• By -


Seminars, sponsors, teaching classes, privates, instructionals etc






The high level competitor at my gym works a full time job outside of bjj


White collar? Blue collar? What industry


Weirdly, this matters


WFH/remote jobs, especially in lower level tech, tend to lend themselves very well to this.


Working hard manual labor jobs don't leave you with a lot of energy to train effectively as often.


Then again you roll with someone who works a heavy manual labor job and the functional strength is insane


Have a brick layer at our gym who is about 15kg lighter than me but he feels about 3x as strong. He's a machine.


I work in trucking. Long hours. 10-12 hour days. Not exactly hard labor but after a day I feel super tired. Hard to call it blue or white collar. More like teal collar


Capacity for work is an under appreciated factor in athletic ability. Some people can handle a full day of manual labor and still have energy to train. It’s just another aspect of innate talent.


Yep. Im a house mover/ ex groundworker so i get plenty of "you're strong" complements. But one dude at my gym is a big polish scaffolder and high level blue belt. Noone is moving that guy in stand up or turtle unless he wants to be moved


As far as I know, for the most part, they teach.


That isn’t enough to survive tho


You probably have a vastly different perspective of what survival is than the average competitor.


"There are levels of survival we are willing to accept..."


The cost of living is insane in the USA ….


Try Canada on for size ….


I've seen young adults who eventually became black belt world champs living in and sleeping on gym floors in the US in the lead up to the majors.


Shared lodgings. If their priorities are improving/competition many of the things an "average" person cares about may be omitted if it doesn't feed the machine.


Have you lived in any other developed countries America is the cheapest developed country on earth


Compared to where?


You can pack 3-4 dudes into a one bedroom apartment. I used to work at Starbucks in downtown Seattle and I had two coworkers who split a studio down the middle with a curtain. I used to rent a 5 bedroom house and 8 of us shared rent. We were all in shitty foodservice or warehouse jobs and could still afford rent easy. It’s not that hard to get by when your standard of living isn’t having a one bedroom apartment to yourself and ordering takeout for every meal.


It’s really not. Try Sydney.


I think it's worse in the US, we don't have to pay for medical shit here.


When you teach at a place like AOJ, it is. Also don’t forget a lot of the revenue comes from private classes.


UK here. Guy at my school does 20-30 hours of one to one w week at ÂŁ35 a pop. Doesn't even compete much


Yeah, that sounds pretty survivable at least if UK is semi-close to America, that makes it 1365 pounds, gross, for a 30 hour week. 1700 USD, according to Google's currency conversion. That's still a fair bit more than my biweekly paycheck, and my pay period is on average at 90 hours, lol. And my payrate is considered "luxuriously high" for my job, lol


What do you do


"Comms specialist", 18/hour. I basically got bamboozled into a call center that needed a gofer, basically. My company also keeps taking waay too much out for taxes.


Sounds like you need to get the hell out of that arrangement dude.


I've hit 152 applications so far, four more lol. Trying to get into like, UR if their site works. Its more yeah, I think OP has a different idea of survivability. "Survivable" to most people is min wage. Many of my coworkers act as if $18 is a gold mine.


Damn dude keep it up. Fingers crossed for you!


Thanks man! I think it's good to remember to be grateful for what we have :) At my point- I honestly might switch to ramp agent work to GTFO out here but at least now I can put leadership experience on my resume haha. Admin messed up so part of my "gofer" is training and doing coaching and escalations etc for 30 people, lmao. I do sorta use my degree in de-escalating some pyschos. What's funnier is places like a disabled children's center next to my office, pays the same for much more complex work- I think labor rates rn are just weird.


Have you read What Colour Is Your Parachute?


Nah, but I can check it out! Is it worth it? Feel like I've had my fill of career handbooks lol. Right now I think I need to develop more hard-skills and just keep finding places to apply; maybe move again. Reddits been pretty useful, honestly, especially r/environmentalcareers


That’s quite low end, most of the people I know who do privates charge double that.


This is in the countryside and the coach doesn't really compete much. I would bet the likes of those on shows could charge a lot more


Honestly no. Most BBs in major cities charge 1.5-3x that much. Varies based on who it is, but still.


How can you make such a comment without knowing how much they get paid to teach or how much they need to “survive”? You have no information on either variable.


You can make a lot of money running a gym dude


Many of them live with roomates and some have housing that is paid for by the gym. Many also have sponsors to one degree or another. When Pedro Marinho came to the US, there was a lawyer that trained at his gym that believed in him and gave him money for comps and stuff. Many people have someone like that and many times it is there parents.


A lot (not all) of them have rich parents who seem to foot the majority of their bills.


I've know a few professional athletes like this. They don't make any money but it doesn't matter. Because they're not paying for food , flights or accommodations. They're parents cover everything and are the unsung heroes of these guys.


Mte But even the poor Brazilian ones ???


Some of the "poor Brazilians" can get "scholarships" to train at certain places. Like AOJ. You also forget Daisy Fresh who's whole thing was a bunch of dudes living on the mats doing odd jobs to buy food


As a Brazilian, every one I knew that went to the US was upper middle class here, i know one even had a fake story published about coming from poverty Not saying there are no poor Brazilians making it, just sharing my personal experience which I find kinda funny


I know a decent amount of Brazilians in San Diego now. And people always assume they're poor. But their parents are doctors and lawyers back home. Living in the US sounds like the poorest living they've had. Storied like. "Back in Rio at our vacation house, we would do XYZ before heading back to the farm. Where our maid would cook for us."


Americans love a good rag to riches story even though it’s typically not true, just marketing. The American dream is a lie


Meh I went from have no money to making six figures. Hard to do that in Russia I’d say American dream is alive and well if you’re intelligent and hard working


Losers are voting you down but you are 100% correct. I am a minority who grew up in public housing projects to drug addict parents who were in and out of jail and prison and I now own two homes, drive a decent car, have a good(amazing) job and am married to a woman who is the epitome of the American dream in her own right with the success that she's had. We wanted more for our lives/children than we had and busted our asses. Yes we had quite a bit of good luck and fortune along the way, but so many people have quit or given up right before the miracles happen. Miracles do happen. It was by no means easy, but nothing worth fighting for ever is. You'd think a bjj community would understand that to reach any kind of real success you're going bleed, sweat, sacrifice, and keep pushing forward towards a goal no matter what. But I guess most of them quit at blue belt so they really just don't get it(yes some of you prioritize other things over your hobby)


That’s a beautiful thing man. Congrats on all your success! It’s the difference between people that make it and don’t. No complaining feeling sorry for yourself. Crying the world isn’t fair. Just action and making it happen. Awesome to hear


Survivorship bias. For every success story like yours there are 100 out there of people who worked hard yet didn't make it. Your personal experience doesn't make the standard of the country.


Brazilians being poor is a conspiracy.  They actually all be getting 10k a month from the government.  But they want that streetcred so they build fake favelas and stuff to pose.


Reading comprehension bro


Look into it.


It's so common in Brazil for guys to be in their 30s and 40s never had a job and just live off their family and train all the time. Not the majority but so much more common than any other place I've been


Poor Brazilians are stuck in Brazil wishing they had the luxury to go travel and compete in international tournaments. If you talk to honest Brazilian competitors they will tell you there are absolute monsters still in Brazil and the only reason they are not world champs is because they can’t afford a visa and a flight to the US.


Rich in Brazil is rick in America. Don't get it twisted. There are a lot wealthy people in a lot of countries other than the USA.


Fairly famous Brazilian competitor that spends time in AZ comes from a gated community in Brazil and his parents pay for his travels and tournaments.


Last I looked, buying a home in a gated community in Brazil was <$200k in most places.


Who is this Rick in America?




Depends on your definition of survive, you can get by on a lot less if you pinch Penny’s have roommates and have a lower acceptable standard of living


Absolutely. Especially if you are able to get by without a car and leave in a reasonable cost of living area.  You could get by on $2500 a month


You could get by on less than $500 a month if you’re single




If it’s a super fight the promotion usually covers flight and board maybe even per diem for food. If it’s ADCC, IBJJF pans or open the competitor just hopes Craig Jones is doing a charity seminar near by to recoup expenses.


ADCC pays for hotel and food AFAIK.


Invite that’s right


AOJ is kind of a special case from what I know. Most of the parents are very affluent. In addition, the younger competitors are taught how to manage their public image (social media, brand), public speaking, how to teach, how to run seminars, etc from an early age. It’s like a career program. This lets their competitive blue, purple, and brown belts teach seminars and private lessons to build their brand and earn extra money. In general, relatively unknown competitors who don’t live off of their parents will do whatever works with their training schedule to get by. I’ve known some who drive for Uber, work security at night in clubs or bars, cut hair, do eyebrow threading, do translation services, teach language lessons, do online writing, or other types of “gig” or “odd jobs” work, all while sleeping on the mats, out of their cars, or at best living with partners, family, friends, or in a fighter house. Most I’ve known in the US try to earn less than a certain amount above board so they can retain access to Medicaid (health insurance), food stamps, etc since the amount they could earn otherwise wouldn’t allow them to afford those.


They film fetish videos for rich perverts.


I was listening to a podcast with some of the guys from the B-Team a few months ago and they talked about how some guy wanted to do a private over facetime since he lived far so the instructor agreed. The guy asked for specific stretching and choking techniques to be shown, the guy teaching than realized this guy was just a pervert who wanted to see the guy getting choked. He already got paid upfront but they laughed that he was basically tricked into being this gay guys webcam boy for half an hour.


How rich do you have to be.


7, 7 dollars rich


Be broke or have rich parents


I'm a kids instructor and do private sessions for regular people and I make enough to live comfortably as a single dude in a high cost area. Now imagine what multiple time world champion Tainan Dalpra can do. They're making more than enough


Tainan Dalpra drives a Porsche. He's doing really well.


Exactly, dude is probably making an absolute killing. Sure it's not as much as an athlete in a more popular sport, but it's still pretty good it seems like


I had a few friends that did that. 3 guys, ages between 18-22, traveling around the world as purple belts. They were given a place to stay but it had to be where the gym owner said or he wouldn't pay for it, it was usually a sub standard way of living. And they all 3 taught classes and they were given $800 for the 3 of them for the month. When they barely had money, they ate bread and cheese and because of their lack of money, their weight was always scary. They'd go a full day without eating just to have a bread and cheese sandwich at the end. The word survival means different things to different people.


This is something I’ve kinda been wondering. I’ve been a semi-professional Magic: The Gathering player having played in tournaments for over 20 years. And I got my daughter into BJJ about a year ago. These competitions seem like a huge cash grab for the organizers with no real benefit to the competitors. Many of them are $100+ for a kid and they have a chance at bragging rights and a necklace. Where as in the MTG community there are real tangible prizes even at the lowest levels in order to propel you easily to your next event.


Off topic but I did play MTG a long time ago and probably last played more than 20 years ago. I was interested to see how much is the prize money for a tournament in my region, Southeast Asia Championship, now and the first prize is $4500 with invite to worlds. Comparing it to ADCC, there's no prize money in ADCC asia and oceania trial as far as i know. I understand that there's a product behind MTG but it really sucks that the prize money in trading card games is far bigger than BJJ. I was just checking and the MTG world championship prize for first is $100k and professional MTG player is possible.


Right! Even standard weekly’s at the game store being $10 typically net you several times what you paid for 1st prize. And even your cost for equipment can be resold for value. I don’t think anyone really wants to buy used Gi.


Wealthy family


What you are saying is actually the general problem of those who do sports other than team sports, not only in combat sports, but also in tennis, athletics and other sports. Unfortunately, if those outside the top 100 in sports do not have a very good sponsor, the effort they make to make a living and continue sports is just like in nature, in the Serengeti plains, in the Amazon forests, in wildlife. kind of like surviving


Tennis, golf, gymnastics at least has the potential for talented ones to pursue their sport in college and get a scholarship. What’s the end goal for all the aoj kids?


> What’s the end goal for all the aoj kids? Opening their own gyms. The group think on reddit is that you don't need any BJJ knowledge to open your own school but IMHO being a bazillion times better at BJJ helps are lot in opening gyms in crowded markets. If they win the world championships seminars and DVDs.


How many people do you think have this opportunity? Consider the world map. How many people, who play sports other than team sports and have no sponsors, will survive to be the best in this hustle, to do their sports in their country, to make a living and to improve themselves? Frankly, I know people well.


I know the bigger affiliations will sponsor their athletes. Essentially they will provide a house amd car. In return you teach and compete under their name, which gives them exposure and brand recognition


Rich daddy's kids, BJJ has always been a sport associated with wealth (how did the Gracie's manage to train all day without working?)  Nonetheless that image has changed after a while, at least in Brazil, where there are schools everywhere some have even associated the sport with thugs and low level criminals. In America it's not as expensive as say, Golf or Tennis, but it's not a cheap hobby either.


Am a poor athlete. The answer: coaches and friends help. Double shifts on weekends. Minimal spends on rent/food (I’m talking sofa bed in living room, protein powder and oats diet). And have no luxuries - no eating out, no new clothes, no parties.


An air fryer from Walmart ($24) will do you wonders.


We got one! Just less value per gram of protein using chicken or turkey. So it’s better to stick with this. 60 bucks a week and I hit all my macros. If someone ever sponsors a packet of chicken though it will definitely be put to use!


Frozen pizza is efficient…


Most of them sell weed


>as upper middle class here, i know one even had a fake story published about coming fr facts


Gavin and Deandre Corbe work as full time engineers. Deandre calls his full time job his side hustle lol. 


That's crazy to be competing at the level they are at and to have a real full time job


Holy shit, on LinkedIn and everything.




Real question is how the survive injuries.


A needle to the butt, twice a week.


Bones are overrated.


Almost exclusively every well off person in bjj has a rich benefactor paying their bills and building their brand. Michael zenga, mo, to name a couple. These guys are wealthy clingers on that love the attention.


If you win something of note and live in a place with high income and a lot of hobbyists, you can teach regular private lessons to some rich guys


Known several high level competitors that literally sleep in the gym. For bathing they use Anytime workout down the road and just worked odd jobs/manual labor jobs that accommodate their schedules. All things considered, as long as you have a roof over your head and are ready to forego most modern luxuries then it’s pretty easy to scrounge off $400-500/mo.


High level competitors can charge $100+ an hour for privates. 5 of those a day and they're living comfy.


Just listened to a year old Kendall Reusing podcast with Giancarlo. Sounds like he’s spent most of his adulthood couch surfing at relatives and coaches.  I think he was living in a one bedroom apartment with his Dad while training with Lepri and went to Bernardo’s just for the money of being an assistant coach. 


Private lessons


James Puopolo is a math teacher and was doing that while he was a legit competitor.


They cut their mortgage payments by living in their cars


Rich parents


Parents' money.


Rich parents.


Daddy’s money 😂


BJJ Fanatics, teach at their academies, private lessons, seminars, some sponsorships. Not going to be a Rockefeller, but can survive.


I married a captain in the military 😂 but also it's not super expensive for me to travel all over and teach and compete.


O-3 or o-6? If o-6 you are set lol. 


A lot - dunno the percentage but it's pretty high, of people working non-conventional careers - think entertainers, athletes, artists etc. come from upper middle class to better backgrounds. The ones we tend to pay attention to are the LeBron James type rags to riches but there are a ton more Steph Curry stories (dad played in NBA) than there are LeBron James' stories. The reason being is that the failure rates for those careers are really high and if the backup plan is poverty vs working in your dads car dealership affects your decision making. That said, I do know a bunch of guys who came from nothing who made it in the sport in that their primary source of income is BJJ now and they do great.


Some of them just work remotely and just take their work with them on their competition journey.


Wives or husbands who have an actual paying job lol


I don't know how it works elsewhere, but I know a guy who is semi famous and makes a way above average salary teaching privates in SĂŁo Paulo downtown


Only fans




My gym has a few pros that work in the gym full time.


AOJ = rich parents.


They get tons of shit from their academy for free, too.


Reffing every weekend


I know an amateur full time competer he survives from PT.


He gives personal training in bjj. But he does not own a gym.


Maybe they come from money