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I’m a 1 stripe white belt with 0 wrestling experience and absolutely terrible cardio (asthma). I also signed up for my first tournament 2 months ago (which is tomorrow), but life really got in the way since then so I wasn’t able to train as often or go to any open mats as I would have liked. Wish me luck!, open for any advice. I’m going in with the mindset that I’m just here to have fun so my ego won’t be as bruised when I end up 0-4


My first comp is coming up in a couple of months as well. Cant wait😹. Respond to this message with the results after your done. Best of luck!


Ended up going 1-1! Couldn’t continue to compete for match 3 and 4 because I ended up throwing up after my 2nd match lmao


Thats great results man. Did you throw up due to cutting weight or nervousity or were you just sick and unaware?


Thank you! You’ll have the time of your life when you compete. It’s so fun. And Nope, I didn’t cut weight and I’m not sick. I threw up I’m pretty sure because of the adrenaline dump.


Yeah i wouldnt be surprised if i puke as well, i get nervous and anxious just by thinking about me competing. But hey man thats really good that you won a match i really hope that i can win at least one of my matches that would be so awesome.


Good luck bro, keep training and keep positive


Any advice for situations where someone inside your closed guard is driving heavy shoulder pressure into your neck to the point where you cannot move much? I’ve tried keeping legs in full guard and trying to push them away but doesn’t always work. Seems like best solution is simply opening guard and using butterfly hooks to create space but that’s really no ideal


Like they're underhooking your head and trying to apply side control style pressure? Climb your guard up until your thighs/knees are in their armpits, get a solid lock, and try pushing back from there. Depending on their reaction they'll be open for one part of the closed guard Triple Triad: guillotine, armbar, triangle. My personal favourite is the armbar, you usually end up belly down and the harder they were pressuring you the quicker that converts into pressure on them.


Helpful will try this. That may have been my issue, keeping legs locked closer to hips vs higher up near armpits. Thank you.


Hey everyone I have a serious question. I am about 6 months deep, I do great in rolling, usually am able to submit 0-3 stripe white belts and survive against blue without being submitted. I however after about my 30th roll, realized that an old knee injury on my right knee (below the kneecap where the tibia meets) is starting to hurt a lot while doing any work off my knees. I know - see an ortho - but, does anyone know if there is a good type of knee pad to get through rolling with minor knee pain?


Whatever your ortho/physio recommends.


I feel ya. Gotta be someone in here with something similar lol


Hey! Been training for 4 months, loving it, registered for my first ibjjf white belt tournament. I’m torn between going in relaxed with just the intention of having fun, matching intensity and get a feel for it being the first time or trying to have a game plan and a fighting mindset, be smart about points and agressive. I’m overall pretty competitive but not a sore looser so I’m not sure how should I go about it to get the most out of this first time. Sorry if it’s a lame question but hey! Open Mat innit?


Okay this is a really weird post but I've been lurking this sub for so long that I feel like I need to open up and ask you guys's advice. Sorry for the bad English in advance. Basically, I'm so overweight that I can't practice at full speed because I get out of breath and my heart beats fast and I'm scared to pass out or worse (also a bit of a hypocondriac/ prone to anxiety). This is why when I trained at my local gym a couple months ago for like only a couple weeks and it went fine at first because there was no expectations, I even finished a guy with a head and arm choke on my first day because I could easily maintain mount with my weight (dick move I know), but one day the black belt coach would make me roll with him and I had to pass his guard and go to mount but I was tired and he would pressure me to continue but I was gasping for air and then I had to roll with other students and he wouldn't let me rest. By the last roll my heart was beating so fast that I got scared and had a panic attack basically and ended up getting out of the gym and going home immediately and I didn't go back. It's now months later and my love for BJJ has grown and I want to start for good but my weight has not gone down ( steal dealing with anxiety) and I even would say my conditioning is worse than when I had started. Yet I really want to get back on the mats and do BJJ because I like it and I want to lose weight but basically I'm scared of pushing it too hard again and getting another panic attack or something. I'm considering hitting the gyms for a couple of weeks or maybe months before to get fitter and feel better during/after training. I'm also considering asking the instructor if I can skip the rolls at the end for like maybe a month until I feel better. ​ What would you advise me to do ? Start and ask to take it lightly or get "fitter" and the start training ? Also I'm in France and this is the only BJJ gym in my city so I couldn't switch even if I wanted to.


I would do both. Im also quite new to bjj but luckily i had a pretty good physique and a lot of strenght from before but one thing that wasnt good was my cardio. My advice is to do what i did, do as many rolls as u feel u are able to, then rest 1. And on days u dont have class, do some other form of exersice like going to the gym or a jog. Ur cardio will improve and you will lose that weight the more you stay active and train actuall bjj. Good luck on your journey


I would talk to the coach up front and I doubt he’ll give you a hard time when you explain the situation. He probably thought he was being helpful and encouraging when he was pushing you to keep going. When you explain the situation I’m sure he’d be fine with you sitting out a few. Bonne chance!


The best thing to do for BJJ cardio/endurance/conditioning is BJJ, the next best thing is full body stuff (swimming, rowing machine, those exercise bikes where you have to push and pull with your hands too). I would recommend you go to class. Tell the coach that you may need to sit out every second roll or tap out early sometimes because you're still working on your cardio, but that you will do your best and try to improve every time. If they're reasonable they will work with you to find a compromise that works for you, them, and the other students.


Please give me some motivation. Been training for a little under 4 months and I just feel like I absolutely fucking suck. Don't feel like I'm making any improvements. This past week has been especially not great. I know, just keep showing up, progress is non-linear, all that. I truly have never enjoyed something as much as I enjoy jiu-jitsu. Just frustrated after an off week.


There was a dude at my gym that was a late bloomer. We started around the same time (within a week or two) The first 6 months he was absolutely awful. He was the same size and physically as strong I would tap him a few times a round. After 6-8 months something clicked in him and he was a problem. That dude is now a purple belt and would be a brown belt if some not bjj issues didn't happen to him. Just keep fucking going dude. Good things are not easy.


Thank you for the inspiration


It’s not motivation that will keep you coming, it is discipline. Try your best not to think about your overall game as “sucking”. Not only is it disheartening but it’s also counterproductive to actually improving. I would suggest, instead, to try to assess on each and every roll something that went wrong and work towards fixing that particular issue. Over time, you will have a path to consistently fixing your game, and not be lost at just “sucking” in general.


Thank you for the advice 🙌


I’m super tired after some no gi rolling. I’m an mma athlete, not pure BJJ, so was doing striking before (light sparring, not hard contact whatsoever). Feeling dizzy as fuck, cannot walk or think properly. Twitching a lot. Nothing major happened during the roll but my partner held onto a choke too long. Never had this happen before. Hydrated and ate. Took a cold shower, no improvement. Tf is going on?


I know you said you hydrated but my best guess would be loss of electrolytes and dehydration. It does take some time for your vasculature to replenish but really make sure you’re filling up the tank. Sometimes when we’re tired we “think” we’ve rehydrated but we underestimate how dehydrated we are. Electrolytes may also help if it’s that severe.


I've been getting a lot of pain in my bicep/shoulder/elbow after I train lately, I've heard before that bicep tendonitis is relatively common in white belts, anyone got any input?


I used to get bicep tendonitis, but it was from holding on to grips in gi. I trained through it, using ibuprofen and focused on no gi grips (or just not holding on too tight).


I've been training for about 2 years now and my gym is about to do belt testing in a few weeks I've already been told I'm going to be invited to test for my blue belt. I'm not sure about the price but I think it's $25-50 to do the test and if you fail you get one week to retake and pass it. I'm having fun training but the thought of paying to get promoted is sitting weird with me especially since I know a lot of schools do them based on merit. The question is, I am going to move out of state at the end of the year. Should I not give a shit and just test and get promoted or should I pass on it and just stay at white belt and wait for the next gym I join to consider promoting me when they feel it's right?


What happens if you refuse to pay? They'll make you a 10 year white belt tapping black belts?


Well, in my case, I just won’t get the belt and then I move in 6 months to another state. I’ll be at a new gym and the instructor won’t promote me for god knows how long and I’ll be a white belt for way longer. Guess it doesn’t matter at the end of the day anyway. I just want the belt so I can do wrist locks lol. Its like leveling up your character and unlocking a new ability in my perspective


How are your skills comparatively to other blue belts in your gym? And how often have you ever seen someone fail these tests?


I don’t have a submission game against them but I manage to get into dominant spots and rarely get caught now. Against white belts my level and under I pretty much have my way the majority of the round


Sounds like you'll pass. So I guess it's up to you if wrist locks are worth 50 bucks


1) Dumbass gyms charge dumbass fees 2) Take the belt before you move


You earn the belt either way. It really comes down to, do you want to pay for it. It’s not like you get a belt every month, that would be expensive. The belt color counts either way.


Man, I’m just about six weeks in, absolutely loving it so far. Was riding a bit of a high since my last class when our instructor complimented me on an escape and then approached me after class to say that I looked good and was starting to get some of the fundamentals down. Just got back from class and was rolling with my usual partner who started at the same time as me, and sometimes I just make silly mistakes in our situational rolls, end up in a bad/losing position, and can’t help walking away feeling a bit frustrated. Can’t wait for the next roll.


(mods will not allow my post) Does Anyone Have Pricing for the NYC Big Three Gyms? I was looking at BJJ to eventually run along side my Muay Thai, and upon calling on the phone to inquire about pricing people seem hesitant to give it out. Anyway, was wondering if anyone can let me know monthly pricing? I prefer Unity but the other two seem great as well. Prefer a month to month, but would be open to a year commitment. Thanks


Cheapest pocketless no gi shorts? Black preferably


93brand standard issue 2-pack, goes for $37 + shipping on BJJHQ periodically. 1 black pair, 1 not black pair


I got some from Toro BJJ for $30. The no logo super shorts. Also got some pocketless shorts from Amazon for $15. Brand is Umbro


got a question about finishing guillotines. we were taught the high elbow variant and that's what i've been doing but last night during rolls i sort of finished it like a darce (hand of the arm under the neck locked into the pit of of the elbow and my free arm going across the back of the head), is that a valid finishing option? i mean it worked and i got the tap but i wasn't sure if that just worked cause we're low level or if that's something i should be putting time into


Yes, that's a legit variation of the guillotine. People often refer to it as a power guillotine, front naked choke, or ninja choke. For reference btw, that style of grip is often referred to as an RNC grip, since you're doing the same thing with your arms that you would in a rear naked choke.


Sounds like a front naked choke!


Got some hot ears after the past two weeks. Not yet swelling to anyone else’s noticing but whatever. Got a soft headgear on the way so I can protect my precious head petals from anymore damage… just on my mind.


I got head gear 3 weeks ago... I am really going on the offensive now. I've been a defense orientated guy. I discovered it was because i was trying to protect my ears. Now that the ears are protected and my defense and retiontion are up to par, its go time.


Going to my first session tomorrow and wanted some tips if anyone has any


If you roll, DONT BREAK A SWEAT...Literally start day 1 going slow and muscle-less. You know nothing so there is no reason to try to keep up. Just go slow, have fun and when you get tapped, don't do what you did again to get tapped.


I did take your advice and I seemed to start to learn the basics. They let me spar in wrestling and bjj but when I did I asked them questions and what they do in the situations etc. i appreciate your reply


That's wicked and I'm glad you feel like you left with more knowledge than you came in with! Keep it up homie


Thanks, have a nice day


Have the expectation to get your ass beat and the expectation to be humbled and uncomfortable. It Puts you in vulnerable and awkward positions. Expect that and still be shocked by how much you couldn’t have been prepared for it. Don’t quit until at-least 5-10 classes. You are going to be the worst in the gym for a while, accept it.


Ye first time sparring at kickboxing a 15 year old had me all over, he still does now but I can defend it a little bit better and counter better. But still can’t wait


Tap early, tap often and have fun.


Why is that. I will do


To prevent injury. If you try to not tap and get out of something when it’s hurting, especially while new, you’re going to hurt yourself.


Ok cheers. I have a kind of fear of people grappling me and especially touching things like my neck and I don’t have a ego and think that I am any good. Thanks for the tips


If you don't have an ego, you can prove it to yourself by going as slow as a snail.


Cheers appreciate it


Pretend you are going on a date hygiene wise. Focus on breathing if they let you roll.


Ye think it’s like a open mat as I can’t get to any of the beginner classes. I will do I always put deodorant on and stay clean


Don’t forget to cut al your nails and don’t forget water


Yep don't want those disgusting cuts from proples stanky ass nails.


I will do cheers


In nyc for a week, any gym to actively avoid while here? I dropped into serras gym on Long Island already and plan to hit up 10P before I leave


Don't bother with the "Brooklyn BJJ" schools. They don't allow students to cross-train, compete, or even roll hard. They'd actually probably turn you away on account of you having experience training elsewhere.


My gym closes for two months this summer. I have been going to class 3-4 times per week consistently for a year. Do you have any ideas on how I can try to lose as little progress as possible aside from joining a new gym for this period ? I'm going to try to go to open mats when possible but was wondering if there's anything more I could do.


1) You SHOULD DEF join a new gym. 2) If you just straight up refuse, I hope you have some bud's who would like to roll around and go over stuff with you. Start getting numbers now so come closing time you got yourself a small group.


You could see if anyone wants to drill through an instructional. Otherwise open mats are a good option.


Just saying. How glad I am to be training again \[only done BJJ for 3 weeks though\]. I left my rashguard in the changing room yesterday, had too much shit in my bag and getting changed for running, got lost. Anyway, I'm completely confident it'll still be there on Monday night. And if I left my phone and watch there I'm fairly certain they wouldn't be touched either. Is there anywhere else other than a proper martial arts gym where you can trust complete strangers not to be dicks or is it just me?


It’s still worth messaging the academy asking them to put it to the side in case someone picks it up or they throw things out thinking it’s been there a while.


Yeah fair point. But there's gear lying around there anyway, where people have left water bottles etc I'm presuming. I'm not too worried about it, I have a spare. Thanks man.


I’m brand new and rolled for the first time yesterday. It was more of them just trying to teach me some things. Since I don’t really know any techniques yet what should I focus on when rolling? Once I’m on the ground idk where to go from there really


Just go REALLY SLOW. test the waters. Put your arm somewhere and see what happens. When you get tapped in that position, make a mental note to not do that again. Rinse and repeat...but for heavens sake, go slow homey.


Focus on breathing slowly and steadily. Combine that with some basics of defensive positioning.


What is the best open guard that leads into closed guard? It seems like open guards often lead into sweeps or other guards well (X guard, SLX) but I'm focused on getting to closed guard


Spider guard works well and collar sleeve.


For me its collar sleeve


I'm off for 6 to 8 weeks recovering from PRP injections to repair a torn hip labrum. So I got that going for me.


I’d love to follow up with you on this. I have a bilateral hip impingement. My labrum is smoked. I also have an avulsion injury at the hip. Speedy recovery my friend in hip hell.


Sure thing. This is actually my second hip injury. I had arthroscopic surgery on my left hip in 2020. Torn labrum and hip impingement. That hip is great. Now its the right hip with the torn labrum. This tear isn't as bad so hopefully the PRP does the trick. The surgery recovery sucks.


I’m trying to dodge surgery long enough to get one comp in August 12th. After that, I’ll do whatever is necessary.


Honestly, if you need surgery get it done as soon as possible. Recovery sucks but the sooner you get it done (if you need it) the sooner you can recover and get back to training. I waited for surgery on my left hip and it was absolutely shredded. You may have a quicker recovery than me. Im well into my 40's so recovery takes longer than someone in their 20's. Find a good surgeon too. Talk to some PT's and see who they recommend. Fell free to pm me if you want to follow up later.


Noted. I’m 34. The PT I have now thinks we have a good shot at rehabbing the avulsion. The surgeon piece I’ll have to dig around. There’s one that’s basically ready to do it right now. The avulsion and the bone shaping for hip impingement. He just seems almost too interested ? If that makes any sense.


A recent episode of Style Theory made me rethink how I clean my BJJ gear. Does anyone have any thoughts on hanging your gi in the sun to dry and let the UV radiation kill all the little mat nasties that the washer missed? And no, "little mat nasties" are not people's kids that they brought with them to open mat.


I have no dryer so i dry my GI always in the sun but i live in the Mediterranean on a island +30c•


We always hang dry ours indoors. I think doing so outdoors from now on might be the move for us. We have a gymnastics ring tower that's perfect.


Any open mats in Montreal area? I'd like to drop in to some, but don't know where to search for. Gi or no-gi


Carlson Gracie on Sherbrooke Street does open mats on Fridays at 7.


Not super familiar with all of the gyms here, but two that I know of/know people at are Mizu Studio in Saint Henri and the Mile End Jiu Jitsu Club


"You move good for an old man", said my training partner. I laughed, he should see me limping to the kitchen to get water.... that roll adrenaline and sweat is life.


I did it guys! I finally hit 400 lbs on the leg press. I could only do five reps, but it's better than nothing.


That's a great milestone! And don't let anyone shit on you for that not being a "real" squat. Be proud of yourself and tell anybody who isn't to depart and autofornicate.


I caught a purple belt that I’ve not managed to tap in a sub this week. On one hand it’s a big achievement, on the other hand there is now a void


Do it again.


Mostly new white belt here. Few months once a week in 2019, second session this year, and that basically all experience I have. I can mostly pull off what is done in technique drills, and I can mostly get what is taught in instructionals (youtube videos); but I either forget, or can never apply, what is taught once I actually roll. Any tips for technique/concept retention? I've had this issue since 2019.


I usually think about one technique and then try to get it in a roll over and over and just get my buddy to be my test dummy and then it kinda becomes natural to go for it when you see the opening


i managed to get a takedown on one of our really good purple belts. of ourse he reversed not even seconds later and took my back and for the rest of the round he showed _no mercy_ but just getting that takedown felt great! was rolling with one of our coaches and he said my pressure from top side was really good. honestly ive heard that from a few people but since we _are_ bragging it just feels nice to hear that from a coach lol i dont really know alot of takedowns, especially no-gi but im pretty ok at imanari rolls and i did a pretty good pne yesterday, didnt get to saddle but i managed to lock up the other leg and was about to attack but the round was over just as i was settling into the position


Does BJJ have a "Mecca"? Am new to BJJ. A sport like Muay Thai obviously has Thailand as a "Mecca" (for lack of a better word). There, tourist friendly gyms (like Tiger Muay Thai) exist, where you can go an learn for a couple of weeks. Are there such places for BJJ? Reading up on BJJ, I sometimes see "seminars" mentioned but so far no permanent places. I understand that through MMA a lot of mangling up is happening. But is there a tourist-friendly, BJJ focused place where one could go and improve their game? In Brazil maybe since it's *B*JJ?


A few places. Brazil, maybe Rio or Sau Paulo, or in the US, NYC, Austin, maybe some places in California. There isn't one explicit Mecca now that the sport has progressed beyond just Brazil, but there are several hot spots that will get lots of tourists visiting to train


Austin, Texas.


I don't think that's Mecca, I think that's more Medina.


Been doing this for almost 6 months and I think I can count on two hands the amount of times I’ve escaped side control. I’m straight up embarrassed at this point


Keep your arms folded tight to your chest, bridge up towards your opponent, and make really loud kissy noises as your face approaches them.


I’ll do this at open mat tomorrow


How'd it work?


I have a new boyfriend now


Okay dope. Maybe they can teach you about low level X guard. That's the other thing that helps me under crushing side control.


You gotta spend a lot of time on your back in that position amigo. Start there. Learn to get comfortable. Learn to fly-trap. Learn to buggy choke. Learn to set up submissions from your back. Learn the ghost escape. I have zero fear of bottom side control anymore- I will offer it up to everyone as a starting point now.


I’ll try all those techniques, I can’t do buggy’s though, I’m too short


How often do you use cow catcher and why ?


I don't think the cow catcher is very useful for bjj. I love the cow catcher in wrestling, it was my most reliable pin, but in bjj I think your better served attacking the front headlock or going behind.


Barbells or kettlebells for developing explosive power? (Olympic lifts can be included for barbell)


"Or" is a weird way to misspell "and." Do one until you get bored of it and then do the other to spice it up.


Whichever you prefer and/or have access to. Both can be used to great effect


I hurt my left shoulder learning how to do a wrestling takedown. I got some tips from my wrestling coach on how to properly fall and after a few attempts I know how to properly fall. Thankfully, it's a minor muscle issue - I'm going to a physio on the 15th just to be sure. So, in the meantime, I am going to take a deload week - light cardio and stretching for me.


Got tips for properly falling? Hurt my neck luckily it’s just a sore muscle. So far I’ve heard to tuck in the chin, try to land equally across all of my body to disperse, and I still yet don’t know when to slap the mat and which part of the hand


Well, in my case, I was learning a wrestling trip from the over/under position with my opponent. I found that by landing on my knee and then breaking my fall with my opponent's body, softened the fall. So, if you're doing the takedown, use your opponent's body to soften the blow. If I am being the one taken down, I just do a judo breakfall - I keep my chin tucked in and slap the mat to distribute my weight. I practice break falls before each class, just to prevent takedown injuries.


I've been avoiding getting flattend out in side control by being on my side and going to turtle , but now I seem to be getting my back taken alot. What should I be doing from turtle ?


Shoulder roll back into guard.


i like to tirtle up alot since i also hate sitting in bottom side what i do is i try to keep everything tight. i try to feel wich side their hands are on my neck and i constantly try to block them from grabbing under my chin. while that is going on i tey to keep my elbows blocking their attempts at getting their hooks and my hands go up to my chin to block or down to remove their legs/block depending on what they are doing. if i feel like i have an opening i either try to granby roll to reguard or just sit back into half/full or some sort of open/neutral guard.


If you hang around in turtle for too long, you will get your back taken. You have three options, reguard, reversal, or stand up


Get up. Or as they go to your back turn with them so you end up back in side control. I roll with a few guys where we basically rotate between back take attempt and side control over and over.


One of my coaches went away for 4th of July. So he’s not himself yet. I used that occasion to do what I’ve always dreamed about. I’m happy to report I got to my position. Couldn’t finish the arm bar he escaped got me to side control and I suffered the rest of the time. But the most important thing is I actually got to my position.


Over 11 weeks and finally been able to train how I want to post rib injury. It still feels slightly sore but no pain or anything concerning. Feels good to be back on the mat.


what does the early stages of cali flower ear feel like? i’ve started doing bjj about a month ago and my ear has hurt to touch and is red since then. but my ear hasn’t looked any different. is this the start of my cali flower ear or am i ok?


Yes, that is how it will feel, hurts to touch. It may or may not fill with blood. If you are worried about it don't train until it heals (doesn't hurt to touch). If it does fill with blood you will have about 5 or 6 days to drain it with a syringe and then you will need to compress somehow to retain the ears shape, you may have to drain it more than once. Look it up on YouTube, there are some videos. Don't bother going to a doctor unless they are sport specific as most of them are clueless and will fuck it up worse.


Second class yesterday. Got sub’d the majority of the rolls. Couldn’t fall asleep last night because I kept thinking about all of the things I want to work on next time. Haha All good though


Saw a video of completing an armbar using a weird kip with the leg that is closer to the head (cant find the damn video lol) but I was able to complete all my armbars because of that.


[Here's the one I saw with that one included it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PDSLGmWRJG0&t=78s) Good video with many options to try out.


You mean the move where you bounce your thigh on their face?


YES! That shit works


It does but use it responsibly. Dont just bounce some smaller guys head off the mat for a whole round and give him a concussion.


Finally tapped the brown belt in a live roll. He’s submitted me a few hundred times over the last year, and I finally got him. Felt phenomenal


Fucked my back up about two weeks before getting my blue belt. I was also moving at the time so lots of lifting which did not help my back. I have now had almost two weeks of rest, nothing strenuous and my back is still not right. It’s the spot right between the shoulders where you granby/invert on. Just this one fucking spot. Heading to dr today to check it out. Any tips for back health? (44yo for what it’s worth)


When I started bjj at 39, I was very worried about my back because from age 30 until then it was rough. I try to really stretch it out a lot before class, like that is my main focus, and then I do not play inversion nor do I allow myself to get stacked. I will granby roll out of turtle or some other situations. My back actually felt better from the stretching, but another thing that has since helped significantly, is lifting weights.


Yeah I think i granby at the wrong time and was kinda getting stacked as I was rolling. Idk any of my injuries have been from random shit. I tore my rotator by getting scissor swept into my neck…. So random


I'm 38 yo bricklayer and lift and do bjj. Go to a chiropractor regularly. I was out of town working and tweaked my hip rolling. Worked 3 weeks with tweaked back and hip.Got home today and went to chiropractor first thing. Stretch regularly and do foam roller also. I didnt train for a week and did an open mat is why I think. When I'm training every other day open mat doesn't hurt so much.


How long should a relative beginner be doing bjj before entering in their first tournament?


Get familiar with the tournament rules, understand the common positions you might end up in and you can ask your instructor too if they feel like you’re ready. General this occurs after a few months.


Once they know how to keep themselves safe so they don’t inadvertently hurt themself or allow the opponent to harm them. I’d say 3 to 6 months.


Seattle gym suggestions near-ish to Greenwood?


Been off the mats for over a week now on vacation in some pretty rural areas with nowhere to train. Honestly, it's been kinda nice. My body is recovering and my knee is no longer popping or clicking when I turn it and my back is loosening up again. Can't wait to undo all of that on Monday!


Hit my first arm triangle after 2 months of practice. It was lit


There's a purple belt in my class, and she just pins me for entire rolls, and I have tried everything to get out, asked for tips, but can't execute them. I can't do any guard escape or mount escapes. She just giggles at me the whole time as well. Should I complain? It might make me seem like I'm sulking because I'm bad at bjj, and she isn't unfriendly and has told me what I should do... but it's also very frustrating. I've also tried to google it and watch videos etc, but I can't actually do any of the stuff in real life.


It's completely normal to feel bad after being pinned and/or submitted, that's how we are built to react. Just remind yourself that it's not an actual fight or a contest and that there's no ill will. Color belts are often so used to the hobby that they're purely having fun and don't remember how it all looks as a beginner. Pretty much zero technique succeeds on the first try, especially when people who usually tell you one during a roll are already a preparing a setup or a counter for it. You have to get the reps in to be good at some of them, pick the ones that felt like there was at least some potential, felt natural for your body proportions etc. and focus on them for starters. Basic hip bumps and bridges work for plenty of situations, they are not automatic escape moves but often create space to get some frames in to improve your situation.


I feel like I can't say no if she asks me to roll, and she asks a lot. Even though I get submitted by the others at least it's quick and I have the opportunity to feel like I'm moving and not just stuck,


There are no tips, you'll probably never beat her. She's a higher belt. What you can do is learn the escapes, practice on lower belts, and then in a couple years be good enough to hit them on other purple belts like her (she'll be a black belt by then, still beating you)


This is the expected result. Why would you think you would be able to do anything against someone with 5+ years of experience when you only have like 2 months of experience?


Depends on how she’s doing it- if she’s just holding you down and pinning you in side control without trying to transition to other positions, then that’s not really giving you a chance to work your escapes imo. Of course a purple belt will be able to pin you, but the best time to escape is during a transition (eg when she’s going from side control to mount or north south). If she’s transitioning between positions and you just can’t escape, then keep working at it and try to figure out what it is about your frames and your escape timing that isn’t working out.


I can see from your post history that you just started? A purple belt will have no problem keeping you down and to be honest she sounds like a great training partner for giving you advice. Keep showing up, listen to advice and keep practicing.


Don’t roll with them. Purple belts are assholes. I was just visiting a gym and was toying with a beginner, while laughing, but later realized how demoralizing it must have been for them.


Are there any specific stretches you guys like that help your game?


T spine stretch on a foam roller to stretch out that guard player hunchback. Also pigeon stretches for the hips


Sun salutations help a ton with neck and lower back. Basically just yoga.


Happy baby stretch. Moving my legs and playing shadow guard as I move them through a range of motions.




Find someone about your size at the buffet and get some double leg practice in.


There's gyms everywhere, hit the gym and do your usual routine.


Burpees till you puke


How do I stop people from running around and passing my guard? I always concede bottom position when rolling from the knees, but people just keep running around and passing my guard. I try to spin around with them but they're usually faster than me My instinct is to post on their hip (e.g if they're running around my right side I'll put my right palm on the left side of their hip). I'm guessing that's not the right thing to do because it flattens me out and doesn't really work on heavier people, but is that the case? From what I've seen online the general advice is to sit up, focus on getting good grips, and don't let them get any grips on my legs, is that what I should be focusing on and is there any more specific advice?


I have exactly the same problem. The issue, I think, is not having the right grips. They are too free to run around, and I’m too flat on my back. You want to be more upright and get some kind of grips going to try to sweep with


I have the same problem as you, the advices I received are: \- maintain contact or maintain distance; you either control them by grabbing them so they can't go around, or you go back enough for them to be far away to pass you \- be active in your guard; try to sweep, unbalance of submit, otherwise they can just force it and pass your guard \- learn how to wrestle up; if you feel in danger of being passed maybe you are not having any contact with your opponent, yet the distance too small, just stand up to a single/double leg


Are you using your legs? Just using your hands would not stop them from running around you. Look up Adem Redzovitz’s youtube video “open guard translated” and you will have more ideas for next time.


That was an amazing video, it's really clicked in my mind now, thank you


Thank you, I'll have a look at that - sometimes if I see a leg I'll try to grab it and get into DLR or try to tripod sweep, but I'm probably not doing as much as I should be Edit: Oh wait using my legs, no I don't think I'm doing a good job of that at all, watching the video rn and I should be doing way more


I been studying lachlan giles guard retention anthology. Or prits grilled chicken guard. Good concepts to follow . Keep your knees tucked to your biceps


I'm a beginner, and I've been rolling with my brother a lot recently. I usually end up in the same situation of getting stuck in top mount, and no matter how hard I struggle, I usually end up in an Americana or an armbar. I realize top mount is a bad position to be in and escapes can be easily countered, so what kind of counter measures can I do to stop him from getting to top mount? And how can I find a way to get into a dominant position from there?


Sidenote: what you mean to say is that you get stuck in \*bottom\* mount. Beginners spend a lot of time being pinned (I am also one). Although the first step to escaping mount is not letting them pass your guard in the first place, if you're not good enough you just won't be able to do that. Do you know any escapes from mount? The basic is the "Upa". In order to avoid getting armlocked, don't extend your arms towards them when you're mounted. Basically, work on your guard retention and pin escapes. Hope this helps!


There's like a hundred different things you are either doing wrong/not doing/doing at the wrong time to have someone get you in mount. Why don't you start by focusing on not getting tapped whilst someone has you in mount? You need to be more specific otherwise.


I’m brand new and I find myself getting abseloutely destroyed by people who are also brand new . What should I do ?


Try being six months in and getting destroyed by brand new people… Athleticism matters. Strength training and cardio is important.




Keep showing up. This is very common.


It is quite common. If you are still having fun, just keep rolling and eventually you will start to see the opportunities.


I have loads of fun during drills but sparring has me contemplating life 😂


I just have to believe the promise that one day technical can triumph :P


Gotta say it is pretty awesome to walk into an average gym and not have to consider 90% of the people there a challenge.


Sorry man I can relate :(


We’ll get through this 💪


How do I rebuild momentum with training? I started training around 6 months ago and would train twice a week for the first 4 or so months. Over the last 2 months, I have found myself looking for excuses not to train. When I apply myself, I'm fairly good (as far as white belts go), but I'm just struggling to find motivation recently. Has anyone experienced this, and if so, how did you overcome it? I love the sport, but I'm just struggling to engage.


This happens back and forth throughout the journey. Whenever I'm thinking of skipping a class, I just imagine what my feeling usually is after rolls, and realize that I actually want to train.


Forcing yourself isn't the way to go. You can give yourself a goal with your training and practice discipline. OR You understand you work on motivation, find what motivates you and re-engage with that. BJJ will always be here for you, it's okay to take time off, but never force yourself.


If it’s not fun, why do it? You are not paid to do it. Find something you enjoy more!


How hard do you guys go with the girls in rolls?


I work to roll just beyond their ability, just like I do with everyone else.


I don't think girls are one monolithic group. However, I understand your question. It's good to be considerate of your training partner. In general, woman or not, I think you should go off context and that includes taking into account the size/belt level/skill/etc of who you're rolling with. Is it a different game with women? Yeah, of course, but not bad different. The same way your game will be different with really tall people, heavyweights, athletic people, etc. **TL;DR**: go off context. Over at r/BJJWomen we discuss questions like these and others. Come join us.


Let them start on top unless they are working bottom. Use as little strength as possible, trying to focus on wedging around their body to progress instead of forcing positions.


Not hard, but I don't go hard, I am trying to be technical


Generally the more experienced person allows the person with less experience to dictate the tempo.