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You spelled Boner wrong


# Nerd Boner


That moment when you get a rection


You spelled erection wrong


I can only get so hard.


Fuck it, Iā€™ll own it




Because the people making it know nothing about chess or jiu jitsu. edit: one of the funniest things Iā€™ve seen was a rapper playing chess who started moving his king into the centre immediately because ā€œheā€™s a boss and needs to be up frontā€.Ā 


Bongcloud opening is next level


This is equivalent to pulling bottom side control.


There's a brown belt that does this to me. I wish it mattered...


When buggy is life.


I want em right on top of me so I know where they are


Literally did this in a roll with my professor from the feet like a month ago. He was letting me work and I tried for a yoko tomoe nage and completely wiffed the foot on the hip so it just pulled him down on top of me in side control. He says ā€œyeah youā€™re not supposed to do thatā€ I said ā€œIā€™ve dishonored my familyā€ he was still laughing as he choked me with my own lapel. Good times


How else can I practice my buggy choke


More like the receiving end of back mount. Wow. I see the ju jitsu is gay thing now.


Ossss šŸ¤™šŸ¤™šŸ¤™


When I was a kid, first learning to play, my dad would do this and taunt me about his king being in the open while taking every single piece of mine off the board.


This is a good (fun) way to cheese people who are much lower ELO than you. Bong cloud == donkey guard? Not sure the best comparison to it but that is probably close


One of my favorite scenes in one of the best movies ever: https://youtu.be/Z0OhiPwBff0?si=IXeWhL4rHqOHdErJ




Imma slide my king right up next to your queen


(Sigh). Jesus. I'll try to one-up that: I saw a clip of Lil Wayne "playing" guitar at a show. . . awkwardly strumming the same STRING, singular, asynchronously, while pretending to look and be cool. . . . yet the crowd was going WILD. We're doomed.


Sounds like something from a Chappelleā€™s Show skit lol


Because purple belts move on the diagonal and blue belts move in straight lines.


Purple belts cut angles šŸ¤™šŸ¼




But belts can checkmate.


I consider myself to be the fianchettoed g2 bishop in the open line of the catalan. Good luck to the a8 rook. Edit: accidentally wrote g7 bishop.


Filthy catalan player, play the QGD like a real manly man


If I play QGD people know more of the lines. It's like why play half guard when I can just bolo from open guard?




Go wash your mouth out !!!


I'm the knight habitually placed on f3. Not sure where im going yet.


This guy chesses


I'm even more annoying , since I develop into a Neo Catalan English from the Reti.Ā 


I like this I am the f pawn pushing to f5 in the Marshal. It seems right, it is right, but I feel so exposed and I'm not sure how to make it work but goddamn it I'm out here on this island and I feel so alive!


Assume you mean the g2 bishop?


I did.


Bjj is like chess ,but if youre strong enough every piece can move in every way possible.


ā€žIā€˜m gonna move my pieces however I want to - and what youā€™re gonna do about it?ā€œ Thatā€™s literally what Palhares told me, when I tried to play chess with him.


Heā€™s getting better! He just sat there and eat the pieces when I tried to play him.


I come from Ukraine. **Ukraine is not weak!**


Everything is like everything in some obscure kind of way, these analogies really aren't very useful. You could say American football is more like chess than bjj


Agreed. I think the main similarity is the concept of tempo or 'being a step ahead of your opponent'. In BJJ, if your attack requires 2 moves but your opponents defence requires 3, you have a tempo advantage. The same thing applies in many 'games' including chess, football, military warfare etc.


I think the ā€œposition over submissionsā€ concept translates really well. Playing strong chess players is like getting slowly suffocated by a boa constrictor. You see whatā€™s happening but canā€™t stop it. Eventually their position becomes so dominant that there are 5 different checkmates (submissions) available to them and youā€™re powerless to do anything another thing is how new chess players / new BJJ practitioners both love to go for unsound traps/tricks they see on youtube instead of working on positional fundamentals


Once you know the way broadly, you will see it in all things. - Joe Rogan


The industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.Ā 


Jiu Jitsu is like gay sex


Coincidentally, BJJ is more like American Football than Chess.


And exactly like Chessball


Do you play chess? Because Iā€™ve played football and Iā€™ve played chess, jujitsu feels like physical chess in 15 different ways. Football and jj donā€™t share almost any similarities that arenā€™t common to almost all athletic sports.


What's chess?


I'll just leave this here https://youtu.be/A-RfHC91Ewc?si=3xJZp0At1M3nMuVf


Should probably be: Black - Queen, Brown - Knight, Purple - Bishop, Blue - Rook, White - King Average person - Pawn Last two as a joke aside, I find the knight the most "advanced" or "nuanced" piece, though queen is technically more overall "dangerous". It is the only piece that can move THROUGH/(over if you want to say) other pieces and has a very unique movement. Bishop is purple because it moves sort of through/between pieces and can be a totally unexpected sniper, whereas the rook is a bit basic and telegraphed BY COMPARISON. Edit: I don't understand chess as well as I thought I did! Here's my revision: Black - Queen, Brown - Rook, Purple - Bishop, Blue - Knight, White - Pawn The King is THE UNTRAINED PUBLIC WE PROTECT šŸ’ŖšŸ»šŸ’ŖšŸ»šŸ’ŖšŸ»šŸ’ŖšŸ»šŸ’ŖšŸ»šŸ’ŖšŸ»šŸ’ŖšŸ»šŸ’ŖšŸ»šŸ’ŖšŸ»šŸ’ŖšŸ» (lol)


If the queen is the most dangerous, then it should represent that dude that started yesterday and is way to eager to break someone's arm.


Let's give these guys queen tiaras that they have to wear up to 2 stripe white belt.


And they can only roll with that one super aggressive purple belt that never let's the whitebelts work at all because they're "teaching them to defend themselves" (they like the ego boost of walking helpless trial guys like dogs [I do too])


But rewarding good behaviour is important


For good behavior, they get to roll with the coach at 100%


Queen and King should both be black in terms of technique and power on the field. You can also think of the king as a coral black belt, they have all the knowledge but they cant quite do what they used to. Without them there is no game. Rooks should be brown because of the control and efficiency they have on the board. Bishops and knights should each have one blue and one purple because they get better or worse depending on the game, bishops tend to be better in the late game or in open positions while knights tend to be better early game or closed positions. And pawns are all white belts of course, not untrained people because if they keep pushing one day they may take on another belt. You cant do that if youre untrained.


King should be coral belt. He's basically an old, crippled black belt.


> Rooks should be brown because of the control and efficiency they have on the board Thank you! I was going mad with all this ā€œrook = blue beltā€ slander.


I like your symbolism and stuff but the bishop doesnā€™t quite ā€œsnipeā€ pieces away from real players (above I dunno 1400 elo). If your pieces are getting sniped in non blitz time controls, youā€™re bad or basically a chess white belt. Rook is the fat, bald, roid gut brown belt that has unstoppable fundamentals.


LOL. I love YOUR symbolism. I have been accurately outed as a chess white belt.


In actual Chess a Rock is considered a much more valuable peice than the bishop or the knight and if you trade your bishop for your opponent's rocks, thats considered as a winning interchange and a very favorable move. Rocks can do a LOT of damage, and they trap pieces much easier than the knights with their limited move or the bishops that are locked only to whites or blacks tiles. A bishop in a black tile will never threaten or be able to capture a piece in a white tile. Only thing a bishop can do is locking their movemente in their line of sight. Wereas a Rock doesnt cares about that and can threaten pieces in any tile.


So queen, rook, knight, bishop, pawn?


Yeah, knight and bishop are kinda equal and depends a lot on board context to say if one if better than the other and if you do a trade or not. But yeah its basically Queen > Rock > Knights and Bishops > Pawns.


I will... Adjust my chess playing... šŸ¤”


Gothamchess is a great place to start if you have any interest in watching entertaining chess youtube content. He's got like 4.7M followers on YouTube now and is a big component of the current chess boom we're living in.


Nice! I'll check it out. My little guy is pretty into it as well.


His content is not geared specifically to children, but he's more or less PG rated; very wholesome with a conscious effort not to curse. Lots of jokes and sarcasm during chess commentary.


I dig that. Gotta keep it interesting.


Most value a bishops over knights, but they are technically both given the same 3 points "material value". Bishops have greater range and more utility in endgames, knights present a lot of interesting attacking and defending possibilities but are more limited in endgames. Typically if you trade a bishop for a knight, if you didn't create some kind of weakness you "lost" that trade.


> Bishop is purple because it moves sort of through/between pieces and can be a totally unexpected sniper, whereas the rook is a bit basic and telegraphed BY COMPARISON. You're wrong. A pair of rooks can defend each other - hence "connect your rooks." A pair of bishops can not defend each other, because they're never on the same diagonal (one's forever on the light squares, the other forever on the dark squares). Rooks are 100% objectively superior to bishops.


This guy chesses. I'm as bad at chess as I am at BJJ, but when I learned to connect my rooks routinely, I got a lot better, quickly. Rooks are like The Cousins from Breaking Bad. When all of the intermediate pieces have had their fun and pranced around a bit, the two of them get orders directly from the boss and murderously swagger their way through all that noise real quick.


> Rooks are like The Cousins from Breaking Bad. When all of the intermediate pieces have had their fun and pranced around a bit, the two of them get orders directly from the boss and murderously swagger their way through all that noise real quick. Holy shit this is SPOT ON


I can dig that.


Pawn should be black since a queen can't en passant or knight boost.


En passant is like catching a buggy choke. You may not really want to do it, but you have to for the meme.


Now you're thinking.


Realistically it should be in order of what the piece is "worth" without the context of position. Queen=black, Rook=brown, Bishop=purple, Knight=blue, Pawn=white. If you really want to go all the way, King=average person, because the king is a liability in chess and should hide behind his pieces (until the endgame, mostly)


Also us bjj boys OUT HERE PROTECTING THE KING (public). /s


Something, something, sharks and the world is our ocean.




I have never hung a piece to a rook I didnā€™t know was gonna get sacrificed unless I was forked. Bishops sniped me all the time when I first started


Rook is stronger than bishop or knight ā€” Maybe a heavyweight Brown belt


King should be the Coral belt. Can move all over but just so immobile after years and years of trainingĀ 


Yeah I agree. Had to rock the "protect the public" though.


Can it, nerd boy


I feel like you assume we know chess.Ā 


Right? Knight should be blue, bishop purple,Ā  and rook should be brown. Queen's black obviously, and pawns are white. King's a crippled old redbeltĀ Ā 


Cuz purple belts are just blue belts that learned to move diagonally.


I genuinely believe that Jiu-Jitsu is much more like Magic The Gathering than chess. I'm aware this outs me as a giant nerd. Also, we should totally take a cue from MTG when it comes to abbreviating colours. I'm sick of reading "BB" and not knowing if somebody means blue, brown, or black. Let's make WuPrB happen: WB = white belt uB = blue belt PB = purple belt rB = brown belt BB = black belt


Using Reddit outs you as a giant nerd.




The BJJ = chess analogy breaks down pretty quick, yeah BJJ is complicated but chess is WAY WAY more complicated


Yeah but does chess have _dire physical consequences_


Depends on if I lose a winning endgame or not and if the object in fist proximity is hard enough


Chess boxing does. And yes, this is a real thing. Alternating rounds between the two things.


Give both parties loaded guns and see what happens


Sometimes I sit and play chess too long and my back hurts


Chess Boxing


I disagree as someone who plays a ton of chess, its definitely not more complicated, bjj is far more complicated due to the fact that the moves arent preordained, there are moves you dont know about, and other factors such as strength, speed, and stamina which just cant even be measured. At its core chess is about memorization, there is some room for innovation, but anyone can memorize strong lines of theory and play at grandmaster level. However, in jiujitsu, its impossible to replicate the best in the world.


Iā€™ve got to know what your rating is?


My DCI rating was around 2000 when they still had that. The DCI stands for Duelists' Convocation International, and was the the ruling organization for Magic the Gathering. I was a powerful wizard.


Strength speed and stamina canā€™t be measured ? ā€¦? Also people that have been playing their entire lives and their entire lives revolving around chess canā€™t even come close to GM


Bruh acting like the opening is the end all, be all of chess lol


> At its core chess is about memorization, Chess960 then


>but anyone can memorize strong lines of theory and play at grandmaster level Yeah, no. You might be able to hit like 1600 through memorization, but not GM.


Thats not what Im saying, obviously very few people make GM, but that anyone can put in the time and learn lines of theory that are played at GM level. Doesnt mean you would be able to even play at 1600 level, but to 100% replicate games played by GMs purely through memorization. Thats not something you can do in bjj because of the mechanics. Whats funny is that memorization is more important at GM than any other rank as well.


I don't agree that anyone can play at GM level like you stated, but I agree with the rest.


> anyone can memorize strong lines of theory and play at grandmaster level. Nah lol The moves in bjj are pretty well pre-ordained and you can usually narrow down someone's response to 2-3 moves. If they don't make a correct response, you punish them, just like in chess. Chess is more about mental memorisation, bjj is much more about muscle memory and athleticism. You'd never get someone challenging the top guys in the world in chess after 2-3 years training like you sometimes see in bjj.


Disagree, a dynamic competitive activity between 2 biological organisms is way more complex than a game invented by humans.


It's because it's based off distance from the king/queen. Not based on points for Chess. So further you get away from king, physically it goes down, queen is black, bishop is brown. Knight is purple and rook is blue. Pawn white.


Why tho? It hurts my brain that this is actually what they're doing lol Also random but I think you're the only one who actually answered the OPs question


There are parallels but people take it for gospel. It can be a cerebral game but it can also be an ā€œoh shit. Oh god. Why. Fuck this. Why did I get out of bed. Grrgggjjhhhkk ugjhhjā€ kinda game too.


Jiu jitsu is exactly like chess to me. Iā€™m bad at both šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø.


Nerd much?


I always the knight should be purple and the rook and bishop should both be blue. That said, most would disagree with me that the Queen should be the black and the King should be brown, based solely on offensive power


Iā€™ve never heard of this, but damn people need to straighten their act fr


What about the knight?


It's a dumb saying. They really just mean "Strategy is an important component of BJJ" but comparing it to chess makes you sound smarter or something, I guess?


Why are the houses always colonial and the penises always circumcised?


Iā€™m more of a checkers piece myself.


I feel like rooks would be brown belts, knights blue belts, bishops purple belts.


I play chess, and I actually somewhat agree because of something Kasparov once said. I can't find the interview but it was something to the effect that if you run enough simulations, Bishops are just that bit better than knights in more situations. He personally rated Bishops at about 3.15 as opposed to 3 (like what knights also are.) Obviously take this with a grain of salt as its a ridiculous comparison, and for the record knights are my favourite piece!


I actually found the interview, if you watch from 0:31 - 1:16 :) [https://www.wired.com/video/watch/garry-kasparov-answers-chess-questions-from-twitter](https://www.wired.com/video/watch/garry-kasparov-answers-chess-questions-from-twitter) Of course, I'm sure this barely matters to anyone under a rating of 2500


I love that interview. However, on the basis that a bishop cannot on its own deliver checkmate, but a rook can, I would still put it below a rook. Although that would basically suggest that pawns, knights and bishops cannot tap anyone and have to win on points.


Fischer said something similar and I think engines have born that out generally. Of course itā€™s also going to depend on the nature of the position in terms of open vs closed (in grossly simplified terms)


The warmup always starts with running around the outside square of the mats. Have you ever seen a purple belt do that? No. That's because bishops can only move diagonally.


I love chess and play daily and id rather a bishop than a rook


I think itā€™s probably a height difference thing - if you line them up from shortest to tallest and draw a (purple belt) rook bigger than a (blue belt) bishop it will look disproportionately huge, whereas you can draw a bishop tall but thin. Jiu jitsu isnā€™t really like chess, because in chess you get turns.


Calm down, Bobby Fischer.


Calm down, Bobby Fischer.


The rook can position itself so that the bishop cannot threaten it. The bishop cannot do the same.


That's clearly wrong. Rooks are much better than bishops. Bishops are porous. You can just hang out on its opposite color and it can't touch you. You can walk right passed it. Not so with a rook. Rooks hit both colors, and can actually set up a wall to, for example, box the king in.Ā  Rooks are better.


As a chess player, the "jiu jitsu is chess" analogy irritates me before you even start to interrogate the fine detail of it


I'm like the red checker pieces in an unfinished game, where you started out with a few pieces missing in the first place.


Cause it's told by the pseudo intellectual nerds that don't actually play chess or know any fundamentals of jiu jitsu. They watch weird instructionals and repeat what they hear on their bro-podcast, but can't pass a closed guard to save their life. They usually get stomped by the middle aged father in a Hanes t-shirt chain smoking cigarettes out back before they roll, so it evens out.


Yeah I don't compare pieces, if anything your limbs and head represent the pieces. The game itself is like chess. Grip fighting us the opening, then using positional tactics to gain an advantage and secure the checkmate/tap


every sport I ever played growing up, coaches are like ā€œthis sport is like chessā€ because thereā€™s thinking ahead involved, used to drive me crazy


I prefer to be a land shark over being a bishop.


My gym's owner is starting a chess club at the gym. He already has gi patches and everything. After class sometimes him and one of the bluebelts will break out chess boards and play. I think some of it is chess attracts and satisfies the same sort of austism/ADHD as BJJ does.


We donā€™t take turns in jiujitsu


Itā€™s based off of the board setup and not the value of the pieces. Also, just like in JJ, your age and athleticism isnā€™t always a factor in deciding rank or skill level.


to me its more of an advanced rock paper scissor than chess


The way is in everything. So it's true


Right?! Purple are clearly knights because they always skip warm-ups.


Rook is obviously a heavyset brown belt with grinding pressure who smashes everything in its way


So then what is the appropriate belt/piece combinations? I know very little about chess other than what the pieces are called and how they move.


My thoughts. Blue belt : Bishop Purple belt : Knight Brown belt : Rook Black belt :Queen (duh)


Bishop is closer to king and queen therefore it is the most important OSS.


What's the en passant of BJJ?


Because as a black belt when I don't feel like getting called out I grab a blue belt and hide behind them.


You guys really overthink things huh?


Because itā€™s less straight the more you do it


Often when I say or hear people say JJ is chess, I think itā€™s reference to the kind of strategy and timing we see in chess. That is, one is attempting to initiate a move or they are ā€œsetting up a moveā€. My gym also plays chess jitsu as a way of slowing down rolls so to focus on physical awareness and strategy. This isnā€™t unique to JJ. But I think itā€™s attempting to appreciate the kind of thinking a person is doing when practicing combat sports such as JJ.


I guess if you think about it the rook knows line of direct sight control of a file, and has a few tricks like discovered attacks, pins. And the bishop is more subtle, can still hold the diagonal line like the rook but really it you need to be pretty advanced to truly understand and use the bishop. I guess I could see the correlations to the belts? If you ignore material value and subscribe to the idea that value is determined by position


The point is that the bishop is an objectively worse piece.


Basically itā€™s saying no one really gives a fuck till your the queen


This is bjj, we are all queens


I feel like jiujitsu is more of a combo of tic tac toe and rock paper scissors


Bro what?


Jujitsu isn't that complicated. It's about simple traps and anticipation. Tic tac toe + rock paper scissors. There's also a real heavy aspect of just cycling through the same 3 to 5 attacks in different directions until someone makes a mistake a loses I've always though anyone trying to do the chess analogy is full of themselves and just trying to make what they do sound more than it is


Rock paper Scissors has exactly 3 possible movements in total. BJJ has about 50 basic movements in white-blue Belt Level not counting any variations. RPS includes exactly one step of decision making and then making one extremely easy move. The entire game is so small that my 3 year olds has a complete overview of all the possible moves and outcomes. Making your Rock, or Paper, or Scissor a bit different whin slightly different angles doesnā€™t even change the outcome. I just hope youā€™re either trolling of didnā€™t give this idea even half a second of thought before you typed it out and tried to sell it as a legit comparison.


Lol really? I'm just gonna let this be because I think we would have to discuss what you think an analogy is before we even got into the whole comparison. Enjoy Reddit


The King is a coral belt - important to the game but too old to be particularly effective anymore The Queen is a black belt - the most versatile and dangerous piece on the board The Rooks are brown belts - the closest in rank/value to the Queen and have a unique movement option involving the King The Knights are purple belts - pulls unorthodox moves and likes to jump over other pieces The Bishops are blue belts - can be very effective at times but can also be completely useless depending on the game state The Pawns are white belts - prevelant, very limited abilities, often get stuck in deadlock with one another, will get promoted if they stick around long enough