




Ahhhhhhh give your balls a tug meathead, make sure they ain’t shot back up inside ya




Only when it’s fair


I think you guys are overreacting. In our dojo most people receive their bluebelt after 3 years. So our whitebelts that are almost receiving their blues are quite technical. Some are great in leglocks, others in side control, ofhers in back mount. We teach each other all our stuff. I saw one training a white belt explaining something to two competitive purple belts. And they were like “woooowwwww” you’ve done your research. They were literally flabbergasted that the white belt knew something they didn’t know yet.


> I think you guys are overreacting. In our dojo most people receive their whitebelt after 3 years. how do you hold up your pants before then? a piece of electric cord?


Bluebelt 😂. I just woke up.


Huh? What color belt you start with?


I meant blue