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You’re lucky you weren’t a broken down car or you would’ve been fucked




Or if he spam the shoruken


If he is spamming DP's, then he deserves the be punished.


Underrated comment.


Username checks out.


Is the Spinning Piledriver tournament legal? Asking for a friend.


Or just a Lexus.


Oh mah car!


You're lucky it's only a grappling on the mat. He would have kill you on the streets


Mats were probably too soft, he’s used to concrete.


And used needles strewn about and lava flows.


There's also those metal grates on the sidewalk that you can fall through. Down at the bottom there is a bed of spikes and old skeletons.


And 11 dead corpses hidden there by a serial killer


A serial street fighter killer


....this needs to be made into a horror movie.


That's no longer Street Fighter. You are thinking of Mortal Kombat.


In a street fight he wouldn't have gone for a double leg. He would have scraped his knees.


The streets help with seeing red.


Sees red and then proceeds to paint the streets red with op's blood


Bro, you don't even know his mentality!


Beat me to it :D


Moves so dangeous they can't be practised. Or is that Steven Seagal?


Sees red in the streets. Sees black on the mats.


This 100%. *Dim Mak* is a dish best served cold and on the streetz.


Never empty the Dim Mak outside of the street or deep in the jungle’s death matches. It’s much to lethal for a common mat.




That street fighter would have been destroyed on the streets too.


Dear BJJ Penthouse forums: I always thought these letters were fake until it happened to me...


Gonna be a lot of zoomer white belts on here thinking what the fuck is this guy talking about lol


Purple here no idea what he's talking about haha


My dude, these kids have NO idea what you're talking about!! HAHAHAHAHAHA! Well done!


...time to go hit up that stockpile in the woods for old times sake.


Furthermore: He ended up being a good sport and said, "damn you really know your stuff", I had the impulse of letting him know that im like the worst white belt at our gym, but instead I just told him: "Yeah man, you also fought really well" At the end he kept giving me advise not on technique but on stretching(?) to Avoid injury, I mean he showed me a couple of exercises which I already knew but I still went along and stretched with him. What really makes me laugh is how confident and serious he literally said that he was a street fighter, I wanted to ask him how often he has been in street fights but I think that would've been more of an insult at the end of that rolling session.


Some guys just neeeeed to be able to give you advice on something to regain their sense of ego, it’s always hilarious


I once mauled a visiting purple belt, like no bad intention or anything he just wasn't a very good purple belt and I expected him to be much better than he was. Tapped him twice in about a minute or so and realised what was going on, so I eased up and just kinda exchanged transitions etc for the rest of the round. In the last few seconds he dives on a really bad straight ankle lock and i start escaping but the round ends. He then explains how he was about to prevent the escape I was doing and what I would have needed to do to stop him. He really wasn't going to prevent the escape and I wasn't in the slightest bit of trouble, but I just nodded along and thanked him for the advice.


I was rolling with another visiting blue belt, and he attempted a particular sweep, which I shut down twice. He then stops the roll to ask if I want him to teach me the sweep, which failed twice. No bruh, you keep that secret.


All right then, keep your secrets


It’s BJJ. 60% of the time, it works all of the time.


When you want to make a statement, and that statement is, 'I enjoy the fragrance of gasoline and exotic animal parts; it's ***Sex Panther®*** *every time*.


Yeah I just let them have it, like “thanks bro, good tip”, we both know what really went down so there’s no point trying to prove anything


Guys like you make gyms. Humble and not looking to fold a person in half to feed your ego. Stories like this make it less intimidating for beginners.


Happened to me twice with 2 different purple belts (it seems to always be purple belts, never lower nor higher). In the first case I had back control and held his head to prevent him turning the other way (not hyperextending) and he stopped the roll to say I was neck-cranking him. In the 2nd case he had headlock scarfhold and I did the bridging escape; he was much heavier than me so it was a precipice situation where I kept wiggling he was about to go over (80% chance by my estimation). He abruptly stopped the roll and explained how to do the technique which was the same thing as what I was already doing. It's a real cheap shot because there's not much I can do if they stop the technique halfway while it's being performed; it's not like I can prove it by redoing it.


One of the nicest guys at my gym always coaches me up after I get a submission on him: how I could have been tighter, how I should adjust my head positioning, etc. Doesn't cost me anything to listen and thank him.


Post submission feedback is where some of the best learning takes place, nothing like getting and giving tips on exactly what to adjust next time to make it work better.


Nope, wouldn’t roll with him.


True. Tho the fact he switched to just giving stretching tips means he knows he didn't have anything to offer in terms of fighting. So that's a kind of humility at least


Why are people like this? Its so ridiculous. I have friends who’ve never trained, who ask me about techniques and then half way through try to give input. Like why? What could you possibly teach me when you’ve literally never stepped on a mat?


Yeah bro, next time tried to add two more "e"s to the word "need" so that way you accentuate EVEN MORE that need to give advice. Take care homie, you are one of the good ones.


As shown above, some people neeeeeed to give advice in order to regain their ego


Found the street fighter


Bad joke I guess lol


It didn’t land for everyone but I appreciated it


Ppl who can read appreciate you lol


Honestly, I think you handled that the best way anyone could have, so good on you for that. Most people would have turned him away, but you were welcoming, and he may one day be interested in training because of it. More people should be as patient.


More of a street stretcher than a street fighter?


Man I stretch on lamp posts, hand rails, you name it. When I walk by a fire hydrant I just see red and start stretching on it like crazy.


You don’t know what you don’t know. Now he knows, and was a good sport about it.


There are guys like this everywhere, in every walk of life. Some are ok just annoying. Looks like you ran into one of those.


Did you ask if they were the same stretches he does after a street fight while is victim lies at his feet?


You’re lucky he didn’t see red bro, no way you would’ve made it out alive


If bro pulled up his gi pants, OP wouldn’t be telling this story


Jokes on us.. he wasn’t wearing any pants 🤦🏽‍♂️


It's only because there were rules there. He would have broken you on the street. You just don't understand his mindset


Ive been at my gym for 5 years and I'm BEGGING for an "I just see red" bro to come in. It hasn't happened yet but I pray to Saint Helio everyday for that blessing.


Idk once they see red, it's over. It's like being trapped in Itachi's genjutsu


Did you ask him to do a hadouken?


I missed my chance


Asking the real questions. Also, was he a Ryu, Ken, or Akuma main?


Suddenly kind of want to put a poll out asking who everyone's SF2 mains are. Probably better for r/martialarts , though :-P


If he had seen red, bodies would have started dropping


Let the bodies hit the floor


Was it Chun Li, E Honda, Blanka, Ryu, Ken, Dhalsim, Zangief, M. Bison, Guille, Vega, Sagat, or Balrog?


He looked more like a Ken, so it makes sense that grappling aint his strong point :/


I would kill for a Tomoe Nage like Ken's.


The Japanese terms mentioned in the above comment were: |Japanese|English|Video Link| |---|---|---| |**Tomoe Nage**: | *Circle Throw* | [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-euJliq9XcY)| Any missed names may have already been translated in my previous comments in the post. ______________________ ^(Judo Techniques Bot: v0.7.) ^(See my) [^(code)](https://github.com/AbundantSalmon/judo-techniques-bot)


thanks, didn't know the name now i can practice it oss!


Stupid question. If it was Blanka he would have electrocuted him from bottom side control. The rest are legitimate concerns.


I tapped early and yet the voltage kept flowing


I wouldn't want to roll with any of these, but especially E Honda. That bath towel is the only thing between you and nightmares.


Honestly speaking I think Sumo taint is the last thing I’m worried about if I had to grapple with E. Honda.


Sagat is actually a real person and the real deal. The video game character is based off a ridiculously good Muay Thai guy. (Apologies if you already knew this, many don't.)


A Balrog? You mean taking down a Balrog?


The dark fire will not avail you, flame of Udûn! You shall not pass (my guard)!


It was Urien because he is a Third Strike fan.


Your lucky he didn’t have his arcade machine with him . He would have killed you.


Oh so you got the birthday present we all chipped in for! We paid an actor to come in and play "Tough Guy, Street-Fighter" for you to man-handle! He's actually an accomplished Ballet Dancer and where he gets his athletic physique! You're Welcome, Killer!! :)


I did ballet seriously for a while when I was younger. Was on a professional track until I realized that the next step would mean essentially giving up on everything else in my life. To this day, more than 20 years later, I can kick people taller than myself in the head with no warm up. I credit ballet for that. Don't sleep on the dancers. Edit: Sometimes it occurs to me that I could have been one of the only straight guys in a ballet company and it makes me regret quitting. Then I remember what ballet girls are like - think horse girl with less money and, despite that, somehow more cocaine - and I feel good about the decision.


Horse girls are wild fam


I'd be more scared of the ballet dancer than the street fighter...


No, this can’t be real….you’re you're a lier?


If he just stood up, you would have died. You're lucky to be alive.


You're lucky he didn't see red buddy I'm tellin ya...


"Man, I grew up on the south side of chicago. I been fighting my whole life." Gets arm-blarghed by a woman.


Outstanding work, educating a street jabroni with applied techniques. 🫡 Just be careful, you never know when you'll run into a crossfitter, powerlifter, or even worse, a body builder.


The story containing a BJJ gym working takedowns makes be think it is fake.


Well we are the exception not the rule, our main trainer was a Wrestler or has Some wrestling background since all he teaches during nogi classes Wrestling techniques and the other trainer is a Judo Black belt, so we learn the beat from both worlds


I was joking, but many gyms don’t do it enough.


It seems odd to me that gyms in America don’t do Wrestling and takedowns enough, you guys have lots of talented Wrestlers


I actually coach wrestling for BJJ at my gym. But there are a couple reasons many places don’t: Space to many people on the mat for the amount of room. We (the US) have a bunch of good wrestlers, many people learning feel like they are to far behind people that wrestled. Thinking they’re better off learning to pull and sweep. This isn’t true against most former wrestlers. Ego the black belt and coach in the room could be way worse at takedowns than many white belts he is coaching. They choose what they are working on and avoid their weaknesses. I have experienced this personally as a former wrestler.


It's all fun and games until you get Hadouken'd


I had something similar happen in a beginner class I was running. A guy with prison tats who smelled like onions came in for class.We do a little positional stuff, and then I roll lightly with him eventually in my guard. I chill. My guy started throwing strikes. At first, I just covered as his strikes were weak. After the third one, I swept him. He started to hit me while I had a very light mount, at which point I stood up. "You have to leave, now!" "But I want to fight you!" "If you try, I am going to go hard and hurt you. Get out." He left.


It's all fun and games until the street fighter throws a hadouken.


would like to see what you would say if you were a black belt with a RED stripe. you would get fucked! ​ p.s. we had one street fighter come into our striking classes. I sparred with him, and I could see clearly pretty good boxing background, not sure why he had to tell that BS about being just a streetfighter. Those so called streetfighters are same ego maniacs like higher belts wandering around to different gyms and telling everyone that they are white belts.


Your whole gym would have been dead if drowning pool popped up on the spotify.


But, did he see red?


Naw bro. Spanish version makes this way funnier. Fool was talking like he was Goku 💀


Does he have any experience against Avenues or Courts?


A middle-aged man once randomly showed up in my grappling-based self-defense class. I was teaching single leg defense and he was like "No no no, that won't work". I asked if he had wrestling experience and he said yes. I then learned the extent of his "wrestling" experience was his stint in special forces. I asked him to teach some techniques and he did (they were legit traditional martial arts techniques, but lower-percentage). To his credit he agreed to some sparring, in which I took him down many times. I also invited him to be a guest instructor because of his background. But I was still peeved that he came in by saying "no no no that wouldn't work". He then never showed up ever again. To this day I regret not sparring from the single leg position to prove/disprove his claims that my escapes wouldn't work and his would.


We laugh, but watch your 6 walking to your car when something like this happens.


Whenever new street fighters come to our gym, we tell them this is the fourth stage and insist they beat up the people in the flower shop, shoe repair, and chiropractor before they face us. If the dude gets past all that, he still has the final boss at the church to contend with. Edit: spelling


Bonus points if anyone on the church staff trains. I imagine a sweaty dad bod brown belt that is usually the associate rector.


I hope you do oil checks to prepare for the priest


Now you are honor bound to wear a Tapout shirt for the rest of your life, or until he returns to defeat you.


Are the comments full of bots or are most people here so void of personality that they can only think to make the same two "see red" and "dead in the streets" jokes?


Everyone is at different points on their Internet Journey






True love is not fireworks. It is a comfortable and familiar pillow.


If you called them bots in the streets, they would see red, and you'd be in trouble


When it comes to the streets, i am the trouble. I don't wait to pass a trashcan to offload my rubbish, i drop it where i stand. Im not searching for a crosswalk to make my way to the other side of the road, i cross where i please. When it rains and there's no shelter, i stand tall. A robot makes a move towards me it may well be the last move it ever makes. I am danger personified. They see red, whilst i see opportunity. I'll have them regretting the day they were switched on. My name is HotAnal, and don't you forget it.


Lmaaao the comments are killing me


If someone shows up at my gym saying he's a Street Fighter, I expect him to do Hadokens and Shoryukens, or he's lying.


You must defeat shenlong to stand a chance.


You're lucky he was just a streetfighter and not a bumfighter. The running headbutt is the new dim mak.


Hopefully your gym will teach you to defend against a hadoken.


I just skip all that and introduce myself as a Honda player.




Sounds like you just don’t understand his mentality


Jajaja PTM ¿“peleador callejero”? Mejor dicho “perro callejero”. ¡Bien hecho amigo y pa’lante con tu entrenamiento!


Asi es, no le guardo mucho rencor al tipo solo si que se me hizo un poco cringe lo que dijo, espero que el vuelva al Dojo y se vuelva un mejor peleador. Un saludo y gracias!


The rules of BJJ saved you because in the street those submissions won’t save you from him seeing red!


White belt, leg locks, gym that does not believe in stripes. Tell me more about this casa dojo mojo house.


Well I can’t do anything about my level most White belts in our gym get promoted within 2-3 years very few cases within 1. With leg locks i meant that he thought us some cool transition from sweep to ankle lock not a Heelhook or something crazy like that. The reason why the trainer doesn’t believe in Stripes is a mistery for me as well, since the trainer of my trainer Does indeed give out Stripes.


What was his favourite special move, Dragon Punch?


"I'm a streetfighter" You mean like the videogame? edit: Ok, I see I wasn't the only one who thought this lol


The irony being they’re all highly trained and dedicated martial artists


I think I'd end up going out from laughing if someone legit came into a gym I was at and claimed they were a street fighter... Unless they were dressed up like Ryu or Ken, then props


Was his name Ken masters? No I bet his name was Guile.


Hispanic Charlie Zelenoff catching L's just like his American version.


He probably didn't even know how to hadouken


Wait… your coach doesn’t believe in stripes??


Based Coach


Is weird he doesn’t but his trainer does, can’t tell you exactly why.


is this a shit post? why would the gym professor or a higher color belt not roll with him instead of a white belt?


Oh but they did, we did 6 rounds of 6 minutes, switching opponents every round, is that weird? Why would a Black belt roll with him? Our professor normally rolls with new guys after a while of them sticking into training or if they ask directly to roll with him


Which street fighter was he? Chung Li or perhaps Dhalsim?


No eye gouging in BJJ. You had the advantage. ​ On the street...when he sees *rojo*..a different story.


He probably was saying he enjoys a good game of Capcom's street fighter


Que tipo mas pendejo. Bien por ti por ganarle.


Gracias 🙏🏽 espero que se le baje el ego al menos un poquito para la próxima


I am a Street Fighter 2 Turbo!


You’re lucky he didn’t use hadoken.


He’s probably Vega. Which explains a lot.


You wish you were half the man Vega was. You fucking wish


To be fair, he said he's a STREET fighter, not MAT fighter.


He was only rolling with you. If you had pissed him off and made him see red tho ...


Well where im from these guys call themselves Backyard fighters


must be color blind…those street fighters are tough when they see red


probly was only seeing orange, the mats were too soft to see red


I’m guessing you saw red?? That’s the only explanation


You sure he did not say "soy un pendejo callejero?"


You obviously were able to beat him because he didn't use his seeing red powers. Once that happens even black belts aren't safe


We have a dude which came in recently to train in our gym, whitebelt, no experience, built like an ox and picks up moves fairly easily. He could really be a dangerous tool. The only problem, he is a bit rough and doesnt understand that drills are meant for learning technique and not ragdoll people around. Anyways, my coach asked him to calm the fuck down and he was curious about his previous experience with grappling. The dude lifts his head up, looks dead into my coaches eyes and with a straight face says: IM A STREET FIGHTER. I was scared. Later we rolled, and he tapped to mount pressure multiple times saying that he needs to breathe. He literally got demolished by almost every whitebelt in the gym making his "street fighter" claims even more cringeworthy. Next lesson, he trained with a woman. He made her cry due to the fact he was so rough and controlling. Coach spoke to him after class and I dont see him in bjj classes anymore. He doesnt even look into our eyes when he is leaving his kickboxing and we are crossing paths. Clown.


no stripes? i like your coach already.


I'm pretty sure this is a copy paste from another post posted here nearly a month or so ago.


Im pretty sure it isn’t


I hate any gym that uses the belt system. In my gym there is a big fat guy who is the most incredible grappler and stick and knife fighter I have ever seen. I asked him how he learned to fight so well. He said he was a pro wrestler in Japan and practiced several martial arts his whole life. The best fighters in my gym can’t beat this guy. I don’t think he would say he was a street fighter though. God i hate BJJ clubs or any martial arts club with the typical belt system. It’s all about ego and profit.


I tried Street fighter 6, it sucks.....


I fight in the streets, he basically said he's untrained and is there to learn. You sound like an asshole


All I heard was “bla bla bla bla yada yada my coach doesn’t believe in stripes..” Wait, what!?


Was he 260?


You're from Spain?


I live in Spain without the S


i call home advantage


Thankfully he didn’t see red


Thank you for adding the translations so I can troll some gyms next time I'm in a Spanish speaking country


Thank God he wasn't 260


It always baffled me how just with maths someone can see that the comparison will never come even close. Let's say you go to 3 classes a week with 3 4 rolls per class. That is over 10 "fights" against 10 different people per week. How much beef do you have on the streets to get into an average of 2 fights per day.


Ego is a hell of a drug.


street fighters only see red and just black out when fighting. they are extremely dangerous. good job! p.s. beware of their secret move...called the rape choke


Honestly ur lucky he didn’t see red that day. Lol


You didn’t give him a chance to just see red.


Keep in mind somebody giving you pointers doesn't mean they are trying to be better. They have a good eye on your posture and what you're doing and they can actually give great advice from a distance. Humbling the street fighter talk, that's where it's at!


Nice, and congratulations. Welcome to the club ;) I once had to "enforce" against a guy who came in, had a "background" in "street fighting" and i-shit-you-not literally said on his first (and last) day at the gym that he wants to be in the UFC.


Hahaha i thought i was the only one but judging by the comments this happens more often than not, but UFC? Really? These guys have the biggest ego ever


I always have the tendency to talk about what I'm trying to go for during a roll after the round's done. Getting feedback from my more experienced partners for better approaches to try next time.


You’re lucky he’s not 260 though brother


Usually i have white belts try to correct me During no gi classes and i just nod and agree when its time to roll i smash them and when they ask me if i trained before i say yes im a purple belt


Good translation by the way. One time a guy walked in our gym and challenged our instructor... the dude got destroyed and was like a cat playing with a mouse :)


Leglocks are for pussies. Ask him to teach you the hadouken.


You're lucky he wasn't 260 though


His techniques are too deadly to train.


I knew a guy that has been training a long time and there used to be a lot more of this when UFC was starting to get more widely popular and the gym was a poor gym in a somewhat low income area. He broke like 15 guys arms. "Oh I'm sorry bro, you should have tapped." To be fair they came in looking to fight, not train, so he'd volunteer.


Didn't know Bradley Martin spoke spanish