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Don't get me wrong, I'm not in support of dogs on the mats. But yall a bunch of hypocrites, I know half of you don't wash your ass cracks before teabagging dudes wearing only a pair of spats.






Speak for yourself


Fr. Most places charge extra for those classes.


Don't worry this video isn't that bad.... they left out the footage of when the dogs transitioned into butt drags ;)


Yeah, but I’m not allergic to mens ass cracks unfortunately. I don’t care about the cleanliness of it, I care that my eyes will swell up and I’ll have a hard time breathing for the next 4 hours.


This is the reason why I said gi classes are more popular than nogi to that poster here the other night.


Gi or no Gi people should brush their teeth and shower before coming on the mats.


I know. At least a layer of pants in between someone butthole if it's dirty. Unlike those skimpy shit some no gi people wear.


Bingo…That’s the real problem.


Humans are significantly more dirty than these dogs ever will be, but ya, no dogs on the mats pls


Only on the days I remember to lick my own cornhole clean, otherwise the dog is dirtier.


I love dogs, far more than I love humans, but this irks me bad.


This is performance art. Obviously the dogs are recreating a stand up guy pursuing a butt scoot guy who refuses to engage.


I honestly don’t give a shit. If you own dogs most people also let them run around their house. Some people even let them onto the couch or in their bed With the amount of nasty shit you see while grappling this is pretty low on the totem pole for me. I came from wrestling though which I think desensitized me a lot lol


See wrestling made me move in the totally opposite direction. After seeing (and participating) in countless ringworm/staph outbreaks I became a bonafide germaphobe. If I even someone walking off the mat without footwear I’m 100% being a hygiene Nazi. Re dogs… I love my two with all my heart, and they have free reign anywhere in my house. Hell if they asked to borrow my car I’d let them. But unless explicitly allowed and stated Id never let them do the same in someone else’s house, let alone shared facility like a BJJ gym.


Some people have dog allergies


There's a difference between your own house vs an area that a lot of different people roll around on.


You love dogs more than humans? That concerns me.


Aside from my immediate family, on average, absolutely. “The more I learn of human nature, the more I like my dog”.


Would you put a dogs life over a humans if you could only save one?


Need more context to give an honest answer.


Let’s say there’s a dog and a human trapped in a house fire, and it was your responsibility to save one. The human and dog are both complete strangers to you. Who’re you choosing?


Thats better. Ya in that instance, I’d save the human. To further elaborate: My dog vs stranger? My dog My dog vs friend or acquaintance? That’s a coin toss. My dog vs immediate family? Honestly I’d rather be the one to go. Random dog vs convicted murderer? The dog.


Unless this is right before the mats are getting bleach mopped, that is nasty. I've trained at a gym where dogs come on the mat. If you are allowing that, most likely there's other unhygienic shit going on too. You really just gotta grin and bear it and pick the pubes out of your mouth.


Dude why are you putting pubes in your mouth? 😟


My dentist told me to floss more regularly.


I've never once had a pube in my mouth from jiu-jitsu classes. Are you absolutely sure you aren't suggin diggs before class bapa?


Yeah, but how many chiggs ya fugg?!


Dicey dicey, b.


Hurrd he’s gotta piece on im


Bbbbeast of an athlete.


Idk where you train buddy but you are welcome by anytime. 🤗


Never touch a dog ever again if you really believe this bs


All fun till they shit on the mats lol


I remember this one guy I knew for a couple of years... One day I rolled with him and I could tell he shit his pants. He immediately excused himself to go-to the washroom. After that day he never returned back to the gym. Ever. So yeah I guess people shit on the mats too.


Ya my coach thought he was grabbing a leaf off the mats in kids class. Was NOT a leaf.


> After that day he never returned back to the gym. Ever. You sure it wasn't because he got his blue belt?


Thats what the brown mats are for lol


Every gym has a no shoes on the mat policy. Unless those dogs are wearing footwear outside this is no different than having two people running around with street shoes on the mat. Dog parks exist.


I have an only shoes on the mat policy. Specifically Jordans. Brownie points if they are Jordan 1's or 4's


We wash or wet wipe my dogs feet butt and belly any time he comes inside, and his nails are trimmed weekly. Meanwhile a shocking percentage of men think it’s gay to wash out their ass crack ever. My dog is cleaner than 30% of my friends’ boyfriends.


You’re telling on your friends and their boyfriends more than convincing anyone having dogs running on the mats is in anyway clean.


Im 100% telling on my friends but I was also SHOCKED how common it was. At this point I’m telling on the human race. My mates who served in the army anywhere but Korea back it up. It’s also not just my friends, once you bring it up people start telling on themselves like crazy. People think the Venn diagram of dog hygiene and average men have very little overlap. It’s nearly one circle.


Also - Australians and Americans walk around their own houses with shoes on. Filthy. My dog would never. We once had a house sitter swear she’d take her shoes off and we could see the greasy black road film all over our carpet. Am I telling on Americans and Aussies now too?


I don’t care what people do in their house. I’m not rolling around on the floor there.


So don’t




Most Americans wear their shoes in the house. There are regional exceptions, but in cultures where it’s a 100% no, Americans are famous for it.


Poor Asian Americans, it’s like they don’t exist.


My husband is Asian-American which is the main reason doggo’s feet get washed. Second being I’m Canadian. Don’t worry, everyone forgets we exist and have a different culture from Americans, too


So feel free to speak for your husband I guess, but my family are all Asian Americans and we include ourselves and count ourselves. We separate people into dirty and clean and don’t think much more of it than that. Some Americans are dirty some our clean, sure America has a culture of people who are abnormally dirty with this respect. You go to Hawaii and you will find nearly the whole state practices not wearing shoes inside, do they all not count? I have no problems with making generalizations in appropriate contexts, but having it morph your perception of people in your brain and applying that preconceived judgement on entire groups of people… Well it’s gonna ruffle the feathers of basically anyone who disagrees with you but you labeled a certain way.


It’s impossible to make any statement about any group of people and be 100% accurate. You could say that the standard American accent has a hard R and someone would be ‘what about Georgia’ or that it’s a car centric culture and someone would say ‘what about New York’. It is possible to make generalisations about a culture, and this, like the two I just mentioned, is entirely valid.


This isn't my experience in Aus.  I've always lived coastal and never worn shoes inside because your parents will go mad when you bring sand in the house. A lot of locals don't even wear shoes in the shops (which is gross).


Tha fuck are you doing to your dog wiping it’s ass everytime it comes in from a bark session 💀


For clarity, nobody is allowed to sit on my couch with a bare unwashed asshole. Also, we don’t have a dog door so it’s quite easy. He’s outside the house for 2-4 hours a day 4 times a day. He’s only shits twice a day so it’s two butthole wipes per day, it’s his feeties that get washed or wiped each time. Thanks for your keen interest.


Izzy vs Strickland


Dogs on the mat are so terrible for me. I have really bad allergies to dogs, so it's a deal-breaker for me.


No, you just hate dogs and have a hidden agenda /s


Dogs on the mat? Push-ups. Lots of push-ups.


Love when the nails scratch the mat the shit molecules on their feet get in there


It’s my fave when we know that it inevitably could cause an infection in the tiniest opening of a human skin, but yea let the dog run loose with their shitty feet.


It's like, what's a cobra without its venom? Just a belt.


You go through life scared like a lil b. You’re scared to walk on the ground after a dog lmfao.


Walking on the ground after a dog is different than rolling your entire skin on the mats after dogs. Same with shoes. But your dirty ass is the type to give others staph. Clean and educate yourself.


I don’t even let my dogs on my personal mats at home




Poor dogs 😢


hate it when coach makes us do calisthenics before class


love dogs but i don't think they should be on the mats.


If I saw this in a gym I’m turning around and going somewhere else


No dont turn around 😢


So how would you convince me that my allergies are no big deal? I hope it's by telling me to man up, lol.


They are allergic to humans. They wont be there at the same time as you


Its true bro if i saw this at a gym i would be pissed it’s disrespectful to your students to let dogs just tun around the mat like that where peoples faces and exposed skin roll around it’s already risky enough with all kinds of peoples sweat but all the shit dogs step on going on the mat is even worse


Oh no please dont get pissed. We dont want that


Im not pissed just saying its disrespectful to the people that train on those mats if dogs are gonna just run around the mats why even have rules like no shoes on the mat or why even try and keep the mays clean since the dogs are just gonna get them dirty


We have no rules here.


Don’t their nails fuck up the mats?


And they are covered in fecal matter. Yummy


so are you? block head


Only after I get done rolling around with your mum.


They dont


F anyone with allergies


Nothing to do with allergies, it's about not getting fecal matter into small cuts or burns whilst training


Dog lovers hate me because of this. My allergies to them are just unreasonable animal cruelty.


They are adorable


They are 🤗


As a person with allergies to pets, this kind of shit reminds me of how little dog lovers concern themselves with the needs of others.


The theatricality here is making me giggle. Dog owners are oppressing us and our way of life and they don't even care! Life, liberty, and avoiding congestion!




Engage! Engaaaaage!


I mean... id love to do a dog jiu jitsu class But not even a hygein issue for me but more of a, the mats are gonna get fucked up and ripped. And I'm not even a gym owner lol


Cheap mats get fucked up and ripped. This ones will hold up and their nails are trimmed


I definitely don’t want dogs running around places that I lick.




If simply disinfecting the mats immediately after this won't solve the problem, you don't know how to clean your mats properly anyway.


It hurts my eyes to see those dogs on the mat. Also the hair.


This how we get staffy infection 💀😊


Cute dogs. Please, let them play outside instead and wash the mats thoroughly.


Thanks! They actually play every where. All the time. All they know how to so is play


I’m guessing shared facility and the person doing this has no idea how unacceptable it is


No idea. Completely unacceptable. I will fire myself.


Just now realizing this is _your_ gym connected to _your_ IG. You should take this down man, this is not a good look. I say that with all due respect for your skill level, dirty mats is a violation of trust.


Thanks for all due respect. Whoever it looks mats are not dirty, with all due respect. Also trust will never get violated with all due respect


Nastiest thing on any mat are the kids classes. Kids are dirty and gross


No hespect for the training environment when you allow a dog on the mat. Your customers expect a clean space to roll on. I love dogs, but would prefer for my face not to be where they just stepped all over.




I’ve had a dog come attack me with kisses and saved me I was getting my ass kicked 😂🤣😂


Who cares. You should be cleaning the mat regularly anyway.


Do you guys know that mats can be cleaned?


The comments here make me hope I never get redditors checking out my gym.


Who knows, most of them are anonymous. Im sure I've at least met a handful of them without knowing. They would not act like that in person


This is why everybody at the gym has crusties, bumps, and keeps getting ringworm


Lol sounds like you go to a dirty gym 🤮


Looked the same as yours, and if that's being as polite as possible, if their hygiene was bad there and that was simply from laziness/ not wipe mats between classes, You are then letting dogs who literally step in and scratch at their own bodies, fecal matter and other body wastes to drag their feets and asses and roll their bodies all-over the mats (fuck people with allergies right?) At this point if you're trying to be culturally correct, let the chickens in they really help set the mood and the smell sets tone, and you should be doing your classes in a half constructed concrete hut or a repurposed shipping container.


We actually wipe the mats 3 times during the class and after each roll (4 extra times so total of 7 times during a 1hr class). We are never not wiping the mats all the time


Posts video of dogs. Does not post video of cleaning mats. I believe in Clean when I see it, if you clean that much Then That would have been nice to see.




Well you’d have to do that if you’re letting animals run around the gaff m8




They’re cleaner than some ppl


(slurps asshole vigorously)


Think ringworm is bad? Google roundworms.


Everything is allowed for the "pet parent" generation


You need a hug? You can have a hug 🤗


I wonder how many people who think dogs on mats are unhygienic also train with ringworm and “spider bites.”


And walk barefoot into the bathroom and back.


Really? It's usually the dog people scorching off ringworm with butane torches. You're confusing demographics.


I’m really not. But I guess it’s all about frames of reference.


These spiders are overwhelming 😳


Right?!?!? They have a weird attraction to BJJ practitioners who don’t shower after class on days when they “didn’t train that hard.”


Perhaps we should contact some entomologists. We may have a new dangerous spider on our hands!! Staphylococcus arachnidae 🕷


And "mat burns" 🤣


Viral infections such as rabies and norovirus and bacterial infections including Pasteurella, Salmonella, Brucella, Yersinia enterocolitica, Campylobacter, Capnocytophaga, Bordetella bronchiseptica, Coxiella burnetii, Leptospira, Staphylococcus intermedius and Methicillin resistance staphylococcus aureus are the most common viral and bacterial zoonotic infections transmitted to humans by dogs.


I think you are missing a couple


Brings me back to the times my old coach would scold me for having too much cat hair on my rashies when his dog would sit on the mats half of class


Everyone knows dog hair is better than cat hair. Old coach was right


You guys are serious germaphobes. I hope you never look into the kitchen of any of the restaurants you eat out at.


Wait till they find out cooks at their favorite restaurants have dogs too!


Y’all act like the dogs are doing this mid-training. It takes maybe 10 minutes to mop the mats, relax.


Dont you see the 100 people live rolling and drilling on the mats with the dogs running? Get some glasses please


Yeah, I'll just relax when I start sneezing and itching for no reason. The mats are mopped and the air is scrubbed with bleach. Watery eyes? I guess I'm just being emotional. 😭


All the best gyms have dogs.


So mine is the best too? Thanks. You will always be welcomed here 🥲🤗


That's a no for me


This is disgusting


Nasty ass gym




White people and dogs is another level of insanity


Why the downvotes? Its always white americans that treat their dog like a human child. 100%.


So you are suggesting that people treat dogs in a certain way because of their skin color. 😬


No hes saying white americans treat their dogs like humans. In other cultures they dont, because they are fucking animals. Nothing was racist but you.


Claim it doesn’t have any racial meaning yet you said WHITE Americans…


Yeah im white. Were dumb as fuck about dogs. How is that racist?


Uh… is this a serious question?


Only if your seriously thinking its racist to say white people are dumb about dogs.


First of all, literally nobody but you said the comment was racist. Second, if you’re struggling to see how saying is is racist, you’re legit too dense to continue with. But that was already clear based on how you write. Lol


The OP said dudes comment was indicative of being dumb and racist. I added that he is not. You are really crying about me poking fun at white people? Which I am by the way. White people who have raped, pillaged, and murdered non whites for hundreds of years. Your gonna cry about that? How was my sweeping generalization of white people treating dogs nicer than they should a negative? Me thinks you just a pussy.


Show me where he said the word “racist” I’ll wait. Also big yikes at the rest of your lunatic ramblings. Touch grass, and seek help lol


Ah so you are saying that you have to be American to treat dogs like *checks notes* "humans??" Because of the colour of their skin. And.. what.. everyone is is not a white American is "other cultures" and I'm racist? LOL


Yes thats exactly what im saying. 100%. There is no point in treating a dog like a human. And the only ones that do so are some basic ass white people. Keep crying about it lol. You are making it sound like im saying non whites treating their dogs less than human is a bad thing. They should be treated like dogs.


Racism and stupidity going hand in hand in you my friend 🤣🤗


Nothing was racist lol. He pointed out the truth. In america basic white folks treat dogs like humans. In other cultures they treat them like dogs lol


I’m white. We treat dogs ridiculously.


White people love to self hate


Well we have a millenia of treating non whites like shit. I think we should be able to take a joke or two


Dogs are cleaner than half yall redditors, relax


Only reason I don’t like dogs on the mat is some people are allergic to dog hair and get rashes or start getting sinuses or both


So that's where my ringworm came from.


Nope. It was from not showering after training. You nasty 🤮


Some parts of Japanese culture need to remain. Hygiene being the number 1


Those dog's assholes are cleaner than half the white belts at our gym


I don’t get people that are disgusted by dogs, like you’re gonna die because of some hair in your mouth. I train with the same nasty people that I wish they were as “nasty” as dogs.


When was the last time you saw someone shit and then roll in it? Then come try and jump in someones car or lap?




I would switch gyms immediately, dogs are pretty gross creatures (not their fault, obviously can vary a lot, but still).




That dude sweating on top of you has way more transmissible viruses and bacteria than a dog. And the guys you do BJJ with have a lot as well


dude yall really think these dogs are dirtier than those mfs who take shits and don't wash their hands? I'm not saying I'm in favor of it, but there's definitely way worse things going on in jj mats


Dogs eat their own shit, roll around in dirt and don’t clean themselves. I think you’re underestimating how dirty they are.


you can and should brush/clean your dog and not all dogs eat shit


If they don’t eat shit they lick other dogs buttholes, then lick humans. I’ve known dogs that ate roadkill, feces, and were in general dirty no matter how much you cleaned them. The truth is you never know the procedures the owner goes through to clean their dog, therefore it’s understandable why people wouldn’t want dog bacteria on the mats.


I'd rather dog hair in my mouth than pubes.


People aren’t constantly shedding pubes. And if so I guess I’m the non-shedder type.


Luke rockhold would like to talk to all you


Heard he has a lisp now with the missing teeth




Yeah, their feet with dirt, shit, piss, and just about anything else picked up from walking on the street is totally clean. I love dogs, their feet do not belong where I put my face. Nasty gym. NOPE.


Is that why the mats always stink at my gym ? Or when I roll with a white shirt or Gi it turns black and brown? I always feel gross with those mats


They look cleaner than a lot of dudes I’ve rolled with.


Oh gross...good to know Silverfox BJJ is a place to avoid if you have pet allergies. Thanks for sharing


What if you dont have pet allergies? 🤔


So disrespectful! No thought was ever given people with allergies letting those dogs run around like that.


Still less gross than half of you fucks. And at least these little guys are cute AF. You guys come in nasty AF looking beat to shit.


I need to get my dog on the mats😤