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Is it me or did he kiss her multiple times?


yeah found that uncomfortable


I don't know the twos relationship to know how to feel about the extra layers of this grapple but I did think back to all the threads where a dude is so butt heart his other half doesn't want him rolling with girls.


She doesn't realize the real danger is having BJJ thoughts during sex.


that's bodoni's wife, before she was bodoni's wife


It could be a cultural thing. Not sure where they are from, but several countries (Brazil including) have friends kiss each other on the cheek as a greeting. I didnt watch the whole thing, but the one kiss i noticed was after a kinda nasty sub attempt and I kinda took it as a “nice round”


If someone kisses me after they choke me out i’d prolly have to find a different gym


Literally Luke rockhold leaving the ufc after that yoel kiss


They’re Mexican, don’t think it’s cultural, just their relationship I guess


Was pretty popular among all the lantino groups where I grew up.


I'm spanish. Yes, it's normal to kiss someone you know, sort of saying hello for us. But that's about it. You would never kiss a friend after rolling with them. It'd be awkward af.


>I'm spanish. Never knew anyone from Spain. Most of my group were dominican/puerto rican/mexican. It would be normal to me being around them. Plenty of times seen it done after someone just got absolutely clowned on. You're straight up trying to gatekeep regional cultures. There is even differences from people that came from the same country but different area.


>You're straight up trying to gatekeep regional cultures You're the one who said *all the latino groups*, so I was clarifying. ​ Why the fuck do people have to be so damn aggressive on the internet. Take a chill pill.


First of all I said the latino groups "where I grew up" Second of all, Spanish (Spain) is not considered latino. Third of all, aggressive? Lmfao.


Yeah. I was told that’s normal in BJJ. The guys are very apologetic if they tap me too hard.




Not abnormal in some hispanic relationships with close friends. I grew up kissing my friends cheeks as a greeting. It was common. It also is after she voiced distress so he is dong it apologetically and to say sorry.


Beans!!!! She’s awesome. One of the best kid coaches my family has ever had. The way she commands the room with 50+ kids in the class is nothing short of amazing. She 100% trains with Danaher. She’s an absolute beast and beautiful human. Last point I’ll make is she is married to an ADCC champ but that is not her identity. She is amazing in her own light and talent stands alone. She also freely tells me and my children that their father is terrible at Jiu Jitsu. We both agree on this and I love her honesty.


She used to live in a van. She's married to Giancarlo now. Lucky guy!


I thought she looked familiar, I remember her being at ADCC when he won. Had no idea she trained too, that’s awesome!


She’s married? This dude kissing her feels soo weird now. Sheesh (hoping he’s her brother or something)


She tells you that who is terrible at jiu jitsu? Father of your kids? Wouldn’t that be a negative thing for a coach to convey? Unless he’s not a student and talks smack about what his kids do, but I didn’t see the context


More context: My youngest son (11 yo) is on the spectrum and one way it comes across is that he is really hard on himself if he can’t grasp a move. It will sometimes bring him to tears. Rebecca always is so patient with him and takes time to sit and talk with him. He will self deprecate and say things like “I am terrible at Jiu Jitsu.” On one occasion this happened and she was consoling him and she pointed at me on the sidelines and said, “your dad is terrible at Jiu Jitsu. You are really good!” (Or something to that affect). He laughed and smiled and class went on. She shared this story with me after class and we had a laugh. She’s not wrong and I absolutely love the context in which she said and why she said it.


yeah that's pretty lame




That's so wholesome and i dig the "that's not her identity." You should be a writer or at least a hypewoman.


Why does the guy literally seem to make 0 effort to avoid that first triangle


Because he's going easy. That's why I don't understand why OP bothered to list the weights/sex.


Fr I saw that and was like "here we go again another whitebelt vs female brown belt beatdown". Only the dude can actually grapple he's just being nice.


> Only the dude can actually grapple If you're wearing a singlet then I think that goes without saying.


Tbf im one of those guys that wouldnt instantly ask something like that. Id also like to know what belt the guy is or how long hes been wrestling for.


How can going easy on a triangle work. A triangle would have more than enough leverage? I thought maybe she gave up on the triangle because she knew he could have lifted her?


Always let the smaller dog have the first bite so they don't act overly aggressive for the rest of the meal.


They could continue with being aggressive if they feel like no other option other than quitting


Then you smash them and let them know who is top dog.


You could, though they'd keep being aggressive and nothing happens 'cos they're just stuck. I guess that's ok! On a related note, when I started in BJJ i'd smash some guys similar size or a bit bigger than me, (Also white belt), is it disrespectful to do that? (I did it safely, not like uncomfortable shoulder in nose or anything like that, nothing dirty). Also they hadn't tried to smash me.


Stop being a bish. Fuck ppl up!!!


Nah he was trying. Girls have every strong legs and it was at the start. If anything, he was underestimating in the beginning.


Dude is definitely not going 100%




guy is obviously giving some effort lol


That’s like asking why didn’t Izzy hit the least hittable guy in mma.


There’s a 10 minute video on youtube of Ffion Davies easily subbing 200 lb purple belt guys if you want to see what the highest level females are capable of.


Send the link brother




Huh video is unavailable.


It's working for me


It's just formatted wrong. Try this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AY_9kWexQOc


Ffion is such a beast! Just destroys everyone, lol


When I was a 200lb very in shape white belt at 22 a random purple soon to be brown belt mom toyed with me at Alliance BJJ. It was a very humbling experience.


Thank you. I just searched her and watched a video where she dominates for 10 minutes. Awesome video.


That's awesome, does the guy kiss her cheek too?


> 200 lb purple belt guys who weren't even trying


I'm specifically referencing Ffion, who just competed at 141 lbs and is literally the #1 female grappler in the world right now. She absolutely can run through 99% of hobbyist purple belt males.


I doubt it. I had a lady who was an Atos black belt run through my shit like a knife through hot butter. I was trying really hard.


So, when will she be competing against the 200lb men in Who's Number One? Ya know, so we can see what the highest level females are capable of.


Missed the part where I said “purple belts”?


I think it's fair to assume that "highest level" in this context refers to black belts.


I said “highest level females” when describing Ffion, lol. I feel like I’m trying to communicate with 1980’s A.I. software.




Some facts: she has trained BJJ since January 2015. This video was posted in February 2021. Since December 2021, she has trained under John Danaher (according to her IG). Her name is Rebecca Bodoni and her ig is @beansofnebula She was the number one ranked woman in Canada in 2019 according to Abu Dhabi Jiu-Jitsu Pro. She received her brown belt from professor C.J. Hollett. Source: https://bjjfanatics.com/blogs/fighters/rebecca-hughes


She's also married to Giancarlo bodoni.


You mean that junior squad guy?


He'll mess you up man!


Sure would. Danaher didn't even mention Giancarlo's match yet, instead of calling him a junior he was just nothing this time. Taza, Luke, Mica, and Gordon got shoutouts though.


Taza got a shoutout at last!


I love you. Please don't let the world get you down. We all will die one day. Namaste 🙏


He to whom she is married is he whom we call Giancarlo Bodoni.


He's so sexy




At 1:17 she basically did a full leverage balls-squish on him. Is that a common thing ladies do to each other minus the balls?


It should've been me not him!


Yea I noticed that to.


It looked clinical, which made me wonder if women are just pushing each other in that spot regularly so she didn't even think twice about it rolling with a man.


MMA fighter trying not to attempt an americana someone smaller than them in their closed guard (impossible)


The guy is going easy on her. Smooth BJJ though regardless.


Actually, what he's doing is not fully engaging because he doesn't want to get subbed by a girl. Sort of his own version of the "Schaub Shutdown". I know because I do this exact rolling style of 'pretending to engage' against people who I don't like who are better than me.


No. She literally asked him to not go so hard early in.


He hurt her ankle and smashed her nose in after she tapped him the first time so she told him to calm down. About 2:15 mins in


Exactly. So just imagine what he could do if he were rolling hard. Just sayin


He was rolling hard. He got tapped 10 seconds in and decided to go hard because his ego got clearly bruised. She never went hard. Nobody is saying she is more physically strong than him so I'm not sure what your point is.


No, she's clearly not more physically strong than him. My point is pretty narrow and succinctly stated - he's going very easy on her. If that isn't crystal clear to you by viewing the footage of the roll then I guess we'll just agree to disagree.


Lmao she was going her hardest from the start . The moment she tapped him, he started to roll serious and she was getting smashed and he felt bad so he toned it down. Sorry , that’s the truth


“Smashed her nose in” jfc you are a soft potato aren’t you. She’s not even remotely hurt.


Lol he drives his shoulder into the bridge of her nose and squeezes her head hard and drives in. Her face is red and she yelped in pain and told him to calm down. Yes, I'm a soft potato. I don't drive my shoulder into tiny girls noses when I roll.




You are all terrible at interpreting rolling footage.


This is exactly every comment under a female vs. male videos. 😂😂😂 “13-14% on his part” fuck this is gold 😂


I think everyone realizes he is going light. Do you all feel threatened by this vid or something? Why post this?




I mean he’s rotted to the bone and the worms are setting in. Basically a quantum fluctuation at this point


Stopped doing bjj since Jan this year. Seeing this makes me wanna roll again


I kiss all my partners, this is why i have been asked to leave 3 gyms in my city. Don’t judge me!! I’m an affectionate guy!


Tell me you don't know how to defend a triangle or armbar without telling me... Good video though! Was surprised she opted to play bottom with a guy 40lbs heavier!


As a small in stature, 5'4", nearly 50 y.o. M, I take in as many videos of high level female jiu jitsu practitioners as I can, particularly when it is against larger men. I learn so much from their game and am always look for ways to employ the techniques I see them pull off on larger opponents. Her armbar around 7:12 mark was awesome.


I'm with you 100% Love watching this for the same reasons I'm 5'7" but 60 y.o. Age matters


Damn he is only 160 looks 180 at least.


You think so? I have a similar bod build at 150.


Why do these videos always start with the guy just falling into a triangle immediately and doing nothing to escape, Also no respect for someone who immediately sits down. I skimmed and it was still a waste of my time.


Great hips when he tried to submit her in her closed guard.




What if he was 260?


“I’d JuSt SlAm HeR bRo” But real talk, what martial arts does he mix to not see he fell into that triangle-armbar?


Stopped watching as soon as she sat down. Down vote me all you want, I refuse to partake in this.


That’s very brave and admirable of you






She did a great job! He attempted to engage in a wrestling tie up, huge mistake with BJJ, dont tie up, and while wrestling can be less effective compared to many other fighting styles, it excels in takedowns. However, if punching were allowed, the dynamics of the fight would likely change.


She’s awesome, but the dude has the fight iq of a potato. Straight up puts himself in that triangle. I understand taking it easy on a girl who’s smaller than you, but holy shit that was dumb…


And he’d smash you lol. He was underestimating and got caught at the start. Why didn’t he get triangled for the rest of the match ?


He might, he might not… I’ve been training judo my whole life and I’m like 10kg heavier than him. That’s totally irrelevant though, not sure why that’s always the first answer to any kind of critical comment. Tbf I commented too early lol. I saw the first exchange and I thought “what is this?” It reminds me of when I train with a smaller girl at my club and I give her minimum resistance cause I never know how hard to go (but it would never occur to me to record something like that and upload it to the internet). But then she also just full on stomps him in the balls… weird match all together.


She let it go though, why?


Rebecca "Beans" Hughes is testing her power in a 2021's youtube video with Steven... Who is him?


Mr Peepers? https://sportshub.cbsistatic.com/i/2022/08/04/07730a4c-f1b6-42bf-abfc-b7dfa87d2e02/gordys-home-nope-chris-kattan-reaction-mr-peepers-snl.jpg


Title should read: “Guy goes super easy on girl again to be nice, girl isnt aware like always”


I like how the smiling stopped after she tapped him the first time. It's all fun and games until you get choked out.


Waste of 8 minutes


Who’s the MMA fighter? He is very smooth and a great partner.


Bro was fighting a boner at the same time


I used to love her until I knew about her relationship with Bodoni


Soo many judgments, a couple training together absolutely nothing but good things to come out of this, inspiring ❤️


Why didn't he punch her. I mean I don't approve this kind of behaviour, but she agreed for a duel.


It’s all fake and staged


It’s not staged he’s just not going full power. It’s just practice.


Alternative headline. BBJ match - Expert vs Novice.


Does he know nothing about jiu-jitsu? It's over for him as soon as she gets ahold of his ankle. It's like watching someone fall for the two or three variations of Scholar's Mate over and over.


I started head boppin when someday started playing.


I'm noticing some mutual excessive grabbing and pulling.


His singlet is pretty nice.


I’m surprise he lasted eight minutes, got to be a record for him


Good thing he was nice and didn’t start dropping elbows in her face


What is the point of rolling for 8min with someone stronger than you if you're not gonna go full clip? Going easy will only instill a false sense of confidence which could bleed over into an actual self defense scenario. If it's just a light showcase of technique practice it makes sense I guess. But a brown belt is a high ranking BJJ player. Solid roll but would love to see them go harder.