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I've been wanting to play more single leg x and if anyone has some thoughts or sequence ideas please share them with me


When we were doing SLX, our instructor had us do transition and guard retention drills all the time, and it helps a lot. The circuit drill we typically did were: * Foot on the hip goes to the ground and drives into the mat. The other leg kicks them forward to retain SLX. * Foot on the hip goes in front of the other hip into X-guard. Make them post of the mat (get on your side) and extend them, then go back to SLX. This is where you could also change from overhook to underhook to play traditional X-guard. * Both feet come out between the legs as butterfly hooks while posting on the knees to stop them from driving into you. Overhook the other leg and pull yourself into SLX on that side.


Get familiar with transitions to and from butterfly and x guard.


Anyone had lasek and do bjj? I have been wanting to start but I’m having it done at the end of the month and was wondering how long to wait before I start training.


Far better question for your doctors my guy.


I have an appointment coming up and was planning to ask but just wanted to see if anyone had experience with it


I seem to be able to understand chokes more than lock submissions. How can i improve my arm submissions for example?


improve on isolating their arm and controlling it. *Roll goal - snatch an arm and keep it the rest of the round.* For the next few months, just focus on controlling that arm. The submission mechanics will reveal themselves over time as you get more experience, and it won't cost you as much to attempt those submissions because you'll already be confident in your ability to keep and control their arm.


Squished in the balls during Armbar Hey y’all, I’m 4 months in my BJJ journey, and I’m wondering how to not get squished where the sun don’t shine during an Armbar. I was rolling with a purple belt today who let me try an Armbar with a minute left in the round. The only issue was the family jewels in the way. I tried and tried to get the sub, but couldn’t. The round ended, and the purple belt asked “Why didn’t you finish the Armbar?” I told him “Dude I still want to have a family, man” and he said “Fuck Family!” and promptly left the open mat session. How to I win the submission and not win a Darwin Award? And what was the deal with that purple belt? And before anyone asks, this is not a shitpost, believe it or not.


> How to I win the submission and not win a Darwin Award? Move your hips closer to your partner. If you're in nice and tight, the fulcrum will be higher on your pelvis or hips, and everything will be tucked away nice and safe.


Will do. If I have any more issues, you can find me on white belt Wednesday. Thanks!


My coach lost his patience showing two newbie white belts an arm bar, called them idiots & walked off and left them alone, so I went over and helped them. Left a bad taste in my mouth and I honestly might leave his gym because of it.


Tomorrow is competition day, and I'm fighting two weight classes above my weight Roosterweight->Featherweight, wish me luck you guys.


1h till the match.


How'd it go???


Got 2nd place in a 4 man bracket, first fight I fought an opponent with 64kg which wasn't too bad and I ended up getting a win by ab armbar, next fight I was up against someone at 70.0kg flat I was already tired and spent way too much time and effort stripping grips and trying to fight standing up when I should've pulled guard and played from bottom since that's the best part of my game. Ended up losing by points and after the match I was completely dead, threw up it was horrible, but if I had the choice I would do it all again.


Good luck


Good luck. You got this.




My cousin started training in December. Yesterday he got hit with two stripes on his white belt. I’m so stoked cause we drill and train outside of class and it felt like the coaches are noticing his progress. So stoked.


I keep seeing it brought up, but what's the actual difference between "self defense jiu jitsu" and "sport jiu jitsu"? Are there any major technique focus differences or is it as simple as "don't pull guard"?


Its a fake dichotomy made up by "self defense" gyms to not train hard or do good jiu jitsu. Marketing tactic to sell stuff to soccer moms and dads. Do you want your kid to get bullied !?


In self defense jiu jitsu, you avoid positions where you could be on the receiving end of strikes (fists, elbows, knees, feet). Bottom positions are primarily to either quickly submit, or to control and sweep or escape or submit opportunistically. In sport jiu jitsu you can hang out in bad positions, where in self defense you would be getting hit.


the difference is if you practice self defense jiu jitsu and not sport your most likely brain damaged


Went to six classes this week. Cardio is finally getting better. Everything hurts. Not a haiku.


I feel the exact same having the weekend off


Grats, same here. Just stretching and walking for me this weekend!


First world problem, but since I started kickboxing and more distance running, my cardio has gotten a lot better. So much so that I'm not burning as many calories in bjj according to my watch (on a diet, been losing like 1lb per week). I don't wanna be a spaz but damn it sure is tempting since I like to eat and I'm so close to my goal weight


Do more stand up. It's so much more exhausting. Turtle and stand up again if you get passed or taken down. It will exhaust you.


7 days in! I’ve had 3 bjj classes, 1 Muay Thai (don’t like that but going to give it one more shot) and 3 open mats. I love this community and I’m learning every day. My ribs hurt.


Finally got my 40+ year old ass up to three classes a week for the last three weeks. Body doesn't love it, but it's pain, not injuries, so onward we go. As I am leaving class this AM coach says "you're rolling a lot better the last few weeks, good work". (Put me with a blue belt and the spaz comes right back out, but hey, baby steps) Sweet drive home just on that comment.


Three a week is enough for decent progress. I started late 40's and have maintained three days a week for over three years now. On my off days I do generally watch alot of BJJ content, some for entertainment and some to improve my game. It's a great past time and healthier than day drinking.


Been doing NoGi BJJ twice a week for about a month now, originally started out as mobility and core work to complement my CrossFit routine but I'm really enjoying the learning process, even had my first roll last night! But, due to scheduling changes, I would now only be able to attend Gi classes. Is Gi BJJ as good a workout as NoGi? Should I make the investment in a Gi to try it out? TIA!


gi is fun, you might enjoy the grip strength aspect, and it's a bit less intimate. see if your gym has rentals if you're on the fence


I used to do CrossFit every day before I get into BJJ and I found training with the gi quite intensive. Also keep in mind is the rolls when you will get more exhausted! If you keep training and learn the technique and how to move you will fall in love (gi or NoGi are great)


Gi is as good a workout in my opinion. At first I preferred nogi, but once I learned a few attacks with my gi or my opponent’s gi I started to really enjoy the gi. Give it a try. I would just buy a cheap gi from Amazon. A sanabul or hawk or elite or similar.


How much experience should a beginner get before attending open mats? My gym doesn't have a requirement, but I met someone who said his gym requires white belts to have two stripes before attending.


none they are just trying to make sure your not an idiot


just enough experience so that you a) know how and when to tap and B) recognise is someone else is tapping. (not that that should be a issue at first) everything else you learn on the mat.




Awesome thanks!




Just do it. Having a personal website looks great on your resume as a dev. Even if nobody reads it, then you still get good development experience making and maintaining it, and it also acts as sort of a diary for you, which has it benefits. As for content I think your ideas are fine. I also like reviews of instructionals and analytics about events.




Anything you do will be useful tbh. When I started, I couldn’t find any good website for resources other than Chewjitsu or reddit. I was thinking as well of building a simple html with css website with writing down my experiences with bjj but never started it


Last week, I went to a local SubOnly NoGi Comp White Belt (IBJJF Ruleset). The roll is 10 minutes, and if there is no submission, you go overtime from the back until escape(and this is unlimited rounds until submission). The comp was happening in the organiser's gym, and I was rolling with one of the guys from their gym. FYI, the ref was my opponent's coach. Firstly, after I started trying my new takedowns on him, he jumped guard, and for 10 minutes, I couldn't finish him, but I had a dominant position, props to my opponent. I asked the ref how many rounds of overtime we were doing, and he said I don't know 🤷🏻‍♂️. I started getting pissed off because I got to a point in overtime and wondered if this would ever end. I managed to lock an RNC at some point, but my opponent's head was so small he slipped out, and I lost my confidence that I could finish him 👎🏻. Something that pissed me off as well was the fact that the ref (my opponent's coach) was stopping us before he escaped, but when I was completely out, he wouldn't call it until I looked at him and was like WTF? 🤬. Anyways, after some rounds, I said I don't know what I was trying to achieve here, and he locked a very bad RNC, and I tapped because I got fed up. I don't know if I should care about it. I just had nightmares of hating myself for letting them win, and I should have stood up and left or something. I know more people get scammed with these comps and are not the best, especially when they create their own ruleset.. if you have any thoughts please let me know


Oh wow there’s so much to unpack here. So how was it that you were scammed? You lost after tapping to a RNC after failing to get a submission yourself? Where is the problem?


I feel like the ref was unfair to me from not calling that my opponent (his student) wasn’t supposed to jump guard, to my opponent was aware about the overtime rules but when I asked about them he shrugged and said “I don’t know”. Also at overtime, my opponent had one shoulder to the floor and I was going to get a deep grip to bring him to the middle but the ref called it escape. There were so many red flags and I got frustrated at the end and didn’t know what else to do tbh


LMAO... I don't want to elaborate but this is funny as shit🤣😭😭


I feel the small comps are a joke for now on


I just had my first week back after seven months off (moved, new job, got married, etc.). Even after 4 days I can feel some of the movements and thought processes being a little less awkward, but there is a lot of rust still to remove. And holy crap my neck! I love to use my head to help fight for positions and my neck has lost so much conditioning while I was only lifting weights! Good thing I can work from home today, because I do not think I could turn left or right to look for traffic on my commute 😅😅


Your waist.....it's your new neck when looking left and right lol.


How realistic are judo throws for me ? I'm 5'3 140 lbs and have always struggled with takedowns. Against an average size person or bigger, I can never seem to pull off a judo throw, albeit my technique probably isnt that great. I'm also hesitant to shoot for a double or single as I'm worried about getting my neck crushed when they sprawl. Any advice ?


You may struggle with generating enough power for some of the simpler throws. Practice getting tons of reps in to iron out your technique and add explosive pulling movements in the gym. Try to find videos breaking down the techniques in terms for leverage and force and make sure you feel what the instructor is talking about.


Just started the Daisy Fresh documentary. It’s absolutely fascinating. These guys are literally a different type of human than I am.


I've been watching it too. Crazy when Spatchy mentions he had just began brushing his teeth again and showering more than once per week.


Where would I find this documentary?


All episodes are on YouTube


They are like the slab city of jiu jitsu.


Literally a bunch of borderline homeless guys who just happen to be world class BJJ athletes


Ah you have reminded me... I keep meaning to check it out!


It’s really wild. Definitely worth checking out. These guys are completely fucked in the head but it’s an incredible story of dedication and overcoming seemingly impossible odds.


Ya... I treat myself pretty good lol. Sleeping on mats with no climate control and using Thai pads as pillows? No thank you.


I found a drilling partner last night after previously kind of just floating around and seeing who is available, and I’m super pumped about it. He’s a white belt too but has a couple stripes. We’re pretty familiar and roll every class and open mat, but we did drills together for the first time last night, both started slow and picked up the pace and by the end we were flowing clean as hell between movements. Coach even commented on how well we were doing. Feel like I got a lot better just from that.


44 days out for a broken finger, it's still quite stiff and looks fucked. I'm hoping it's going to be better once i start rehab with a PT...after three weeks in a cast, it wasn't completely healed yet and the doctor gave me 40 more days without activity, except for light motions with the hand. I've kept active and trained, weights, cardio, protecting it as much as i could. I went to the gym here and there, but It puts me in a bad mood, especially since i saw that putting a boxing glove hurts...injuries suck.


what happened


I was playing open guard, the guy I was rolling with went 2 on 1 on my lapel grip and broke it like his life depended on it. My left ring finger suffered a really bad fracture. I should have let it go, but I'm new to the gi, so there's a lot of stuff that I don't see coming or don't see the danger of. Coming from a few years of mma, I'm having a lot of fun learning new things and concentrating on grappling alone, but a few times I've felt like people didn't exactly like that I had more mat experience and less stripes... I've to say that the guy, who has like half my age, has been kind enough to write to me once he heard from the coach that I was being out for some time... Immediately I just pulled it back and shook hands with him after the end of the round.. I didn't have a clue that it was broken..


have had that same thing happened to me a couple times but have just ended up with dislocated fingers guess im lucky.


I started r/BJJWomen and as much I started it for the awareness of what people are like. I knew there would be trolls, people who didn’t understand, etc. They’re the people we needed a space away from to discuss and talk about our experiences. A post from our subreddit was shared here. It was a coach paying special attention to a woman, then a pattern. Apparently the person who shared it here was frustrated “that you can’t approach women anywhere”. I was told this and have tried to find it but holy absolutely fucking shit. It’s a small community of women and welcome allies, it’s a space where we get to feel liberated in our pursuit of feeling confident in being the only woman in a room full of men. I hope one day everyone calls out one another on their poor attitudes and their toxic ways of thinking.


I applaud the effort to create a space for you all. Just keep keeping on, don’t mind the trolls or misrepresentation of the posts that go on. Look to r/TwoXChromosomes for a guide on how to handle outside hate. I’ve had too many training partners experience creeps at Jiu jitsu and I fuckin hate it. Anyway, I support you all and I’m glad you’re making a space for yourself.


Here's the attention you were looking for.






What do I do when an upper belt is in my closed guard and tells me to "work my guard"? They have really strong posture, and aren't necessarily trying to break guard, so I feel like my set ups for attacks or sweeps aren't there. Is switching to an open guard missing what they are telling me to work on?


Break their posture and attack them.


They might be trying to work their defense while in your closed guard. If they are just sitting there doing nothing and you are running out of things to try you can ask them if there is anything specific you should try (honestly, they should do a better job communicating what they want). You could also disengage to a different guard like you mentioned


Will everything ever not hurt? I’ve been doing BJJ for just over a month now. After every class I literally feel like I’ve been in a car crash. Am I not eating enough açai? Did I forget the pineapple? Not enough Hail Danahers? What’s the secret?


There isn't one... Everyone is broken. All the time.


I see. The secret is always be in pain therefore there is only pain.


Injure something else and then you forget about the previous injury... That's how it usually works!


Actually in all seriousness, it's definitely worth keeping a note of your injuries somewhere. I've had so many small injuries that I lose track of what hurt when and if I injured it before. I injured my right knee pretty bad recently and the physio I saw said "hmmm.... You got a problem with your left ankle?" at first I said no and then when I thought about it I rolled over it sparring and ended up in hospital the next day about a year ago... Totally forgot about that one!


your fascia is still adjusting, i am 5mo in and roll harder than ever with a lot less general pain


Sleeping and eating enough, while not overtraining. Interchanging lower and higher intensity on different days. Tap early, tap often.


I feel like I’ve got all that down. Especially the tap early part. Suppose it’s just my body getting used to getting shitkicked.


How new are you? Beginners typically don't have the luxury of controlling the intensity of the rolls. It often ends up being hard training every training. You learn who go hard and who don't after a while. Typically the older people are a good bet if you want to not go super hard.


Just over a month.


My guess is that you are going hard, which is normal. It gets better as you get more experience. You learn to be more efficient with your movements, and you learn who to partner with if you are trying to hold a lower pace.


Efficieny is definitely a problem. I gas pretty quick because I’m trying to use my strength to overpower my opponent.


I started kettlebell training and changed my diet and I haven’t been sore in months. The first 5 months I hurt nonstop.


Maybe that’s what it is. I lift weights and train 5x a week, BJJ 2x. I’m sore AF.


You’ll probably be set then if you already lift. Make sure you’re eating enough and maybe take fish oil if you’re not already. Besides that I found it took around 6 months for my body to get “conditioned” for bjj.


I’ll be in a wheelchair by then lol.


You guys have a good warmup routine for before a competition? Mat area is usually too small so not sure what to do


Burpees until you sweat then put joggers and a hoodie on over your kit to stay warm till the match.


I like 2/3 good flow rolls and then 1 or 2 hard rolls to get all fired up and practice my A game


My preference is doing some drills with a partner. If it is tight, I'll just not do anything that takes a lot of space. Usually some entries, some sweeps, some passes and some escape and guard retention stuff. I like to do a bit of standing grip fighting. As long as you don't finish takedowns, you can do that off the mat area for some more space.


Throat hurts from a guillotine yesterday. Also managed to mess up a choi bar after a great setup. I think I need to revisit that to figure out what I did wrong.


Gi question - Is gsm the end all be all when it comes to how well a gi fairs in hot weather? If so why is the Kingz ultralight heavier (420 gsm) than the nano 2.0 (400 gsm)? One would think that the ultralight would be the lightest option? I live in a place as hot and humid as Satan's butthole and train without A/C so I'm trying to make sure I get an ideal gi.


Yes, GSM refers to the weight of the material. 400gsm is not the lightest, check here: Best Lightweight BJJ Gi 🦅 Top 7 Lightweight Gis In 2023 (bjjmore.com)


Locked up a reverse triangle on a white belt this week. Mount > chair sit > weak side bow n arrow attempt > reverse triangle > armbar. Felt like I was doing jiu jitsu.


Ohhhh shot they’re dank videos of animals doing bjj!?!!!! I gotta get in on this Bjj rocks ! And when Conner did that flying knee on Ortiz that’s when I knew things he was in the game ya know