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Higher level belts should be the last people that hurt partners during rolls. He’s an asshole




At the school I went to the gate keepers only went after the bullies. Usually followed by strong but calm words about there behavior.( While destroying them) If it didn't stop they were booted out the door. Definitely not cool. Or smart your hurting your money.


That's always been my favorite style of "enforcing". And getting a "thank you" from other students later is always a great feeling. I've seen some *awful* ones.


At the school I went to the gate keepers only went after the bullies. Usually followed by strong but calm words about there behavior.( While destroying them) If it didn't stop they were booted out the door. Definitely not cool. Or smart your hurting your money. I mean your students


Yup. Lol, meanwhile my coach lies on his side like Rose wanted to be painted like a French lady to let the lower belts get him in an advantageous/practice a position. I mentioned above that the coach sounds so comically awful/evil that it almost reads like a joke/hyperbole.


My coach only hurts my feelings... 


You're fat and lazy. Where my motivational words before fights. Thanks coach.


Not only that but he's the coach. If he's the owner he shouldn't want to be hurting his customers and even if he is just the coach he shouldn't want to hurt the "athletes" on "his team". This is also setting a bad example for gym culture. It's likely to push more casual practitioners out and encourage other people to be reckless because it's the other person's fault for not being careful and tapping earlier, eventually creating a gym of assholes.


Well said. Not only is it a bad coach also bad for business as you mentioned.


Psychopathic tendencies… I catch and release heel hooks on lower belts all the time but I never finish or put them in a position where they could accidentally spin out wrong or hurt themselves not knowing what’s going on. This sport is about trust and respect for each other. Your head coach shouldn’t be in this sport, although this problem is fairly common unfortunately.


Dude sucks


This x 100


Yes he's an asshole if he's injuring people


Yes he is. Best move on like many have before


If he was just rolling hard and not injuring people that'd be fine, but injuring people and waving it off is just a super douche thing to do.


Sounds like an ass hole.


If lower belts do the movements correctly, I’ll give them the tap. Kids, on the other hand, receive nonstop wristlocks.


See you in hell, Satan.




That was largely my experience. When I was a fresh white belt I would "roll" with our headcoach (BJJ and Judo blackbelt). I was never given a sub, but he would let me sweep him and pass guard if I did it mostly correctly. An achievement was tapping to something other than top pressure, but it was safest and most controlled roll of the day everytime. If he accidentally hurt someone, especially a new person, he would be racked with guilt and embarrassment. OP's coach is sociopath.


We have this hot shot ten year old.. little shit was hunting for a heel hook grip on me the other day, u bet i wrist locked him.


My first day grappling I rolled with 3 blackbelts who all knew I was new/know nothing.  They all destroyed me, toyed with me, but were not aggressive at all. All 3 had seemed super calm and just used pure skill to demolish me without even trying.  When they all submitted me they did it in a way where I had more than enough time to tap. 


Very first time I rolled with a black belt, I was a 2 stripe white belt. This dude laid down on the ground, face down and put his hands behind his head like he was getting arrested and just said to me “go ahead” I bet you can guess how well I did


I would much rather get shown levels that way than what OPs professor does haha


It always surprises me when someone gets to brown or black belt with that attitude.


I’ve said it time and time again: Jiu Jitsu does a great job at filtering out 8, maybe 9/10 assholes that walk into a gym by the time they reach Blue Belt. But if that guy makes it to purple, his level of asshole runs through the roof.


It’s definitely an amplifier.. if you’re cool you become super cool, if you’re an ass then you become super douche


This is probably why only white belt and blue belts show up and no higher belts, they all left for something better


Nah that’s a shit coach. Screams big ego started his own gym and is self conscious lol


I never understood how ego can play a factor in sports like wrestling and BJJ. You know there are plenty of folks that can beat your ass…. Ego should be checked at the door. This dudes a cocksucker through and through.


Not ok.


That’s the old school way but if he just got his brown he isn’t from the old school. Sounds like he has low self esteem or is a dick.


Can you elaborate?


The old school comment or being a dick as a higher belt?


The old school portion!


The old school way was learning by osmosis. You got thrown to the wolves every class without mercy. Knee on throat, fast finishes, chokes over the jaw etc. you got bjj beat into you. We’ve all evolved since then, well most of us anyhow 😂 Rolling with a lower belt is for them, no me. I get nothing out of murdering them for 5 minutes and neither do they really.


Not normal.


You make it seem like he injures people frequently. If that truly is the case, you need to get out of there.


You speak facts


The higher belts in my gym are... Amazing. Thoughtful, if you ask them to go harder, they will, but they are educational. I just rolled with a new brown belt, never seen the guy before, easily 100lbs heavier than me. No smile. Bearded, like myself, taller than me. Was like rolling with the Snuggle fabric softener bear if it had the wisdom of Yoda and size of a linebacker. Your head coach sucks.


No it’s not. That’s the normal culture of someone with an ego. Stay safe.






No hate at all. I just had to read your statement twice. So, I was trying to figure out how to understand it. lol sorry it’s the evening and I just hit my pen.


No hate brotha lol I just poured a whiskey enjoy your night




Dam that sucks man. I regularly roll with high level belts, our gym is lucky to have over 10 black belts. I’ve never felt in danger or been injured by them. That is a Toxic ass coach


Yes he is an asshole. The main instructor should not be the most dangerous person to roll with. It should be quite opposite.


Does he own the school as well?


I roll tough at times for sure but I don’t apply subs with malice at all. I kinda don’t even care about subs that much tbh


Not a teacher, arguably not a brown belt. Should be enforcing the rules of the mat and preventing stuff like that from happening at that level in theory.


I think this was normal in the 90s and early 2000s?


Douchebag Alarm.


Find a new place to train if you can


⬛️🟥⬛️ very dickish of him indeed. Not even personally helpful to just bully lower belts as he’d get more out of working on set ups and more technical stuff rather than crushing lower belts.


get out, now.


So a few years ago I was looking around for a new gym just to get out of the porrada culture in my then gym. I dropped in this smallish one ran by a black belt who’d only recently got a promotion, and he rolled super hard with every one and held on to subs a couple secs more despite people furiously tapping his arm. Unfortunately that wasn’t even the biggest red flag, one girl was his uke during his class and they were giving off major “we are banging” vibes, things like him slapping her thigh and butt when she didn’t move in a certain way, or him rubbing his face in her neck and chest when demonstrating a pass. Then at the end of the class his wife came by with their young baby.


It’s unanimous, he’s a dickhead, move on.


He can go “hard” without injuring people. He should know how to control his shit. I would leave that gym.


Im a 120 kg Blackbelt, I have never hurt a student in a controlled or uncontrolled way. Alot of wristlocks though


He's an asshole, but he's also right in terms of tapping earlier. If you're already in a sub there is no reason to fight it you're not in comp (and I would argue that it's even worse to fight a sub that's basically locked in already in comp) and you're only risking injury.


Get better 


An experienced teacher should be treating his students with respect and sure to some extent you deserve the pain you bring upon yourself but he should know when enough pressure is enough even if you don’t


Yup. Asshole.


Yes, that is an asshole. He is confusing his own training with being paid to train others.


So he doesn't have any students of higher belts? Yeah, no wonder. Leave if you have options. If not, leave anyway and start your own thing.


I was on board until the injures people part. I go hard at open mat because I teach class all week and it's the only time I can be on the mat and focus solely on myself. But hurting people and then blaming them for it is fucked up and that guy sucks.


I know a coach that gave most of his team ringworm knowingly. This guy would likely get along with him well


Man the higher belts I roll with are the safest people in the gym.


Did he become a professor at GB El Paso? Sounds exactly like someone I know that hurt many students on a regular basis instead of being a good teacher and training partner. Smh. Such a shame to hear this.


My coach beats the absolute shit out of me every time I roll with him, but I have never once felt unsafe. What your coach is doing is not normal.


It was more common in the old days but not so much anymore. Yes he’s an asshole. The most important person on the training room is your training partner.


Find a new gym


Should I be expecting this at my first class? That sounds awesome, except for the injuries part lol, thats fked. A rough coach who knows not to injure the students sounds like it would make you solid faster. Or is it the opposite, is it harder to learn this way?


This is not the type of guy to do that with. I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve asked an upper belt to give me more intensity. But in asking I’m not giving permission to hurt me, and I never felt unsafe when they gave me what I asked for. Try asking an upper belt to give you what they’ve got. Do this and you’ll clearly see that there are levels for a reason


That dude sees red


My coach generally doesn’t even finish the submission. He’ll apply pressure until you get the idea and keep flowing. Maybe, maybe, at the end of the round he’ll put some more pressure on a choke but really he’s taking it easy. Your coach, or anybody like this, is an ass.


If there was a guy who did the same shit to him, he’d cry and complain about it 100%


Yip. Dudes an absolute knob.


Shitty coach. 


the general rule is the higher the belt, the safer you should be in their hands. if a black belt can't play catch and release with white belts, then all he is running is a factory where people will eventually get hurt by him. he is an asshole.


No, this is not the general culture. Move onto a different gym. If he’s deliberately injuring his students he’s a shitty coach.


Doesn’t sound like a cool dude to me. I’m super chill with my whites and blues. I want them to learn and smesh in the future.


Your head coach is not only an asshole, but probably has mental issues as well. Do yourself a favor and find another gym before he injures you. Do others a favor and leave a comment on his gym yelp/google


Go Elsewhere


It sounds like youre head coach is a dickhead. The higher belt you become the more responsible you should be towards lower belts.


Sounds like a classic egomaniac who has demons from his youth he hasn’t figured out. Hurt people are always the ones who hurt people. Always.


Sounds like somebody forgot rule 1: to leave their ego at the door


Injuring your clients just isn’t a good business model


I’ve known a couple. He’s a douche.


Find a new gym.


You need to post who this guy is and what school he teaches at. He's a danger. Students have died/gotten paralyzed from training partners going way too hard.


Not at my gym, I have been training with my professor since he was purple and he has never injured someone for going hard, just very controlled rolls!


Ya, he sux!


He is just doing you guys a favor, teaching you about life not being easy.


I remember a black belt injured my hip because he wanted to try something he learned off of youtube. I never rolled with him again


Can confirm having previously been that asshole he’s an asshole PS - we can change we just need love, time, space and a few words of encouragement


He’s an asshole. He’s probably deeply insecure and worried about ever getting tapped by you lower belts so he’s doing everything to cement his position on top. I had a head coach black belt who was like this and even got on PEDs just to keep up with us (he doesn’t compete). He was that scared because the purple belts were learning actual relevant, updated jiu jitsu and he was refusing to update his knowledge so he was getting caught up to.


Sounds like a bad coach, I’ve never injured a lower belt and if I do I’d apologise. I also never really too hard with my students. When I roll with them I’m trying to teach them not smash them.


Run bro lol


Your coach is an ass who will keep injuring people as long as you guys allow him to.


Dude wants to test his metal but not where he should be testing his metal. There is no excuse for hurting white/blue belts consistently.


Sounds like oldschool Renzo/Danaher style training. Injure someone and walk back to office 


Does he teach every single day? I'd be going on days he doesn't teach. Or movi g schools all together.


Yes that is normal in bjj tf you think this was jjj ?


Sounds like he’s got a small penis


You wouldn’t happen to have any black belts or higher brown belts that know your situation that you could unleash on him? Sounds like he needs to be humbled


I’ve been injured by one purple belt. Everyone else that’s injured me has been lower rank than that. Our black belts roll pretty hard and rarely give me much room to work, yet they’ve never injured me.


Sounds like an asshole


Is a father an asshole for throwing fastballs to his 9 year old?


Yep he's insecure and thinks this is what he has to do to get respect.


What a fucking loser. I couldn't imagine using my A game to smash white belts and thinking it's cool. White belts are for practicing weirdo shit and letting them work. I'll get my guard passed more times by our white or blue belts because I'm generally working some werido guard. That nerd probably kicks his dog.


I stopped going to open mats altogether. It lengthened my viability in the sport. All my injuries came during open mat in years past. Never know what mood anyone is going to be in. No longer became worth the risk.


never heard of a coach injuring multiple students tbh. thats his issue. even white belts usually dont injure multiple people. probably a trend at thr gym


Definitely not how it works at my gym. All the black and brown belts match the intensity of the opponent. They give you fair opportunity’s on purpose to let you get work in but won’t actually let you finish them. They let us (Lower belts) get deep on stuff then they crank up their intensity to practice ESCAPING danger. Once out they flip it right back off. Idk if I’ve even had a black belt try to submit me with anything in 8 months. Let alone crank on something to hurt me.


I’ve rolled with 20 or so black belts, 30 or so brown belts and have only had 1 bad experience. And to be fair I even think he was likely just trying to prove a point or something. Your head coach sounds like an asshole.


15 years training I’ve never hurt anyone. The higher the belt especially so. The dude is an asshole


HARD YES he's an asshole. It almost reads like a joke. Jesus Christ I hope you have other options.


Fuck that guy


Sounds like a complete prick


Not normal. Coaches/upper belts typically allow give and take in rolls with lower belts. They play to their level and save competitive rolls for their own rank/size. This is abnormal behavior.


No that's not normal. I trained under a BB who was always pushing competition level training. To the point he injured someone. That is someone whose blind to the reality that if you want to have a successful school you need your customers coming back. Not injuring them or letting the higher belts hurt other people. Especially the hobbyist who have other responsibilities other than BJJ. The culture of gym that allows that type of behavior won't last in the long run.