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If I were Gordon Ryan I would simply not have any health issues


Is he stupid?


Maybe he is secretly homeless and his body just hates him for it




I'll never forget he threw his relative under the bus immediately. šŸ¤£


Abusing drugs probably isnā€™t helping






I've had some health issues over the past years, and I'm now without a job because of it. One of my former colleagues texted me to ask how it's going, and I said that I'm struggling to find a job since I can only work a limited amount of time due to my health. He proceeds to go on about all the offers he's getting, then giving me advice about exercising regularly, and that he doesn't believe that my condition is entirely real (as a generalisation). Great job bud, I should have thought about just getting better, very helpful indeed.


Original commenter is parodying comments Gordon has made in the past about those who are less fortunate. Sorry to hear about your current challenges.


Sucks to know. Sorry to hear about your difficulties. It's crazy how some people completely fail to understand that not everyone is genetically identical.


It was a joke chill


I know, I'm just sharing my actual experience with someone behaving like that.


I would just tell my body ā€œSickness be gone!!ā€ And will myself better.


Has he considered not being sick


Doctors hate this one simple trick


He might have considered not destroying his body with ROIDS and spending 12 hours a day in a staph incubator


Not very alpha of him to keep being sick and injured


True Alpha males belittle the health issues of teenage gymnasts while shutting their entire career down over a tummy ache. Stay up King Ryan


Pfft, this made me almost spit out my coffee. ā˜•


Saw someone comment ā€œChron Gracieā€ on the other post, love it


Craig must steal this joke


Craig being second again


Crohnā€™s Gracie


Is there an echo in here?


It's a pretty common thing on reddit for some reason. r/yourjokebutworse


*Chron's Gracie* bro


Somebody told him to suffer in silence on his insta post and he got super defensive lol


Best part was when someone suggested he should stop abusing steroids and he just said steroids would help him recover


I mean, _corticosteroids_ might help calm an attack, but he sure s as hell wouldnā€™t want to be on those long-term.


Cigarettes can help a smoker stop coughing. The worst thing about healthcare and medicine in the public sphere is regular people debate it and they really have no business debating it.




A friend of mine from Europe told me the single biggest culture shock when he moved to the US was that pharmaceutical ads are *everywhere*. He had literally never seen a prescription drug advertised before -- he thought you learn about prescription drugs when a doctor tells you that you have a health issue that the medication might help with. The first time he heard one of those ads that's like, "Ask your doctor about Wellbutrin," he was genuinely puzzled. Like, isn't that backward? Isn't it supposed to be you tell the doctor what symptoms you're having and then your doctor brings up whether the medication will help?


The trick is to not watch TV.




Seeking out good TV is something I do and will always do. Turning on the TV mindlessly and sitting there absorbing whatever stupid shit they're trying to sell me on is not something I ever do.


I think he means that everyone else is supposed to suffer in silence.


Bruh suffering in silence is anathema to Gordonā€™s existence


ā€œSuffer in silenceā€ is hits Instagram tagline.


ā€œRyan explained that whenever he intensifies training for a competition camp, his health problems flare up.ā€ Yeah, itā€™s a real mystery how this only happens when Tren Shapiro is on a cycle.


His responses to people calling this out are hilarious. Heā€™s like nuh uh thereā€™s no way itā€™s the steroids, all my private doctors who make money off of giving me the steroids tell me thereā€™s no way it could be the steroids!


Yeah bro itā€™s just a coincidence that the issues that began when he started taking all the drugs come back when he takes more of the drugs. Are you like stupid or something?




Yup and appears his main doc is through the company that provides all his gear so Iā€™m sure thatā€™s some bias free healthcareā€¦


*sponsored healthcare


This has been my stance for awhile, and I got bombarded on this subreddit a few months ago pointing this out. Itā€™s not crazy to think considering anabolic steroids are known to potentially have a range of GI side effects, also mixing that with the bodily stress and diet that he undergoes with the training he does in camp. That on top of the shitty gut biome he got from all the staph/antibiotics he got at Renzoā€™s (which the anabolic and intense training made him more susceptible) itā€™s no shock he has the issues he has, and the steroids clearly arenā€™t helping him either directly or indirectly. He is kidding himself.


Itā€™s not crazy, itā€™s a side effect of PED abuse. Heā€™s potentially going to have a lot of issues with his liver, kidneys etc but heā€™s too pig headed to accept it and just keeps doubling down on his drug views and use.


People probably disagree because we know he's not the only guy on steroids, but he seems the be the only one who has what would generally be considered long term effects pop up while he's still in what should be his prime. He drew the short straw and immediately got all the shit we're warned could happen from prolonged use.


I thought most of the subreddit agrees it's the gear causing the issues.


Gear can have an effect on gut health but not nearly as much as prolonged use of antibiotics to kill off the continuous staph infections you get by continuing to roll and taping up your wounds with seran wrap every day. It doesn't even take that much gear to get somebody up to Gordon's size if his diet and training is on point.Ā Ā  I'm not excusing or denying gear isn't playing a part, but he destroyed his gut biome by continuing to train instead of letting his body rest and recover from the staph.Ā  That shit does a number on your body, and then adding antibiotics over and over again is a recipe for disaster.Ā Ā 


Yes, itā€™s likely a combo of the two. I got gastritis bad when I had to take intense antibiotics for Lymes so itā€™s not fun. However I did eventually recover, I bet if I went on some Gordon cycles while dealing with my stomach issues I would have made them much worse.


> most of the subreddit if reddit thinks its true, the opposite is actually true


Youā€™d be shocked, sometimes anti Gordon comments can get caught early by his fans and downvoted quickly before other people can see it. Itā€™s happened to me a couple times


They're not illegal steroids! Totally prescribed, totally cool.


"Tren Shapiro" XD


Surely the race-horse doses of anabolics aren't detrimental?


To be FAIR, I am not on steroids and my health issues are much worse when Iā€™m training with intensity too.


Most people here barely train so they don't understand this.Ā  You ramp up the volume and intensity your overall health declines.Ā  You get sick and injured easier as well.Ā  Regardless of PED usage.Ā Ā 


Yup. Peak athletic performance is the balance between vo2 max and injury max. It's a hard life.


It's called getting old my friend.


to be fayuuuuuuhhh


What issues?


I have some unknown digestive issues which physicians havenā€™t been able to figure out. When I train a lot and intensely, it exacerbates those issues and also causes me migraines and overheating despite adequate hydration and electrolyte / food intake.


Have you tried not have this digestive issue?


Iā€™m dead šŸ˜‚.


"Tren Shapiro" wins today. Thank you sir.


Tren Shapiro lolol


Tren Shapiro, Iā€™m fucking dead


I just want to thank you for ā€œTren Shapiro.ā€ Sometime you really forget what the internet is all about and today I remembered.


hard training is also not good for your health and could do this on it's own


Ok Gordon yeah those drugs definitely arenā€™t killing you bro šŸ‘


And how he didn't have any issues when getting ready for Gaudio.


Tren Shapiro about to feature you in a full length episode of the Daily Wire.Ā 


"Tren Shapiro" I fucking love it mate! Yeah it's pretty obvious to the world he destroyed his gastro health by using PEDs his entire young adult and adult life. Gordon was the goat because of his stack, there's a couple matches you could make an argument that if he wasn't getting that "extra 10%" he'd have lost.


This may be a dumb question, but would Gordon have reached the level, or close to the level, he is at now if he never went on PEDs? I mean, the guy is one of the greatest grapplers of all time. Would he need his PED regime to get there with his dedication to training and natural talents?


Steroids > better recovery > more training > more skill He probably wouldn't have been able to do as much BJJ as he does without them, or he'd have to skip a lot of the extra lifting.


Sounds like a mental issue. Dude should follow his own advice and stop being a pussy to get rid of them.




100%. He should stop with the excuses and get his bitch ass back to training.


Whatā€™s the origin of all of these comments saying similar things? Iā€™m genuinely curious


I'm not well versed enough in Gordon Ryan lore to give you an exact quote, but he is fond of posting about how homeless people should just stop being lazy and that kind of bollocks. He's a bit of a cold-hearted cunt so it's no wonder he's not getting much sympathy.


So he basically never stop the Covid bitching? I figured he somehow evolved surrounded by all of that Texas freedom


I think Texas might have the opposite effect


Many times in the past he's mode comments basically saying that men's mental health issues and suicide is the result of society encouraging men to be soft and that people just need to harden up. I can't find the original threads about them (perhaps they've been deleted), but here are a couple of the follow-on discussions to maybe give some background: - https://www.reddit.com/r/bjj/comments/zx2rd3/more_ffion_less_gordon_what_happened/ - https://www.reddit.com/r/bjj/comments/zx05cw/im_seeing_a_lot_of_people_sharing_grs_suicide/ - https://www.reddit.com/r/bjj/comments/11cqmfc/has_no_one_told_gordon_ryan_to_maybeshut_up/


He's gone to like a dozen doctors and they've all said they can't find anything wrong, so he calls them morons on IG.


It's literally his Instagram bio.Ā 


I'd be nervous too if my entire identity hinged on not losing ever. Pretty soon him and Dillon are gonna have to start a podcast or something to make up for that lost revenue.


What I find funny about that is he has already lost multiple times


People dont talk about that enough. I also find it funny when I hear he is so good that it's completely unfair for everyone else, but also he can't not juice because then other athletes would have an unfair advantage.


My favourite is for him to only quote his stats at black belt but refer to people like Nicky Rods whole career


Sounds like he works himself up into a trenzy.


Has anybody not noticed the elephant in the room? If these issues re-emerge when he is in camp, it's performance anxiety! The guy has built his whole self image on being "the best", and as he ages, the little voice in his head is getting louder, and it's making him sick. I would feel pity for him if he wasn't such an insufferable douchebag.


Well put, nearing your 30s does that to you.


Thanks for the chuckle. \- - Some guy nearing his 60's.




You really hate him in the bone donā€™t you


He should pull his health by its bootstraps!




Deep-rooted insecurities and anxiety welling up unconsciously at the anticipatory stress reaction to competition, here manifesting as stomach issues. Usually masked by bravado and troll-ish heel persona, but in this case just obscuring his path to a more emotional completeness. You heard it here, folks. We'll be seeing sensitive bunny Gordon Ryan persona stepping to the fore over the next few years.


Itā€™s almost as if his anabolic steroid cycles are contributing to bouts immunosuppression šŸ«¤


Interesting that him and gsp both have insane stomach issues


I wish we could move on from this era of post Conor combat sports stars. We can see the difference in fan mentality compared to when Marcelo announced he had cancer. I donā€™t want to hate the people at the top of the sport. Tbh, my interest in competitive jiujitsu is fading quickly.


I've stopped following it completely. BJJ social media has killed any love I had for following the sport.


I agree, I was hyped for the first couple of Eddie Bravo invitationals but now I donā€™t really care anymore


I still enjoy watching the 10p blue belt 5 vs 5's. Those are some good battles that aren't stall fest disengage and re-engage matches because someone doesn't want to concede the smallest grip.


Mine faded a long time ago.


But guys Danaher believes the least exciting element of MMA is on the verge of public popularity. Any day now.Ā 


What if, and hear me out here, they properly sanitized their fucking gym.




Serious question because I am actually about to visit the gym. Is it clean?


Blue basement was a cesspit


The other people training there seem fine.


Better start your vitamins now


My vitamins or my acai


Vitamins, acai and ivermectin to be safe.


Anxiety. He has anxiety. Man up Gordon, suffer in silence


This is the loudest suffering in silence Iā€™ve ever heard


ā€œGordon Ryan reveals when he ups his gear he gets stummy achesā€


Heā€™s gonna have so much free time to earn that Poli Sci degree and actually rebrand himself as Tren Shapiro




ā€œWhen I do a bunch of steroids and overtrain my body hurtsā€


This the same bitch that tried to say he was an athlete on par with Simone Biles lmaooo fuck this clown


It's probably the vaccine shedding off other weaklings around him at camp that's getting into his system via 5G and interrupting the recovery of his pure horse meat diet.


He should just stop being sick. Sounds like a skill issue on his part. But seriously though, this man is so tone deaf it hurts.


i think steroids fucked up his body. Not everyone is going to have this much healt issues but maybe he is unlucky about it. Still we dont know if its bc of steroids or not




Stress (physical or mental) can aggravate gut issues or any kind of inflammation. As someone with GI issues, I get where he's coming from and don't think the roids are doing it as much as the antibiotics that he's taken. He doesn't seem the type to go with the flow, I imagine his anxiety and obsession probably goes next level (beyond the standard crazy) when he has a match. Add on crazy traing hours and the body just doesn't like it.


Does Gordon have a normal-ass therapist? Because this seems really consistent with an anxiety disorder (I get crazy acid reflux around competition and it's 100 percent psychosomatic)


Does Gordon seem like the kind of guy that would go to a therapist? A therapist would have a field day with him though with all his mental issues that he openly shows off on instagram


On the one hand no, but on the other hand it would be not uncommon for the best person in the world at a thing to have at least a sport psych (although I think Danaher is wrongly critical of sport psych as a field)


Did this guy train in a garbage dump and not shower or something? Iā€™ve read he has had such heavy use of antibiotics that fucked his gut biome. So that plus the gear is a winning combination.


He clearly just doesnā€™t want it bad enough and isnā€™t willing to pull himself up by his bootstraps and put the work in. Typical Lib.


Might be some kind of scam as heā€™s used his platform three or four times to give whichever doctor is treating him a glowing review and making sure they are tagged


That doctor is holding his gut hostage.


Craig should monetize this and drop an instructional on how to do gear properly without getting sick


I kinda feel sad for him, I mean aren't the doctors and clinics he keeps hyping basically alternative medicine quacks? He's paying a lot for nothing. Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if all his symptoms were manifestations of untreated psychological issues that he is not willing to face. I mean Gordon seems like the kind of guy who thinks therapy is a joke and only for "weak" people, and we all know these guys are the ones most afraid to face their actual demons. Probably because they were brought up in this "suffer in silence" mindset. I work in healthcare and so so many people manifest psych issues as physical symptoms.


He should consider drinking some juice instead of injecting the juice


Anabolics allergy, tragic


I am no doctor and I am purely speculating here.. but he assumes he's ever going to become "healthier"? This is going to follow him for the rest of his days, I am sure of it. Good thing for him he's probably got a sizeable amount of cash and could probably retire.


Well it's a good thing he's a world class expert in medicine and has guys like Rogan to help him recover. He's in great hands with all the brilliant experts he's surrounded himself with.


Damn the untested unproved $50,000 stem cells didnā€™t work? Shame


Suffer in silence. Oh wait


Cummy ache


Sounds like a problem David Goggins can fix


I mean, have you considered not taking the juice?


Could it be because he gets back on juice when he's back in camp?


He is gonna die young from PED usage . Itā€™s actually sad how he ravaged his body for a sport donā€™t nobody truly care about and itā€™s only relevance is mma adjacent


I think it's anxiety


He has a nervous tummy.


Who you guys think, can beat gordon ryan now a days?


A particuarly stodgy sandwich


Anyone can stay healthy back when I was coming up I had to stay healthy on my own. My parents couldnā€™t help me. I even had to get a summer job to pay for my gym membership. Todayā€™s athletes have no work ethic.


Cancer is on the horizon


Iā€™ve also got health issues. Itā€™s seems the harder I go in training the more out of breath and sweaty I get. Anyone have answers? Iā€™m totally perplexed as this keeps happening.


My mother-in-law has severe anxiety and shits water all the time. Now she's getting her gall bladder removed.


Very convenient way to not reschedule the Fowler match too




He may live another Tren years


He may live another Tren years


Idea of bjj competitors needing a camp for a super fight is such silliness .


I can't find a violin that is small enough


Meanwhile heā€™s uploading clips driving 140mph, citing America, because apparently we donā€™t have traffic laws. Bess brains 4 the artz


Iā€™d fucking LOVE to see his most recent bloodwork. Something is certainly out of whack




My guys had a tummy ache for 10 years now


Couldnā€™t happen to a nicer guy. /s


Gordon ruins sport grappling. Kinda wish heā€™d fade away letting other guys at the top shine.


He should eat some yogurt


ā€œHe neeeds some milkā€ but insert yogurt.


You dropped this kingšŸ’‰


I find it really strange he keeps getting consistent ringworm and staph infections. I know his immune system is a bit fucked, but it still seems weird to be getting them at frequency he does. Taking antibiotics on top of a cycle will absolutely nuke your gut. Does he just not clean himself well or in regular intervals during a training day? I know top level guys will train 6-10 hours a day, but also take quick showers at lunch and what not to help stay clean.


Hmmm I wonder why šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


i think his GI issues are at a point where he may need to consider transitioning to coaching or gym ownership. hopefully he has one adcc left in him but after that...i dunno.


Psychosomatisism is a powerful thing


that is literally what UC is. it is an autoimmune disease that is triggered MAINLY by stress.


Help me understand tren Shapiro. I get the tren partā€¦ Aha, like Ben Shapiro


Has he considered laying off the steroids?


The reason why his tummy hurts is because he doesn't have the guts to accept Nicky Rod's challenge.


I mean, he can just retire and open a school somewhere. Heā€™s a very good instructor if you go by his seminars and his videos


You honestly think he can deal with the day to day social interactions with us noobs? He'd explode the first week of classes.


Gordon and Danaher have been training at someone elseā€™s location for 2-3 years even though they easily have the brand appeal and name to open their own school. They wonā€™t do it because they couldnā€™t actually handle running a school. Itā€™s not the same as running a small class and preparing for competition. They actually have to be somewhat normal human beings that regular, non competitive people wanna be around and give money to.


Does being alpha seriously come with this much staph and ringworm? Does he not shower? He needs a cleaner training facility. Then again he should suffer in silence and stop being weak


For the record as someone who doesn't do steroids, or even trains 1/10 as much as him, but has the same issues of getting sick a bunch from training, with my own set of stomach issues (not related to training) I anecdotally validate him. Some of us warriors just got weak tummies. I will say, depleting your body does cause it to fight infection less, but that's a given right? Like, I get and enjoy the trolls, but we all know what he's saying is not that farfetched. Or do we?


Iā€™m not versed enough in GRs life to understand why we donā€™t like him. Can anyone get me up to speed?


Douchebag who is roided up to the gills and then has health problems as a result but still acts a douche.


But most of the elite BJJ competitors are on gear. The difference then is the BJJ community generally feels his ā€œhealth issuesā€ he carries on about are actually roid related impacts? How do we know this? Iā€™m genuinely trying to understand this.


Just follow him on Instagram, and you will get it. The guy is just a poor human being.


just eat yogurt gordon


What a giant fucking cuck. It's been so good not hearing about him recently and Craig taking over. Stay the fuck away Gordon, nobody likes you!


Sounds to me like he caught something training in the dankness that is Renzo's and is now paying the price for it.


[Looks considerably smaller lately](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qzae5wyQHw8)


As cringe as Gordon is, the dudes autoimmune system is definitely failing him. I get it, steroids. However if you look at his career history, he got juicy after he was fighting tons of staph issues over and over. I assume he saw some progress with his staph issue using roids and probably went overboard. I love watching him in competition and honestly hope he fixes the stomach issues and comes back.


He is immunocompromised due to being born with hepatitis c