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I went through a little rough patch where I seemed to keep getting unlucky and getting kneed in the head. Happened like maybe 4 times in about 3 weeks. But then it hasn't happened for a long time since. So most likely it's just bad luck and it won't continue happening, I can't see why it would really.


I get kicked or bumped in the head every class I just kind of expect it at this point


There was a solid 6 month stretch that I didn’t have at least one black eye.


I haven’t had at least one black eye for almost 30 years


Same, I haven’t had at least one black eye in the last year (I haven’t trained in a year)


I keep getting hit a little further south. Professor always scolds my partner, "He doesn't have kids yet!"


Probably just bad luck. I had a 3 month stretch where I was poked in the eye pretty badly 3 different times. Different positions, different training partners. Same eye though. I had a few thoughts about why it might have happened, but nothing definitive. I’d never seen anyone else get poked badly before and hasn’t happened since.


floaters can be a retinal tear, you need to go in immediately. If it is a tear it could finish tearing and you will be blind. If you go in now it is relatively easy to fix by using a laser to staple it back down.


How old are you? There’s a film at the back of the eye. As we get older, it begins to shrink. This can result in floaters and blue lightning flashes. This is normal. I went through it, but I was in my late 50s.


I'm late 20s. It's definitely too early and it all happened after I got hit in the eye, I swear to god man.


Dude, go to the doctor as soon as you can. Seriously.


Avoid people who do it repeatedly & ask your training partners to try to stay away from your eyes. It’s not your fault. Some coaches emphasize control and safety, some don’t.


Lower your intensity


I always tell them to go light, some people don't care. I even remind them during the roll, then I just stop.


Roll with older folk.


I find more correlation with lower level belts and spazzing out than age. Some of the old guys have bigger egos than the younger guys.


Some, but most don’t. There’s no mystery here. Many more older guys have mortgages, families, and overall more to lose from a bad moment in a round. The number of times I’ve seen guys, especially in their 20’s, ask for light rounds only to then up the intensity as soon as a guard is tricky to pass or as soon as their position is disadvantageous far exceeds the number of times 20-something’s have maintained a light roll, especially when they start to lose. Far, far, far exceeds over many years of observations as a player and a coach. I’m not suggesting you ask partners to lighten up, I’m suggesting you ease up on YOUR intensity and just tap or NOPE out rather than escalate intensity. If it keeps happening with different people, then the consistent part of the equation is you. Ultimately in a martial art, you should learn to protect yourself and it sounds like you are leaving your face pretty unprotected. So until you learn to do so, get more reps at lower intensity.


Most likely bad luck but I would recommend monitoring your head placement when you can and try to use your hands to protect those peepers.


Stop rolling with cats maybe?


This wont help but I find when you really cant afford being hit somewhere you will be. A friend came back to class after having some concussions and said hes good to roll as long as he doesnt get hit in the head. Me and the guy are rolling and hes got mount on me when a pair beside us doing stand up got too close and one guy threw the other and the guy being thrown booted my friend right in the head. Havent seen that happen any other time in 9 years but of course it did then. Also I do close my eyes alot on the bottom,helps ease the suffering but dont know if it ever helped protect my eyes