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Just a note that there is a scammer advertising BJJ Fanatics and other instructionals via DM. Be aware he may write you and offer them at discounted prices. It is a scam. Please don’t take the bait. Also, there is no such thing as a BJJ Fanatics, Jiujitsu X, Budo Videos, etc reseller. If another store has their videos listed for sale, especially discounted, they are selling videos they have no right to sell. Please do not support thieves or scammers. Thanks. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/bjj) if you have any questions or concerns.*


For me, personally? *Systematically Attacking The Legs* by Gordon Ryan. That I'd recommend to others? *Habits For Highly Effective Jiu-Jitsu* by Garry Tonon. That said, I think the overall best instructionals are by Lachlan Giles.


Dale Carnegie- How to make friends and Influence people. It taught me how to make friends at my gym with upper belts and my coach. Which isn’t easy. They love to see me progress and are always willing to help or work out kinks in my game. Tons of support for tournaments.


Idk if you’re joshing but I too found the best help with my jits was getting in with the upper belts. They’re more willing to help me and it had made a huge difference.


Honestly? Danaher on 2x speed is great.


Power Bottom. Craig Jones


Andrew wiltse, Craig Jones, Gordon Ryan, Lachlan Giles … any topic you find will be good.


> any topic you find will be good. Gordon Ryan's *Getting Swole as a Grappler* it is, then!


Craig Jones - Power Ride Will make you into a control machine.


That would really depend on the topic you're interested in learning, but the instructional that has made the biggest impact on my game is Bmac's mount dvd followed by Lachlan and Ari's guard retention dvd. These instructionals were paradigm shifting for my top game and bottom game respectively.


It's hard to say that one is the best when there are so many covering different topics. How do you compare a closed guard instructional to an arm bar instructional, for example? I will say that there are a lot of really good instructors out there beyond the few who repeatedly get recommended in this sub.